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1,115 lines
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; AMOS Screen dump extension, V1.1
; By Alex J.Grant & F.Lionet
; AMOS and AMOS Compiler (c) Europress Software 1991
; To be used with AMOS1.3 and over
; This file is public domain
; Please refer to the _Music.s file for more informations
; Trackdisk.device commands added by Alex J Grant
ExtNb equ 20-1
TRUE equ -1
FALSE equ 0
AllocSignal equ -$014a
FreeSignal equ -$0150
INCDIR "dh1:amos_system/amos_include_files/"
Include "_Equ.s"
RsSet DataLong
Include "_Pointe.s"
Include "_WEqu.s"
Include "_CEqu.s"
Include "_LEqu.s"
move.l ExtAdr+ExtNb*16(a5),\2
add.w #\1-MB,\2
move.l ExtAdr+ExtNb*16(a5),\1
Start dc.l C_Tk-C_Off
dc.l C_Lib-C_Tk
dc.l C_Title-C_Lib
dc.l C_End-C_Title
dc.w 0
C_Off dc.w (L1-L0)/2,(L2-L1)/2,(L3-L2)/2,(L4-L3)/2
dc.w (L5-L4)/2,(L6-L5)/2,(L7-L6)/2,(L8-L7)/2
dc.w (L9-L8)/2,(L10-L9)/2,(L11-L10)/2,(L12-L11)/2
dc.w (L13-L12)/2,(L14-L13)/2,(L15-L14)/2,(L16-L15)/2
dc.w (L17-L16)/2,(L18-L17)/2,(L19-L18)/2,(L20-L19)/2
dc.w (L21-L20)/2,(L22-L21)/2,(L23-L22)/2,(L24-L23)/2
dc.w (L25-L24)/2,(L26-L25)/2,(L27-L26)/2,(L28-L27)/2
dc.w (L29-L28)/2,(L30-L29)/2,(L31-L30)/2,(L32-L31)/2
dc.w (L33-L32)/2,(L34-L33)/2,(L35-L34)/2,(L36-L35)/2
dc.w (L37-L36)/2,(L38-L37)/2,(L39-L38)/2,(L40-L39)/2
dc.w (L41-L40)/2,(L42-L41)/2,(L43-L42)/2,(L44-L43)/2
dc.w (L45-L44)/2,(L46-L45)/2,(L47-L46)/2,(L48-L47)/2
dc.w (L49-L48)/2,(L50-L49)/2,(L51-L50)/2
C_Tk dc.w 1,0
dc.b $80,-1
dc.w -1,L_Perr
dc.b "dump err","$"+$80,"2",-1
dc.w -1,L_Dump1
dc.b "!dum","p"+$80,"0",-2 ; just screen#
dc.w -1,L_Dump2
dc.b $80,"00,0t0,0",-2 ; srcx,srcy,x,y
dc.w -1,L_Dump3
dc.b $80,"00,0t0,0,0,0,0",-1 ; srcx,srcy to x,y,destx,desty,special
dc.w -1,L_DiskIn
dc.b "diski","n"+$80,"00",-1 ; unit number
dc.w -1,L_WProtect
dc.b "writeenabl","e"+$80,"00",-1 ; unit number
dc.w -1,L_ReadTrack
dc.b "secrea","d"+$80,"20,0,0",-1 ; unit,track,sector
dc.w -1,L_WriteTrack
dc.b "secwrit","e"+$80,"00,0,0,2",-1 ; unit,track,sector,a$
dc.w -1,L_FormatTrack
dc.b "trackforma","t"+$80,"00,0",-1 ; unti,track,sector
dc.w -1,L_Derr
dc.b "disk err","$"+$80,"0",-1
dc.w 0
* Start of library
L0: lea MB(pc),a0
move.l a0,ExtAdr+ExtNb*16(a5)
lea dumpend(pc),a0
move.l a0,ExtAdr+ExtNb*16+8(a5)
Rbsr L_ReserveTrack ; this reserves some memory for
tst.l d0 ; a sector buffer.
