Amiga Computer Studio 1997 July & August
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307 lines
;; If you aren't sure what to translate, give me call
;; Billy is doing pig-lating :)
(select platform
('SGI (let ((cwd (get_cwd)))
(chdir (getenv "HOME"))
(system "ls")
(print (concatenate 'string "tar -xvf " cwd "/linux/abuse.tar"))
(system (concatenate 'string "cd ~/ ; tar -xvf " cwd "/linux/abuse.tar"))
(print "Type cd ~/abuse ; abuse <ENTER> to begin")
('LINUX (let ((cwd (get_cwd)))
(chdir (getenv "HOME"))
(system "ls")
(print (concatenate 'string "tar -xvf " cwd "/linux/abuse.tar"))
(system (concatenate 'string "cd ~/ ; tar -xvf " cwd "/linux/abuse.tar"))
(print "Type cd ~/abuse ; abuse <ENTER> to begin")
(do ((ok nil nil))
((eq ok T) nil)
(select (nice_menu "Abuse" "Select language" '("English" "Franais" "Deutsch")) ; "Pig Latin"))
(-1 (quit)) ;; can't ask to quit, because we don't know the language yet
(0 (setq lang 'english)
(setq title "Abuse Installation")
(setq path-prompt "Enter path to install to")
(setq bad-path '("You entered a bad path name"
"Press any key to re-enter, ESC to quit"))
(setq quit-title "Quit?")
(setq yes-key "Y")
(setq no-key "N")
(setq quit-msg "Do you you want to quit? (Y/N)")
(setq make-dir? '("Directory does not exsist."
"Do you want to create it? (Y/N)"))
(setq mkdir-failed "Unable to create directory, retry? (Y/N)")
(setq nospace-dos '("Not enough disk space available for this drive"
"You need at least 10.5MB free"
"Would you like to try another drive? (Y/N)"))
(setq next-disk '("Insert this disk into disk drive and press SPACE BAR"
"to continue. Press ESC to quit."))
(setq copy-title "Copying files")
(setq start-msg "Type abuse <ENTER> to begin")
(setq path_not_valid '("The pathname you entered is not valid, continue? (Y/N)"))
(setq ok T)
(1 (setq lang 'french)
(setq title "Installation d'Abuse")
(setq path-prompt "Entrez le chemin sur lequel installer")
(setq bad-path '("Le nom du chemin est incorrect"
"Appuyez sur une touche pour entrer a nouveau, sur ECHAP pour sortir"))
(setq quit-title "Sortir ?")
(setq yes-key "O")
(setq no-key "N")
(setq quit-msg "Voulez-vous sortir ? (O/N)")
(setq make-dir? '("Ce rpertoire n'existe pas."
"Voulez-vous le crer ? (O/N)"))
(setq mkdir-failed "Impossible de crer le rpertoire, voulez-vous ressayer ? (O/N)")
(setq nospace-dos '("Espace disque dur insuffisant pour ce lecteur"
"Vous devez avoir au moins 10,5 Mo disponibles"
"Voulez-vous essayer sur un autre lecteur ? (O/N)"))
(setq next-disk '("Insrez la disquette dans le lecteur et appuyez sur la BARRE D'ESPACE"
"pour continuer. Appuyez sur ECHAP pour sortir."))
(setq copy-title "En train de copier les fichiers")
(setq start-msg "Tapez abuse <ENTREE> pour commencer")
(setq path_not_valid '("Le nom du chemin est incorrect, voulez-vous continuer ? (O/N)"))
(setq ok T)
(2 (setq lang 'german)
(setq title "Abuse Installation")
(setq path-prompt "Geben Sie den Installations-Pfadnamen ein")
(setq bad-path '("Pfadname ungltig"
"Beliebige Taste zur erneuten Eingabe drcken, ESC, um abzubrechen"))
(setq quit-title "Abbrechen?")
(setq yes-key "J")
(setq no-key "N")
(setq quit-msg "Wollen Sie abbrechen? (J/N)")
(setq make-dir? '("Verzeichnis existiert nicht."
"Wollen Sie das Verzeichnis anlegen? (J/N)"))
(setq mkdir-failed "Verzeichnis kann nicht angelegt werden, erneut versuchen? (J/N)")
(setq nospace-dos '("Nicht genug Festplattenspeicher fr dieses Laufwerk."
"Sie bentigen mindestens 10,5 MB."
"Mchten Sie es auf einem anderen Laufwerk versuchen?(J/N)"))
(setq next-disk '("Legen Sie die Diskette in das Laufwerk ein, und drcken Sie die LEERTASTE,"
"um weiterzumachen oder ESC, um abzubrechen."))
(setq copy-title "Dateien kopieren")
(setq start-msg "Tippen Sie abuse <EINGABE>, um mit dem Spiel zu beginnen.")
(setq path_not_valid '("Ungltiger Pfadname, fortfahren? (J/N)"))
(setq ok T)
(3 (setq lang 'pig_latin
(setq title "Abuse Installation")
(setq path-prompt "Enter path to install to")
(setq bad-path '("You entered a bad path name"
"Press any key to re-enter, ESC to quit"))
(setq quit-title "Quit?")
(setq yes-key "Y")
(setq no-key "N")
(setq quit-msg "Do you want to quit? (Y/N)")
(setq make-dir? '("Directory does not exsist."
