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- /* -*- C -*-
- ** Astrolog (Version 4.40) File: placalc.c
- **
- ** IMPORTANT NOTICE: The graphics database and chart display routines
- ** used in this program are Copyright (C) 1991-1995 by Walter D. Pullen
- ** (astara@u.washington.edu). Permission is granted to freely use and
- ** distribute these routines provided one doesn't sell, restrict, or
- ** profit from them in any way. Modification is allowed provided these
- ** notices remain with any altered or edited versions of the program.
- **
- ** The main planetary calculation routines used in this program have
- ** been Copyrighted and the core of this program is basically a
- ** conversion to C of the routines created by James Neely as listed in
- ** Michael Erlewine's 'Manual of Computer Programming for Astrologers',
- ** available from Matrix Software. The copyright gives us permission to
- ** use the routines for personal use but not to sell them or profit from
- ** them in any way.
- **
- ** The PostScript code within the core graphics routines are programmed
- ** and Copyright (C) 1992-1993 by Brian D. Willoughby
- ** (brianw@sounds.wa.com). Conditions are identical to those above.
- **
- ** The extended accurate ephemeris databases and formulas are from the
- ** calculation routines in the program "Placalc" and are programmed and
- ** Copyright (C) 1989,1991,1993 by Astrodienst AG and Alois Treindl
- ** (alois@azur.ch). The use of that source code is subject to
- ** regulations made by Astrodienst Zurich, and the code is not in the
- ** public domain. This copyright notice must not be changed or removed
- ** by any user of this program.
- **
- ** Initial programming 8/28,30, 9/10,13,16,20,23, 10/3,6,7, 11/7,10,21/1991.
- ** X Window graphics initially programmed 10/23-29/1991.
- ** PostScript graphics initially programmed 11/29-30/1992.
- ** Last code change made 1/29/1995.
- */
- #include "placalc.h"
- /* dokumentiert von Tobias Ferber, <tf@ganymed.hall.sub.org> */
- #ifdef PLACALC
- /*
- ** ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ** | Copyright Astrodienst AG and Alois Treindl, 1989,1991,1993 |
- ** | The use of this source code is subject to regulations made |
- ** | by Astrodienst Zurich. The code is NOT in the public domain.|
- ** | |
- ** | This copyright notice must not be changed or removed |
- ** | by any user of this program. |
- ** ---------------------------------------------------------------
- **
- ** Important changes:
- ** 11-jun-93 revision 1.12: fixed error which affected Mercury between -2100
- ** and -3100 (it jumped wildly).
- */
- /************************************************************
- externally accessible globals, defined as extern in placalc.h
- ************************************************************/
- REAL8 meanekl, ekl, nut;
- struct elements el[MARS + 1];
- /*
- ** The global variable ephe_path indicates where the ephemeris files
- ** LRZ5_xx and CHI_xx are stored.
- ** By default it is set to the #defined EPHE_PATH, but the user of the
- ** placalc module can change it to any other location before he
- ** starts calling calc().
- */
- char *ephe_path = EPHE_PATH;
- #ifdef ASTROLOG
- /* Given an object index and a Julian Day time, get its zodiac and */
- /* declination position (planetary longitude and latitude) of the object */
- /* and its velocity and distance from the Earth or Sun. This basically */
- /* just calls the Placalc calculation function to actually do it, but as */
- /* this is the one routine called from Astrolog, this is the one routine */
- /* which has knowledge of and uses both Astrolog and Placalc definitions, */
- /* and does things such as translation to Placalc indices and formats. */
- bool FPlacalcPlanet(ind, jd, helio, planet, planetalt, ret, space)
- int ind, helio;
- double jd;
- real *planet, *planetalt, *ret, *space;
- {
- int iplanet, flag;
- REAL8 jd_ad, rlng, rrad, rlat, rspeed;
- if (ind <= oPlu) /* Convert Astrolog object index to Placalc index. */
- iplanet = ind-1;
- else if (ind == oChi)
- iplanet = CHIRON;
- else if (ind == oNod)
- iplanet = us.fTrueNode ? TRUE_NODE : MEAN_NODE;
- else if (ind == oLil)
- iplanet = LILITH;
- else
- return fFalse;
- jd_ad = jd - JUL_OFFSET;
- jd_ad += deltat(jd_ad);
- if (calc(iplanet, jd_ad, flag, &rlng, &rrad, &rlat, &rspeed) == OK)
- {
- *planet = rlng;
- *planetalt = rlat;
- *ret = rspeed;
- *space = rrad;
- return fTrue;
- }
- return fFalse;
- }
- #endif /* ASTROLOG */
- /* function calc():
- ** This is the main routine for computing a planets position.
