Amiga Plus Special 6
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1,051 lines
;$VER: IDEfix Install 46.2 (23.08.95)
;Copyright ©1993/1994/1995 Elaborate Bytes, Oliver Kastl
( set #ControlDefault 1 )
(makeassign "CacheCDFSInst" (safe))
(makeassign "CacheCDFS" (safe))
(set #autoMount 1)
(set #CDDevice_NC "CD0" )
(set #instEjectCD 1)
(set #ReplaceOld 1 )
(set #DeleteOld 1 )
(set #wbversion (getversion "libs:version.library"))
(set #wbversion (/ #wbversion 65536) )
(complete 0)
(if (< #wbversion 37)
(abort "\n\nAmigaDOS 2.04 or higher is required for CacheCDFS! "
"\n\nAn upgrade will be needed for your Amiga." )
(if (< (getdiskspace "SYS:") 61440)
(abort "\n\nApproximately 60K of disk space is needed on your SYS: volume."
"\n\nYou only have " (/ (getdiskspace "SYS:") 1024) "K free.\n\n"
"Delete or transfer some files from the SYS: volume and try again." )
(makeassign "CacheCDFSInst" "" ( safe) )
(set #theirlevel @user-level )
(set #Match ( run "CacheCDFSInst:CheckIDEfix" ( safe ) ) )
(user 2)
(message "\nWelcome to IDE-fix, CacheCDFS2, CD32-Emulator and PlayCD!"
"\n\nIMPORTANT: The name \"IDE-fix\" must be printed on your original disk!"
"\n\nIf you bought this program and \"IDE-fix\" is NOT printed "
"directly on the disk (e.g., the disk has a sticker or no label at all) "
"you are using a pirated copy!"
"\n\nIn this case please contact us immediately and tell us where you bought it! "
"Thank you!" )
(set #DefaultDir (tackon @default-dest "IDEfix"))
(set #CDFSDir
(prompt "\n\nSpecify the directory in which the support programs will be placed:" )
(help "\n\nIDE-fix and CacheCDFS contain a number of support programs. "
"This directory will specifiy where the programs will be placed. "
"If you need, create a separate directory for the files.")
(default #DefaultDir)
(user #theirlevel)
(if (NOT (exists #CDFSDir ))
(makedir #CDFSDir
(set @default-dest #CDFSDir)
(makeassign "CacheCDFS" #CDFSDir (safe))
(if (= #Match 0)
(prompt "This will copy the IDEfix program to your C: directory.")
(help "This will copy the IDEfix program to your C: directory.")
(source "CacheCDFSInst:C/IDEfix")
(dest "C:")
(prompt "This will copy the LoadIDE program to your C: directory.")
(help "This will copy the LoadIDE program to your C: directory.")
(source "CacheCDFSInst:C/LoadIDE")
(dest "C:")
(prompt "This will copy the MountIDE program to your C: directory.")
(help "This will copy the MountIDE program to your C: directory.")
(source "CacheCDFSInst:C/MountIDE")
(dest "C:")
(prompt "This will copy the Ship program to your C: directory.")
(help "This will copy the Ship program to your C: directory.")
(source "CacheCDFSInst:C/Ship")
(dest "C:")
(prompt "This will copy the AutoPark program to your C: directory.")
(help "This will copy the AutoPark program to your C: directory.")
(source "CacheCDFSInst:C/AutoPark")
(dest "C:")
(prompt "This will copy Icons for the Ship, Autopark and MountIDE programs "
"to your Harddisk. You can copy these Icons wherever you like, e.g. in your "
"SYS:WBStartUp drawer.")
(help "This will copy Icons for the Ship, Autopark and MountIDE programs "
"to your Harddisk. You can copy these Icons wherever you like, e.g. in your "
"SYS:WBStartUp drawer.")
