Sound Sensations!
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Text File
906 lines
Number 11
October 1991 Edition.
A newsletter for Sound Blaster Enthusiasts.
Edited and Published by Brad Barclay.
Made possible by the contributions of Sound Blaster users.
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Title Page
----- ----
From the Editor's Desk....................1
From the Mailroom.........................2
From the Assistant Editor's Desk..........3
C/MS and the SB ver 1.5...................7
Included Files...........................10
Next Month...............................11
Living in a Stereo World.................11
Wrapping It Up...........................13
SUBSCRIPTION FORM........................14
BBS REGISTRATION FORM....................15
AD ORDER FORM............................16
DEMO TAPE ORDER FORM.....................17
Copyright (c) 1991 Brad Barclay, and may not be copied, in whole or
in part without the written consent of Brad Barclay in Canada, any
country that is a part of the Berne Copyright Convention, or any
country that is a part of the Universal Copyright Convention.
Brad Barclay hereby gives consent to any and all readers to copy
the Sound Blaster Digest at will, conforming to the following
1) The file SBD0011.ZIP may be distributed freely by any
person or agency, so long as no funds are received for profit.
Charges for Media costs is allowable.
2) The file SBD0011.ZIP must be distributed in it's whole and
original form: any changes, additions or deletions, in whole or in
part of this or any of the accompanying files is a breach of this
copyright agreement. The only changes allowed to this ZIP file is
the addition or deletion of the ZIPfile comment. Any other
modification to the distribution ZIP file is a breach of this
copyright agreement.
Any person violating this copyright agreement is subject to
punishment as prescribed by local copyright laws.
Page 1
Hi everybody, and welcome to the SBD issue #11.
First off, please notice the copyright notice on the Table Of
Contents page. I really didn't want to do this, but at least 1
person thus far has made it necessary. I was hoping that people
out there would have more decency to copy the work of others, and
on the most part, they did. Sadly, there are a few out there who
ruin this for everybody, and for those few, the copyright notice is
necessary. You probably never even heard of the violating literary
work: luckily I, with the help of a few Sysop friends, was able to
curb it's distribution before any damage could be done.
Anyhow, on to more happy news. There's a new product that is
going to be out this month that isn't big enough to require an
entire article about it, but which deserves mention here anyways.
THE COMPLEAT MUSICAL CHAIR is a CD-ROM containing nearly every file
available on the SBD's Home BBS, THE MUSICAL CHAIR. It contains
some 300 Megs of Shareware, and about the same amount of Music
files. It's a limited run, but the cost just can't be beat: $99
for the disk. See the enclosed ad in the file COMPLEAT.TMC for
more details.
Also, it has been heard here through a publication in
Australia sent to the SBD's office this month called THE AUSTRALIAN
SOUND BLASTER & AD LIB JOURNAL that a new product for both Sound
Blaster and Sound Blaster Pro users alike will be available
sometime soon. It is going to be a special cable which will
automatically adjust the volume for recording sound samples to make
better recordings. Thus far we have no confirmation from Creative
Labs on this, so tune in next month to see if there are any
developments on this product.
Anyways, that's what we have this month from my desk. Hope
you enjoy this month's issue!
Page 2
The mailroom is a very busy place this month. Just to give
you an idea how busy we are, there are 50 letters here that need to
be processed, half of which contained diskettes with programs that
authors wanted me to evaluate, other newsletters people wanted me
to comment on, articles for this (and future) editions of the
digest, and even people just requesting programs and music files
from me.
There is some good news about this: I have finally bought a
3.5" disk drive to be able to read 3.5" disks off of. And it's
only a 720k drive, so that disks written by myself in my drive can
be read by anyone owning a 3.5" disk drive.
Now for those of you who want to mail disks: this is okay,
although no longer can I process those requests from readers who
want me to copy programs for them. Only send disks if you are
sending an article, a program for us to evaluate and possibly
review, or if you're sending an advertisement to us. Things like
this are okay, but please don't just send me a box of disks and ask
me to fill them up: this takes too long, and I really don't always
have everything people want (I have had requests for filling disks
full of .MOD files, and I don't even have enough .MOD files to do
so). If you want any Sound Blaster files, try calling one of the
quality BBS's included in our list.
