Sound Sensations!
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227 lines
Version 1.0
Harley A. Burton
Copyright 1987
Burtech Ind.
The Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) worked out by
Casio, Roland, and others a few years ago has be come the widely
accepted standard of the musical industry for interfacing
everything from keyboard synthesizers, tape recorders, mixers to
drum machines and everything else conceivable. The impact of
this technology on the music industry has been dramatic.
Although hardware and software exists for this technology, in
general it has been quite expensive. As an example, the Roland
MPU401 interface, the most powerful interface for the IBM-PC
family of computers is about $600 list price. While there have
been others developed for a lower cost, for example the board
listed in the June 1986 BYTE magazine article, these are
somewhat complex. I hope to offer the hobbiest/experimenter
with a lower cost alternative, and yet a challenge to develop
some or all of the software as a project.
Without going deeply into the technical side of MIDI, it seems
to at first scare the world. It runs at a high data rate,
32.1250Kbps, use the odd interface of approximately 5ma current
loop and be optically coupled. This sounds like something
totally out of the realm of the home hobbiest. Not at all, in
fact, it is not only possible, it is quite easy.
Originally, IBM made the Asynchronous Communications Adapter for
our IBM-PC's and they didn't know anything about MIDI. They did
however give us the tools we need that can be used to interface
to MIDI systems with minimum hardware modification and software
From here on, I will be discussing modifying an IBM Asynchronous
Communications Adapter to work with MIDI systems. While I have
no experience with clone serial communications boards, I will
assume that they could be modified similarly and will attempt to
do it sometime.
This discussion will be quite technical, but not beyond the
average experimenter. I hope you will try the ideas presented
here and pass your findings along to all of us on the various
The original IBM Asynchronous Communications Adapter was capable
of serial data rates from about 45 baud to 19200 bits per second
in 5,6,7 and 8 data bits with 1, 1.5 and 2 stop bits, even, odd
or no parity. In MIDI, we would like to run at 31250 bits per
second, 8 data bits, no parity and one stop bit. Well, just
change the initialization number, we would think.
Unfortunately, the comm port can't be programmed as it stands
for that baud rate which brings us to the first modification.
The baud rate timing in the comm port is generated by a
18.432MHz oscillator labeled in my schematic as U10. This is
then divided by 10 in U6 to get 1.8432MHz, the standard baud
rate generator. The 8250 UART U11 which actually does all the
work has an on-chip oscillator which could be used to generate
the desired frequency.
As it turns out, by removing U6, the 7490 used to divide by 10
and connecting a 3MHz crystal between pins 16 and 17 of U11,
the 8250, the comm port will now operate at 31250 bits per
second, the MIDI standard.
The comm port will no longer operate as a standard serial board,
but who cares. These things are cheap enough to convert to MIDI
On the Serial/Printer Adapter which is the type used in the IBM-
PC/AT, the generation is slightly different. The base
oscillator is 1.8432MHz as it comes from the factory. This is
buffered in U11, a 74LS05. The final serial port device is a
NS16450, an upgraded 8250. This board requires breaking the
foil trace between pin 2 on U11 and pin 16 on U5, the NS16450.
This can be simply a cut with an X-Acto knife. Then connect a
3MHz crystal between pins 16 and 17 as in the other board.
The maximum operating frequency of both boards is 3.1MHz, but
there is adequate "head room" for this to work satisfactorily.
It also turns out that by using the 3Mhz crystal, the internal
divisor ratio is such that when you tell the port to initialize
for 19200bps, it will actually configure itself for 31250bps.
The ratio of 3.0Mhz to 1.8432MHz equals the ratio of 31250bps
to 19200bps (3/1.8432 = 31250/19200). This will have
implications which will be described later in the software.
The original IBM Asynchronous Communications Adapter had
provisions for the archaic 20 ma current loop standard. This
has disappeared on the Serial/Printer Adapter and most clone
adapters. For our purposes, this is a shame. I will describe
first converting the IBM Asynchronous Communications Adapter to
5ma current loop then provide some thoughts on the other
On the IBM Asynchronous Communications Adapter, the 20ma
current loop was configured by turning jumper block XU5 around
opposite of that required by RS-232 (yes, I am being
intentionally vague, because I can't remember off hand which way
that is). The 20ma current loop is provided by 3 sections of
U8 paralleled and driving the 20ma loop through a 100 ohm
resistor, R3. By changing this resistor to a 390 ohm resistor,
the current should be a little hot 5ma. A 470 ohm resistor
could be used if you are not driving long 5ma lines. Either
will be within safety range of the MIDI requirements. A 220 in
series with a 180 ohm, would of course be exact. Any of the
above will work fine.