- ** The function has several modes, which are controlled by bits in
- ** the parameter 'flag'. The normal mode (flag == 0) computes
- ** a planets apparent geocentric position in ecliptic coordinates relative to
- ** the true equinox of date, without speed
- **
- ** Explanation of the arguments: see the functions header.
- **
- ** Returns OK or ERR (if some planet out of time range). OK and ERR are
- ** defined in ourdef.h and must not be confused with TRUE and FALSE.
- ** OK and ERR are of type int, not of type BOOLEAN.
- **
- ** Bits used in flag:
- ** CALC_BIT_HELIO 0 = geocentric, 1 = heliocentric
- ** CALC_BIT_NOAPP 0 = apparent positions, 1 = true positions
- ** CALC_BIT_NONUT 0 = do nutation (true equinox of date)
- ** 1 = don't do nutation (mean equinox of date).
- **
- ** CALC_BIT_SPEED 0 = don't calc speed,
- ** 1 = calc speed, takes quite long for moon
- ** (is observed only for moon, with other
- ** planets speed is cheap)
- **
- ** Side effects and local memory:
- ** For doing heliocentric positions the fucntion must know the
- ** earth's position for the desired time t. It remembers the earth
- ** position so it does not have to recompute it each time a planet
- ** position is wanted for the same time t.
- ** It calls helup(t), which leaves as a side effect the global
- ** variables meanekl, ekl and nut for the time t.
- **
- ** Functions called by calc():
- ** helup(t)
- ** hel(t)
- ** moon(t)
- ** togeo()
- **
- ** Time range:
- ** The function can be used savely in the time range 5000 BC to
- ** 3000 AD. The stored ephemeris is available only for this time
- ** range, so Jupiter ... Pluto cannot be computed outside. The
- ** function will return results for the other planets also outside
- ** of this time range, but they become meaningless pretty soon
- ** before 5000 BC, because Newcombs time series expansions for the
- ** elements will not work anymore.
- **
- ** pointers to the return variables:
- ** alng = ecliptic longitude in degrees
- ** arad = radius vector in AU (astronomic units)
- ** alat = ecliptic latitude in degrees
- ** alngspeed = speed of planet in degrees per day
- **
- ** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ** The precision of the speed is quite limited.
- ** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- **
- ** For Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars we take only the speed from
- ** the undisturbed Kepler orbit. For the Moon there is no
- ** reasonable undisturbed orbit and we derive the speed from
- ** its position at t + dt and t - dt. We need these
- ** moon positions anyway for the true node calculation.
- ** For the outer planets and Chiron we derive the precise
- ** speed from the stored ephemeris by high order inter-
- ** polation; the precision is limited for the geocentric
- ** case due to the limited precision of the earth's/sun's speed.
- ** Applications who need precise speeds should
- ** get them by calling calc() with slightly different times.
- **
- ** Comment 7 May 1991 by Alois Treindl:
- ** Center of Earth versus Barycenter Earth-Moon:
- ** Brown's theory of the moon gives the moon's coordinates relative
- ** to the center of the earth. Newcomb's theory of the Sun gives the
- ** coordinates of the earth's center relative to the center of the Sun.
- ** This is what we need.
- **
- ** How about the Mean Lunar Node?
- ** The orbital elements of the Sun in Newcomb's theory are given
- ** relative to the barycenter Earth-Moon; the reduction to geocentric
- ** is only applied after doing the Kepler ellipse calculation.
- ** Are the Lunar elements also relative to the barycenter??
- ** If yes:
- ** When we use the moon's mean node out of the elements, it is still
- ** as seen from the barycenter. Because the node is close to the
- ** earth, we would have to apply a considerable correction, which is of
- ** the order of 4000/384000 km or 35' (minutes of arc).
- ** Nobody has ever applied such a correction to the mean node.
- **
- ** And the True Node?