(source "CacheCDFSInst:Harddisk")
(dest "CacheCDFS:Harddisk")
(user 2)
(message "IDEfix, LoadIDE, MountIDE, AutoPark and Ship are installed in your C: "
"directory. You must start IDEfix manually, as this program "
"will NOT alter your startup-sequence! "
"\n\nEnter \"IDEfix\" or \"LoadIDE reset\" behind SetPatch in your startup-sequence "
"to use IDEfix! "
"\n\nUse \"Ship <unit>\" from the CLI to park your harddisk!"
"\nUse \"MountIDE force\" from the CLI to mount additional SyQuest cartridges!"
"\n\nClick PROCEED to install CacheCDFS and/or ATAPI. Click ABORT to quit.")
(user 2)
(message "\n\nNow the FindCD program will be launched to find "
"the Device and Unit of your CD-Rom..."
"\n\nYou may let the program scan for CD-Roms by clicking \"SCAN\"."
"\n\nChoose the device and unit and click \"USE\"!"
"\n\nIf FindCD hangs: Reboot, start the installation again and "
"click CANCEL within FindCD!")
(working "\n\nLaunching the FindCD program to find "
"the Device and Unit of your CD-Rom..."
"\n\nYou may let the program scan for CD-Roms by clicking \"SCAN\"."
"\n\nChoose the device and unit and click \"USE\"!"
"\n\nIf FindCD hangs: Reboot, start the installation again and "
"click CANCEL within FindCD!")
(set #Product ( run "CacheCDFSInst:FindCD PATH=CacheCDFSInst:Devs add" ( safe ) ) )
(if ( NOT (= #Product 0) )
(set #CDROM_Device
(prompt "\n\nWhat is the name for the exec device driver? " )
(default "scsi.device" )
(help "\n\nThis is the name of the device driver to use. "
"The name is different for different configurations. "
"\n\nConsult the manual of your SCSI/CD-Rom host adapter "
"if you don't know the name!" )
(set #CDROM_Unit
(prompt "\n\nWhat is the Unit number of your CD-Rom drive?" )
(default 5 )
(help "\n\nThis is the unit # of the CD-Rom drive. This is usually a "
"numerical value between 0 and 7." )
(if (= #Product 0 )
( set #CDROM_Device (getenv "CDROM_Device" ))
( set #CDROM_Unit (+ (getenv "CDROM_Unit" )))
( set #SourcePath (tackon "CacheCDFSInst:devs" #CDROM_Device))
(user #theirlevel)
(if (exists #SourcePath )
(prompt "This will copy the " #CDROM_Device " to your DEVS: directory.")
(help "This will copy the " #CDROM_Device " to your DEVS: directory.")
(source #SourcePath)
(dest "DEVS:")
(set #DevFlags 0)
(set #Match ( run "CacheCDFSInst:MatchPattern NAME="#CDROM_Device" PATTERN=(tandemat#?|#?atapi#?)" ( safe ) ) )
(if (= #Match 0)
(prompt "This will copy the SetAtapiSpeed program to your C: directory.")
(help "This will copy the SetAtapiSpeed program to your C: directory.")
