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188 lines
Version 2.0
©1994 Malcolm Lavery.
Here is a run down on how to use sonic drum kit.....
Select a drum sample from the current drum kit at the
top of the screen,it will become hilighted.
By selecting a position in the score window and clicking
the left mouse button the currently selected drum sample
will be placed at that point in the score.
By selecting a drum sample on the score and clicking the
right mouse button will erase the sample from the score
at that position.
Use the FORWARD/REWIND/START/END buttons to move about
in the drum score.
To increase the size of the current score,click on the
ADD button,this will add an amount of work space to the
end of the score,clicking the left mouse button on ADD
will add 1 to the end of the score,clicking the right
mouse button on ADD will add a full
The size of the score is only limited be the amount of
memory that your set up has.
The score position is always shown in the middle/bottom
of the score display.
Use the CUT/COPY buttons to copy a block into the buffer
and then use the PASTE button to paste the buffer in to
the score at the position you select and click at.
The C BLOCK button lets you select a block in the score
to delete.
The C SCORE button clears the entire score and shrinks
it back to the default size.
TEMPO and VOLUME are adjusted by the +/- button to the
left of the menu display.
When the LOOP button is on the score will loop back to
the start when it gets to the end of the score it is
You can switch any of the four tracks on or off with the
four track buttons at the far left of the menu display.
The SWAP button is very handy as it will search the en
tire score for a certain drum sample and swap it for an
other that you have chosen.
L KIT button,you can select another drum kit from the
disk,the drum samples and it's icons will be loaded into
memory and displayed at the top of the screen.
Loading a new kit clears the current score!!!
L SCORE button loads a saved score into memory,the score
will use the currently loaded drum kit,so if a sample in
the score is not available in the drum kit,it will not
be displayed on the score.
S SCORE button saves the current score to disk,saveing
scores using this method saves you valuable disk
space,as only the score data is saved.
Make sure you have the drum kit for that score loaded
when you re load a saved score from disk.
L MOD button loads in a saved drum beat module,see
S MOD button saves not only the score data,but also
saves the drum kit and the scores tempo,volume and if it
is looped all in one file.
This method is good,as it saves you having to load and
set everything up,but each saved module will take up a
lot of disk space.
L CUT loads a score cut from disk into the buffer,so you
can load saved riffs/fill ins and place them into your
S CUT saves the buffer contents to disk,see above.
ABOUT thanks to me(big head).
QUIT dont know what that does (NOT!)
New functions in V1.6.
Filter on/off (forgot this in the first version).
Nice horizontal sliders for the tempo and volumes.
Warning requesters!!!!.
New functions in V1.8.
Cut/Clear/Paste/Swap etc, now only effects active
Now has independant volume control for each of the
Tune function(mainly for my use!),just tunes the samples
up or down slightly.
Score marker memory bank,you can now store up to five
score positions,and jump back to them at any time.
Jump back to your last edited position(after playing
Most of the code has been speeded up ie:score tempo
speed,cut/copy highlight bar,a few bugs have now been
You can now tell which track is active,the in active
tracks are darkend.
Sonic drum kit version 2.0,now has a new section
altogether,this section is were you can tap out all your
This is done by pointing to a pad and clicking the left
mouse button,or by pressing a key on the keyboard that
has been assigned to that pad.
You can assign a new sound from the currently loaded
drum kit,to any of the drum pads,just click on PAD 1/PAD
2/PAD 3 buttons etc to assign both a new sound and a
keyboard key.
There is also a metronome for keeping you in time,and
the metronome sound can be changed the same way as the
pads,just click on the METRONOME button, and choose a
drum sound from the kit at the top of the screen,the
metronome tempo can also be changed using the slider
The drum pads can have auto repeat or no auto
repeat,this just rapidly repeats the pads sound if you
hold the mouse button down,usfull for drum rolls etc.
There is now an interactive explanation of what you/each
of the buttons do/are doing.
This program was written on a A1200,and as such runs
best on a A1200 and up,there is now a function which
lets you turn off the score scrolling.
Not only does this improve the timing,but it speeds up
the tempo of the score for A500/A600 owners.
I will be releasing drum kit data disks into the PD
library,as and when I
produce them!!!
HAVE FUN !!!!!!!!!!!!