Now someone commented on my decision in last issue's Digest to
provide a separate newsletter for subscribers only. The reader was
concerned that those who didn't subscribe would be left out in the
cold. My response to this: you have nothing to worry about. All
that the Subscribers-only newsletter deals with is subscribers
issues: details about special offers for subscribers only, about
returning faulty disks, and all that various information that needs
to be sent out to subscribers that non-subscribing members aren't
concerned about. This was done to save space in the regular Digest
(how many of you out there really need to know things like details
about subscription renewal?). Subscribers still get the exact same
SBD as non-subscribers, they just also get an extra little
newsletter (last month it was only some 3 pages long). Special
files for subscribers are about the same: last month they received
a .VOC file that would have been too large to distribute with the
regular edition. You don't lose any quality by not being a
subscriber: if you are you just get some of the extras you paid
for. So don't be worried: the SBD will continue with its fine
record of being the best Sound Blaster magazine in the world for
both subscribers and non-subscribers alike.
Page 3
Written by Todd Clayton, Assistant Editor.
Back to the 'ol word processor once again for another month
of babbling incoherence. Geez, one of these days I'll invest in a
real program instead of using Norton Commander. But, until then
I'll just keep slinging away.
Once again you ask "What is he going to drone about THIS
month?" Well, Brad suggested that I address the topic of
donations. Corporate and private. As you see in so many freeware
and shareware products, if you enjoy the use of our
program/services, it is requested that you make a small donation.
But, being as we are doing this for the user, we don't ask for
much, and we don't expect much. However, we have poured over our
vast lists of wants and needs, weeded the extravagant out, and come
up with a small list. Allow me to delve further into this topic.
What are we looking for? Well, typically we are asking for a
small donation, probably in the $5-$15 range, any currency (it
would be quite interesting to actually SEE a Russian Ruble, or a
French Franc or a Deutchmark) will be accepted. Or, if you have
ANY "obsolete" equipment, i.e. an EGA card, a 360K drive, or a
monitor or a printer, we will take those also. For instance, I
run off an old XT with a CGA card and a MONOCHROME monitor, no
printer, just a Sound Blaster. ANYONE can see the potential for
an upgrade. Even Brad runs off a 286, with a 360K and a 720K
drive. We've already had 1 EGA card donated, as well as the use
of a CD-ROM drive for a day, so you won't be in the minority. If
you do have such equipment, just let us know by dropping a line or
letter to Brad c/o the Digest, and we will pay shipping and
Now for our corporate readers, we have a slightly more
"decadent" request list. First and foremost, Brad needs a filing
cabinet. We have been inundated with mail and requests, and the
paperwork is getting out of hand. Although we have just recently
filled ALL of our subscription backlog, we are still heinously
un-organized, and a place to store our "junk" would be most
appreciated. Secondly, how about a photocopier? Or even better
yet, a Fax machine with the photocopy option? Next, possibly
office space in the Toronto area, a single room for a few days a
month? Lastly though we get back to the old hardware topic. Many
companies when they upgrade in systems, tend to literally throw or
give away their old equipment. Keep us in mind please! That's all
we ask.
Page 4
Now, I must admit that a few of our requests are a little
far-fetched, but there really isn't any harm in asking now is
there? Three last notes and we'll let you get on with this months
In the RELAY-NET conference, my friend Jeff Woods, Sysop of
the Musical Chair BBS in Toronto, came across a letter about our
magazine from a person named "Jeff Nadre." He basically slandered
our magazine left right and centre by using every four and five
letter word known. We welcome your criticism, be it good or bad.
But, we would appreciate it to be constructive. There is always
room for improvement, but such slanderous letters are a waste of
our time and yours.
Keep those articles and game reviews coming! You are what
makes our magazine worth doing, You are the reason that we're
doing this! Would you like to see your name in print in an
international magazine? If so, send us a letter in either 360K
5.25" or 720K 3.5" format (or even the archaic HARDCOPY format)
and we'll probably use it.
Last, but not least, due to the immense number of requests
for software, I would request that if you want a piece of
software, or simply some soundfiles to play with, send your
requests to the Sound Blaster Digest, c/o Todd Clayton.
Of course, we don't deal with copyrighted software, and we
request a donation of $5 to cover shipping. As usual, 360K and
720K formats only.
Anyhow, back to the Digest, and enjoy the show!