(source "CacheCDFSInst:C/SetAtapiSpeed")
(dest "C:")
(set #DevFlags 1)
(set #Match ( run "CacheCDFSInst:MatchPattern NAME="#CDROM_Device" PATTERN=(tandem#?|#?atapi#?|oktagon#?)" ( safe ) ) )
(if (= #Match 0)
((set #ControlDefault 2))
(set #Match ( run "CacheCDFSInst:MatchPattern NAME="#CDROM_Device" PATTERN=(scsi.#?|???.scsi.#?)" ( safe ) ) )
(if (= #Match 0)
((set #ControlDefault 5))
(if (= #CDROM_Device "gvpscsi.device")
((set #ControlDefault 8))
(complete 20 )
(user 2)
(set #ControlMask
(prompt "FileSystem -> Controller Configuration")
(choices "Use SCSI Direct"
"Use Diskchange Interrupt"
"Use 24 Bit-DMA"
"Use Motor off" )
(help "Here You may define the behaviour of the CacheCDFS accessing the "
#CDROM_Device ". If you are "
"not sure what option is correct, leave the default settings as they "
"are. They should work in most cases.\n"
"These options may later be altered using the CDFSprefs program. "
"However, wrong settings may lead to crashes if you mount the "
"\"Use SCSI Direct\"\n"
"Choose this option if the SCSI controller using "
#CDROM_Device " cannot handle DoIO reads with 2048 bytes sectorsize "
"correctly (e.g. ALFII, controllers from Progressive Peripherals, Emplant).\n"
"Do NOT choose this option if your controller is a modern, well designed "
"SCSI controller (ALFIII, Oktagon, A2091, A3000, A4091) or if it is "
"NO SCSI controller at all (TandemCD)!\n\n"
"\"Use Diskchange Interrupt\"\n"
"Choose this option if the controller using "
#CDROM_Device " does properly handle TD_ADDCHANGEINT and TD_REMCHANGEINT. "
"All modern controllers should do this (ALFIII, Oktagon, TandemCD, "
"GVP Series-II)\n"
"Do NOT choose this option if your controller has problems with diskchange "
"Interrupts (old ROM versions of A2091, A3000, A4091, controllers from "
"Progressive Peripherals, Emplant)\n\n"
"\"Use 24 Bit-DMA\"\n"
"Choose this option if the SCSI or CD controller using "
#CDROM_Device " is a 24-Bit (Zorro II) DMA device "
"(e.g. A2091 from Commodore).\n"
"Do NOT choose this option if your controller is a 32-Bit "
"(Zorro III) device (e.g. FastLane, A3000, A4091), or a non-DMA controller "
"like the majority of controllers (e.g. ALFII/III, Oktagon, "
"TandemCD, Golem, IVS TrumpCard, Supra) as it will lead to "
"decreased performance!\n\n"
"\"Use Motor off\"\n"
"Choose this option if the SCSI controller using "
#CDROM_Device " is a GVP controller with \"Faaast\" roms.\n"
"Do NOT choose this option if your controller is anything else."
(default #ControlDefault)
(set #BufMemType "1 /* MEMF_PUBLIC */\n" )
(set #BufMemInt 1 )
(if (IN #ControlMask 2)
(set #BufMemType "513 /* MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_24BITDMA */\n")
(set #BufMemInt 513 )
(set #Control "\"MD=0 LC=1 DC=8 L LV AL LFC=1")
(if (IN #ControlMask 0)
(set #Control (cat #Control " S"))
(if (NOT (IN #ControlMask 1))
(set #Control (cat #Control " NC"))
(if (IN #ControlMask 3)
(set #Control (cat #Control " M"))
(set #Control (cat #Control "\"\n"))
(set #autoMount
(prompt "\n\nWould you like the CD-Rom drive automatically mounted upon bootup?\n\n"
"NOTE: If you are unsure if your controller will work correctly with "
"the controller settings, you should select \"NO\"!" )
(help "\n\nIf you would like, the appropriate commands will be added to your user-startup file to automatically mount CacheCDFS.")
(default 1)
(if #autoMount
(set #mountDirectory "DEVS:DOSDrivers")
(if (not #autoMount)
(set #mountDirectory "SYS:Storage/DOSDrivers")
(set #CDDevice_NC
(prompt "\n\nWhat is the name for the AmigaDOS device?\n\n"
"(The trailing colon MUST NOT be present)"
(default #CDDevice_NC )
(help "\n\nThis is the name under which AmigaDOS will reference the "
"CD-Rom as. While usually "
", it can be any name you choose. "
"\n\nThe trailing : (colon) MUST NOT be present." )
(set #CDDevice (cat #CDDevice_NC ":") )
(user #theirlevel)
(if (exists "CacheCDFSInst:C/Mount")
(source "CacheCDFSInst:C/Mount")
(dest "C:")
(protect "l:CacheCDFS" "rwed" )
(prompt "\n\nCopying CDROM FileSystem to the l: directory.\n" )
(source "CacheCDFSInst:l/CacheCDFS")
(dest "l:")
(help "\n\nThis will copy over the CDROM FileSystem program to your "
"l: directory\n\nThis is an essential step in the installation "
"process." )
(if (exists "L:TandemCacheCDFS" )
((set #DeleteOld
(prompt "\n\n\"L:TandemCacheCDFS\" is present from an earlier installation."
