This game is a sort of cross between laser squad,aliens,and warhammer 40,000.The main menu is self explanatory,apart from the fact that you have to load a level before you can play.All .ABK files on the disk are levels.In the movement phase,select your troops and move them about the battlefield.To select a unit move the screen about by clicking just outside the main display,and click on your unit when you see it.Clicking on a unit you can't select gives you the option of ending the phase.To move a unit,click on the left and right of the display to rotate your character by 45 degrees,and click below it to move a square.Doors can be opened by walking into them.All movement uses up APs,and when they run out you can go no further this turn.If you ram an enemy with more than 10aps left,you atack it in hand to hand combat.then comes the firing phase;click on a unit with a weapon,and then a target.if you can trace a line of sight to the target,you will fire on it.The chances of killing it depend on range, weapon damage,and the target's armour.The green and yellow buttons toggle the view between the two floors,and if you move a unit onto a lift(a grey circle),with lots of APs,pressing the buttons will change his floor.L and S load and save the game in the same format as the original files.
The level editor was really designed only for my use in making levels,and is not very user friendly.Press L and S for the usual stuff.Press I for info on some of the object numbers,and press P to change the preferences(which floor you edit,whether you edit physical objects ir player starting positions,and what value you change them to).Press A and D to change the value you are changeing the square to.
press C to clear the floor to the currently selected colour.Click the mouse to change a square of the map to your selected are some values:
10 vertical open door
11 horizontal open door
12 horizontal closed door
13 vertical closed door
14 treasure
16 acid puddle
17 computer
18 chair
the rest are found by pressing I
1-8 light alien scout robot,facing up to up/left diagonal clockwise
9-16 marine
17-24 terminator marine
25-32 alien heavy duty robot
33-40 ALIEN
41-48 acid spitter
49 alien egg
50 alien egg about to hatch!
51-58 face hugger
72-79 marine with las cannon
80-87 terminator marine with assault cannon
88-95 eldar
96-103 eldar harlequin
104-111 squat
112-119 squat with heavy bolter
120-127 squat Exo Armour
128-135 ork
136-143 ork with heavy plasma gun
Note:this game allows for unlimited numbers of troops,but having too many makes the computer take a long time to finish it's turn.