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- Comments or questions can be addressed to Elizabeth Swoope Johnston at
- CI$ ID 76436,2426 or GEnie E.JOHNSTON6.
- RRKeyCaps and the matching RRKeyLetters are designed specifically
- for use in computer documentation and tutorial material for PC-
- compatibles. I have written hundreds of pages of those materials,
- and I created both fonts after being frustrated with the keycap
- fonts that currently are available to Windows users.
- These keycap and keyletter typefaces are plain 2-D characters that
- print well and are readable at standard body text sizes (10-12
- points). They can be printed at sizes as small as 6 pts. and still
- be readable. Because they lack embellishments like 3-D or drop
- shadows, they are not as attractive at larger (display) sizes as
- typefaces from other vendors and it is not recommended that you use
- them as display faces.
- While the current crop of 3-D, drop shadow, and reverse keycap
- typefaces are quite attractive and interesting, they don't work
- well at standard text sizes. The reverse keycaps may not reproduce
- well on typical copy machines, and the lettering in the 3-D and
- shadow typefaces is hard to read at body text sizes because some of
- the character height is occupied by the 3-D or drop shadow effect.
- Most of the typefaces are cumbersome to use, too. Either you have
- to compose each key by typing each character (as well as opening
- and closing characters) and accessing graphics elements using the
- numeric keypad; or many keys are mapped to characters above 127,
- which forces you to use the numeric keypad; or the keys aren't
- mapped logically.
- All keys in both of the RR typefaces can be accessed in one or two
- keystrokes (one of which is [Shift]). Most of the keys are mapped
- mnemonically, so you won't need a character map to remember which
- keycap is mapped to which key or what [Alt]-number pad combination
- to use.
- There are alternate versions of several keys (Bksp text-only and
- text-graphic; Enter text-only, graphic-only, and both; Shift text-
- only, graphic-only, and both; Tab text-only, graphic-only, and
- both; Spacebar and Space; Ins and Insert; Del and Delete) so you
- can use the version that you prefer.
- These typefaces have been designed so that you can access them
- efficiently while developing documentation, without wasted
- keystrokes and mouse use. With a simple macro or two, you can use
- these typefaces with barely a hitch in your typing speed.
- RRKeyCaps map:
- A Alt
- B Backspace
- C Ctrl
- D Del
- E Esc
- F text-only Tab
- I Ins
- J text-only Enter
- M Space
- O OMNI (Northgate keyboard users)
- P Pause
- R Enter/Return
- S Shift
- T Tab
- V text-only Shift
- Y text-only Bksp
- b down arrow (_b_ottom)
- t up arrow (_t_op)
- l left arrow
- r right arrow
- h home
- e end
- d PgDn
- u PgUp
- c CapsLock
- n NumLock
- o ScrollLock (this is the only one that's _really_ weird)
- p PrintScreen
- k Break
- s Spacebar
- q SysRq
- f graphics-only tab
- j graphics-only Enter
- v graphics-only Shift
- ; Insert
- ' Delete
- 1 F1
- 2 F2
- 3 F3
- 4 F4
- 5 F5
- 6 F6
- 7 F7
- 8 F8
- 9 F9
- 0 F10
- ! F11 (shift of 1, or shift of F1)
- @ F12
- # F13 (Northgate keyboard users)
- $ F14 "
- % F15 "
- & blank single-width key frame (like arrow keys)
- * blank one-and-a-half-width key frame (like F keys)
- ( blank double-width key frame (like Tab)
- ) blank triple-width key frame (like Enter, Shift)
- = two-button mouse w/no buttons pressed
- [ two-button mouse w/left button pressed
- ] two-button mouse w/right button pressed
- - - (this is not a keycap hyphen, but a regular hyphen for use between
- keycaps, as in [Ctrl]-[Alt]-[Del], so that you don't have to switch
- out of the keycap font just to get a hyphen, then switch back in)
- + + (regular plus for those who prefer to use a plus, rather than a hyphen,
- between keys)
- The RRKeyLetters typeface is a sampler of the matching typewriter keys
- designed to be used with this typeface for combinations like [Ctrl]-[Y].
- The full set is available when you register.
- Registration:
- When you register, you'll receive:
- 1) a diskette containing:
- a. RRKeyCaps
- b. the complete matching RRKeyLetters
- c. EPS, CGM, and WPG versions of the four blank keycap templates
- 2) a printed reference sheet on hard-to-destroy "paper" that shows the
- complete character map for both RRKeyCaps and RRKeyLetters on one side
- and an alphabetical listing of key names, sample keys, and the character
- to which each is mapped on the second side
- 3) Documentation (currently 18 pages excluding TOC and cover) with installation
- instructions and detailed instructions for setting up macros, styles, and
- keyboards (whatever is appropriate) for the most efficient keyboard use of
- these typefaces in Ami Professional 2.0, Word for Windows 2.0, and
- WordPerfect 5.1 for Windows.
- Registration is $49 for either Postscript or HP bitmaps (with WP printer driver
- for bitmaps) or $75 for both formats. Shipping is $5.
- Print RRKEYORD.FRM, complete it, and mail the form and payment to:
- Elizabeth Swoope Johnston
- Roadrunner Computing
- P.O. Box 21635
- Baton Rouge, LA 70894
- ****** known problem -- although the CorelDraw! WFN file shows me the correct
- key when I press ` (the left apostrophe), that key prints as a period.