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A Q U I C K G U I D E T O P A S T I S S U E S .
We hope that this brief guide to what has gone before this issue
will be of use to new readers who might want to get their hands on
back issues, and also regular readers who want to find something from
a past Issue, without loading each one!
Back Issues always available from: Totally Amos,
17 Wick Farm Road,
St Lawrence Bay
Prices:- Issue 0 APD 341 - £2.00p
Back Issues Special Offer!
Issues 1-6 as a set, £10.00p or £2.50p each
Issues 7-12 as a set, £15.00 or £2.50p Each
Issues 13 to current £18 for subscription of 6 issues, you decide
which, or £3.00 each.
I S S U E 0. S E P T E M B E R 1 9 9 1 .
This issue is now Public Domain and acts as a sample issue of
Totally Amos.
It contains the now regular looks at at new PD and Licenseware from
the Déjà Vu Library and the Top 10 best sellers.
We take a look at the Amos 3-D Demo and tell you a bit about our
first commercial release `Paint Me A Story' released by Genisoft.
There is a program to help you catalogue your disk collection, hints
& tips for better programming and graphics, some music, sound effects
and the first in a series of screen wipes to use in your own
Ben Ashley is featured in the `Spotlight' article. This is where we
choose a programmer who has done good work with Amos, although they
might not necessarily have a licenseware title yet.
The graphic files in Issue 0 are two fonts, two landscape pics,
three cartoon pics of teddies for the kids, and two demo screens from
FracGen II.
The following Licenseware disks are reviewed:- Ctext, Cyad, S.B.E.,
and Shymer.
In the comercial releases section,the Amos Compiler and Shadow
Software's TOME are put under the magnifying glass.
Wizard's Domain, Sketch a Tune, Crossfire and a compilation disk
containing Glodrick, Hangman and Eric Watch Your Step are pulled out
of the PD library.
Source code on this issue :-
disklister.amos diskutil.amos
playing_with_text.amos playing_with_windows.amos
screenwipes.amos sine_wave_creator.amos
I S S U E 1 . N O V E M B E R 1 9 9 1 .
This, and all subsequent issues of Totally Amos, is not PD!
There is news from Déjà Vu, with the latest in Amos PD and
Licenseware along with the top ten sellers.
We have an article on Computer Virus's and news of a forthcomming
Amos Virus Killer.
The graphics files include the sprites from BOING! and two screens
of line drawn clipart which are great for the kids to colour in in
Dpaint or for you to use as you please.
Music files contain some more sound effects and a piece of Luke
Miller's music.
In the programming section we have a program sent in by a reader,
which will display the fonts on a disk, A 10 line game from Aaron
Fothergill, a sprite grabber fron the PD Library, a puzzle game, a
program called `Bubbles' which enables you to add speech bubbles to
your program, like you'd find in cartoon strips. Next come programs
from Technical Fred Software, two 3-D routines (not from the 3-D
editor) and a slideshow of pics showing the faces behind the name
Technical Fred.
Source code on this issue:-
3d_box.amos 3d_rotating_shapes.AMOS
alert_box.amos Docs_of_puzzle
loggerlarry.amos Puzzle.AMOS
screenwipes_2.amos show_faces.AMOS
Show_Fonts.AMOS SpriteGrabber.AMOS
spritegrabber.doc tutorial1.amos
The exclusive program this issue is an alert box routine which you
can use in your own programs to warn the user of certain events (eg
`Are You Sure you want to do that? Yes or No')
There are more screen wipe effects to add to your collection, a
section called Amos For Kids where we give a little program with a
line by line breakdown of how it was written. We hope that this will
help younger programers.
The spotlight is turned onto Luke Miller, who has given so much
music as well as some games to the PD Library.
JAG from the Demo crew FANATIX has written an article on demo
writing,he gives away a few of their secrets for a good demo.