beq openOK ; it is messy because it is not
moveq #-1,d0 ; required by every command
rts ; but it's only 514 bytes
openOK moveq #ExtNb,d0
Rbsr L_FreeTrack ; Deallocate this messy memory
*************** Datazone
width: dc.w 0
height: dc.w 0
viewModes dc.w 0
depth: dc.w 0
screen dc.l 0
vPort dc.l 0
rPort dc.l 0
colourMap dc.l 0
oldCtable dc.l 0
special dc.w $84
srcX dc.w 0
srcY dc.w 0
pwidth dc.w 0
pheight dc.w 0
temp1 dc.w 0
temp2 dc.w 0
destCols dc.l 0
destRows dc.l 0
error dc.l 0
JT: dc.l 0
IntuitionBase dc.l 0
GfxBase dc.l 0
ioRequest: dc.l 0
msgPort: dc.l 0
ScreenBase: dc.l 0
newScreen dc.l 0
bitMap dc.l 0
sigTask dc.l 0
sigBit dc.b 0
dc.l 0
; Dump string data segment
PrinterName: dc.b "printer.device",0
ScTitle: dc.b "Screen",0
Pname: dc.b "MyPrtPort",0
; Trackdisk.device variables
tsk dc.l 0
pk dc.l 0
onflag dc.l 0
diskreq dc.l 0
diskport dc.l 0
monoff dc.l 0
drivenum dc.l 0
tracknumber dc.l 0
secnumber dc.l 0
DBase dc.l 0
diskop dc.l 0
vartype dc.l 0
TDerror dc.l 0
TDreturn dc.l 0
TDbuffer dc.l 0
string dc.l 0
Trackbuffer dc.l 0
drive dc.b 0
dc.l 0
; Trackdisk string data seqment
Dname: dc.b "MyDiskPort",0
DiskName: dc.b "trackdisk.device",0
DosName: dc.b "dos.library",0
* Dump - a function to dump an amos screen to the printer.
* the error is returned eg. e = Dump(0)
* This version does a straight full-screen dump.
L_Dump1 equ 3
L3: movem.l a4-a6,-(sp)
DLea MB,a2
Rbsr L_GetScr
move.w width-MB(a2),pwidth-MB(a2)
move.w height-MB(a2),pheight-MB(a2)
move.l #0,destCols-MB(a2)
move.l #0,destRows-MB(a2)
move.w #$8c,special-MB(a2) ; ASPECT | FULLROWS | FULLCOLS
Rbra L_Dump
* This version does a partial dump, retaining the proportions
* of the page to printer.
* ie. 1/2 screen fills 1/2 page
L_Dump2 equ 4
L4: movem.l a4-a6,-(sp)
DLoad a2
Rbsr L_Dump2a
; Calculate proportional DestX, DestY
clr.l d0
clr.l d1
move.w pwidth-MB(a2),d0
tst.w d0
Rbeq L_BadDim
move.w width-MB(a2),d1
divu.w d0,d1
tst.w d1
Rbeq L_BadDim
lea destCols-MB(a2),a0
move.l #$ffff,d0
divu.w d1,d0
move.l d0,(a0)
andi.l #$ffff,(a0)
move.l #$10,d1
move.l (a0),d0
rol.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(a0)
clr.l d0
clr.l d1
move.w pheight-MB(a2),d0
tst.w d0
Rbeq L_BadDim
move.w height-MB(a2),d1
divu.w d0,d1
tst.w d1
Rbeq L_BadDim
lea destRows-MB(a2),a0
move.l #$ffff,d0
divu.w d1,d0
move.l d0,(a0)
andi.l #$ffff,(a0)
move.l #$10,d1
move.l (a0),d0
rol.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(a0)
lea special-MB(a2),a0
move.w #$b0,(a0)
Rbra L_Dump
* This version is the most powerful
* it allows you to pass screen dimensions AND printer dimensions
* as well as the 'special' parameter to allow for any
* sort of printing.
