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AMOS Source Code
106 lines
'This Source code is from The Absolute Beginners Guide To Amos
'Which is Licenceware and available from F1 for 2.99 P+P free
'The disk contains 20 chapters covering the first 110 commands
'every new user will need to get to grips with.
'Also included are 18 example programs such as this one that
'relate to the tutorials and many extras besides
'If you a new to Amos you need this product!
'To cut the files down I have saved the pic+bobs inside the source
'and disabled the original load commands
Rem example10_2.amos
'See Chapter 10 for more a close up on all the commands covered here
Rem A very simple but effective mini animation
Rem the usual stuff.
Flash Off : Curs Off : Paper 0 : Hide : Cls 0
Rem To ensure flicker free bobs,don't really need in this short routine though
Double Buffer
Rem load in the sprite bank into bank 1
'Load "df0:bobs/spacecraft.abk"
Rem load the background pic into current screen
'Load Iff "df0:pics/space.iff",0
Unpack 10 To 0
Rem assign 2 Amal channels to bob 1, one for each animation
Channel 1 To Bob 1
Channel 2 To Bob 1
Rem Display BOB 1 at -48 pixels across - off the edge of the screen
Rem and 20 pixels down the screen
Rem the 1 on the end is the current image from the bob bank.
Bob 1,-48,20,1
Rem set up the animation sequence, images 1 to 4 animate the engine flame
Rem the 5 is the delay in 50ths of a second between each frame, change the
Rem 5s to see the animation in slow or faster motion.
Rem the L at the end tells Amos we want the animation to Loop continuously
Rem and not just play once, remove the L to see the effect.
Rem the second Anim string is for the explosion
Anim 1,"(1,5)(2,5)(3,5)(4,5)l"
Anim 2,"(17,5)(18,5)(19,5)(20,5)(21,5)(22,5)(23,5)(24,5)(25,5)"
Rem Tell Amos to start the engine flame Animation
Anim On 1
Rem set up the move instruction to Move the ship 370 pixels across the screen
Rem at speed 1
Move X 1,"(1,1,370)"
Rem actually set ship in motion
Move On
Rem as the anims are on interrupt we have to hang on here until the ship
Rem reaches 370 pixels across, approx. the timing will be slower om A500
Rem (I'm using an A1200)
Rem so you may want to change the length of this wait.
Wait 300
Rem The wait is over so stop the movement.
Move Off
Rem stop the engine flame anim
Anim Off 1
Rem start the explosion anim
Anim On 2
Rem do an explosion sound
Rem the timing here is critical for a good effect
Wait 25
Rem turn off the animations and clear the bob
Anim Off : Bob Off
Wait 75 : Edit