Sound Sensations!
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The most current list of national MIDI BBS's will always be available on
MIDImaze BBS at 615-723-1867 and Washington MIDI Users Group at 703-532-7860.
MIDIlist comes in two sort orders. This file is sorted alphabetically by
name of BBS. MIDIlist.srt is sorted by area code.
MIDIlist has grown rapidly. It would be difficult for me to contact all of
these boards monthly to assure their continued existence.
PLEASE notify me of any changes you become aware of, either at MIDImaze BBS
or any BBS which carries the MIDILINK Echo.
Please address messages to Lee Smith.
I assume no responsibility for errors or ommissions.
MIDILIST will be released as additions, deletions, or changes are discovered.
BBS Name City Number
ADLIB Connection Dallas, TX 214-323-3358
AV-Sync Atlanta, GA 404-320-6202
Alert Data OPUS Greensboro, NC 919-274-7000
Atlanta's IEMUG Atlanta, GA 404-942-3387
Binkley's Manor Orlando, FL 407-273-6446
Black Hole BBS Orange, CA 714-282-7523
Bob's Part-Time BBS Cincinnati, OH 513-451-4292
Boom Boom BBS New York City, NY 212-831-4920
Broadcast Online BBS Lindfield, NSW Australia 0116124169279
Charly RBBS Rijswijk, Netherlands 31-70-398-9950
Clone Local #449 Denver CO 303-989-1379
ComOne La Fayette, CA 415-284-9151
Computer Connection Australia 08-326-2388
Condor Electronics BBS Mansfield, MA 508-261-9808
Connections BBS Rialto, CA 714-874-7228
Critical Condition Sweetwater, TN 615-337-4628
Databases/Musical Interfaces Dayton, OH 513-438-8376
DataCom Software NYC, NY 212-496-7946
Doctor's Office NYC, NY 212-662-8597
Dwight School BBS New York City, NY 212-879-2625
East Coast MIDI New York 516-928-4986
Electric Dreams Laguna Hills, CA 714-367-1755
Eniac-MIDI Rockville, MD 301-460-9134
Exiles Gate Palm Springs, CA 619-564-1489
Fleming BBS Peterborough, Ontario 705-749-5538
Gonzo's Gabanza Dayton, OH 513-890-0655
Gooey BBS New York City, NY 212-876-5885
Graphix F/X BBS Ewa Beach, Hawaii 808-682-7255
Hole in the Wall BBS Elverson, PA 215-469-6050
H.O.T. BBS Murfreesboro, TN 615-890-8715
House of Minus Denton, TX 817-565-1500
Hyperlink West BBS Moraga, CA 415-376-3632
Iconnex MIDI BBS Chicago, IL 815-452-2773
Illusion BBS Ocala, FL 904-867-8411
IMUG BBS NYC, NY 212-879-2625
Info Express Chesapeake, VA 804-547-5547
Jackie's Castle Springfield, MA 413-782-4507
Joel Sampson's Engineering Dallas, TX 214-328-6909
Kawai Education BBS San Francisco, CA 800-456-0271 TF
Larry's Shareware Springfield, MA 413-783-3199
LLama Bob's BBS Dallas, TX 214-385-2349
Macintosh Users at Berklee Boston, MA 617-739-2366
MIDI & ST Exchange Columbus, OH 614-848-5947
MIDI 'n Music Irvine, CA 714-552-3036
MIDIline Baltimore, MD 301-882-7734
MIDI Matrix BBS Dayton, OH 513-438-8376
MIDImaze BBS Manchester, TN 615-723-1867
Midwest ADLIB User's BBS Ohio 513-746-5863
Midwest Micro Oak Lawn, IL 708-422-0527
MidWest MIDI BBS Oklahoma City, OK 405-733-3102
MIDI World Network Los Angeles, CA 213-841-0347
MIDIum BBS Los Angeles, CA 818-764-4538
Motherboard Petaluma, CA 707-778-8841
Musart Orlando, FL 407-292-0444
Music Quest BBS Dallas, TX 214-881-7311
National PC/MIDI Data Bank Chicago, IL 708-593-8703
OdieLink Music BBS Ohio 614-333-6343
Photostar BBS Richmond, VA 703-774-4667
Planet Zed Long Beach, CA 213-434-2933
Power Station BBS Vallejo, CA 707-642-0824
Question Mark BBS Helsinki, Finland 01135807282272
Randy's Basement Anthony, NM 505-589-0319
Riverside BBS Corona, CA 714-279-4592
RTC BBS Medford NJ 609-654-0999
S.A.R.C.A.S.M. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 305-421-0574
St. Louis MIDI User's Group St. Louis, MO 314-625-4045
SF MIDI Exchange BBS San Francisco, CA 415-771-1788
Sierra Online BBS California 209-683-4464
Sight and Sound Seminole, FL 813-399-1271
Snarfs Music Studio Chicago, IL 708-351-0288
Sound Management Music Chicago, IL 708-949-6434
Sound Of MIDI Boston, MA 617-471-0528
Southern New England & MIDI Bridgeport, CT 203-377-6758
Starfinder I Renton, WA 206-277-1689
Sysport MIDI BBS San Diego, CA 619-698-7155
Taste BBS Brooklyn, NY 718-252-4529
Technical Hangout BBS Herndon, VA 703-444-6765
Telecommuter's Express BBS Huntington Bch, CA 213-863-3742
The Art's Rap Rochester, NY 716-223-7874
The Attic Herndon, VA 703-742-4056
The Black Hole BBS Orange, CA 714-282-7523
The Cove BBS San Francisco, CA 415-931-0649
The Dungeon New Orleans, LA 504-282-5753
The First Dutch PC-MIDI BBS Delft, Holland 31-15138754
The Full Spectrum BBS Morgantown, WV 304-599-6083
The Legend Graphics BBS Riverside, CA 714-689-9229
The MIDI Inn Cinncinnati, OH 513-860-1340
The MIDI Exchange Brampton, Ontario 416-790-2151
The Music Box Taylors, SC 803-244-8782
The Online Exchange Ontario, Canada 416-778-4646
The RTC BBS Medford, NJ 609-654-0999
The Studio BBS Columbia, SC 803-750-0555
The Ultimate Greenville, SC 803-895-3536
The Users Choice BBS Indianapolis, IN 317-854-1378
Union Lake BBS Millville, NJ 609-327-5553
Video-Pro Virginia 703-455-1873
Washington MIDI Users Group Washington, DC 703-532-7860
White Zone Boston, MA 617-969-6230
Yamaha SGD BBS Los Angeles, CA 714-522-9464
Yo Yo BBS Olympia, WA 206-866-9696
MIDIlist is copyrighted and may not be altered, revised or published without
written consent from the author. It may not be used in any door program on a
BBS. It may be freely uploaded to any BBS.
(C) 1992, Lee Smith