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GetIt! ShareWare MIDI file utility version 3.0 by Aron Nelson 11/24/88
GetIt! is a MIDI file utility that can handle system exclusive
transfers between a MIDI device and your IBM computer or strict
compatible. GetIt! can received MIDI system transfers from
a variety of MIDI devices and save the data to a disk file. This
allows you to have a library of files which contain the data for
all of your MIDI devices. GetIt! has several modes of operation that can
facilitate system exclusive transfers.
1) RECEIVE MODE: GetIt30 r
GetIt! is set up as a device that will wait for any system
exclusive transfers. System exclusive transfers are received "back
to back" in memory and stored as such. This allows you to receive
system transfers from a D10 and a Dx7, save them as one file, then
transmit the whole system file as one.
When a system transfer has ended, GetIt! will display the
transfer status in kilobytes and bytes. The transfer window
will something look like this:
transfer status -> 43K 234 bytes
Press <return> only after the numbers stop moving, this will
end the transfer and take you to the file section where you will
be prompted for a filename. Be patient as large data transfers can take
some time. Because of the large amount of data that is being received,
the transfer status numbers only move *after* the system data has been
GetIt! checks for an overwrite when saving and will ask you if you
wish to overwrite anyway. The RECEIVE MODE is good for MIDI devices that
can start MIDI transfers from the front panel like a Dx7, or a
D10, D20.
2) TRANSMIT MODE: GetIt30 t <optional file to send>
To transmit a sysex data file that is stored on disk, simply type
GetIt30 t <file to send>. GetIt! will read the sysex file and
proceed to send the data without any delay. If you wish to be
prompted through the procedure just type "Getit30 t" and
GetIt! will prompt you through the procedure.
3) PEEK MODE: GetIt30 p
Peek mode turns GetIt! into a midi terminal. Incoming midi data is displayed
onscreen as (h)ex, (d)ecimal or (l)ine. Line mode is actually english
terms telling you what type of data is being sent and the following bytes
associated with the type of message. The type of display can be changed
"on the fly" by simply typing the letter corresponding to the display type
GetIt! also has a transmit mode which allows you to transmit MIDI messages
to your MIDI device and view the responses if any onscreen. This is useful if
you will be developing script files (mentioned below). By transmitting
MIDI data, you can see if certain system commands are communicating to the
MIDI device.
Note: A "hidden" feature allows you to display incoming clock and active
sensing bytes. Active sensing and clock bytes disrupt the diplay because of
the frequency at which they are sent, however if you wish to display them,
just press the letters "f" or "F" then press the type of display (D),(H),(L)
and the active sensing and clock bytes will be displayed. To stop showing
active sensing and clock bytes, simply repeat the procedure and the
function will be toggled off.
4) SCRIPT FILE MODE: GetIt30 c <script file>
Script file mode allows you to "talk" to your MIDI devices
if you have the system exclusive documentation at hand. By using
the script commands in GetIt! you can initiate a 2 way communication
between your MIDI device and GetIt!. The script commands and syntax are
based on Carter Scholz's MidiSave script language. The differences are that
in GetIt!, all parameters are preceded by commands and that the command
set has been greatly extended. There must be a space between commands and
To create a script file all you do is use an ascii word processor
like Sidekick, and type commands into a text document.
The sample .SCR files are script files demonstrating Getit's script
The commands available to you are:
A All notes off.
B Blank (clear) the screen.
K Wait for (IBM) keypress.
M Display message following M to (IBM) screen .
N <channel> <noteX> <velX> Play note.
P <channel> <patchnumX> Send patch change.
R <num> Receive <num> transfers from MIDI device.
S Send a system message $F0 <messageX> $F7
W <num> Wait <num> milliseconds.
Z Save the systex transfers.
[ <starting index> Start loop at index.
] <ending index> End loop at index.
X Replace with Loop Index.
/,\,{,},(,),;, are comment markers, follow with any comment.
Variables that end with an X can be replaced with the current
loop index.
The M and comments only work on a *line* basis. You can only place comments
and messages on a line by themselves on this release. I plan improve
on this in later versions. Do not mix commands and message/comments on one
A loop is defined as:
[ <start number>
<any command>
] <end number>
GetIt! is also a simple MIDI sequencer. To start, just type
"GetIt30 s" on the command line and GetIt! will prompt you through
the sequencers 2 modes, record and play.
When record is activated, GetIt! will wait for you to "press a key"
on your MIDI controller before starting the record process.
Pressing <return> will stop the procedure and prompt you for a save.
The sequencer processes are simple and hopefully should not be hard
to understand. The sequencer is set up so that MIDI thru is OFF,
and benders/controllers are recorded. Hopefully, you will find
this sequencer usefull for tiny "spur of the moment" thoughts.
If you have an idea for a song, just start GetIt! and record it!
GetIt! uses the TurboMIDI toolkit, available from N-FOCUS Technologies.
TurboMIDI allows you to write MIDI librarians, Simple MIDI sequencers,
MIDI mappers, Ear training programs, and MIDI utilities like GetIt!.
TurboMIDI requires Turbo Pascal 4.0 from Borland International.
The source for several MIDI programs are included free with the
TurboMIDI toolkit and an 8 track simple sequencer that you can use in your
own applications. Source code for TurboMIDI will be available at a future
Yes, GetIt! is a MIDI SHAREWARE utility, and the author <me>
requests that if you like and use GetIt! and find it useful
please send a $15 donation.
Regarding my Shareware thoughts:
If you like GetIt! (I hope you do), please send the $15 amount.
Almost anyone should be able to "scrape" up the $15 amount. If you
can afford a MIDI device, then you can pay for GetIt!. If you truly
cannot pay for GetIt!, then just send me a note telling me so and you will
be added to the registered users list anyway. When you can pay for GetIt!
I will expect you to contribute. Please do give copies of GetIt! to
anyone and everyone! I want to make GetIt! a useful utility, let me know
what improvements you would like to see. GetIt! is *not* public domain and is
not free.
If you donate, you will receive notices of future
updates and additional documentation for future GetIt! versions.
You will also be helping the program progress by making it
possible for me to spend some more time on GetIt!
You also get peace of mind, everytime you receive a system
transfer from your MIDI device :-)
Please send donations to:
N-Focus Technologies
1800 Stokes St. #197
San Jose,CA 95126