"\n\nDelete \"L:TandemCacheCDFS\" ?" )
(help "\n\nClick \"YES\" if \"L:TandemCacheCDFS\" should be "
"deleted and \"NO\" if not!")
(default 1)
(if #DeleteOld
((protect "L:TandemCacheCDFS" "rwed" )
(delete "L:TandemCacheCDFS" )
(if (exists "L:DemoCacheCDFS" )
((set #DeleteOld
(prompt "\n\n\"L:DemoCacheCDFS\" is present from an earlier installation."
"\n\nDelete \"L:DemoCacheCDFS\" ?" )
(help "\n\nClick \"YES\" if \"L:DemoCacheCDFS\" should be "
"deleted and \"NO\" if not!")
(default 1)
(if #DeleteOld
((protect "L:DemoCacheCDFS" "rwed" )
(delete "L:DemoCacheCDFS" )
(complete 30 )
(if (< #wbversion 38)
((set #startupCommand (cat "mount " #CDDevice " from devs:MountList." #CDDevice_NC "\n") )
(if #autoMount
((protect "S:User-Sequence" "srwed" )
(startup "CacheCDFS"
(command #startupCommand )
(prompt "\n\nInserting MOUNT command into the startup-sequence")
(help "\n\nThe command \"MOUNT " #CDDevice " FROM DEVS:MOUNTLIST." #CDDevice_NC "\" is being inserted into your "
"\"S:Startup-Sequence\" or \"S:User-Startup\" file to "
"automatically start CacheCDFS upon bootup." )
(if (not #autoMount)
((protect "S:User-Sequence" "srwed" )
(startup "CacheCDFS"
(prompt "\n\nRemoving MOUNT command from the startup-sequence")
(help "\n\nThe command \"MOUNT " #CDDevice " FROM DEVS:MOUNTLIST." #CDDevice_NC "\" will be removed from your "
"\"S:Startup-Sequence\" or \"S:User-Startup\" file because you didn't "
"want to automatically start CacheCDFS upon bootup." )
(if (exists (cat "devs:MountList." #CDDevice_NC ) )
((set #ReplaceOld
(prompt "\n\nDEVS:MountList." #CDDevice_NC" already exists!\n\n"
"Do you want to replace it?" )
(help "\n\nClick \"YES\" if DEVS:MountList."#CDDevice_NC" should be "
"replaced and \"NO\" if not!")
(default 1)
(if #ReplaceOld
((protect (cat "devs:MountList." #CDDevice_NC) "rwed" )
(dest (cat "devs:MountList." #CDDevice_NC) )
(append "/***************************************************************/\n"
"/* CacheCDFS mountlist entry © 1993 Elaborate Bytes, O. Kastl */\n"
(append #CDDevice "\n")
(append " FileSystem = L:CacheCDFS /* The name of the game */\n" )
(append " Device = \""#CDROM_Device"\" /* Name of exec device driver */\n" )
(append " Unit = "#CDROM_Unit" /* exec device unit */\n" )
(append " Flags = " #DevFlags " /* OpenDevice flags */\n")
(append " BlocksPerTrack = 351000 /* Unused */\n")
(append " BlockSize = 2048 /* True, but unused */\n")
(append " Mask = 0x7ffffffe /* Memory mask for direct read */\n")
(append " MaxTransfer = 0x100000 /* Maximum amount of bytes for direct read */\n")
(append " Reserved = 0 /* Unused */\n")
(append " Interleave = 0 /* Unused */\n")
(append " LowCyl = 0 /* Unused */\n")
(append " HighCyl = 0 /* Unused */\n")
(append " Surfaces = 1 /* Unused */\n")
(append " Buffers = 50 /* Number of cache lines */\n")
(append " BufMemType = " #BufMemType )
(append " GlobVec = -1 /* Do not change! */\n")
(append " Mount = 1 /* Mount it immediately */\n")
(append " Priority = 10 /* Priority of FileSystem task */\n")
(append " DosType = 0x43443031 /* Currently unused */\n")
(append " StackSize = 3000 /* Minimum stack required is 3000! */\n")
(append " Control = "#Control)
(append " /* The Control field is for special adjustments */\n")
(append " /* L/S convert all file names to lowercase */\n")
(append " /* LV/S convert volume names to lowercase */\n")
(append " /* AL/S Auto-Lower converts only non-Amiga CDs */\n")
(append " /* LFC/N start converting at this character */\n")