│ You Are Invited To Call: STAR-LINK NETWORK BBS - (718) 972-6099 │
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Page 5
From Lucasfilm Games & Rainbow Arts
A review from Aaron Turpen
I just got my Sound Blaster card about a week ago and I'm so
excited about it, that I haven't really left my computer (well,
except for work and food) since I got it! I stumbled, through a
friend of mine, upon this little publication--which isn't really
so little anymore--and read all the issues I could find. I
thought that, since I enjoy the Sound Blaster Digest so much, I'd
make a contribution. Well, here it is:
MASTERBLAZER is an excellent arcade game that features not
only great game play, beautiful graphics, and excellent animation,
it also features some good music and sound. The graphics are some
of the best I've ever seen in a game (especially the menu screen
with a detailed, rotating asteroid that holds the home-base for
the games). The game is basically soccer with space-age additions
and changes. The goals move from side to side on each side of the
field and the players (two, you and your opponent) are each inside
a small, floating vehicle. You must pilot your vehicle (which
isn't hard, since most of the navigation is done for you, as the
game explains) towards the ball and move it to the opponent's side
of the field and score a goal before your opponent (either
computer-driven or another player) can get the ball either from you
or before you and score on your side. The game play is simple, but
challenging--even the computerized players offer a good challenge.
The Sound Blaster support isn't really great, since the game
seems to have been originally created for AdLib or some other
sound card. The sound is all music, but there are good points.
The music during game play is a good, driving rhythm that serves
to keep you hyped through the game and actually helps your play.
When I disconnected my speakers so I couldn't hear the sound, I
played much worse because I didn't have a rhythm for motion. The
music isn't complex and isn't really anything to write home about,
but I can say I've heard worse.
Page 6
As for the game's really bad points, I would say there are a
few, but they are, thankfully, few. The biggest one is the little
MASTERBLAZER logo that comes up (along with some really annoying
music) while the game is making disk reads. Besides that, there
is, during tournaments, a pixel blow up at the end of the winner.
It's a pretty bad pixel phase. It's WORSE than ANSI. But other
than that, I would say that this game is well-worth the money if
you are looking for a fun arcade-type game that is simple, and
not overly exotic.
Scales: [-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10]
\ /
___\/___ Live and on the Now in stereo!
|| air from Toronto!
/||\ Experience the difference of:
|| The Musical Chair
==== at 1000's of Adlib and SB music files
====== (416) 724-6018 50 gaming doors online
==== 7 mail networks (incl. Usenet!)
|| _______ 5 lines! 1 crazy and caring sysop
|| |.. . ..| HST & V.32bis!
|| |.......| _____ Megs of new files daily!!!!
______|| | ... . | |.... |
||\ |. .....|___| ....| Around the clock.....
Sky || \ |... . .|.. |... .| Around the world.....
Dome || \|... . .|...|.....| Around the bend.....
|||| |.......| ..|.... |
|||||| |... ...|. .|. ...| The M sical Chai ...724-6018
||||||||| ..... | . |. . .|
||||||||||.... ..|...|.. ..| What's missing? U R!
Now with CD Rom files! We are the music file supplier to CARRS!
More files! We're the home of THE SOUND BLASTER DIGEST too!
Page 7
Written by Brad Barclay
Many of our readers may remember in one of our first issues,
we spoke of why Creative Labs removed those C/MS chips: you know
the ones, they played 12 voice stereo music using AM technology,
compatible with the Game Blaster? Back then we told you it was to
reduce the cost of the Sound Blaster, an idea which backfired.
Well, we're changing our story. Thanks to the help of
Stephen Wagh, Vice President of Brown-Wagh Publishing, the main
distributor of the Sound Blaster world-wide, we now know the true
reason as to why Creative Labs removed the C/MS chips and decided
to sell them separately.
According to Mr. Wagh, the chips were removed because many
software companies flat out told Creative Labs that no longer
would they support the AM technology in order that they could
pursue the better sounding FM technology, which was also supported
by more devices.
According to Mr. Wagh, Creative Labs did have a savings on
removing the C/MS chips that was not passed directly on to the
consumer: by about $6 US per card. But the money that was saved
on the some 250 000 Sound Blasters made without the C/MS chips was
used to licence the Text-to-Speech converter from First Byte, Inc.
"providing royalty-free license to all users and developers, and
including the sample Dr. Sbaitso application." the SBD was told by
Mr. Wagh in a recent letter.