L_Dump3: equ 5
L5: movem.l a4-a6,-(sp)
DLoad a2
Rbsr L_Dump3a
Rbra L_Dump
******* Routine
L_Dump3a: equ 6
L6: lea special-MB(a2),a0
lea 2(a3),a3
move.w (a3)+,(a0) ; special
lea destRows-MB(a2),a0
move.l (a3)+,(a0) ; destY
lea destCols-MB(a2),a0
move.l (a3)+,(a0) ; destY
Rbra L_Dump2a
******* Routine
L_Dump2a: equ 7
L7: lea pheight-MB(a2),a0
lea 2(a3),a3
move.w (a3)+,(a0) ; bottom y
lea pwidth-MB(a2),a0
lea 2(a3),a3
move.w (a3)+,(a0) ; bottom x
lea srcY-MB(a2),a0
lea 2(a3),a3
move.w (a3)+,(a0) ; srcy
lea srcX-MB(a2),a0
lea 2(a3),a3
move.w (a3)+,(a0) ; srcx
Rbsr L_GetScr
; get srcX,Y back
move.w srcX-MB(a2),d0
move.w srcY-MB(a2),d1
; calculate width, height
neg.w d0
neg.w d1
lea pwidth-MB(a2),a0
add.w d0,(a0) ; width = -srcX+bottomX
lea pheight-MB(a2),a0
add.w d1,(a0) ; height = -srcY+bottomY
* A couple of little routines that are used
L_BadDim: equ 8
L8: lea error-MB(a2),a0 ; we were given some zeros
move.l #4,(a0) ; to divide by!!!
Rbra L_exit
L_GetScr: equ 9
L9: move.l ScOnAd(a5),d0
Rbeq L_JScnop ; get the address of the screen
move.l d0,a0
move.l a0,ScreenBase-MB(a2)
; Now we need to extract all the information about the screen
move.w EcTx(a0),width-MB(a2) ; width
move.w EcTy(a0),height-MB(a2) ; height
move.w EcCon0(a0),d0
and.w #%1000100010000100,d0 ; Hires / HAM / DualPF / Halfbrite
move.w d0,viewModes-MB(a2) ; View Modes
move.w EcNPlan(a0),depth-MB(a2) ; depth
* Do the screen dump
L_Dump equ 10
; Initialise colour map
move.l T_GfxBase(a5),a6
moveq #32,d0
jsr -570(a6)
tst.l d0
beq cl5
move.l d0,colourMap-MB(a2)
move.l d0,a0
moveq #0,d0
move.l ScreenBase-MB(a2),a1
lea EcPal(a1),a1
.loop move.w (a1)+,d1
move.w d1,d3
and.w #$f,d3
lsr.w #4,d1
move.w d1,d2
and.w #$f,d2
lsr.w #4,d1
movem.l d0/a0-a1,-(sp)
jsr -$276(a6)
movem.l (sp)+,d0/a0-a1
addq.w #1,d0
cmp.w #32,d0
bne.s .loop
; Create port
move.l $4,a6
move.l #-1,d0
jsr -330(a6) ; AllocSignal(a6)
lea sigBit-MB(a2),a0
move.b d0,(a0)
move.l #40,d0
move.l #65537,d1
jsr AllocMem(a6) ; Allocate msgPort memory
tst.l d0
beq cl5
lea msgPort-MB(a2),a0
move.l d0,(a0)
move.l d0,a0 ; a0 = msgPort
move.b #4,8(a0) ; Type = NT_MSGPORT
move.b #0,9(a0) ; Priority = 0
lea Pname-MB(a2),a1
move.l a1,10(a0) ; name of port
move.b #0,14(a0) ; flags
move.b sigBit-MB(a2),15(a0)
move.l #0,a1
jsr FindTask(a6)
lea sigTask-MB(a2),a1
move.l d0,(a1)
move.l msgPort-MB(a2),a0
move.l d0,16(a0)
move.l a0,a1
jsr AddPort(a6)
; CreatExtIO
move.l #64,d0
move.l #65537,d1
jsr AllocMem(a6) ; Allocate ioRequest memory
tst.l d0
beq cl6
lea ioRequest-MB(a2),a0
move.l d0,(a0)
move.l d0,a0
move.b #5,8(a0) ; type = NT_MESSAGE
move.b #0,9(a0) ; priority 0
move.l msgPort-MB(a2),14(a0)
; Open printer device.
move.l $4,a6
lea PrinterName-MB(a2),a0
move.l #0,d0
move.l ioRequest-MB(a2),a1
move.l #0,d1
jsr OpenDev(a6)
tst.l d0
bne cl7
; Dump the rast port!!!
