Amiga Plus Extra 1997 #5
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<P ALIGN="LEFT">Brodal, Per, The Central Nervous System, New
York, Oxford
University Press, 1992<LI>
Hellige, Joseph B., Hemespheric Asymmetry, Massachusetts,
Harvard University Press, 1993 <LI>
Changeux, Jean-Pierre, Neuronal Man - The Biology of Mind, New
York, Pantheon Books,1985<LI>
Fincher, Jack, The Brain; Mystery of Matter and Mind, New York,
Torstar Books,1984<LI>
Hunt, Morton, The Universe Within, New York, Simon and Schuster,
Klivington, Kenneth, The Science of Mind, Massachusetts, MIT
Press, 1989<LI>
Nicholls, John G. & Martin, Robert A. & Wallace, Bruce G., From
Neuron to Brain, Boston, Sinauer Associates, 1992<LI>
Prochiantz, Alain, How The Brain Evolved, New York, McGraw-Hill
Inc., 1989<LI>
Restak, Richard, The Brain, New York, Bantam Books, 1984<LI>
Restak, Richard M., The Modular Brain, New York, Lisa Drew
Books, 1994<LI>
Smith, Anthony, The Mind, New York, The Viking Press, 1984<LI>
Springer & Deutsch, Left Brain, Right Brain, San Francisco,
W.H.Freeman & Co., 1989<LI>
Taylor, Gordon Rattray, The Natural History of the Brain, New
York, Dutton, 1979 <LI>
Thompson, Richard, The Brain - An Introduction to Neuroscience,
San Fransisco, W.H. Freeman & Co., 1985<LI>
Young, J.Z., Programs of the Brain, Oxford, Oxford University
Press, 1978<LI>
Zeki, Semir, A Vision of the Brain, Boston, Blackwell Scientific
Publications, 1993<LI></P>
Anderson, John, Cognative Psychology and its Implications, W.H.
Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 1986<LI>
Anderson, John R., The Architecture of Cognition, Massachusetts,
Harvard University Press, 1983<LI>
Arnheim, Rudolf, Visual Thinking, Berkeley, University Of
California Press, 1969<LI>
Bloom, E., Floyd & Lazerson, Arlyne & Hofstadter, Laura, Brain,
Mind and Behavior, New York, W.H. Freeman 1985<LI>
Campbell, Jeremy, Grammatical Man, New York, Simon and Schuster,
Furst, Charles, The Origins of the Mind, Inglewood Cliffs, N.J.
Printice-Hall, 1979<LI>
Gazzaniga, Michael S., ed, The Cognitive Neurosciences,
Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 1995<LI>
Gazzaniga, Michael S., The Social Brain, New York, Basic Books,
Kosslyn, Stephen M.& Koenig, Olivier, Wet Mind, New York, The
Free Press, 1992<LI>
LeVay, Simon, The Suxual Brain, Massachusetts, The MIT Press,
Miller, George, The Science of Words, New York, Scientific
American Library, 1991<LI>
Baddeley, Alan, Your Memory; A User's Guide, New York,
Macmillan, 1982<LI>
Johnson, George, In the Palaces of Memory, New York, Alfred A.
Knope, 1991<LI>
Kotre, John, White Gloves, New York, The Free Press, 1995<LI>
Rose, Steven, The Making of Memory, New York, Anchor Books,
Rosenfield, Israel, The Invention of Memory, New York, Basic
Books, 1988<LI>
<CENTER><B>Religious Experience and Meaning</B></CENTER>
Buber, Martin, I And Thou, New York, Charles Schibner's Sons,
Campbell, Joseph, The Hero With A Thousand Faces, New Jersey,
Princeton University Press,1949<LI>
Coles, Robert, The Call Of Stories, Boston, Houghton Miffin
Company, 1989<LI>
Cox, Harvey, The Seduction of the Spirit, New York, Simon ans
Schuster, 1973<LI>
Fischer, Louis, Gandhi, New York, New American Library, 1954<LI>
Fowler James W., Stages Of Faith, Cambridge, Harper & Row
Publishers, 1981<LI>
Groome, Thomas, Christian Religious Education, San Francisco,
Harper and Row, 1980<LI>
Hampden-Turner, Charles, Maps of the Mind, New York, MacMillan,
Kagawa, Toyohiko, Meditations, New York, Harper & Brothers,
Keller, Hellen, The World I Live In, New York, Century Co.,
McFague, Sallie, Models Of God, Philadelphia, Fortress Press,
Miller, Donald E., Story And Context, Nashville, Abingdon Press,
Minsky, Marvin, The Society of Mind, New York, Siamon and
Schuster, 1985<LI>
Neihardt, John G., Black Elk Speaks, London, University Of
Nebraska Press, 1961<LI>
Nelson, C. Ellis, ed, Congregations, Their Power to Form and
Transforn, Atlanta, John Knox Press, 1988<LI>
Pfeiffer, John E., The Creative Explosion, New York, Harper &
Row, 1982<LI>
Potthoff, Harvey, The Inner Life, Tennessee, Graded Press,
Snyder, Martha, Snyder, Ross, Snyder, Ross Jr., The Young Child
As Person, New York, Human Sciences Press, 1980<LI>
Snyder, Ross, Ministry of Meaning, Switzerland, Youth Departments
Of The World Council Of Churches, 1965<LI>
Snyder, Ross, Young People and Their Culture, Nashville, Abingdon
Press, 1969<LI>
Tillich, Paul, The Courage To Be, New Haven, Conn., Yale
University Press, 1952<LI>
Tillich, Paul, The Eternal Now, New York, Charles Scribner's
Sons, 1963<LI>
Wach, Joachim, The Comparitive Study of Religion, New York,
Columbia University Press, 1958<LI>
Westerhoff, John, Will Our Children Have Faith?, San Francisco,
Harper and Row, 1976<LI>
Calvin, William H., Ojemann, George A., Conversations With Neil's
Brain, Massachusetts, Addison-Weslley, 1994<LI>
Damasio, Antonio R., Descartes' Error, New York, G.P. Putnam's
Sons, 1994<LI><LI>
Dennett, Daniel C., Consciousness Explained, Boston, Little,
Brown and Company, 1991<LI>
Edelman, Gerald M., Bright Air, Brilliant Fire, New York, Basic
Books, 1992<LI>
Hearth, Erich, The Creative Loop, Reading, Massachusetts,
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1993<LI>
Hofstadter, Douglas R., Godel, Escher, Bacj: An Eternal Golden
Braid, New York, Vintage Books, 1979<LI>
Hofstader, Douglas R., & Dennett, Daniel C., The Mind's I, New
York, Bantam Books, 1981<LI>
Jaynes, Julian, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of
the Bicameral Mind, Boston, Haughton Mifflin, 1976<LI>
Jastrow, Robert, The Enchanted Loom: Mind In The Universe, New
York, Simon And Schuster, 1981<LI>
Ornstein, Robert, The Evolution Of Consciousness, New York,
Prentice Hall Press, 1991<LI>
Ornstein, Robert, The Roots Of The Self, New York, Harper San
Francisco, 1993<LI>
Wills, Christopher, The Runaway Brain, New York, Basic Books,
Gardner, Howard, Art, Mind and Brain, New York, Basic Books,
Gardner, Howard, Creating Minds, New York, Basic Books, 1993<LI>
Gardner, Howard, Frames of Mind, New York, Basic Books, 1983<LI>
Gardner, Howard, The Mind's New Science, New York, Basic Books,
Gardner, Howard, Multiple Intelligences, New York, Basic Books,
Gardner, Howard, The Unschooled Mind, New York, Basic Books,
Sternberg, Robert J., Human Abilities, New York, W.H. Freeman and
Company, 1985<LI>
<CENTER><B>Learning Theory</B></CENTER>
Buzan, Tony, Use Both Sides of your Brain, New York, E.P. Dutton,
Greene, Maxine, Landscapes Of Learning, New York, Teachers
College Press, 1978<LI>
Frisby, John P., Seeing, New York, Oxford University Press,
Gregory, R.L., Eye And Brain, New York, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, 1966<LI>
Kosslyn, Stephen M., Image and Brain, Massachusetts, Bradford
Book, 1994<LI>
Rivlin, Robert, Gravelle, Karen, Deciphering The Senses, New
York, Simon And Schuster, 1984<LI>
Locher, J. L., ed., The World or M. C. Escher, New York, Harry
Abrams Inc., 1971<LI>
Marr, David, Vision, San Fransisco, W. H. Freeman and Company,
Block, J. Richard,Yuker, Harold, Can You Believe Your Eyes?, New
York, Gardner Press, Inc., 1989<LI>
Ratner, Leonard G., The Musical Experience, New York, W.H.
Freeman And Company, 1983<LI>
Rock, Irvin, Perception, New York, Scientific American Books,
Samuels, Mike, Samuels, Nancy, Seeing With The Mind's Eye, New
York, Random House Bookworks Book, 1975<LI>
Shepard, Roger N., Cooper, Lynn A., Mental Images And Their
Transformations, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 1982<LI>
Storr, Anthony, Music and the Brain, New York, The Free Press,
1992 <LI>
<CENTER><B>Human Development</B></CENTER>
Coles, Robert, Eril H. Erikson, The Growth of His Work, Boston,
Little, Brown & Company, 1970<LI>
Erikson, Erik H., Childhood And Society, New York, W.W. Norton &
Company, 1963<LI>
Irwin, Paul, The Care and Counseling of Youth in the Church,
Philadelphia, Fortress Press, 1975<LI>
Phillips, John L., The Origins Of Intellect Piaget's Theory, San
Francisco, W.H. Freeman And Company, 1969<LI>
Salinger, J.D., The Catcher In The Rye, New York, Bantam Books,
Wilcox, Mary M., Developmental Journey, Nashville, Abingdon, 1979<LI>
Cooley, C. H., Human Nature and the Social Order, Scribner, New
York, 1902<LI>
McLuhan, Marshall, Understanding Media, New York, New American
Library, 1964<LI>
Schutz, Alfred, Collected Papers I, Netherlands, The Hague, 1964<LI>
Schutz, Alfred, Collected Papers II, Netherlands, The Hague, 1964<LI>
Sullivan, H.S.,Conceptions of Modern Psychiatry, New York,
Norton, 1953<LI>
<CENTER><B>Reference, General</B></CENTER>
Funk, Charles E., A Hog On Ice, New York, Harper Colophon Books,
Sesti, Giuseppe Maria, The Glorious Constellations, New York,
Harry N. Abrams Inc. Publishers, 1991<LI>
Snyder, George Sergeant, Maps of the Heavenss, New York,
Abbeville Press, 1984<LI>
Winn, Ralph B., A concise Dictionary Of Existentialism, New York,
Book Sales Inc., 1960<LI>
Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, Buttrick, George, Ed.,
Nashville, Abingdon Press, 1962<LI>
The Compact Oxford English Dictionary, Simpson & Weiner, eds.,
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1991<LI>
Stravinsky, Igor, Greeting Prelude, recorded by Stravinsky and
the Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Dec 17, 1963, Soney Classical
Compact Disk #SMK 46296, 1991<LI>