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xprascii.library -- version 2.1
This is an XPR 2.0 implementation of the ASCII protocol(?).
based on xprascii.library 0.9 by W.G.J. Langeveld
Source code modifications and additions needed for XPR are:
Copyright ⌐1992 Ueli Kaufmann, All Rights Reserved.
This software is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied, with respect to the programs described herein, their
quality, performance, or fitness for any particular purpose.
In no event will the author(s) be liable for direct, indirect, incidental,
or consequential damages.
redistribution of this software is permitted, provided that:
1. all files are included, and in their original form.
2. if included with a particular product (commercial or
otherwise), proper credit is given to the authors in that
product's documentation.
By using or distributing this software, you agree to understand and accept
the above.
There's nothing really fancy about it..(-:
Configurable options are:
`char delay', `line delay', `line-feed translation',
`carriage-return translation', `expand blank lines',
`prompt char' and `strip high bit'.
(C)har delay: C<ticks>
A numeric value in ticks (1 tick = 20msecs) which causes XPr-ASCII
to wait (also called "pacing") before transmitting each character.
Values between zero and 500 (10 secs) are valid.
(default: 0).
(L)ine delay: L<ticks>
Milliseconds to wait between the transmission of each line
of text. The same limits of the character delay option
described in the previous section apply here.
(default: 0)
carriage-(R)eturn translation: R<n|s|x|a>
The three options available determine how an incoming carriage
return is to be handled. You can either do nothing via the
(N)one option, (S)trip it, e(X)change for a linefeed <LF>,
or (A)dd a linefeed <LF> character to it.
(default: "None")
line-(F)eed translation: F<n|s|x|a>
Like the CR transl. feature described in the paragraph above, you
can also select how an incoming linefeed <LF> character is to be
translated. As above, you can leave it alone (None), (S)trip it,
e(X)change for a <CR> or (A)dd a carriage return <CR> character to it.
(default: "None")
(S)trip high bit: S<0|1>
Use this option if you want the high bit of each character
reset that is received when using 8N1.
(default: off)
(E)xpand blanks: E<0|1>
When this feature is selected, XPr-ASCII will send one space
character for lines which contain only an end-of-line
character. Use this option when the on-line text editor
you're using exits its input mode whenever a carriage return
is received without any text preceding it.
(default: ON).
(P)rompt char: P<char>
Instructs XPr-ASCII to wait for a specific character after
transmitting a line of text. If blank, text is sent
continuously without interruption for the duration of the
(default: blank{=space}).
v2.01: several internal cleanups
v2.00: public release
v0.9 - v1.99: internal releases, beta-v's, etc.
v0.9: initial release by by W.G.J. Langeveld
To do:
- uuencode/uudecode support
Send bug-reps, gifts, flames etc. to:
Ueli Kaufmann
FIDO/Matrix: 2:802/810.0 Ueli Kaufmann
Internet: u.kaufmann@link-ch1.comlink.de