move.l ioRequest-MB(a2),a1
move.w #11,28(a1) ; command
move.l T_RastPort(a5),32(a1) ; rastPort
move.l colourMap-MB(a2),36(a1) ; colourmap
move.w viewModes-MB(a2),40+2(a1) ; viewmodes
move.w srcX-MB(a2),44(a1) ; srcX
move.w srcY-MB(a2),46(a1) ; srcY
move.w pwidth-MB(a2),48(a1) ; srcWidth
move.w pheight-MB(a2),50(a1) ; srcHeight
move.l destCols-MB(a2),52(a1) ; destCols
move.l destRows-MB(a2),56(a1) ; destRows
move.w special-MB(a2),60(a1) ; special
jsr DoIO(a6) ; do it!!!! (at last)
lea error-MB(a2),a0
move.l d0,(a0)
; What follows is the several stages of cleaning up required
cl8: move.l $4,a6
move.l ioRequest-MB(a2),a1
jsr CloseDev(a6)
cl7: move.l ioRequest-MB(a2),a1
move.b #$ff,8(a1)
move.l #-1,20(a1)
move.l #-1,24(a1)
move.l $4,a6
move.l #64,d0
move.l ioRequest-MB(a2),a1
jsr FreeMem(a6) : de-allocate ioRequest mem.
cl6: move.l $4,a6
move.l msgPort-MB(a2),a1
jsr RemPort(a6) ; Remove port
move.l msgPort-MB(a2),a0
move.b #$ff,8(a0)
move.l #-1,20(a0)
move.b sigBit,d0
jsr -336(a6) ;FreeSignal(a6)
move.l #40,d0
move.l msgPort-MB(a2),a1
jsr FreeMem(a6) ; de-allocate msgPort memory
cl5: move.l colourMap-MB(a2),a0
move.l T_GfxBase(a5),a6
jsr -576(a6) ; Free colourmap
Rbra L_exit
******* Return to user
L_exit: equ 11
L11 move.l error-MB(a2),d3 ; return the error number
movem.l (sp)+,a4-a6
moveq #0,d2
* Perr: This reserved variable returns descriptions of
* errors, either the last error - Perr$
* or any error - Perr$(n)
L_Perr equ 12
L12 movem.l a4-a6,-(sp) ; parameter specifies error
DLoad a2
move.l error-MB(a2),d0
lea PDERR(pc),a0
.lop tst.l d0
beq pe1
clr.l d1
move.w (a0),d1
andi #1,d1 ; d1 contains alignment correction
adda.w (a0),a0 ; allow for the text
lea 2(a0),a0 ; allow for the length word
adda.w d1,a0 ; align to word boundary
subq #1,d0
bra.s .lop
pe1: move.l a0,d3
moveq #2,d2
movem.l (sp)+,a4-a6
; Error messages list - Accessed via Perr
PDERR dc.w 3
dc.b "Ok.",0
dc.w 20
dc.b "User cancelled dump."
dc.w 23
dc.b "Not a graphics printer.",0
dc.w 1
dc.b " ",0
dc.w 19
dc.b "Illegal dimensions.",0
dc.w 1
dc.b " ",0
dc.w 24
dc.b "No memory for variables."
dc.w 21
dc.b "No memory for buffer.",0
dc.w 14
dc.b "Unknown error."
L_JScnop equ 16
L16 moveq #47,d0
Rjmp L_Error
* Trackdisk.device commands
* by Alex J. Grant Apr 1991
* converted to Amos1.3/Compiler Oct 1991
* First, the general routines
* The functions CreatePort & CreatExtIo follow,
* to be used by all the trackdisk routines
* Open dos.library
L_OpenDos equ 20
L20 DLoad a2
lea DosName-MB(a2),a1 ; library name
move.l #33,d0 ; revision number
move.l $4,a6 ; exec base
jsr -$228(a6) ; OpenLibrary
tst.l d0
beq ODerr
lea DBase-MB(a2),a0 ; store library base
move.l d0,(a0)
move.l #0,d0
ODerr: move.l #1,d0
* CreatePort
* a0-> msgport
* a1-> name
* returns error in d0, if <>0 then error!
