Which Country eats the most Cheese ? France What is the largest Human Organ ? Skin Who was The Little Tramp ? charlie chaplin What letter is most Common in Scrabble Tiles ? e Which English County did Captain Cook come from ? yorkshire What Country Produces the most wool in the world ? australia How many times thicker than water is blood ? six What ship sank the British battleship HOOD ? The Bismark Which side does Superman part his hair ? left What continent is home to half the world's people ? asia What country did roulette originate in ? france What was Supermans name on Krypton ? kal el What's the national sport of Japan ? sumo wrestling What body of water borders the east of Saudi Arabia ? the persian gulf What country is Transylvania in ? Romania What does the Typical man have 13 whiskers How many points is a bullseye worth in darts ? 50 What was H.G. Wells first Novel ? the time machine How many tenths of the earths surface lie under water ? 7 What does a copper make ? barrels What's the postcode for the city of perth ? 6000 What's the largest fence built to keep out ? dingos Who bullies Ginger Meggs ? Tiger Kelly What's the BI What's the BIG APPLE ? New York How many fingers are used to draw a bow ? 3 The -rd Reich was the Nazi new order ? 3 What are love apples ? Tomatoes How many astronauts manned each Apollo Flight ? 3 What colour moves first in checkers ? black How many feet high is the centre of a tennis net ? 3 What's the Square Root of 900 ? 30 What colour does the bride wear in china ? red What Oz film was marketed as The Road Warrior in the U.S. ? mad max 2 What's heaven to fallen Norse warriors ? valhalla How many sides are there on a pentagon ? 5 What's receding from earth by half an inch a year ? the moon What's the speed of sound at sea level ? mach 1 What company is the worlds largest user of silver ? kodak How many squares are there on a chess board ? 64 What is the portuguese man-of-war ? the jellyfish What's a dried plum ? a prune Where is the line of life ? the palm What's the longest river in Australia ? the darling What country lies west of Argentina ? chile What's the largest gland in the Human body ? the liver What's the worlds fastest dog ? the greyhound How many feet make a mile ? 5280 How many points are there in a perfect three-dart throw ? 180 How many chambers in a Human Heart ? 4