(append " /* LC/N/A number of blocks per cache line */\n")
(append " /* DC/N/A number of cache lines for the data cache */\n")
(append " /* MD/N/A number of blocks, when starting direct read, not using */\n")
(append " /* the cache. 0 will be a reasonable default (LC*DC+1) */\n")
(append " /* S/S Do SCSI direct commands, no Trackdisk like commands! */\n")
(append " /* NC/S Do NOT use TD_ADDCHANGEINT, poll for DiskChange! */\n")
(append " /* M/S Issue a TD_MOTOR (OFF) command after read */\n")
(append "#\n")
(protect (cat "devs:MountList." #CDDevice_NC) "-e" )
(if (> #wbversion 37)
(if (exists "CacheCDFSInst:C/SetPatch")
(source "CacheCDFSInst:C/SetPatch")
(dest "C:")
(if (exists (tackon #mountDirectory #CDDevice_NC ) )
((set #ReplaceOld
(prompt "\n\n" (tackon #mountDirectory #CDDevice_NC) " already exists!\n\n"
"Do you want to replace it?" )
(help "\n\nClick \"YES\" if " (tackon #mountDirectory #CDDevice_NC) " should be "
"replaced and \"NO\" if not!")
(default 1)
(if #ReplaceOld
((protect (tackon #mountDirectory #CDDevice_NC) "rwed" )
(dest (tackon #mountDirectory #CDDevice_NC) )
(append "/***************************************************************/\n"
"/* CacheCDFS mountlist entry © 1993 Elaborate Bytes, O. Kastl */\n"
(append " FileSystem = L:CacheCDFS /* The name of the game */\n" )
(append " Device = \""#CDROM_Device"\" /* Name of exec device driver */\n" )
(append " Unit = "#CDROM_Unit" /* exec device unit */\n" )
(append " Flags = " #DevFlags " /* OpenDevice flags */\n")
(append " BlocksPerTrack = 351000 /* Unused */\n")
(append " BlockSize = 2048 /* True, but unused */\n")
(append " Mask = 0x7ffffffe /* Memory mask for direct read */\n")
(append " MaxTransfer = 0x100000 /* Maximum amount of bytes for direct read */\n")
(append " Reserved = 0 /* Unused */\n")
(append " Interleave = 0 /* Unused */\n")
(append " LowCyl = 0 /* Unused */\n")
(append " HighCyl = 0 /* Unused */\n")
(append " Surfaces = 1 /* Unused */\n")
(append " Buffers = 50 /* Number of cache lines */\n")
(append " BufMemType = " #BufMemType )
(append " GlobVec = -1 /* Do not change! */\n")
(append " Mount = 1 /* Mount it immediately */\n")
(append " Priority = 10 /* Priority of FileSystem task */\n")
(append " DosType = 0x43443031 /* Currently unused */\n")
(append " StackSize = 3000 /* Minimum stack required is 3000! */\n")
(append " Control = "#Control)
(append " /* The Control field is for special adjustments */\n")
(append " /* L/S convert all file/volume names to lowercase */\n")
(append " /* LV/S convert volume names to lowercase */\n")
(append " /* AL/S Auto-Lower converts only non-Amiga CDs */\n")
(append " /* LFC/N start converting at this character */\n")
(append " /* LC/N/A number of blocks per cache line */\n")
(append " /* DC/N/A number of cache lines for the data cache */\n")
(append " /* MD/N/A number of blocks, when starting direct read, not using */\n")
(append " /* the cache. 0 will be a reasonable default (LC*DC+1) */\n")
(append " /* S/S Do SCSI direct commands, no Trackdisk like commands! */\n")
(append " /* NC/S Do NOT use TD_ADDCHANGEINT, poll for DiskChange! */\n")
(append " /* M/S Issue a TD_MOTOR (OFF) command after read */\n")
(protect (tackon #mountDirectory #CDDevice_NC) "-e" )
(prompt "\n\nCopying Mountlist icon")
(source "CacheCDFSInst:Devs/DOSDrivers/CD0.info")
(dest #mountDirectory)
(newname (cat #CDDevice_NC ".info"))
(help "\n\nThis will copy over an icon for the mountlist file.")
(protect "S:User-Sequence" "srwed" )
(startup "CacheCDFS"
(prompt "\n\nRemoving MOUNT command from the startup-sequence")
(help "\n\nThe command \"MOUNT " #CDDevice " FROM DEVS:MOUNTLIST." #CDDevice_NC "\" will be removed from your "
"\"S:Startup-Sequence\" or \"S:User-Startup\" file if it is present from "
"an earlier installation." )
(if ( exists ( cat "devs:MountList." #CDDevice_NC ) )
((protect (cat "devs:MountList." #CDDevice_NC) "rwed " )
(delete (cat "devs:MountList." #CDDevice_NC)
(prompt "\n\nDeleting file \"DEVS:MOUNTLIST." #CDDevice_NC "\"" )
(help "\n\nThe file \"DEVS:MOUNTLIST." #CDDevice_NC "\" will be deleted "
"if it is present from an earlier installation." )
(complete 40 )
(set #instCDFSprefs
(prompt "\n\nShould the CDFSprefs utility be installed?")
(help "\n\nThis will copy over the CDFSprefs utility "
"to your SYS:Prefs directory\n\nIf you do not "
"wish the CDFSprefs program to be transferred to your system, "
"skip this step.\n" )
(default 1)
(if #instCDFSprefs
((protect "CacheCDFS:CDFSprefs" "rwed" )
(protect "CacheCDFS:CDFSprefs.info" "rwed" )
(prompt "\n\nCopying the CDFSprefs program to the "
"SYS:Prefs directory." )
(source "CacheCDFSInst:CDFSprefs")
(dest "SYS:Prefs")
(help "\n\nThis will copy over the CDFSprefs "
"program to your SYS:Prefs directory\n\nIf you do not "
"wish the CDFSprefs program to be transferred to your system, "
"skip this step." )
(dest "SYS:Prefs/CDFSprefs" )
(complete 60 )
(set #instKillDev
(prompt "\n\nShould the KillDev utility be installed?")
(help "\n\nThis will copy over the KillDev utility "
"to your CacheCDFS directory\n\nIf you do not "
"wish the KillDev program to be transferred to your system, "
"skip this step." )
(default 1)
(if #instKillDev
((protect "CacheCDFS:KillDev" "rwed" )
(protect "CacheCDFS:KillDev.info" "rwed" )
(prompt "\n\nCopying the KillDev program to the "
"CacheCDFS: directory.\n" )
(source "CacheCDFSInst:KillDev")
(dest "CacheCDFS:")
(help "\n\nThis will copy over the KillDev "
"program to your CacheCDFS: directory\n\nIf you do not "
"wish the KillDev program to be transferred to your system, "
"skip this step." )
(dest "CacheCDFS:KillDev" )
(settooltype "DOSDEV" #CDDevice )
(set #instFindCD
(prompt "\n\nShould the FindCD utility be installed?")