L_CreateDiskPort equ 21
L21 DLoad a2
move.l a0,a3 ; port
move.l a1,a4 ; name
move.l $4,a6
move.l #-1,d0
jsr -330(a6)
lea sigBit-MB(a2),a0
move.b d0,(a0)
move.l #40,d0
move.l #65537,d1
jsr AllocMem(a6) ; Allocate msgPort memory
tst.l d0
beq CPerr
lea (a3),a0
move.l d0,(a0)
move.l d0,a0 ; a0 = msgPort
move.b #4,8(a0) ; Type = NT_MSGPORT
move.b #0,9(a0) ; Priority = 0
lea (a4),a1
move.l a1,10(a0) ; name of port
move.b #0,14(a0) ; flags
move.b sigBit-MB(a2),15(a0)
move.l #0,a1
jsr FindTask(a6)
lea sigTask-MB(a2),a1
move.l d0,(a1)
move.l (a3),a0
move.l d0,16(a0)
move.l a0,a1
jsr AddPort(a6)
move.l #0,d0
CPerr: move.l #1,d0
* CreateExtIO
* d0->size
* a0->IOreq
* a1->msgport
* error returned in d0
L_CreateExtIO equ 22
L22 move.l a0,a3 ; save IOExtTD
move.l a1,a4 ; save msgport
move.l #56,d0
move.l #65537,d1
jsr AllocMem(a6) ; Allocate diskreq memory
tst.l d0
beq CEXerr
move.l a3,a0
move.l d0,(a0)
move.l d0,a0
move.b #5,8(a0) ; type = NT_MESSAGE
move.b #0,9(a0) ; priority 0
move.l (a4),14(a0) ; msgport
move.l #0,d0
CEXerr: move.l #1,d0
L_MotorOnOff equ 23
* a0-> struct IOExtTD
* d0-> On Off flag ... 0=off, 1=on
L23 lea 36(a0),a1
move.l d0,(a1)
lea 28(a0),a1
move.w #9,(a1) ; TD_MOTOR
move.l $4,a6
move.l a0,a1
jsr DoIO(a6)
L_RW_Track equ 24
* Read or Write a track, putting error number into TDerror
* a0-> struct IOExtTD
* a1-> buffer
* d0.l-> track number
* d3.l-> sector number
* d1.w-> TD_Command 2=Read, 3=Write
L24 lea 36(a0),a0
move.l #512,(a0)+ ; iotd_Req.io_Length
move.l a1,(a0)+ ; iotd_Req.io_Data
move.l #5632,d2
mulu.w d0,d2 ; track * TRACK_SIZE
move.l d2,(a0) ; io_Offset
move.l #512,d2 ; sector * TD_SECTOR
mulu.w d3,d2 ;
add.l d2,(a0) ; add it to io_Offset
lea -16(a0),a0 ; io_Command
move.w d1,(a0) ; d1=command
move.l $4,a6
lea -28(a0),a1 ; a1=address of IOExtTD
pea 0(a1)
jsr DoIO(a6)
move.l (sp)+,a0
DLoad a2
lea TDerror-MB(a2),a1
move.b 31(a0),(a1)
move.b 31(a0),d0
L_F_Track equ 25
* Format a track, putting error number into TDerror
* a0-> struct IOExtTD
* a1-> buffer
* d0.l-> track number
L25 lea 36(a0),a0
move.l #5632,(a0)+ ; iotd_Req.io_Length
move.l a1,(a0)+ ; iotd_Req.io_Data
move.l #5632,d2
mulu.w d0,d2 ; track * TRACK_SIZE
move.l d2,(a0) ; io_Offset
lea -16(a0),a0 ; io_Command
move.w #11,(a0) ; d1=command
move.l $4,a6
lea -28(a0),a1 ; a1=address of IOExtTD
pea 0(a1)
jsr DoIO(a6)
move.l (sp)+,a0
DLoad a2
lea TDerror-MB(a2),a1
move.b 31(a0),(a1)
move.b 31(a0),d0
L_ChangeState equ 27
* Returns the disk in drive status
* a0->IOExtTD
L27 pea 0(a0)
lea 28(a0),a0
move.w #$e,(a0) ; TD_CHANGESTATE