"Do you want to create it? (Y/N)"))
(setq mkdir-failed "Unable to create directory, retry? (Y/N)")
(setq nospace-dos '("Not enough disk space available for this drive"
"You need at least 10.5MB free"
"Would you like to try another drive? (Y/N)"))
(setq next-disk '("Insert this disk into disk drive and press SPACE BAR"
"to continue. Press ESC to quit."))
(setq copy-title "Copying files")
(setq start-msg "Type abuse <ENTER> to begin")
(setq path_not_valid '("The pathname you entered is not valid, continue? (Y/N)"))
(setq ok T)
(defun quit-install ()
(if (show_yes_no quit-title quit-msg yes-key no-key)
(defun slash ()
(select platform
('WATCOM "\\")
('UNIX "/")))
(defun append-slash (path)
(if (equal (schar path (- (length path) 1)) (schar (slash) 0))
(concatenate 'string path (slash))))
(defun hack-string (x1 x2 st)
(if (<= x1 x2)
(cons (schar st x1) (hack-string (+ x1 1) x2 st))
(defun remove-slash (path)
(if (equal (schar path (- (length path) 1)) (schar (slash) 0))
(concatenate 'string (hack-string 0 (- (length path) 2) path))
(defun copy-file (disk-name path)
(do ((ok nil nil))
((eq ok T) nil)
(if (file_exsist (concatenate 'string disk-name ".dat"))
(if (nice_copy copy-title (concatenate 'string disk-name ".dat")
(concatenate 'string path disk-name ".exe"))
(setq ok T))
(if (not (show_yes_no title (cons disk-name next-disk) " " ESC_string))
(defun install (path)
(select platform
(if (< (K_avail path) 10500) ; need ~8MB for game and and ~2.5MB extra for install
(if (show_yes_no title (cons install-path nospace-dos) yes-key no-key)
(if (and (copy-file "disk1" path)
(copy-file "disk2" path)
(copy-file "disk3" path))
(go_there path)
(system "disk1.exe")
(system "del disk1.exe")
(system "disk2.exe")
(system "del disk2.exe")
(system "disk3.exe")
(system "del disk3.exe")
(print (K_avail path))
(if (< (K_avail path) 8500)
(if (show_yes_no title (cons install-path nospace-unix) yes-key no-key)
(let ((cur-dir (get_cwd)))
(system (concatenate 'string "cd " path))
(system (concatenate 'string "tar -xvf " cur-dir " abuse.tar"))
(defun lstring (x st)
(if (< x (length st))
(progn (print (schar st x))
(lstring (+ x 1) st))))
(defun go_there (path)
(select platform
(if (and (< 2 (length path)) (eq (schar path 1) #\:))
(system (concatenate 'string (list (schar path 0) #\:))))
(chdir (remove-slash path)))
('UNIX (chdir path))))
(defun ok_pathchar (char pos)
(or (and (>= (char-code char) (char-code #\a))
(<= (char-code char) (char-code #\z)))
(and (>= (char-code char) (char-code #\A))
(<= (char-code char) (char-code #\Z)))
(and (>= (char-code char) (char-code #\0))
(<= (char-code char) (char-code #\9)))
(eq char #\_)
(eq char #\-)
(eq char #\~)
(eq char #\!)
(eq char #\\)
(and (eq char #\:) (eq pos 1))
(eq char #\/)))
(defun check_path_char (name x y)
(or (> x y)
(and (ok_pathchar (schar name x) x)
(check_path_char name (+ x 1) y))))
(defun ok_pathname (name)
(if (and (check_path_char name 0 (- (length name) 1))
(not (search "\\\\" name)))
(defun mkdir (path)
(select platform
('WATCOM (make_dir path))
(print (remove-slash path))
(make_dir path))))
(do ((ok nil nil))
((eq ok T) nil)
(let ((install-path (nice_input title path-prompt
(select platform
('WATCOM "c:\\abuse")
('UNIX "~/abuse")))))
(if (not install-path) (quit-install)
(if (not (ok_pathname install-path))
(if (not (show_yes_no title path_not_valid yes-key no-key))
(let ((install-path (modify_install_path (append-slash install-path))))
(if (or (dir_exsist (remove-slash install-path))
(and (show_yes_no title (cons install-path make-dir?) yes-key no-key)
(if (mkdir install-path)
(if (show_yes_no title (list install-path mkdir-failed) yes-key no-key)
(if (install install-path)
(go_there install-path)
(setq ok T)))))))))
(select lang
('french (progn
(open_file "lisp/english.lsp" "wb" (print `(load ,(concatenate 'string '(#\") "lisp/french.lsp" '(#\") ))))
(system "del setup.exe")
(system "del setup.ini")
(system "rename fren_set.exe setup.exe")
(system "rename fsetup.ini setup.ini")
(system "del germ_set.exe")
(system "del gsetup.ini")
('german (progn
(open_file "lisp/english.lsp" "wb" (print `(load ,(concatenate 'string '(#\") "lisp/german.lsp" '(#\") ))))
(system "del setup.exe")
(system "del setup.ini")
(system "rename germ_set.exe setup.exe")
(system "rename gsetup.ini setup.ini")
(system "del fren_set.exe")
(system "del fsetup.ini")
('english (progn
(system "del gsetup.ini")
(system "del fsetup.ini")
(system "del fren_set.exe")
(system "del germ_set.exe"))))
(print start-msg)