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Here's a brief rundown of a few other Amos mags that I have read lately.
It may seem a bit sad reviewing established mags when we are only on issue 0
but I wanted to let you know about the competition and to get other mags to
send me a copy for adding to this list.
Mr Amos Club. Editor, Brian Bell.
Brian is an ace coder and through the mag shares his secrets with you through
source code and tutorials. MAC offer lots of other services such as music
and graphics you can buy to use in your own programs. The source supplied
is top notch stuff and most of it is previously unseen.
The magazine uses, what I think is the best interface out of all Amos mags.
Mr Amos Club, Costs £3.00 an issue and comes on 1 disk.
Issue 1 is now P.D and can be had from us for 99p + a stamp or from Brian.
SOURCE CODE: 96% :Simply the best, next to Amoszine of course.
INTERFACE : 95% :THE best.
EDITORIAL : 93% :Very, very, good
SERVICES : 90% :Nice variety of useful services and offers
OVERALL : 93% :The four scores added together and divided by 4!
Brian Bell, 8 Magnolia Park, Dunmurry. BT17-ODS
TOTALLY AMOS Editor, Anne Tucker
I think T.A is the longest running Amos disk mag around, currently on issue
15. The editorial content is usually very good and aimed more at the beginner
and intermediate coder. Lots of tutorials and help always offered.
The source code is usually from Amos P.D disks and from readers.
T.A costs £3.50 an issue and comes on 1 disk.
Issue 0 is P.D, available from us at 99p +stamp/from most PDL`s or Anne.
SOURCE CODE: 83% : Good, but could be better
INTERFACE : 85% : Again, good but a bit sluggish in places.
EDITORIAL : 91% : Very good.
SERVICES : 93% : Very good, there is even a free telephone help service.
Anne Tucker, 17 Wick Farm Road,St.Lawrence Bay,Southminster,Essex. CM0-7PF
N.B AMOS, Editor Johnathan Rutherford
NBA is a fairly new mag, but are lucky enough to be distributed by 17 Bit
PD, so they will do well. NB, by the way stands for Nothing But.
The mag it`self is a little short on editorial (issue 5 reviewed) but this
may be a one off as I have only seen Issue 5. The interface has been coded
in Amos, I must admit I preffered to read all the text from the workbench
that the disk boots up for you. NBA comes on two disks, the second is full of
programs and source code, some of very good quality.
NBAmos costs £4.50 an issue and is available from 17Bit Software
(see F1 Distributers article for address))
SOURCE CODE: 81% :Reasonable
INTERFACE : 83% :It works but personally I hate it.
EDITORIAL : 88% :The issue reviewed was a bit lacking,other issues may vary.
SERVICES : 88% :A small pd library and some help offered, not bad.
*Note: Amiga Shopper rated NBA higher than Mr Amos.@1