move.l $4,a6
jsr DoIO(a6)
move.l (sp)+,a0
move.l 32(a0),d0 ; io_Actual
L_ProStatus equ 28
* Returns the write protect status
* a0->IOExtTD
L28 pea 0(a0)
lea 28(a0),a0
move.w #$f,(a0) ; TD_PROSTATUS
move.l $4,a6
jsr DoIO(a6)
move.l (sp)+,a0
move.l 32(a0),d0 ; io_Actual
* Ok, here are the commands, starting with
* one to see if the disk is inserted
L_DiskIn equ 29
L29 movem.l a4-a6,-(sp)
DLoad a2
lea drivenum-MB(a2),a0
move.l (a3)+,(a0)
lea diskop-MB(a2),a0
move.l #0,(a0)
lea vartype-MB(a2),a0 ; returns integer
move.l #0,(a0)
Rbra L_Gen
L_WProtect equ 30
L30 movem.l a4-a6,-(sp)
DLoad a2
lea drivenum-MB(a2),a0
move.l (a3)+,(a0)
lea diskop-MB(a2),a0
move.l #4,(a0)
lea vartype-MB(a2),a0
move.l #0,(a0) ; returns integer
Rbra L_Gen
L_ReadTrack equ 31
L31 movem.l a4-a6,-(sp)
DLoad a2
lea secnumber-MB(a2),a0
move.l (a3)+,(a0)
lea tracknumber-MB(a2),a0
move.l (a3)+,(a0)
lea drivenum-MB(a2),a0
move.l (a3)+,(a0)
lea diskop-MB(a2),a0
move.l #8,(a0)
lea vartype-MB(a2),a0
move.l #2,(a0) ; returns a string
Rbra L_Gen
L_WriteTrack equ 32
L32 movem.l a4-a6,-(sp)
DLoad a2
lea string-MB(a2),a0
move.l (a3)+,(a0) ; data to be written
lea secnumber-MB(a2),a0
move.l (a3)+,(a0)
lea tracknumber-MB(a2),a0
move.l (a3)+,(a0)
lea drivenum-MB(a2),a0
move.l (a3)+,(a0)
; now we need to copy the data from the string to the buffer
move.l #512,d0 ; length to be copied
move.l #0,d1 ; index register
move.l string-MB(a2),a0
move.l TDbuffer-MB(a2),a1
cmpi.w #512,(a0) ; check length of string
bgt copy1
move.w (a0),d0 ; length = len(string)
copy1: lea 2(a0),a0
cloop: cmp.l d1,d0
beq cdone ; finished
move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ ; do the copy
addq #1,d1
bra cloop
cdone: cmpi.l #512,d1
beq calldone ; completely finished
clr.b (a1)+
addq #1,d1
bra cdone
lea diskop-MB(a2),a0
move.l #12,(a0)
lea vartype-MB(a2),a0
move.l #0,(a0) ; returns an integer
Rbra L_Gen
L_FormatTrack equ 33
L33 movem.l a4-a6,-(sp)
DLoad a2
lea tracknumber-MB(a2),a0
move.l (a3)+,(a0)
lea drivenum-MB(a2),a0
move.l (a3)+,(a0)
move.l #5632,d0 ; allocate a track size buffer
move.l #3,d1 ; MEMF_CHIP | MEMF_PUBLIC
move.l $4,a6
jsr AllocMem(a6)
lea Trackbuffer-MB(a2),a0
tst.l d0
beq Ferr1
move.l d0,(a0)
lea diskop-MB(a2),a0
move.l #16,(a0)
lea vartype-MB(a2),a0
move.l #0,(a0) ; returns an integer
Rbra L_Gen
Ferr1: lea TDerror-MB(a2),a0
move.l #-1,(a0)
Rbra L_TDcl0 ; error!!
L_Derr equ 34
L34 movem.l a4-a6,-(sp)
DLoad a2
move.l TDerror-MB(a2),d3
move.l #0,d2
movem.l (sp)+,a4-a6
* Now the general skeleton to set up all the
* things required by trackdisk.
