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- Palladam Tamil Font
- Copyright (c) 1989, 1990 T. Govindaraj, +1 404 325 7446,
- tg@chmsr.gatech.edu
- File name: Palladam.Readme, 90.7.18, 16:15 Hrs, EDT.
- Instructions for use of the font on a Macintosh computer
- (The Key Map file shows the mappings of the keys and uses Courier
- and
- Palladam fonts.)
- Palladam.bmap contains the bitmaps. Use Font/DA Mover to add the
- Palladam Tamil Font to your System.
- Drag the icon that shows the number 1 (on a sheet of paper at an
- angle)
- on top of a laser printer (with the name Palla) into the System Folder
- for use by PostScript-compatible printer.
- Notes and Suggestions
- Please see the file Palladam.Copyright for a brief history and
- copyright information.
- "Palladam" was developed using Fontographer, which generates the
- bitmaps as well as the necessary PostScript files.
- The screen bitmap fonts are not very "pretty". However, they print
- nicely on a laser printer. They should also print reasonably well on
- an Imagewriter. For ease of use while you are in a word processor, I
- recommend that you type using Size 18, and print using Size 10 or
- 12. (The letters of the same size look larger for Palladam than for
- other fonts. Therefore, size 12, for instance, requires more space
- than a size 12 Courier or other font. This has not been a problem
- for me. I normally print in 10 or 12 size, and use 1 1/2 spacing.)
- I do have a bitmap font (written using Fontastic Plus) that I may
- decide to distribute (under the same conditions, free) after I fix
- some inconsistencies. That font "looks" nicer on the screen.
- Keyboard mappings
- Tamil letters have been mapped to English letters by sound and/or
- type
- (vowels or consonants). While I have mapped most letters to letters
- normally used for them, (e.g., z for zh), the letters Q, W, X, and B
- (as well as [ and ]) have been used somewhat arbitrarily. My
- justification is that I had to find some letters and the ones I found
- were the most convenient.
- Back quote (`) is used for the dot required for the consonants.
- Option and Shift Option keys are used to represent the conjugations
- of consonants with vowels.
- Option-<number> are used for most combinations, with Option-7 and
- Option-8 used for (d + i) and (d + i_) respectively.
- Option-1,2,3,4,5,6,and 9 are used for the additions required for
- i, i_, e, e_, ai, a_, and ai (traditional form).
- Option-<letter> is used for the combination <consonant + u>, with
- exceptions shown above (nu as in Bhanu = option [ (try [[ if a
- single [ does nothing), nu as in anu (atom) = option-/,
- nu as in nurai (foam) = shift-option-n).
- Shift-Option-<letter> is used for the combination <consonant + u_>,
- with the exception shown above (nu_ as in nu_l (book, thread) =
- shift-option-o).
- Some words and symbols have been adapted from the following
- sources.
- Kazhakath Thamizh Agarathi, June 1985
- T. Burrow and M. B. Emeneau (1984). A Dravidian Etymological
- Dictionary,
- Second Edition, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
- a (amma / mother) a (option a = +a; +a = kaal)
- a_ (a_lamaram / banyan) sh a A (a_ = a underbar)
- i (ilai / leaf) i
- i_ (i_ / fly) sh i I
- u (ural / mortar) u
- u_ (u_si / needle) sh u U
- e (eli / rat) e
- e_ (e_ni / ladder) sh e E
- ai (aindhu / 5) option i i
- o (ottakam / camel) o
- o_ (o_nayy / wolf) sh o O
- au (auvvai / the poetess) option i o
- ah (ehhu / steel) f
- k (kappal / ship) k
- ng (singam / lion) g
- c (sangu / conch) c
- n~ (gnayiru / sun) w
- t. (padam / picture) d
- n (kinaru / well) ] * (option /)
- th (thavalai / frog) t
- n (nandu / crab) n * (sh opt n = nu; sh op o = nuu)
- p (pambaram / top) p
- m (mayil / peacock) m
- y (yanai / elephant) y
- r (raja / king) r
- l (valai / net) l
- v (vandi / cart) v
- zh (pazham / fruit) z
- l.. (vilakku / lamp q (l over one or two dots)
- rr (paravai / bird) b
- n (maan / deer) [ * (option [ [)
- h (hari) h
- j (raja) j
- s (swami) s
- sh (shankara) x
- xsh (laxshmi) none
- Trademark Inforamtion
- Imagewriter, LaserWriter, and Macintosh are trademarks of
- Apple Computer.
- Fontographer and Fontastic Plus are trademarks of Altsys
- Corporation.
- PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc.