According to Mr. Wagh, after the changes in packaging,
documentation, and product promotional pieces, Creative Labs
actually incurred a loss, which they willingly incurred to make
the Sound Blaster a better product. And as we all know, in order
to make everyone satisfied, they did sell separately the C/MS
chips for those who wanted them.
With the release of the new Pro card, which has no C/MS
support, it would appear that C/MS is nearly dead and gone. No
new software has been published using the C/MS technology in the
past few years. But for you die-hard fans, old software is still
available on many BBS's, including song files and players. But
whatever the future of C/MS, it will sing forever in it's tinny
stereo voice in the hearts of all original Sound Blaster users.
Page 8
Do you run a BBS? Have you written a piece of software? Do
you write custom music? If so, you may be interested in an
advertisement in the SBD. Thousands of SOUND BLASTER users read
the SBD every month, and many even have it delivered right to
their door. So if you give some sort of special support to those
people who use the SOUND BLASTER, advertising in the SBD would be
the logical choice!
Here's a list of our rates, effective August 1st 1991:
Number of lines: Cost:
--------------- ----
0 - 5 $3 / Month
6 - 10 $5 / Month
11 - 20 $7 / Month
21 - 40 $10 / Month
41 - 60 $15 / Month
Lines are limited to a maximum of 80 columns. All costs are
in Canadian dollars.
╠╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬═╬─╬───═── ─ ─ ╪╪╪╬╬╬╬╪╪ ───═───╤═─═─═╬╬──══╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╣▒▒
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╠│║ ░ ░ ░ │││├│ _││└┐├ ┌─ ### M. A. X. ######## ║│╣▒▒
╠║│ ░ ░ ░ └┴└┴┴ └┴─┘└─┘ ### WORCESTER ####### 0905-754151 │╬╣▒▒
╠│ Fax 0905 755017 0905-754127 ╬╣▒▒
╠│ ░░░ ┌ Voice 0860 891 893 0905-52536 │╣▒▒
║ │ ░░ ░░ ┌ ┌ ├ └┐└┐ Gig's of goodies ! 0905-57822 ║▒▒
║ │ ░ ░ └─┴─└──┘─┘ Tons of THROBNET ! 0905-58030 ╣▒▒
╠ Loads of Live Doors ! 0905-56610 │║▒▒
║│ ░░ ░░ │ ┌ Gallons of GIFs ! 0905-57112 │ ╣▒▒
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╠╬╬╦ ──────────┘ ( and Adult CHATS too !) ╬│╣▒▒
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╠╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╦──╬╬─╬╬╦╬──── ── ─ ── ─── ──────╬──═╬╬╬╬╬╬╣▒▒
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Page 9
Having a hard time finding the newest copy of the SBD on your
favourite local BBS? Why not consider a SBD subscription? A
subscription entitles you to 12 great issues, one a month, packed
full of SB and SB Pro news and reviews. Subscribers also get
special bonus files not available anywhere else, plus special
offers on software and support! Nowhere else can you find this
sort of deal for your Sound Blaster needs.
Subscriptions make great gifts also! If you'd like to send a
gift subscription with a special 'First Issue' message, just send
that message along with your subscription form filled out to the
receiver of the subscription, and it will be sent along with their
first disk!
Simply fill out the attached form, and enclose the required
amount...it's that easy!
SOUND BLASTER CARD in support of
│▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▒▓▓▓▓▓▒▓▓▓▓▓▒▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▒▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒░│ S
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■· SONIC..··■ ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ S
Sound and Optics Net for IBM Computers ······ O
···OFFICIAL S/BLASTER DISTRIBUTION······· 1-(416)-225-8942 N
■ ╔═══════════════════════════════════╗ I
··■ ·····▐ ······· ║┌───────────┐ Brian & Brent Bourne ║ C
·· ▐▌▐▐ ■·····║│▌▌▌▌▌██████│······················║
· ──────────▐───▐ ────── ║│███████████│ ▄▄▄▄▄ SUPER ▄ ║ B
───■──────▐▌─■─▐ ────── ║│█████ ▄▄▄▄▄│ █▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄ ║ B
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────────▐▌──▐▌■ ──── ║└───────────┘···········BBS········║
·────── ▄▐▌─ ▌──────── ╚═══════════════════════════════════╝
···· ▄████░▐▌ ▀■■■ ··· ULTRA LIST DISTRIBUTION SITE
■ ████▓░▐ ····· FIDO NET
Page 10
Here's a small list of this month's included files:
COMPLEAT.TMC-- A special offer from Jeff Woods, the
MUPPETS.CMF -- The Muppets Theme as transcribed by
Yvan Rodrigues.
BBS LIST. Now a separate file for
your convenience!
ENDTRK.VOC -- A true reproduction for the Sound
Blaster Pro of the end track from the
original British release of 'Sergeant
Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band'.
(subscribers only)
ENDTRK2.VOC -- The mono version of the above.
(subscribers only)
Interested in meeting or getting to know other Sound Blaster
users in your area? Wanting to trade Shareware and PD software
abroad? Then why not try a WANT-AD in the SBD? It's only $1 CDN
per month, and at that sort of price everyone can afford to buy
Just fill out the included WANT-ADS form, and include a cheque
or money order for the correct number of months you wish to have
your want-ad published, and mail it to us!
Advertisements for new software, hardware, or BBS's are exempt
from using the WANT-ADS: please use one of our other services for
these. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse any want-
Page 11
Here's what we hope to have for you by next month:
First off, the SBD would like to be able to send out its
first ever .MOD/.NST file, as created here at SBD World
Secondly, this month we're attempting to begin a business
venture with some of the biggest names in the Sound Blaster support
business, from games to utilities, for press information and review
copies of new software with Sound Blaster support. If this deal
goes through successfully, then we should be able to bring you
information on new Sound Blaster software before any other source
can get it to you!
Also, we're hoping to be able to give you a review on a
software program from Turtle Beach Systems called Recording Studio
Next, we have in the works some special articles of special
interest to Sound Blaster Pro users.
And lastly, be on the lookout for a special limited-time offer
to order 'The Best of the SBD: Year 1', a disk containing the best
reviews, articles, editorials and included files of the year.
All this and more next month. We hope to catch you reading us
Written by Brad Barclay.
The Sound Blaster Digest in the past 11 months has started off
as a small publication which quickly grew: sometimes to
proportions which we couldn't always handle! And since we began
last December 1st, we have given out many special offers, and we've
always attempted to delve into new areas supported by the Sound
Page 12
One of the biggest questions people have asked me in the past
few months, with the introduction of the new SB Pro card, is if
they should switch. My answer has never changed: it depends on
what you want to do with the card. Now I can list off specs from
the top of my head over and over again by now, but most people want
to know: how does it *sound*?
Well, we're going to give you the chance to find out.
Starting this month, we're going to offer the SOUND BLASTER PRO
DEMO TAPE to our readers so they can decide for themselves. Side 1
is composed entirely of digitized data music: .VOC files and .NST
files played in full stereo. Side two will be comprised entirely
of FM music (hopefully in stereo, but due to problems with playing
stereo .CMF's on an XT system, this may not be possible at this
time). Not all of the music included will be SBD original. The
ones that aren't ours are songs that have been released by the
authors into the Public Domain, and thus may be freely copied by
And best of all, the tape isn't copyrighted: you may copy and
use the songs contained on the cassette however you wish.
Just fill out the enclosed form, enclose a cheque or money
order for $7.50 CDN ($7.50 US for United States orders, and $10 CND
for overseas orders), mail it to us at the address on the form, and
a 1 hour (60 minute) audio cassette will be mailed to you with all
the songs as explained above.
We think you'll be impressed.
░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓ COMPUTER CONNECTION BBS ▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░
║ Please feel free to call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ║
║ for one of the largest ranges of Sound Blaster files ║
║ in Australia ║
║ Call Australia 08 326 2388 ║
║ 9600 V32/2400/1200/300 baud ║
Page 13
Well, this month's issue may have seemed to go by pretty
quickly, but we think that we did a pretty good job with what we
had. It may not have had as much quantity as some of our past
issues, but it sure did have the quality.
