Magnetic Pages Article | 1995-08-20 | 2KB | 21 lines
.2Workshop: Wie man eine Aminet-CD kostenlos bekommt
CDas geht ganz einfach, vorrausgesetzt es befindet sich ein Programm-von Dir auf der CD. Du schickst eine EMail an
@Was in den Betreff kommt, ist egal, wichtig ist nur in die erste)Zeile kommt der Befehl und danach Return.-Als Beispiel nehmen wir mal den Befehl "HELP"EDaraufhin kommt nach sp
testens zwei Wochen (
ber Mailboxen) folgende
'Your command 'HELP' created the output:
HWelcome to the Aminet mail server. This is still experimental, so pleaseFreport to any problems you encounter. YouGcan send this server one or several commands, each on a single line in Gthe mail body. Don't send replies to mail server mails, they are thrown:away. The following commands are known to the mail server:
,HELP Sends back this help file.FHELP README Sends the README of Aminet, includes mailserver infoBHELP UPLOAD Sends help about how to upload to Aminet by mail=HELP FORMAT Sends help about how to write .readme files<HELP MPACK Sends uuencoded Amiga mpack, for uploadingGHELP FREEBIES Sends help on how authors can obtain a free Aminet CD
CRECENT Sends the current list of recent uploads (7 days)9CHARTS Sends the list of most downloaded files
KFIND <string> Searches the Aminet index for a case insentive sub string3 and sends back up to 100 matches.
KRATE <path> <num> Stores the rating <num> (from 0..10) for the file <path>.F 10 is the best rating. Don't rate your own programs.6 Example: RATE dev/gui/mui23usr.lha 8
FThere are also two mailing lists at a different address. Send the line-SUBSCRIBE aminet-weekly yourname@your.addressGto to get weekly mail of what's new on Aminet.I(Of course you replace yourname@your.address by your email address). Use
aminet-daily for daily updates.=-------------------------------------------------------------CVon nun an m