- Acknowledgements
- The incentive for writing this font has been my mother. She never
- asked that I write her using a computer, but I wanted to do it
- anyway! Though my folks would prefer to see my handwriting
- rather
- than some mechanized version of it, they have gotten used to it and
- even seem to like it (or not mind it). I thank everyone in my
- family, in the US and in India. They deserve all the credit, and I
- accept any blame (or is it the other way around?!).
- ------ (mike d was here!) ---------
- Palladam Tamil Font
- Copyright (c) 1989, 1990 T. Govindaraj, +1 404 325 7446,
- tg@chmsr.gatech.edu
- File name: Palladam.Copyright, 90.7.9, 20:30 Hrs, EDT
- Palladam is a Type 1 Tamil font generated using Fontographer.
- Palladam Tamil Font is free. You are free to use it and free to
- distribute it on a free basis. Palladam Tamil Font is NOT in the
- public domain; it is copyrighted by its author, T. Govindaraj,
- 1752, Crestline Court, Atlanta, Georgia 30345.
- Background and a brief history
- I (T. Govindaraj) wrote this font over a period of about a year.
- It has been modified almost continuously. Since I could not find
- a commercially available font that I liked, I decided to create
- one. It took a rather long time since my professorial responsibilities
- in the top industrial and systems engineering program in the US left
- me with little spare time. While there is always room for
- improvement,
- I decided to release the font at this time (July 1990) since it appears
- usable at the current state of its development.
- The font is named after the little town where I come from. I am
- actually from a "suburb" of Palladam.
- Since my background is engineering and not linguistics or Tamil
- literature, I had to use letter mappings that seemed reasonable.
- I am open to suggestions concerning mappings that may be more
- appropriate. However, I do not know when I will be able to make
- any major changes.
- Even though the font was developed on an Apple Macintosh II, it is
- very unlikely that I will do more work on a Mac font. While I was
- an admirer and promoter of the user interface philosophy
- popularized
- by Apple, I have been extremely unhappy with Apple's attitude
- concerning the "look and feel" issue and their legal "maneuvers".
- As a past user of Xerox lisp machines and a current user of Sun and
- NeXT machines, I have not been happy with what Apple is doing. I
- do
- not plan to recommend or purchase any more Apple computers until
- Apple adopts a more egalitarian attitude.
- I am an admirer and supporter of the Free Software Foundation
- (FSF). I plan to develop the Palladam Tamil Font into ghostscript
- compatible form and turn over complete control to FSF. In the
- meantime,
- I have decided to retain the copyright and impose minimal
- restrictions
- on the use and distribution of Palladam Tamil Font. The restrictions
- and terms are in the spirit of GNU General Public License from FSF.
- Versions of this font for other computers and operating systems
- may become available at some later date.
- If you like and use this font, I would recommend a donation to the
- Free Software Foundation at the following address:
- Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 675 Massachusetts Avenue
- Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
- (Your donations to FSF are tax deductible.)
- I list below two restrictions. If you have any questions about the
- use or distribution of this font or suggestions, please contact me
- via e-mail or telephone (tg@chmsr.gatech.edu, +1 404 325 7446).
- (1) You should not receive any money from anyone who gets
- a copy of the font from you, except for nominal charges
- to cover the cost of media and postal expenses.
- I encourage distribution via appropriate networks.
- (2) Any fonts derived from this font, for use on any
- hardware and/or with any free or commercial software,
- will also be available under the same terms as this font,
- subject to the current US copyright laws governing software.
- (3) Any distribution of this font in any form will be accompanied
- by this notice in its entirety.
- No warranty
- Palladam Tamil Font is licensed free of charge and I provide
- absolutely no warranty. You use the font entirely at your own
- risk. The author, T. Govindaraj, or anyone who distributes this
- font under the terms mentioned above is not liable for any losses
- or damages resulting from the use of this font.
- I, T. Govindaraj, reserve the right to make any changes in the terms
- and conditions under which this font or any derivatives are
- distributed to the extent permitted by the copyright laws of the
- United States of America or the Berne Convention, whichever is
- deemed the most beneficial to humanity.
- Manifest
- The font is distributed in three files. One file contains the
- bitmaps, the second contains the PostScript font required by the
- Apple
- LaserWriter, and the third (Palladam.Readme) is a file that describes
- the keyboard mappings and instructions for using the fonts on a Mac.
- A fourth file that contains the key mappings in Courier and Palladam
- fonts may also be distributed.
- Trademark Inforamtion
- Apple LaserWriter, and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple
- Computer.
- Fontographer is a trademark of Altsys Corporation.
- PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc.