Amiga Games Extra 1996 May
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Angband 2.7.9v4
1. Introduction
This is Amiga Angband 2.7.9v4 binary distribution, including
graphics and sound effects (Optional).
2. Requirements
- CPU 68020 or better.
- Kickstart 2.04 or newer.
- About 1.5MB of available memory.
- A program to extract LhA archives, like LhA, LhX or Lx
3. Installation
3.1. Harddisk installation
First, select a directory on your harddisk to which you want to
install Angband. Substitute the $PATH word used below with the full
path to your chosen directory, ie. "DH0:Games"
Use the command
LhX x Ang279v4Gfx.lha $PATH/
to extract the archive anywhere on your harddisk. A directory
called 'Angband' will be created there, containing all the
necessary files.
Insert the two following lines at the end of your S:User-Startup file,
or in some script file you run before starting the game:
Assign Angband: $PATH/Angband
Path Angband:bin ADD
3.2. Floppy installation
You'll need two formatted and empty disks. Name the first
disk whatever you like, and the second disk "Angband:".
After extracting the archive to RAM: or whatever, copy the
main executable file 'Angband' to the first disk, then
copy all the directories to the other disk.
You might be able to stuff everything onto one disk by
compressing the executable.
4. Usage
When playing for the first time, or whenever you want to create
a new character, start the game with the command
Angband -n
and the game will let you create a new character.
To restore a saved game (which are in lib/save directory), use
Angband -uName
Where "Name" is the name of the your character. Note that when your
character dies, there is still a save file there. Remove obsolete save
files now and then. You can backup save files, but that is cheating
(according to True Faithful Worshippers of Holy Angband).
If you want to change _default_ settings for a new game, create a
character called "PLAYER". Then set options (with "=" or menus), save
the game, run angband -uPLAYER and get the character killed.
Settings in save file "Angband:save/PLAYER" are always loaded when you
start a new game. It will say "Restoring Memory of a departed
spirit..." when this happens.
If you change your character's name, save file name will change too.
To see command line options, try "Angband -?".
5. Features
Amiga-specific features of this version of Angband are
- Graphics drawn by James Larimer and Thomas H. Davies.
If you prefer to play it the classical way, with ASCII
representation, use the command line option -g like this:
Angband -g
- Sound effects. The samples are stored in IFF 8svx format,
and is located in the directory Angband:xtra/sound. If you
want, you can include your own samples by just replacing
one or more of the files there. All the samples are loaded
into memory when the game starts, so if you plan on adding
some large samples, be sure to have some free chip memory.
If you don't like the sound at all, turn it off with the -v
option. You'll also save some memory this way.
Angband -v
- Use whatever monospaced font you like. The graphics are scaled
to fit the font, so they will look best if you use a font
with size 8x8, 8x16, 16x16 and so on. But any sizes are legal.
Use the option -f to set the font, like this:
Angband -fTopaz/8
Angband -fQuill/16
If the specified font cannot be used, because it is proportional
or don't exist, the default monospaced font will be used.
- Use whatever screenmode you like. Use the supplied command
called 'DisplayID' to find the ID number you wish to use, then
use the option -m like this:
Angband -m0x29000
or whatever number you get from the DisplayID command. If this
option is omitted, Angband will try to figure out a nice one to
use. Note that if the font is so large that it can't fit 80x24
chars on the screen at once, an autoscrolling screen will be
- You might also want the game to open its window on the
workbench screen. Use the option:
Angband -mWorkbench
to achieve this. Note that if you use a large font, the window might
be too large to fit on the screen, and the game will not run.
- Intuition menus to display and execute game commands and
- Graphics in store/equipment/inventory listings, and options to
toggle this feature on/off. (Options/Inventory menu).
- Scaled-down map of the whole dungeon, like in CWMAngband.
Press the 'RIGHT AMIGA + m' key combination to view the
- A keymap file is included which is customized like this:
* SHIFT + Numeric key 1 - 9 = Run in a direction
* ALT + ... = Tunnel in a direction
* CTRL + ... = Open door in a direction
To use this keymap, copy the file Angband:xtra/keymaps/Angband to your
DEVS:Keymaps/ directory, then use your SYS:Prefs/Input program to
select this keymap. (Note: It is based on the american keymap.)
- The graphics are included in IFF ILBM format in case you want to
edit them. To convert this file to the raw bitplane format used
by the game, use the commands
Cd Angband:xtra/gfx
Iff2Raw tiles.iff tiles.raw 32 32 256 256
This requires Kickstart 3.0+, and uses Christian A. Weber's
'iff.library 23.2', included in the xtra/libs directory.
6. Internet Support
All Angband related files can be found at these sites:
And be sure to read the newsgroup dedicated to Angband:
Don't hesitate to contact me for any questions, comments, suggestions,
or anything regarding the Amiga version of Angband. And please send me
more samples. :)
EMAIL : larshau@ifi.uio.no
WWW : http://www.ifi.uio.no/~larshau
Lars Haugseth, 7/3-96