The reviews section contains Dirty Cash, Formula 1, and Lazer Zone,
there is a look at what educational software is available from Déj
Vu showing that Educational software need not cost the earth. The PD
reviews take a look at Fizzy Pop's Games Disk 1, Co-ordination,
Litterbusters, and Boing!
There are competitions, but unfortunately, these will be passed
their sell by date by the time you read this, but you could still
have fun trying to answer the questions!
I S S U E 2 . J A N U A R Y 1 9 9 2 .
In this Issue we have an interview with Francois Lionet, taped by
Mike Tilley at the World of Commodore Show, in which Francois gives
Mike a guided around Easy Amos. Easy Amos is also reviewed in the
We start off a debate about Piracy as it applies to Déjà Vu Licensed
Software, with a word on the subject from Sandra Sharkey. We take a
look at Peter Hickman's Magazine All About Amos, and tell you what is
in the first two issues.
Peter Winnard, of Technical Fred Software has given us a sample
player so that you can hear the Sams included on the disk.
Ben Ashley starts an occasional series on programming, giving you
info on how you can protect your programs. The lads from Technical
Fred have provided the following:- From Paul Townsend we have a silly
Sentence Maker, Sinewave Mouse, New Fade, Merger, Peacock Effect,
Bomber Game, Spiral Music, Revolving Amos, and Spiral. Peter Winnard
provides the source code for the Sample player. John Law sends us an
address book program, to organise those important names and
addresses. The `exclusive' program is an alternative file selector,
just in case you are fed up of seeing the default Amos version! Also
from Sparx are some little routines containing Sine effects converted
from ancient computer magazines.
Source code on this issue:-
addr.AMOS addr_Help.AMOS
Bomber_Game.AMOS curves.amos
curves2.amos dots.amos
firework.amos lines.amos
merger.amos newfade.AMOS
Password-Cracker.AMOS Password-Installer.AMOS
Password-Protection.AMOS Peacock_effect.AMOS
requester.AMOS Revolving_Amos.AMOS
screenwipes3.amos sentence_maker.amos
Sine_Wave_Mouse.AMOS Slideshow-Con-KitV30.AMOS
spiral_music.amos tutorial2.amos
There are eight clipart pics to play with, more samples and another
five screen wipes to add to your collection.
The music playing as you read TA2 is by a talented youngster, Leo
Coombes, we hope to hear from him again soon.
There is an update on Amos PD and Licenseware. Reviews are on
Cyadonia, Hotel Manager, Locks, Keys and Enemies, Prehistoric Fun
Pack, Revolution, Technosnail, Fun School 4 and the pick of PD.
We tell you about our book AMOS IN ACTION. (To some readers who had
Issue 2 early in January, the working title, Amos Made Easy was
changed to avoid confusion with Easy Amos, we haven't written a
second volume!)
Another new feature is a Quickie index so that you can see at a
glance where things are.
Spotlight features David Boucher, who has very nice Amos versions of
Classic games on PD.
Amos for Kids features a painting program, with a full explanation
of how it was written.
I S S U E 3 M A R C H 1 9 9 2
All the regular features are included in this issue, screen wipes,
sound samples. what's new etc....
Reviews feature Monster Island, T-Tec Maze, Music Engine, Weird In
Edgeways, Picture Hangman, Pools Pro, Amos Battlecars, Magical mixup
and the pick of PD.
We have news on Amos in the USA, Amos in Action (our book), and your
Articles include Ben Ashley on Amos 3D, Jeff Tullin's Using Printers
with Amos and Simon Nicoll's tutorial on Recursion.
Spotlight features Delboy Dodson, author of Balloonacy.
Amos for kids continues to build up a little art package, (although
the prog. file was left off the disk)
Source code programs on this issue are:
3D-Tutorial.AMOS Amos_Rotator.AMOS
Another_Boring_Prog.AMOS Astro-Wars.AMOS
dual_play.amos interlace_paul.amos
parser.AMOS RagBook.amos
Screen_Noise.AMOS screen_wipes4.amos
Spotlights.amos VU_Scroll.AMOS
We have Totally Useless info that's nowt to do with Amos, but could
brighten up a dull moment!!