(help "\n\nThis will copy over the FindCD utility "
"to your CacheCDFS directory\n\nIf you do not "
"wish the FindCD program to be transferred to your system, "
"skip this step." )
(default 1)
(if #instFindCD
((protect "CacheCDFS:FindCD" "rwed" )
(protect "CacheCDFS:FindCD.info" "rwed" )
(prompt "\n\nCopying the FindCD program to the "
"CacheCDFS: directory.\n" )
(source "CacheCDFSInst:FindCD")
(dest "CacheCDFS:")
(help "\n\nThis will copy over the FindCD "
"program to your CacheCDFS: directory\n\nIf you do not "
"wish the FindCD program to be transferred to your system, "
"skip this step." )
(dest "CacheCDFS:FindCD" )
(complete 70 )
(if #instEjectCD
(set #instEjectCD
(prompt "\n\nShould the EjectCD utility be installed?")
(help "\n\nThis will copy over the EjectCD utility "
"to your CDFS directory\n\nIf you do not "
"wish the EjectCD program to be transferred to your system, "
"skip this step.\n" )
(default 1)
(if #instEjectCD
((protect "CacheCDFS:EjectCD" "rwed" )
(protect "CacheCDFS:EjectCD.info" "rwed" )
(prompt "\n\nCopying EjectCD program to the "
"CacheCDFS: directory.\n" )
(source "CacheCDFSInst:EjectCD")
(dest "CacheCDFS:")
(help "\n\nThis will copy over the EjectCD utility "
"to your CacheCDFS directory\n\nIf you do not "
"wish the EjectCD program to be transferred to your system, "
"skip this step.\n" )
(dest "CacheCDFS:EjectCD" )
(settooltype "DEVICE" #CDROM_Device )
(settooltype "UNIT" ("%ld" #CDROM_Unit ))
(set #instPlayCD 0)
(if (exists "CacheCDFSInst:PlayCD.lha")
((set #instPlayCD
(prompt "\n\nShould the PlayCD Audio Player be installed?")
(help "\n\nThis will copy over the PlayCD drawer "
"to your CacheCDFS directory\n\nIf you do not "
"wish the PlayCD drawer to be transferred to your system, "
"skip this step." )
(default 1)
(if #instPlayCD
(working "\n\nDecrunching PlayCD...."
"\n\nPlease Wait!")
( if (NOT @pretend )
(( if ( run "CacheCDFSInst:c/lhex -afFqw=CacheCDFS: e CacheCDFSInst:PlayCD.lha" )
(abort "\n\nUnable to decrunch PlayCD!")
(dest "CacheCDFS:PlayCD/PlayCD" )
(settooltype "DEVICE" #CDROM_Device )
(settooltype "UNIT" ("%ld" #CDROM_Unit ))
(settooltype "BUFMEMTYPE" ("%ld" #BufMemInt ))
(complete 80 )
(set #instJukebox 0)
(if (exists "CacheCDFSInst:JukeBox.lha")
((set #instJukebox
(prompt "\n\nShould the JukeBox Audio Player be installed?")
(help "\n\nThis will copy over the JukeBox drawer "
"to your CacheCDFS directory\n\nIf you do not "
"wish the JukeBox drawer to be transferred to your system, "
"skip this step." )
(default 1)
(if #instJukebox
(protect "CacheCDFS:JukeBox" "rwed" )
(protect "CacheCDFS:JukeBox.info" "rwed" )
(makedir "CacheCDFS:JukeBox"
(prompt "\n\nCreating drawer for JukeBox\n")
(help "\n\nThis will create a drawer for the JukeBox "
"Audio Player." )
(working "\n\nDecrunching Jukebox...."
"\n\nPlease Wait!")
( if (NOT @pretend )
(( if ( run "CacheCDFSInst:c/lhex -qafFw=CacheCDFS:Jukebox e CacheCDFSInst:JukeBox.lha" )
(makeassign "JukeBox")
(abort "\n\nUnable to decrunch JukeBox!")
(dest "CacheCDFS:Jukebox/JukeBox" )
(settooltype "DEVICE" #CDROM_Device )
(settooltype "UNIT" ("%ld" #CDROM_Unit ))
(set #instYACDP 0)
(if (AND (AND (exists "CacheCDFSInst:YACDP.lha") (exists "CacheCDFSInst:LIBS/reqtools.library")) (= #DevFlags 0))
((set #instYACDP
(prompt "\n\nShould the YACDP Audio Player be installed?")