- ** When we calculate the osculating orbital elements of the Moon (true node),
- ** are they relative to the barycenter or to the Earth's center?
- ** Our derivation of true node from the actual Moon positions considers
- ** the earth's center as the focal point of the osculating lunar ellipse.
- ** A more correct approach would first reduce the lunar position from
- ** geocentric to barycentric, then compute the orbital elements from
- ** the reduced positions, and then reduce the desired items
- ** (node, apogaeum, 'dark moon') to geocentric positions.
- ** No known astrological ephemeris has ever used such a correction, which is
- ** of the same order of magnitude as the correction to the meannode above.
- ** When the moon is going through the ecliptic, the geocenter, barycenter
- ** moon (and the node identical to the moon itself) line up; this is why
- ** the error does not show up in normal considerations.
- */
- int calc(planet, jd_ad, flag, alng, arad, alat, alngspeed)
- int planet; /* planet index as defined in placalc.h,
- SUN = 0, MOON = 1 etc.
- planet == -1 calc calculates only nut and ecl */
- REAL8 jd_ad; /* relative Astrodienst Juldate, ephemeris time.
- Astrodienst Juldate is relative 31 Dec 1949, noon. */
- int flag; /* See definition of flag bits above */
- REAL8 *alng;
- REAL8 *arad;
- REAL8 *alat;
- REAL8 *alngspeed;
- {
- struct rememberdat /* time for which the datas are calculated */
- {REAL8 calculation_time, lng, rad, zet, lngspeed, radspeed, zetspeed;};
- static struct rememberdat earthrem =
- static struct rememberdat moonrem =
- REAL8 c, s, x, knn, knv;
- REAL8 rp, zp; /* needed to call hel! */
- REAL8 *azet = alat;
- BOOLEAN calc_geo, calc_helio, calc_apparent, calc_speed,
- calc_nut;
- /* helup checks whether it was already called with same time */
- helup (jd_ad);
- if (planet == CALC_ONLY_ECL_NUT)
- return OK;
- calc_helio = flag & CALC_BIT_HELIO;
- calc_geo = ! calc_helio;
- calc_apparent = ! (flag & CALC_BIT_NOAPP);
- calc_nut = ! (flag & CALC_BIT_NONUT);
- calc_speed = flag & CALC_BIT_SPEED;
- /*
- ** it is necessary to compute EARTH in the following cases:
- ** heliocentric MOON or EARTH
- ** geocentric any planet except MOON or nodes or LILITH
- */
- if( (calc_helio && (planet == MOON || planet == EARTH))
- || (calc_geo && (planet != MOON && planet != MEAN_NODE
- && planet != TRUE_NODE
- && planet != LILITH)) )
- {
- if (earthrem.calculation_time != jd_ad)
- {
- hel(EARTH, jd_ad, alng, arad, azet, alngspeed, &rp, &zp);
- /* store earthdata for geocentric calculation: */
- earthrem.lng = *alng;
- earthrem.rad = *arad;
- earthrem.zet = *azet;
- earthrem.lngspeed = *alngspeed;
- earthrem.radspeed = rp;
- earthrem.zetspeed = zp;
- earthrem.calculation_time = jd_ad;
- }
- }
- switch(planet) {
- case EARTH: /* has been already computed */
- *alng = earthrem.lng;
- *arad = earthrem.rad;
- *azet = earthrem.zet;
- *alngspeed = earthrem.lngspeed;
- rp = earthrem.radspeed;
- zp = earthrem.zetspeed;
- if (calc_geo) { /* SUN seen from earth */
- *alng = smod8360(*alng + 180.0);
- *azet = - *azet;
- }
- if (calc_apparent)
- *alng = *alng - 0.0057683 * (*arad) * (*alngspeed);
- break;
- case MOON:
- moon(alng, arad, azet);
- moonrem.lng = *alng; /* moonrem will be used for TRUE_NODE */
- moonrem.rad = *arad;
- moonrem.zet = *azet;
- *alngspeed = 12;
- moonrem.calculation_time = jd_ad;
- if (calc_helio || calc_speed) {/* get a second moon position */
- REAL8 lng2, rad2, zet2;
- helup(jd_ad + MOON_SPEED_INTERVAL);
- moon(&lng2, &rad2, &zet2);
- helup(jd_ad);
- if (calc_helio) { /* moon as seen from sun */
- togeo(earthrem.lng, -earthrem.rad, moonrem.lng, moonrem.rad,
- moonrem.zet, alng, arad);
- togeo(earthrem.lng + MOON_SPEED_INTERVAL * earthrem.lngspeed,
- -(earthrem.rad + MOON_SPEED_INTERVAL * earthrem.radspeed),
- lng2, rad2, zet2, &lng2, &rad2);
- }
- *alngspeed = diff8360(lng2, *alng) / MOON_SPEED_INTERVAL;
- /* rp = (rad2 - *arad) / MOON_SPEED_INTERVAL; */
- /* zp = (zet2 - moonrem.zet) / MOON_SPEED_INTERVAL; */
- }
- *alat = RADTODEG * ASIN8(*azet / *arad);
- /*
- ** light time correction, not applied for moon or nodes;
- ** moon would have only term of ca. 0.02", see Expl.Sup.1961 p.109
- */
- break;
- case MERCURY:
- case VENUS:
- case MARS:
- case JUPITER:
- case SATURN:
- case URANUS:
- case NEPTUNE:
- case PLUTO:
- case CHIRON:
- if(hel (planet, jd_ad, alng, arad, azet, alngspeed, &rp, &zp) != OK)
- return ERR; /* outer planets can fail if out of ephemeris range */
- if(calc_geo) /* geocentric */
- {
- REAL8 lng1, rad1, lng2, rad2;
- togeo(earthrem.lng, earthrem.rad, *alng, *arad, *azet, &lng1, &rad1);
- togeo(earthrem.lng + earthrem.lngspeed,
- earthrem.rad + earthrem.radspeed,
- *alng + *alngspeed, *arad + rp, *azet + zp, &lng2, &rad2);
- *alng = lng1;
- *arad = rad1;
- *alngspeed = diff8360(lng2, lng1);
- /* rp = rad2 - rad1; */
- }
- *alat = RADTODEG * ASIN8(*azet / *arad);
- if (calc_apparent)
- *alng = *alng - 0.0057683 * (*arad) * (*alngspeed);
- break;
- case MEAN_NODE:
- *alng = smod8360(el[MOON].kn);
- /*
- * the distance of the node is the 'orbital parameter' p = a (1-e^2);
- * Our current use of the axis a is wrong, but is never used.
- */
- *arad = pd[MOON].axis;
- *alat = 0.0;
- *alngspeed = -0.053;
- break;
- case TRUE_NODE: {
- /* see comment 'Note 7 May 1991' above */
- REAL8 ln, rn, zn,
- lv, rv, zv,
- l1, r1, z1,
- xn, yn, xv, yv, r0, x0, y0;
- helup(jd_ad + NODE_INTERVAL);
- moon(&ln, &rn, &zn);
- helup(jd_ad - NODE_INTERVAL);
- moon(&lv, &rv, &zv);
- helup(jd_ad);
- if (moonrem.calculation_time != jd_ad)
- moon(&l1, &r1, &z1);
- else /* moon is already calculated */
- {
- l1 = moonrem.lng;
- r1 = moonrem.rad;
- z1 = moonrem.zet;
- }
- rn = sqrt(rn * rn - zn * zn);
- rv = sqrt(rv * rv - zv * zv);
- r0 = sqrt(r1 * r1 - z1 * z1);
- xn = rn * COS8(DEGTORAD * ln);
- yn = rn * SIN8(DEGTORAD * ln);
- xv = rv * COS8(DEGTORAD * lv);
- yv = rv * SIN8(DEGTORAD * lv);
- x0 = r0 * COS8(DEGTORAD * l1);
- y0 = r0 * SIN8(DEGTORAD * l1);
- x = test_near_zero(x0 * yn - xn * y0);
- s = (y0 * zn - z1 * yn) / x;
- c = test_near_zero((x0 * zn - z1 * xn) / x);
- knn = smod8360(RADTODEG * ATAN28(s, c)); /* = ATAN8(s / c) */
- x = test_near_zero(y0 * xv - x0 * yv);
- s = (yv * z1 - zv * y0) / x;
- c = test_near_zero((xv * z1 - zv * x0) / x);
- knv = smod8360(RADTODEG * ATAN28(s, c));
- *alng = smod8360((knv + knn) / 2);
- /*
- ** the distance of the node is the 'orbital parameter' p = a (1-e^2);
- ** Our current use of the axis a is wrong.
- */
- *arad = pd[MOON].axis;
- *alat = 0.0;
- *alngspeed = diff8360(knn, knv) / NODE_INTERVAL;
- }
- break;
- case LILITH: {
- /*
- ** Added 22-Jun-93
- ** Lilith or Dark Moon is the empty focal point of the mean lunar ellipse.
- ** This is 180 degrees from the perihel.
- ** Because the lunar orbit is not in the ecliptic, it must be
- ** projected onto the ecliptic in the same way as the planetary orbits
- ** are (see for example Montenbruck, Grundlagen der Ephemeridenrechnung).
- **
- ** We compute the MEAN Lilith, not the TRUE one which would have to be
- ** derived in a similar way as the true node.
- ** For the radius vector of Lilith we use a simple formula;
- ** to get a precise value, the fact that the focal point of the ellipse
- ** is not at the center of the earth but at the barycenter moon-earth
- ** would have to be accounted for.
- ** For the speed we always return a constant: the T term from the
- ** lunar perihel.
- ** Joelle de Gravelaine publishes in her book "Lilith der schwarze Mond"
- ** (Astrodata, 1990) an ephemeris which gives noon (12.00) positions
- ** but does not project onto the ecliptic.
- ** This creates deviations
- */
- double arg_lat, lon, cosi;
- struct elements *e = &el[MOON];
- arg_lat = degnorm(e->pe - e->kn + 180.0);
- cosi = COSDEG(e->in);
- if (e->in == 0 || ABS8(arg_lat - 90.0) < TANERRLIMIT
- || ABS8(arg_lat - 270.0) < TANERRLIMIT)
- {
- lon = arg_lat;
- }
- else
- {
- lon = ATAN8(TANDEG(arg_lat) * cosi);
- lon = RADTODEG * lon;
- if (arg_lat > 90.0 && arg_lat < 270.0) lon += 180.0;
- }
- lon = degnorm(lon + e->kn);
- *alng = lon;
- *alngspeed = 0.111404; /* 6'41.05" per day */
- *arad = 2 * pd[MOON].axis * e->ex;
- /*
- ** To test Gravalaines error, return unprojected long in alat.
- ** the correct latitude would be:
- ** *alat = RADTODEG * ASIN8(SINDEG(arg_lat) * SINDEG(e->in));
- */
- #ifdef ASTROLOG
- *alat = RADTODEG * ASIN8(SINDEG(arg_lat) * SINDEG(e->in));
- #else
- *alat = degnorm(arg_lat + e->kn); /* unprojected longitude, no nut */
- #endif
- }
- break;
- default:
- return ERR;
- } /* end switch */
- if (calc_nut)
- *alng += nut;
- *alng = smod8360(*alng); /* normalize to circle */
- return OK;
- }
- /*
- ** get relative earth distance in range 0..1000:
- ** To compute the relative distance we use fixed values of
- ** mimimum and maximum distance measured empirically between
- ** 1300 AD and 2300 AD (see helconst.c).
- ** This approach is certainly fine for the
- ** outer planets, but not the best for Sun and Moon, where it
- ** would be better to look at the mean anomaly, i.e. the progress
- ** the planet makes on it's Kepler orbit.
- ** Considering the low importance astrologers give to the relative
- ** distance, we consider the effort not worthwile.
- ** Now we compare real radius with longtime-averaged distances.
- */
- int rel_geo(planet, rau)
- int planet;
- double rau;
- {
- int rgeo;
- if (planet == MEAN_NODE || planet == TRUE_NODE || planet == LILITH)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- rgeo = 1000 * (int)(1.0 - (rau - rmima[planet][0]) / (rmima[planet][1] - rmima[planet][0]));
- }
- if (rgeo < 0)
- rgeo = 0;
- else if (rgeo > 999)
- rgeo = 999;
- return rgeo;
- }
- /* helio to geocentric conversion */
- void togeo(lngearth, radearth, lng, rad, zet, alnggeo, aradgeo)
- REAL8 lngearth;
- REAL8 radearth;
- REAL8 lng;
- REAL8 rad;
- REAL8 zet;
- REAL8 *alnggeo;
- REAL8 *aradgeo;
- {
- REAL8 r1, x, y;
- r1 = sqrt(rad * rad - zet * zet);
- x = r1 * COS8(DEGTORAD * lng) - radearth * COS8(DEGTORAD * lngearth);
- y = r1 * SIN8(DEGTORAD * lng) - radearth * SIN8(DEGTORAD * lngearth);
- *aradgeo = sqrt(x * x + y * y + zet * zet);
- x = test_near_zero(x);
- *alnggeo = smod8360(RADTODEG * ATAN28(y, x));
- }
- /*
- ** helup()
- ** prepares the orbital elements and the disturbation arguments for the
- ** inner planets and the moon. helup(t) is called by hel() and by calc().
