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To de-archive the Non-Commodore libraries, enter at the command line:
Liberator_Extras:lha e Liberator_Extras:libs.lha <Destination>
Liberator_Extras:lha e Liberator_Extras:libs.lha Ram:MyLibs/
To de-archive the Non-Commodore library docs, enter at the command line:
Liberator_Extras:lha e Liberator_Extras:docs.lha <Destination>
Liberator_Extras:lha e Liberator_Extras:docs.lha Docs:Non-Commodore/
After de-archiving the docs to your chosen destination. The path to these
docs should be added to your Multiview or Amigaguide® search path so as
they become integerated into your database.
If you have recieved the Commodore Developers Update disks, you can,
after de-archiving, convert the autodocs into hypertext format using
the AD2AG and AD2HT utilities. 1.3 users MUST use the AD2HT program
2.04+ users MUST use AD2AG. These programs along with the required
autodoc.xref file can be found on Disk 4 of the Update Kit in the
amigaguide drawer, you will of course have to dearchive the file
amigaguide.lha first.
Using the Ram Disk:
° Copy either AD2AG or AD2HT to Ram:
° Copy autodoc.xref to Ram:
° Copy one or several of the autodocs to Ram:
° Shift select the autodoc(s) and double click the AD2AG/AD2HT icon
° After conversion the converted doc will be on Ram: minus the .doc
filename extension
° The number of docs you can shift-key select at one time will depend
on how much free RAM you computer has available. You will probably
have to convert them in batches.
° Once this has been completed, once again you should add the the path(s)
to them to your text viewers search path.
Just before you add them to the search path you might like to consider
these further adjustments:-
1. The converted Commodore autodocs have no INDEX node embedded in them
meaning that the INDEX button on the hypertext viewer will be
unavailable. Therefore to get back to the main index file Lib_Index
you will have to use the Retrace button to retrace your individual
steps backward until you finally reach the Lib_Index. This can be
inconvenient, especially if you have been wandering through many
button presses. Therefore, there is a small Amos program on this
disk called IndexNode.AMOS which will insert an index node into
the converted Commodore autodocs enabling instant return to the
main Lib_Index document via the hypertext viewers Index button.
2. The converted Commodore autodocs will also have additional buttons
embedded which will apperently have no effect ie you will get a
DisplayBeep(). If you want access to these you will have to
dearchive the 'C-Header' files on Disk 2 of the 3.1 Update Kit
and place the the de-archived drawers onto a volume named
TEXT_INCLUDE: The 15 or so drawers should be in the root of this
volume, NOT in the drawer named 'include' where they are found
after you de-archive them initially from the 3.1 Update Disk.
In addition you will have to run them through the C-Header.AMOS
program on this disk which will turn them into hypertext format.
The GadToolsBox.lha archive can be decompressed using the general method
stated above. This archive contains the ancillary material required
for the utility program OrgAsm. If you do not know about this program
then please write enclosing a stamped self-addressed envelope to the
address below. Using OrgAsm you can have multi-window, multi-gadget
intuition graphic user interfaces (GUI's) up and running in Amos in
less than 10 minutes!!!
In case you are wondering the libraries post.library, con.library,
turtle.library and their associated docs are here because they will
be included in a future upgrade of Liberator.
PO BOX 598