Screen Open 0,320,256,16,Lowres : Curs Off : Hide : Cls 0 : Pen 2 : Paper 0 : Ink 0 : STARFIELD : Locate 0,0 : Centre "<BACKCHAT>" : Locate ,2 :
Centre "CHAT WITH YOUR AMIGA" : Locate ,4 : Centre "<[!!FreeWare!!]>" : Locate ,24 : Centre "<Written In Amos>" :
Locate 0,9 : Print "DO NOT WRITE IN CAPITALS" : Locate 0,11 : Print "What is your name?" : Input NAME$
'****Main loop****
Cls 0 : STARFIELD : Locate 0,7 : Print "Type in what you want to say" : Locate ,9 : Input TALK$ : Goto CHECKTALK
'****Check what has been typed****
If TALK$="hello" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "hello, ";NAME$ : Say "hello" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="hi" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "hi, ";NAME$ : Say "hi" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="alright" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "yes i am, ";NAME$ : Say "yes i am" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="yo dude" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "chill out, ";NAME$ : Say "chill out!" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="yo bro" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "how ya doing, ";NAME$ : Say "how ya doing?" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="how are you" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "i am fine,thanks, ";NAME$ : Say "i am fine,thanks" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="hi ya" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "hi ya, ";NAME$ : Say "hi ya" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="fuck off" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "do not swear please, ";NAME$;S$ : Say "do not swear please" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="fuck you" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "control your mouth, ";NAME$ : Say "control your mouth" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="fuck" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "watch your language, ";NAME$ : Say "watch your lan gwidge" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="piss off" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "do not be so rude, ";NAME$ : Say "do not be so rude" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="pissing hell" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "that is not a very good idea, ";NAME$ : Say "that is not a very good idea" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="bastard" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "I hope you do not speak to your mom that way, ";NAME$ : Say "I hope you do not speak to your mom that way" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="you wanker" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "i can not perform that task, ";NAME$ : Say "i can not per form that task" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="wanker" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "i can not perform that task, ";NAME$ : Say "i can not perform that task" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="tosser" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "i have no organs to fondle, ";NAME$ : Say "i have no orgens to fon dull" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="you pussy" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "i have no reproductive organs, ";NAME$ : Say "i have no re producteve orgens" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="pussy" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "i have no reproductive organs, ";NAME$ : Say "i have no re producteve orgens" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="bitch" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "i am not a female dog, ";NAME$ : Say "i am not a female dog" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="you slag" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "you kiss your mom with that mouth, ";NAME$ : Say "you kiss your mom with that mouth" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="yes" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "i am glad to hear it, ";NAME$ : Say "i am glad to hear it" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="no" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "never mind, ";NAME$ : Say "never mind" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="why" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "i do not know, ";NAME$ : Say "i do not no" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="when" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "i can not remember, ";NAME$ : Say "i can not remember" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="where" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "i have forgotten, ";NAME$ : Say "i have for gotten" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="how" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "i do not remember,";NAME$ : Say "i do not remember" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="who" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "i must have forgotten, ";NAME$ : Say "i must have for gotten" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="good" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "i know, ";NAME$ : Say "i no" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="that is bad" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "do not worry, ";NAME$ : Say "do not worry" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="shut up" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "okay, ";NAME$ : Say "o k" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="be quiet" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "alright, ";NAME$ : Say "alright" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="shut the fuck up" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "please do not swear at me, ";NAME$ : Say "please do not swear at me" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="shut your mouth" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "okey dokey, ";NAME$ : Say "o key doke e" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="what is your name" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "i am called the Amiga, ";NAME$ : Say "i am called the amiga" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="who is your creator" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "Harvey Ball, ";NAME$;" " : Say "harvey ball" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="where were you made" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "in a factory, ";NAME$;" " : Say "in a factor re" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="are you a man or a machine" Then Locate 0,9 : Print " i am only a machine, ";NAME$ : Say "i am only a machine" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="do you like the amiga" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "the Amiga is great, ";NAME$ : Say "the amiga is great" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="do you like other computers" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "they are not as good as me, ";NAME$ : Say "they are not as good as me" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="guess who i fancy" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "i do not want to know, ";NAME$ : Say "i do not want to no" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="guess who i love" Then Locate 0,9 : Print " i do not care, ";NAME$ : Say "i do not care" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="are you my friend" Then Locate 0,9 : Print " of course, ";NAME$ : Say "of course" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="are you my mate" Then Locate 0,9 : Print " yes i am ,";NAME$ : Say "yes i am" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="are you my pal" Then Locate 0,9 : Print " friends to the end, ";NAME$ : Say "friends to the end" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="are you my buddie" Then Locate 0,9 : Print " friends for ever, ";NAME$ : Say "friends for ever" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="please" Then Locate 0,9 : Print " okay then,";NAME$ : Say "o k then" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="thank you" Then Locate 0,9 : Print " it is a pleasure ,";NAME$ : Say "it is a pleasure" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="tar" Then Locate 0,9 : Print " do not mention it,";NAME$ : Say "do not mention it" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="excuse me" Then Locate 0,9 : Print " you are excused,";NAME$ : Say "you are excused" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="bye" Then Locate 0,9 : Print " bye then,";NAME$ : Say "bye then" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="bye bye" Then Locate 0,9 : Print " see ya soon,";NAME$ : Say "see ya soon" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="see ya" Then Locate 0,9 : Print " are you going,";NAME$ : Say "are you going" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="catch you later" Then Locate 0,9 : Print " catch you later dude,";NAME$ : Say "catch you later dude" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$="good bye" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "come back and talk to me another day, ";NAME$ : Say "come back and talk to me another day" : Goto JUMPP
If TALK$<>"" Then Locate 0,9 : Print "i do not understand,";NAME$ : Say "i do not understand"
'****Loop around for another go****
Locate ,24 : Centre "<press a key>" : Wait Key : Goto NEWCHAT