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AMOS Source Code | 1993-11-29 | 2.8 KB | 88 lines |
- Copper On
- Rem *****************************************************************
- Rem * Thrown together by Michael Cox *
- Rem * March 15, 1992 (15:15 CST) *
- Rem * Email: aj639@cleveland.freenet.edu *
- Rem *****************************************************************
- Fade 1 : Wait 16
- Auto View Off
- Unpack 6 To 0
- Curs Off : Hide : Flash Off : Music Off : Amal Off : Led On
- Get Sprite Palette
- Palette $0,$F,$F00,$F00
- N$="M -42,18,28"
- E$="M -56,36,28"
- R$="M -70,54,28"
- N_REV$="M 42,-18,28"
- E_REV$="M 56,-36,28"
- R_REV$="M 70,-54,28"
- Procedure NICEIFF[N$,E$,R$]
- Screen Clone 1 : Screen To Front 0
- Rem set all colours in screen zero to black
- For X=0 To 31 : Colour X,0 : Next
- View : Auto View On
- Rem fade in screen one
- Channel 3 To Bob 3
- Channel 2 To Bob 2
- Channel 1 To Bob 1
- Bob 1,112,78,1
- Bob 2,126,78,2
- Bob 3,140,78,3
- Def Scroll 1,0,160 To 340,180,-2,0
- Fade 3 To 1,%100 : Wait 45
- Led Off
- Music 1
- Amal 1,N$
- Amal 2,E$
- Amal 3,R$
- Repeat
- Until Vumeter(1)=43
- Amal On
- Fade 3 To 1,%1000 : Wait 45 : Screen Close 1
- End Proc
- Amal Off
- SCR0LLY$=".................................."
- SCR0LLY$=SCR0LLY$+"Music is by --- M O B Y --- for his great friends in Northstar France."
- SCR0LLY$=SCR0LLY$+" Well, now you know what AMONER stands for! No, Gal-on"
- SCR0LLY$=SCR0LLY$+" was not stroking his ego by making it a combonation of"
- SCR0LLY$=SCR0LLY$+" AMOs and broNER. Many people, including myself, thought"
- SCR0LLY$=SCR0LLY$+" this to be the case. Thanks go to the following people:"
- SCR0LLY$=SCR0LLY$+" Aaron Wald of the AMOS NTSC PD Library (Thanks for including"
- SCR0LLY$=SCR0LLY$+" the AMONER disks!), Mark Schultz & Mark Budziszewski of AMOS CLUB USA (Keep up"
- SCR0LLY$=SCR0LLY$+" the great newsletter!), David Lazarek (Great job of getting TOME and other"
- SCR0LLY$=SCR0LLY$+" AMOS products!), and thanks to Europress for putting up with my"
- SCR0LLY$=SCR0LLY$+" never ending questions! Well, see you folks next disk...(Yes, I know this"
- SCR0LLY$=SCR0LLY$+" scrolly and font are cheesey, but, hey, I don't have time to work on a better"
- SCR0LLY$=SCR0LLY$+" one!)....BTW, this was thrown together by Michael Cox on March 15, 1992 at"
- SCR0LLY$=SCR0LLY$+" 15:15 CST............." : COUNT=8 : T0TAL=0
- Ink 3
- Repeat
- Scroll 1
- Wait Vbl
- If COUNT>4
- Inc T0TAL
- If T0TAL>Len(SCR0LLY$)
- T0TAL=1
- End If
- Text 290,170,Mid$(SCR0LLY$,T0TAL,1)
- End If
- Until Mouse Key
- Fade 3,,$0,,$0 : Wait 45
- Amal 1,N_REV$
- Amal 2,E_REV$
- Amal 3,R_REV$
- Amal On
- For X=63 To 0 Step -1
- Volume X
- Wait Vbl
- Next X
- Fade 4 : Wait 105
- Erase 1
- Erase 3
- Erase 6
- Copper Off
- Show : Amal Off : Music Off : Led On : Default
- Run "AmoNER004:Autoexec.Amos"