(help "\n\nThis will copy over the YACDP drawer "
"to your CacheCDFS directory\n\nIf you do not "
"wish the YACDP drawer to be transferred to your system, "
"skip this step." )
(default 1)
(if #instYACDP
(protect "LIBS:reqtools.library" "rwed" )
(source "CacheCDFSInst:LIBS/reqtools.library")
(dest "LIBS:"))
(working "\n\nDecrunching YACDP...."
"\n\nPlease Wait!")
( if (NOT @pretend )
(( if ( run "CacheCDFSInst:c/lhex -afFqw=CacheCDFS: e CacheCDFSInst:YACDP.lha" )
(abort "\n\nUnable to decrunch YACDP!")
(dest "CacheCDFS:YACDP/YACDP" )
(settooltype "DEVICE" #CDROM_Device )
(settooltype "UNIT" ("%ld" #CDROM_Unit ))
(if (AND (> #wbversion 38) (exists "CacheCDFSInst:CD32.lha"))
((complete 90 )
(set #instCD32
(prompt "\n\nShould the CD32-Emulator be installed?"
"\n\nNote that the CD32-Emulator is completely useless "
"if you don't have an Amiga with AA/AGA chipset and "
"at least Kickstart version 3.0!")
(help "\n\nThis will copy over the CD32 drawer "
"to your CacheCDFS directory\n\nIf you do not "
"wish the CD32 drawer to be transferred to your system, "
"skip this step.")
(default 1)
(if #instCD32
(working "\n\nDecrunching CD32...."
"\n\nPlease Wait!")
( if (NOT @pretend )
(( if ( run "CacheCDFSInst:c/lhex -afFqw=CacheCDFS: e CacheCDFSInst:CD32.lha" )
(abort "\n\nUnable to decrunch CD32!")
(if (exists "CacheCDFSInst:CD32" )
(prompt "This will copy the CD32 program.")
(help "This will copy the CD32 program.")
(source "CacheCDFSInst:CD32")
(dest "CacheCDFS:CD32")
( set #CDROM_Blocks 2 )
(if (= #CDROM_Device "tandemcd.device")
( set #CDROM_Blocks 4 )
(if (= #CDROM_Device "tandemat.device")
( set #CDROM_Blocks 4 )
(if (= #CDROM_Device "tandemcd_pcmcia.device")
( set #CDROM_Blocks 4 )
(if (= #CDROM_Device "tandemcd_come.device")
( set #CDROM_Blocks 4 )
(dest "CacheCDFS:CD32/CD32" )
(settooltype "BLOCKS" ("%ld" #CDROM_Blocks ) )
(settooltype "DOSDEV" #CDDevice_NC)
(set #instInst
(prompt "\n\nShould the Installer utility be installed?"
"\n\nNote that you only need to install the Installer "
"utility if you don't have it already installed on "
"your harddisk in your actual path!")
(help "\n\nThis will copy over the Installer utility "
"to your CD32 directory\n\nIf you do not "
"wish the Installer utility to be transferred to your system, "
"skip this step." )
(default 1)
(if #instInst
(source "CacheCDFSInst:Installer")
(dest "CacheCDFS:CD32")
(complete 100 )
(set #doMount
(prompt "\n\nMount " #CDDevice " now ?")
(help "Select, if " #CDDevice " should be mounted now, or not.")
(default 1)
(set #MountError 0)
( if @pretend ((set #doMount 0)))
(if #doMount
(run (cat "CacheCDFSInst:KillDev " #CDDevice " Quiet"))
(if (< #wbversion 38)
(set #MountError
(run (cat "C:Mount " #CDDevice " from devs:MountList." #CDDevice_NC ))
(if (> #wbversion 37)
(set #MountError
(run (cat "C:Mount " #CDDevice ))
(if #MountError
(message "\n\nMounting " #CDDevice " failed!")
(makeassign "CacheCDFSInst" (safe))
(makeassign "CacheCDFS" (safe))