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Lotto-Magic 1.4
An Angy type review...
This disk autoboots and loads workbench. From there you can run a
compiled version of LottoMagic1.4. It would be best if you did reboot before
running this program to clear the memory unless you have more than one meg
or that one meg that is available is un-fragmented memory. This has been
finished on Amos 1.32 and will need more than 512k to run. Sorry about that
but with hires graphics and music and compilation this program turned out
reasonably big. It was compiled with Compiler version 1.12 so all bugs
associated with that compiler will be here. None have been seen so maybe
we've avoided them.
One bug (well perhaps not a bug) if you try to save some stats to
disk and the disk is write protected a requester will appear if you un-write
protect your disk and click on RETRY (or hit Return) then every things ok...
If you just select CANCEL (or hit Esc) well I'm afraid the program will shut
down and go back to workbench losing all results just obtained. If you don't
want to save your results select NO when asked. Also this program will not
run if the diskfont.library is not found on the system disk (the one you
booted off), that's the compilers fault because this program doesn't actually
need it but it's easily corrected, have the diskfont library available.
Hope you enjoy this program, perhaps it might even make you rich.
What it does is it guess's at a possible solution for the Tatt's two and
Lotto results. It can make an educated guess based on previous results or it
can make a totally random guess to save you racking your brains for numbers.
The music can be toggled on or off (this won't save memory or anything much
it's more there in case you get sick of it after a while) and more docs are
available on how everything in the program works. If this program proves
particularly useful, amusing, fun etc then you can perhaps spread the word
about the program or even better the program itself.
One set of accurate stats has been provided on this the initial disk
if you don't wish to keep them wipe the file and another will be generated
containing any new numbers you may enter. These were taken on Wed 15th
July so if you wish for more up-todate stats remove this file by grabbing the
icon and selecting discard or delete the file associated with it if you wish
to keep the iocn.
The results were: 20 10 15 14 26 37 - 23 21
More docs on how to use the program and what everything means are in
the program. Click the left or right mouse button to scroll up or down and
the same button again to stop the text scrolling.
This program was written by The Hitman.
(He couldn't write to save himself - GF)
Slight editing, testing and disk production by Golden Fleece.
(Pah! It was already perfect! - Hitty)
Both members of Karma Productions.
Files needed if you are going to pass this on to someone else (ie. via a BBS)
These are absolutely neccesary to run it:-
These files are more for convience only:-
lotto.stats (for an example of some stats)
lotto.stats.info (to help delete it, stats that is )
disk.info (hey!!! I like it)
c/PPmore (to view docs)
libs/Arp.library (to help ppmore)
libs/reqtools.library (either or both for ppmore)
devs/Printer.device (if wanting to print results)
devs/Parallel.device (as above)
devs/printer/generic (as above)
l/port-handler (printer operations)
G.F here...
Think we'll enter this program into the Amos Programmer's Challenge
'92 compo being run by Sausage. So how do we rate up Sausage???
This will be one of the last Amiga releases from The Hitman as he
has defected and gone over to the IBM side (da comrade this is true - Hitty)
so perhaps we will now be releasing Amiga and IBM stuff. Hint hint Hitman get
into the IBM's programming side pretty quick (dump thy 486 Hitman you should
have gone for an A3000 (In time - Hitty)). Yet we will still be writing
things and we can only get better. If you have any improvement ideas or such
(eck, bug!!!) drop a line to either "The Hitman" or "Golden Fleece" on the
Cafe Chrome BBS (Vic) (03)894-2815 or (03)894-3483.