On the recieve side, the IBM Asynchronous Communications Adapter
already has an opto-coupler interface provided by U4. This
should be useable without modification.
An adapter will be needed to go from the 25 Pin "D" connector on
the back of the Asynchronous Communications Adapter to a MIDI
5pin DIN connector used for MIDI. The parts for this can be
purchased from Radio Shack and since I don't have schematic
capability with this word processor, I won't go into it here.
For a board other than the Asynchronous Communications Adapter
such as a clone or the IBM Serial/Printer Adapter, an RS-232 to
5ma adapter will need to be built. I won't design one here,
it's really pretty trivial, but I would suggest receiving the
RS-232 with a MC1489 then driving the 5ma with 3 sections of a
74LS04 tied in parallel then driving MIDI through a 390 ohm
resistor. The receive side could use any of the optocouplers
that are usually specified for MIDI, such as the one in the BYTE
article mentioned above. This could then drive a MC1488 RS-232
line driver. A small 5volt power supply will have to be
provided in this interface.
I might suggest that if you have to build the RS-232 to 5ma
converter, use some of the extra sections of the devices to
build some MIDI through buffers, splitters, etc.
Without going into the software in great detail, there are
several built-ins and hints that I can give which may help in
writing your own software package. All of the software ideas
are in IBM BASIC for clarity. These built-ins are probably
available in other languages as well.
The first thing we will need is beat timing or tempo. I have
chosen the easy way out again. I built a tempo generator with a
type 555 timer and a few components that generates a pulse at 24
times the quarter note beat. This allows me to generate 32nd
notes and 16th triplets, not that I would ever play that fast.
I built it with a range of 20 to 240 beats per minute (8
pulses/second to 96 pulses/second). This I connected to the
trigger input of a game port. Again, I had one and didn't feel
like building a trigger timer board. This I control manually,
but you could use the internal timer section 2 of the 8253 on
your IBM-PC mother board. I don't know how to do this and would
appreciate if anyone knows how, please tell me.
I use the "ON TRIG(1)" statement in BASIC to jump to a
subroutine in which I keep track of which portion of a beat I am
in. This provides the basic timing for both transmit and
receive. I will come back to this later. I wish that IBM had
given us better resolution on the ON TIMER function, it could
have been used as a beat counter but with only 1 second
resolution there isn't much you can do with it unless your music
is VERY VERY slow.
The initialization of the serial port is quite simple to
implement for MIDI. I use the "OPEN COM1:19200,N,8,1,CS,DS"
statement to initialize the port. Remember that because we
changed the crystal to 3MHz, opening at 19200 in software is
actually opening at 31250 bps. This works!!! I don't like
error checking in hardware, so I disable the CTS and DTS
I have notes to be transmitted assigned to portions of a beat.
These are built off-line by a conversion routine that takes
information from the music processor SongWright and builds a
file of notes and timing to be transmitted over MIDI. I won't
go into how this works until I get it totally ready, but what it
does is this:
When a TRIG(1) interrupt occurs, the software checks if a
note or group of notes are to be sent. If they are, it
builds the group of notes with statements like
J$ = CHR$(14)+CHR$(23)+CHR$(77)...
Then transmits the string with a
Since the output is a buffered, interrupt driven transmit,
the notes are transmitted at 31250 bps. with no further
assistance from the user. Unless there is a LOT of notes
to be sent, as in 16 voice chords, along with big drum
sounds, they should sound correct. This is a limitation of
the transmission media, MIDI, however and not the IBM
I also use the "ON COM(1)" statement to set up a receive routine
for MIDI. This allows me to avoid polling the receive side so
that I can do other things. When a note is received via MIDI, I
jump to a routine that gets the note, then reads the portion of
beat counters to see what beat time I should assign to it. It
checks for several other things, like note off, system messages,
etc. These are interpreted and used where appropriate. I
assume that I can receive anything anytime and I have to know
what I received and what to do with it so this routine is
potentially a little longer than necessary.
I have attempted to describe a hardware and software experiment
into the fascinating world of MIDI. I hope to continue with
this experiment and eventually build a full MIDI system with all
of the features we have dreamed about. I would like to get
input from all you and hope you will help me in this experiment.
If you develop any software in this line, please make it public
domain so that we all can enjoy it.