Totally Cheating! from Ben Ashley offers cheats on Amos games.
Music this issue is Joy for All by Luke Miller.
I S S U E 4 M A Y 1 9 9 2
Our regular features make another appearance in this Issue. The
latest Amos Programs, Deja Vu News, the Piracy debate continues,
there's the results of the Questionaire set in the last Issue.
Spotlight features FANATIX, who have some great demos on the
Ben Ashley writes about creating a Comms program, Paul Townsend
Starts his Amal and Maths tutorials.
Amos for Beginners talks about Variables and there are tips on how to
brush up your programming presentation.
On disk are Screen wipes, Sound Samples and music as well as lots of
programs to keep you amused!
The reviews section features Puzzword, Concert Box, Fun to Learn
CText 2 as well as readers reviews on Amos PD and Amos Educational
Source code on this issue is:
3dreq.amos mazegen.amos
amind.amos bounce.amos
diskute.amos inertia.amos
kaleidoscope.amos newbouncybob.amos
pix.amos printerfonts.amos
pt2.amos score.amos
scrolly.amos scrollymountains.amos
stars.amos vignere.amos
warp9.amos screen_wipes5.amos
The music is Bacpac by Luke Miller and the graphics are supplied
byJames Noble, John Law and David Boucher. Sound Sams courtesy of
Tony Strike.
I S S U E 5 J U L Y 1 9 9 2
Lots more goodies here to keep you going.
The usual features are here, the latest in PD and Licenseware, a
debate to ,make your blood boil, maybe.
The star program this time is a dungeon master shell program by Gary
Crook, source is provided, of course so that you can try to create
your own Dungeon game.
The beginners tutorial takes a look at Loops and there is an article
on memory saving.
Other source progs include an amal demo, a little game and line
routine from Fanatix, an amal routine, and lots more.
Source progs are:
Cute_Fish.AMOS Line_routine.AMOS
Sprites_DEMO.amos MyFirstCFont (ctext font)
3D_Dungeon.AMOS p_townsend.amos
Spotlight is on Mark Potter.
I S S U E 6 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 9 2
The debates rage on with more views on source code in the Library.
Spelling Fair from Europress is featured as an AMOS written
commercial release.
Spotlight looks at the work of Roger North. Aaron sends us news on
Ctext 2, Easy Amos has a section telling you which APD disks are
compatible. We look again at TOME and there are useful hints from
Australia. Paul Townsend lets out some help on maths and Amal for
special effects. Steve Bennett helps you decide where to start and
the beginners section looks at strings. The screen wipes are
provided by Yazoo.
Source code on this issue:
Bare_Bone_Colouring_Book.AMOS Circle_scroll.amos
Cyclo_scroll.amos doscall.AMOS
easy_RainbowWarrior.AMOS Logic_Test.AMOS
Mad_Bomber.amos Numbers_Square.amos
prefs_changer.amos Procedures.AMOS
Regression.AMOS remote-shell.AMOS
ScreenWipes.AMOS Screen_Info.amos
Snow.AMOS Squash_Anything.amos
Sundial.AMOS window.AMOS
Reviews are given on D-Sam, Guess Who, Money Monitor, Peg a Picture,
Zalycon, Tony Swanwick's Utilies 1, The Game Makers Manual, Power
Base, Word Power and all the available Rainbow editors are compared
in a head-to-head review.
All the usual news items, sound sams etc are also on the disk with
lots of interesting programs for you to play with.
I S S U E 7 N O V E M B E R 1 9 9 2
There's news of a great new clipart range from Australia as well as
the latest PD and Licenseware.
