Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: RED TASSEL lights the gunpowder by the lace, using the cigarette lighter that he was fortunate to come across on his travels. Red Tassel could only hope that his father was now well away from the castle. With the thought of Nojoy still tied up in the tower, Red Tassel lit the lace which began to burn. Red Tassel ran out the sewers, warning the nearby Turtles, who were kind enough to show him a short cut through the sewers and out of the castle. After a minute or so of running from the castle grounds, Red Tassel felt the shake of the explosion behind him. Back in the castle, the tower, still containing General Nojoy quickly crumbled and slumped to the ground in a heap of dust. Amazingly Nojoy survived, but was quick to flee the ruined castle where he spent so much of his recent life. Busty Bella had escaped the explosion after deciding to walk out on the power mad general. As Red Tassel glanced back at the cloud of dust, he hoped it would be the last of Nojoy in the valley of Knightwoode.