Sound Sensations!
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This is a list of all the keys as would appear in the composer by pressing
?. You may wish to print this out and use it as a quick reference card.
┌┘ k - key on keypad Down - Down Arrow Left - Left Arrow
│ s - only on SBPro Up - Up Arrow Right - Right Arrow
│ a - available when tracking music BS - Backspace
│ ? - get list of keys
k Right, Left - increase, decrease editing voice
k *,/ - increase, decrease editing octave
\,= - increase, decrease editing volume
k Home,End - increase, decrease pattern tempo
k Up, Down - increase, decrease editing sample
k PgUp,PgDn - increase, decrease order
k +,- - increase, decrease pattern
k 5 - set editing volume
F1 - goto instrument edit
F2 - goto pattern edit
F3 - goto order edit
F4 - show info
a F5 - play whole song
a F6 - play pattern
a F7 - play from order
a F8 - stop playback
F9 - change song directory
F10 - change instrument directory
F11 - load new song
F12 - save current song
ALT F1 - clear all instruments
ALT F2 - clear whole pattern (not all patterns, just 1)
ALT F3 - clear whole order
ALT F4 - edit message
ALT F5 - track song
ALT F6 - track pattern
ALT F7 - track from order
ALT F8 - clear whole song
ALT F9 - edit song loop
ALT F10 - edit composer colors
ALT F11 - save configuration info
ALT F12 - change song filename
a ALT 1-8 - toggle channels 0-7 on and off
ALT X - exit program
CTRL F4 - clear message
as CTRL A,Z - increase, decrease master volume left
as CTRL S,X - increase, decrease master volume right
as CTRL D,C - increase, decrease voc volume left
as CTRL F,V - increase, decrease voc volume right
as CTRL G,B - increase, decrease line volume left
as CTRL H,N - increase, decrease line volume right
as CTRL J,M - increase, decrease mic volume
Z,S,X,D,C,V,G,B,H,N,J,M - play notes C,C#,D,D#,E,F,F#,G,G#,A,A#,B
on current voice using current octave,
instrument, and volume
Q,2,W,3,E,R,5,T,6,Y,7,U - play those same notes one octave higher
Edit Order:
Up,Down,CTRL Up,CTRL Down,Home,End,PgUp,PgDn - move cursor
[ - edit order
] - edit tempo for pattern in order
Ins - insert order
Del - delete order
Edit Instrument:
Up,Down,CTRL Up,CTRL Down,Home,End,PgUp,PgDn - move cursor
[ - edit loop begin for instrument
] - edit loop end for instrument
Ins - insert blank instrument
Del - delete an instrument
SPACE - load new instrument
ENTER - change instrument filename
ALT S - save instrument as a pure digital file
ALT V - save instrument as a VOC file
Edit Pattern:
Up,Down,CTRL Up,CTRL Down,Home,End,PgUp,PgDn - move cursor
Right,Left - increase, decrease current voice
.,SPACE - clear row of current channel
[ - edit instrument
] - edit volume
ENTER - set pattern break here
BS - enter command
SHIFT BS - delete command
ALT BS - set commands in block
CTRL BS - delete commands in block
Ins - insert row
Del - delete row
` - pickup instrument and volume
ALT J - jump to pattern
ALT B - mark beginning of block
ALT E - mark end of block
ALT L - mark whole channel
ALT C - copy block to buffer
ALT Z - clear block
ALT O - overwrite from buffer
ALT U - unmark block
ALT Q - block up an octave
ALT A - block down an octave
ALT W - block up a semitone
ALT S - block down a semitone
ALT V - set volume in block
ALT I - set instrument in block
ALT M - copy entire pattern to another pattern
Z,S,X,D,C,V,G,B,H,N,J,M - enter notes C,C#,D,D#,E,F,F#,G,G#,A,A#,B
on current voice using current octave,
instrument, and volume
Q,2,W,3,E,R,5,T,6,Y,7,U - enter those same notes one octave higher
Edit Message:
Up,Down,Right,Left - move cursor
ESC, ENTER - leave message edit
all other keys - enter message
Edit Colors:
Up, Down - change active color set
Right,Left - change selected color
ESC - leave color edit
SPACE, ENTER - edit name of color set
k PgUp, Home - increase, decrease selected color red value
k Right, Left - increase, decrease selected color green value
k PgDn, End - increase, decrease selected color blue value
k Up - set selected color red value
k 5 - set selected color green value
k Down - set selected color blue value