In the programming section there is information on the Dump
extension as supplied onthe 1.34 updater disk, Beginners deals with
Data Jag from FANATIX shows you how to tackle writing an intro, Paul
explains Memory allocation. Steve Bennett writes about DIMs andgives
you his Zone Editor program. Jeff Tullin gives you his new
alternative file requestor for those who want something a bit
Source code programs on this issue are:
amoslabels.AMOS ChangeBankName.AMOS
CLI-Command.AMOS DisplayDir.AMOS
FXintro.AMOS FXintro_C.AMOS
Maze_Crazy_Proc.Amos Memory_Allocator.AMOS
Mix'N'Palette.AMOS Mix_Example.AMOS
New_requestor.AMOS PrintAT.AMOS
SetComment.AMOS SetProtection.AMOS
Walk_Around_A_Maze.Amos Workbench_maker.AMOS
Reviews in this issue feature Amos Pro and Noddy's Playtime.
I S S U E 8 J A N U A R Y 1 9 9 3
Lots more Amos goodies for you in this issue. There are tutorials
from Steve Bennett on methods of approaching an Amos program, a
beginner's section dealing with some Print commands, lots of news and
reviews of Amos programs, views on Amos Pro from people who use it.
An Amos Pro only program using Dialogue boxes. Paul Townsend provides
another tutorial on how to use the Compilerand a mention of some bugs
found in it.
Lots of source code which will help you with your programming
including AmosCopy which will allow you to copy disks and files.
All_fall_down Amos_Pro_only
Dealing_Cards Oxo
AMOSCopyV1_0a.AMOS circlescroll.AMOS
CopyMem.AMOS demoscroll.AMOS
DiskInfo.AMOS ExecuteToNil.AMOS
FileComment.AMOS masterpersonal.AMOS
smoothscroll.AMOS Unlocker.AMOS
WB2_Reset.AMOS Windclose.AMOS
Windexecute.AMOS Windopen.AMOS
Winput.AMOS Wprint.AMOS
For Easy_Amos_users
Debates on the Source code rule for the Apd section rage on. There
are the results of the Questionaire sent out with Issue 6 and news
from Canada.
Needful things tells you of useful bits of hardware which readers
have found interesting. Totally Useless sets some brain teasers and
there is also a selection of sams and a great piece of music.
I S S U E 9 M A R C H 1 9 9 3
This disk is packed full of articles and programs for you to learn
more about Amos.
Programmers tell you how they tackle Amos programming and we try to
tell you how to organise your program designs.
AMOSPro_Calc.amos AMOSPro_TimeDate.amos
boxes.AMOS circles.AMOS
Landscape.AMOS Minefield.AMOS
screen_wipes.AMOS spots_&_lines.AMOS
3dOXO.AMOS 3D_Menu.amos
Beta_sketch.amos Cat_Input_&_Val_REMS.AMOS
Cat_Mouse.AMOS Emblem.AMOS
Four_In_A_Line.Amos Linkup-Procs.AMOS
Loony_Lander.Amos Multi_Bob_Effect_1.Amos
Multi_Bob_Effect_2.Amos Phase.AMOS
Screen_Info_Routine.Amos Scroll_Slider.amos
Snow.AMOS Stylaphone.Amos
Sunset_Train.Amos Text_File_Reader_V1.Amos
Where_Am_I.Amos word_counter.amos
Paul tells you how to get around the bugs still in Amos and the
beginner's spot deals with drawing boxes and circles on the screen.
There are a couple of .iff pictures sent in by Andy Cartwright to
demonstrate his talents and music and sound effects to use in your
programs. The Sams this time could all be used in a dungeon type
TOME Series 4, Speedy Reedy and George's Quest for a Nose are
I S S U E 1 0 M A Y 1 9 9 3
This issue contains the regular bits and pieces and the programming
section contains articles on using Amos Banks, If statements, Coding
for demos, coding with physics and basic maths.