* It branches off in the middle to do whatever
L_Gen equ 35
L35 Rbsr L_OpenDos
tst.l d0
Rbne L_TDcl0
DLoad a2
lea diskport-MB(a2),a0
lea Dname-MB(a2),a1
Rbsr L_CreateDiskPort
tst.l d0
Rbne L_TDcl1
lea diskreq-MB(a2),a0
lea diskport-MB(a2),a1
move.l #68,d0
Rbsr L_CreateExtIO
tst.l d0
Rbne L_TDcl2
; Open the device
move.l $4,a6
lea DiskName-MB(a2),a0
move.l drivenum-MB(a2),d0
move.l diskreq-MB(a2),a1
move.l #0,d1
jsr OpenDev(a6)
lea TDerror-MB(a2),a0
move.l d0,(a0)
tst.l d0
Rbne L_TDcl3
; now jump to individual routines for each different
; operation
move.l diskop-MB(a2),d0
lea DJT(pc),a0
jmp (a0,d0.l)
; this is the disk operation jump table
DJT: Rbra L_DiskIn2
Rbra L_WProtect2
Rbra L_ReadTrack2
Rbra L_WriteTrack2
Rbra L_Formattrack2
* Clean up and exit
L_TDcl4 equ 36
L36 move.l $4,a6
DLoad a2
move.l diskreq-MB(a2),a1
jsr CloseDev(a6)
Rbra L_TDcl3
L_TDcl3 equ 37
L37 DLoad a2
move.l diskreq-MB(a2),a1
move.b #$ff,8(a1)
move.l #-1,20(a1)
move.l #-1,24(a1)
move.l $4,a6
move.l #56,d0
move.l diskreq-MB(a2),a1
jsr FreeMem(a6) : de-allocate ioRequest mem.
Rbra L_TDcl2
L_TDcl2 equ 38
L38 move.l $4,a6
DLoad a2
move.l diskport-MB(a2),a1
jsr RemPort(a6) ; Remove port
move.l diskport-MB(a2),a0
move.b #$ff,8(a0)
move.l #-1,20(a0)
move.b sigBit-MB(a2),d0
jsr -336(a6) ; free signal
move.l #40,d0
move.l diskport-MB(a2),a1
jsr FreeMem(a6) ; de-allocate msgPort memory
Rbra L_TDcl1
L_TDcl1 equ 39
L39 move.l $4,a6
DLoad a2
move.l DBase-MB(a2),a1 ; Close dos.library
jsr -$19e(a6)
Rbra L_TDcl0
L_TDcl0 equ 40
L40 DLoad a2
lea diskop-MB(a2),a0
cmpi.l #8,(a0)
bne notread
move.l TDbuffer-MB(a2),d3 ; here we need to return the
move.l TDbuffer-MB(a2),a0 ; string, not a number!
move.w #512,(a0) ; this is the length of the buffer
move.l #2,d2
bra byebye
Rbsr L_NiceErrors
DLoad a2
move.l TDreturn-MB(a2),d3
move.l vartype-MB(a2),d2
byebye: movem.l (sp)+,a4-a6
* Create nice error numbers to return with
* ie. TRUE or FALSE
L_NiceErrors equ 41
L41 DLoad a2
lea TDreturn-MB(a2),a0
move.l TDerror-MB(a2),d0
tst.l d0
bne Ferr
move.l #TRUE,(a0)
Ferr move.l #FALSE,(a0)
* Find the disk in/out status
L_DiskIn2 equ 42
L42 DLoad a2
move.l diskreq-MB(a2),a0
Rbsr L_ChangeState
lea TDerror-MB(a2),a0
move.l d0,(a0) ; Save actural error number
Rbra L_TDcl4
* See if disk is write protected
L_WProtect2 equ 43
L43 DLoad a2
move.l diskreq-MB(a2),a0
Rbsr L_ProStatus
lea TDerror-MB(a2),a0
move.l d0,(a0)
Rbra L_TDcl4
* Read a track
L_ReadTrack2 equ 44
L44 DLoad a2
move.l diskreq-MB(a2),a0
move.l #1,d0
Rbsr L_MotorOnOff ; turn the mCèD!I!|&üÿÿ!|ÿÿNu"HLßNùAú>0¼1|2CúBN®þh"@pEúGø(K&ÚQÈÿü!éÿ6#Lÿ6`þÌ-xÿ61|1|!| NùHallonSoft 1990! D¡PxàâÿÿÿÿþHallonBoot v1.4F1. Remove fastmemF2. Remove extra-drives (F3. Reset1F4. Small CLI:F5. Large CLICF6. Normal CLIR© Mahoney & Kaktus 1990disk.resourcedos.libraryintuition.libraryDOS¼ÕCú6pN®ýØ,@"zºN®ÿ: z¶p"<@tN®þz z "z !I |ï#H0<PBQÈÿü"zp7rN®ÿ"ztAúòpN®ÿÄ |î$HCúfp ÙQÈÿüAùßð!JBh1|rNqQÈÿüQÉÿø!n&Bh,xCúN®ÿ Jg
@ hpNupÿNudos.libraryîîP ÿþ@Á8Ð$
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