As it's name suggests,Spaceinvaders is of course a strategy game.Set over 3 screens,the game involves controlling an improbably varied force against an enemy.Each turn consists of a movement phase and a firing phase,in which you do whatever seems fitting.Move a ship by clicking on it,then on where you want it to go to,if this is in range,it will go there.Move over ships to ram them.Ships can move through other objects,even solid rock.Firing is similar,only in order to fire at a target you have to be able to trace a line of sight to it,and it must be within range(20 squares,apart from the fusion cannon).Transport ships can pick up tanks or the brightly coloured gun turrets by moving above them,then moving up.
when making levels,it's important for the computer player to position player 1's forces (blue/green)on the left,and player 2's forces(red / yellow) on the right.
in editor mode:
Q=quit back to main program
+ and -=increase/decrease the object currently selected
I,O,P=select left/middle/right screen to work on
in game mode:
I/O/P=as above,select screen
A=analyse ship under mouse
E=go to editor
SPACE=end phase/turn
C=human/computer player 2
F=Force fields on/off
B=select what your factories build
T=speech/sound FX(yes,it's the amazing speech synthesis,long live daleks!)
L/S=load/save level
nice user friendly menus make the rest easy
PS.I'll leave the tear off bits on the paper for you to play with,have fun!