As Todd expressed earlier, we appreciate your comments, both
good and bad, but we do appreciate it if it's constructive. This
hasn't ever been a problem but once (and besides, I can't see
anyone paying the money for a stamp just to tell us off), but
destructive criticism is a waste of both your time and ours. We
get it, we read it, and we file it under 'R' for "Recyclable
Paper" (yes, the SBD recycles. In fact, sometimes in the past some
of our subscription disks have been recycled from donated disks:
we blank them entirely: we don't just erase the files, but nullify
the bytes on the disk, then we reformat, mark any bad sectors as
such, and copy our files to be shipped out onto the disk. We only
did this for one month when we were very strapped for cash, and no
complaints were received. But I digress).
Anyways, here's this month's thank-you's: many thanks to
everyone who contributed to this month's issue: without you I
doubt if I could make the SBD anymore! Also many thanks and
greetings to our new subscribers. We'd also like to thank the
Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) for going back to work
during negotiations: I was getting very annoyed at having to stand
in line for long periods of time just to find out that I may or may
not have mail waiting.
Also thanks to all who wrote and phoned in, and, as always I
would personally like to thank the ever lovely Karen O'Hearn,
forever the love of my life: you make the difference in my life.
Hope to see you back next month!
Sound Blaster contacts to swap/create files
Call 0905 754151 BBS, 0860 891893 Voice, 0905
755017 (Fax) or write/mail disk to Jon Brooks
39 Tetbury Drive, Warndon, Worcester, WR4 9LG
Page 14
Please enclose a cheque or money order (sorry, I don't accept
any major or minor credit cards) for $25 CDN for Canadian orders,or
$25 US for American orders. Overseas enclose $30 Canadian funds,
payable on a Canadian bank. Please fill out all the spaces
provided (except where marked optional), and mail it to the address
MAILING ADDRESS: Street address:_____________________________
City, Province/State:_______________________
Country, Postal/ZIP Code:___________________
PHONE NUMBER (don't forget the area code!):___________________
DISKETTE TYPE: (check one):
_ _
[_] 5.25" [_] 3.5"
OPTIONAL: Please fill this out if possible.
Age:____________ Sound Blaster version:_______________
Most frequently called BBS (name only):__________________
COMMENTS: Please fill this out also!
How would you rate THE SOUND BLASTER DIGEST (circle one):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Please mail this form, along with any additional comments to:
c/o Brad Barclay
36 Sutter ave.
Brampton, Ontario
Page 15
This is a free service of THE SOUND BLASTER DIGEST, intended to
allow greater access to Sound Blaster files. Please fill out all
blanks (except where marked optional), and send to the address
Name of BBS:____________________________________________
Sysop's Name:___________________________________________
City, Province/State:___________________________________
Phone Number (remember the area code!):_________________
Min/Max Transmission speed:_____________________________
Although not included in the BBS listing, this information is
important for our records.
How long has the BBS been running:_________________________
Do you have a Music/Sound Card conference, message area, or
file area set aside?:______________________________________
Does your BBS support and Sound Blaster files?:____________
Anything else you can think of to say that would show off your
BBS, please write it down here:
Mail this form, along with any extra comments to:
c/o Brad Barclay
36 Sutter Ave.
Brampton, Ontario
Page 16
Please fill out this form, and mail it, along with a cheque for
$5 (in US funds for American orders, and in Canadian funds for
Canadian orders), along with an ASCII only, typed copy of your
ad, and mail it to the address below. PLEASE MAKE CHEQUE/MONEY
MAILING ADDRESS: Street address:_____________________________
City, Province/State:_______________________
Country, Postal/ZIP Code:___________________
PHONE NUMBER (don't forget the area code!):___________________
BEST TIMES AVAILABLE:_________________________________________
Please mail this form, along with your cheque and a copy of the
ad as described above, along with any other comments to:
c/o Brad Barclay
36 Sutter ave.
Brampton, Ontario
Page 17
Please enclose a cheque or money order (sorry, I don't accept
any major or minor credit cards) for $7.50 CDN for Canadian
orders, or $7.50 US for American orders. Overseas enclose $10
Canadian funds, payable on a Canadian bank. Please fill out all
the spaces provided (except where marked optional), and mail it to
MAILING ADDRESS: Street address:_____________________________
City, Province/State:_______________________
Country, Postal/ZIP Code:___________________
PHONE NUMBER (don't forget the area code!):___________________
MUSIC FORMAT: In which Sound Blaster music file format are you
the most interested? (Circle all of interest).
Please mail this form, along with any additional comments to:
c/o Brad Barclay
36 Sutter ave.
Brampton, Ontario