Bob_Acceleration.Amos Bob_Wrap_Routine.AMOS
Cool_Logo_EASY.AMOS Ellipse.AMOS
Ellipse.Program Simple_menu.AMOS
AnimatedBob.AMOS Scalectrix.AMOS
Acolour.AMOS BallPhysics.AMOS
blitz_2.AMOS Bob_Source.Amos
Cycle_box.amos If_End_If_Test_1.Amos
If_End_If_Test_2.Amos If_End_If_Test_3.Amos
If_Then_Test_1.Amos If_Then_Test_2.Amos
IntroAcolour KENDO'sAmalStringEditor.AMOS
KendoExample.AMOS Killer.AMOS
Menu2.AMOS Tank_Shoot.Amos
I S S U E 1 1 J U L Y 1 9 9 3
The regular features are joined by articles on using Amos Banks (pt
2) Procedures and parameters, sam squashing and a tutorial on
Procedures+Params_1.AMOS Procedures+Params_2.AMOS
RainbowEffect.AMOS ScreenWipe1.AMOS
ScreenWipe2.AMOS Symmetry.AMOS
Amoeba.AMOS Animated_Bob_Wraparound.AMOS
HalfbrightHeaven.AMOS HamFXgen.AMOS
hamfxgen2.AMOS HamFXgen3.AMOS
HamSandwich.AMOS HamWindow.AMOS
Kendo's_Cool_Logo_VII.AMOS Knight_Jump.AMOS
Letter_Slide.AMOS Maze.AMOS
Memories.AMOS Sample_Cruncher.Amos
Sample_decruncher.Amos ScreenFader.AMOS
SmearedHAMcircles.AMOS SmoothScroll.AMOS
Squish.AMOS VerticalCoppers.AMOS
Volume_Control.Amos YokeProc.AMOS
I S S U E 1 2 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 9 3
Amongst the ususl items, you will find articles on the Amos Pro
Compiler, Amos Pro bugs, How to make speedy games and The Mr Amos
The source code on this disk is:
Copper_Effect.AMOS Party.AMOS
Check_Drive_Status.Amos Date&Time.AMOS
Dot_Flag.Amos File_Copier.AMOS
Invaders.AMOS Meter_Display.Amos
Octo-race.AMOS Plasma2.Amos
Plumber.AMOS Procs+Params_3.AMOS
RGB_Shadebobs.Amos Screen_Info.Amos
Sinebobs.Amos Sine_Lines.Amos
Vertical_Bars_Intro.Amos wordsearch.AMOS
Zone_Editor_V1_6.Amos _Combo_Text.Amos
_Outline_Text.Amos _Shadow_Text.Amos
I S S U E 1 3 N O V E M B E R 1 9 9 3
The article to be found on this issue include Mapping, Squashing,
Moving, Pro problems, and Hints.
Lots of code for you here!
3d_Text_Proc.amos circlewhirl.AMOS
circlewhirlperspec.AMOS sierpinskycurves.amos
Amal_stars.amos Amazing.AMOS
Archimedes-Spiral(s).amos Blitter_scroll.amos
Colours.AMOS Freaky-Sinus-scroll.amos
hilbertcurves.AMOS Interrupt-equalizers.amos
Just_Dotty.AMOS Lepricorn.amos
Mira-fractals.amos Name-Maker.AMOS
Shiney_Star.amos Simple_Menu.amos
Simple_Plasma.amos Simple_Plasma_Two.amos
Sim_Frog.AMOS Space_Generator.AMOS
TdFloor.AMOS Text-Title-Creator.AMOS
TimeCurrency.amos World Time
I S S U E 1 4 J A N U A R Y 1 9 9 4
Some of the articles on this disk are: How to market your program,
bits and bobs, multi-level games, procedures v subroutines, game
controls and a bit about the mouse.
The source code progs are:
ASCII Reader.AMOS File_Copy.ACC
Mask_Modify.AMOS Mazed Mouse.AMOS
N_Billy_Baloon.amos N_Flash_Text.amos
N_Flash_Text_II.amos N_Leading_Zeros.amos
N_Starfield_Editor.amos N_Starfield_One.amos
N_Starfield_Two.amos N_Zoom_In.amos
Pixel_Tools.AMOS sin_wave.amos
slowprint.amos Typing Speed Tester.AMOS
Wire.AMOS XMan Platform.AMOS