- ** helup() returns its results in global variables.
- ** helup() remembers the t it has been called with before and does
- ** not recalculate its results when it is called more than once with
- ** the same t.
- */
- void helup(jd_ad)
- REAL8 jd_ad;
- {
- int i;
- static REAL8 thelup = HUGE8; /* is initialized only once at load time */
- struct elements *e = el; /* pointer to el[i] */
- struct elements *ee = el; /* pointer to el[EARTH] */
- struct eledata *d = pd; /* pointer to pd[i] */
- REAL8 td, ti, ti2, tj1, tj2, tj3;
- if (thelup == jd_ad)
- return; /* if already calculated then return */
- for (i = SUN; i <= MARS; i++, d++, e++)
- {
- td = jd_ad - d->epoch;
- ti = e->tj = td / 36525.0; /* julian centuries from epoch */
- ti2 = ti * ti;
- tj1 = ti / 3600.0; /* used when coefficients are in seconds of arc */
- tj2 = ti * tj1;
- tj3 = ti * tj2;
- e->lg = mod8360(d->lg0 + d->lg1 * td + d->lg2 * tj2 + d->lg3 * tj3);
- /* also with moon lg1 *td is exact to 10e-8 degrees within 5000 years */
- e->pe = mod8360(d->pe0 + d->pe1 * tj1 + d->pe2 * tj2 + d->pe3 * tj3);
- e->ex = d->ex0 + d->ex1 * ti + d->ex2 * ti2;
- e->kn = mod8360(d->kn0 + d->kn1 * tj1 + d->kn2 * tj2 + d->kn3 * tj3);
- e->in = d->in0 + d->in1 * tj1 + d->in2 * tj2;
- e->ma = smod8360(e->lg - e->pe);
- if (i == MOON) {
- /* calculate ekliptic according Newcomb, APAE VI,
- ** and nutation according Exp.Suppl. 1961, identical
- ** with Mark Potttenger elemnut()
- ** all terms >= 0.01" only .
- ** The 1984 IAU Theory of Nutation, as published in
- ** AE 1984 suppl. has not yet been implemented
- ** because it would mean to use other elements of
- ** moon and sun */
- REAL8 mnode, mlong2, slong2, mg, sg, d2;
- mnode = DEGTORAD * e->kn; /* moon's mean node */
- mlong2 = DEGTORAD * 2.0 * e->lg; /* 2 x moon's mean longitude */
- mg = DEGTORAD * e->ma; /* moon's mean anomaly (g1) */
- slong2 = DEGTORAD * 2.0 * ee->lg; /* 2 x sun's mean longitude (L), with
- the phase 180 deg earth-sun irrelevant
- because 2 x 180 = 360 deg */
- sg = DEGTORAD * ee->ma; /* sun's mean anomaly = earth's */
- d2 = mlong2 - slong2; /* 2 x elongation of moon from sun */
- meanekl = ekld[0] + ekld[1] * tj1 + ekld[2] * tj2 + ekld[3] * tj3;
- ekl = meanekl
- + (9.2100 * COS8(mnode)
- - 0.0904 * COS8(2.0 * mnode)
- + 0.0183 * COS8(mlong2 - mnode)
- + 0.0884 * COS8(mlong2)
- + 0.0113 * COS8(mlong2 + mg)
- + 0.5522 * COS8(slong2)
- + 0.0216 * COS8(slong2 + sg)) / 3600.0;
- nut = ((-17.2327 - 0.01737 * ti) * SIN8(mnode)
- + 0.2088 * SIN8(2.0 * mnode)
- + 0.0675 * SIN8(mg)
- - 0.0149 * SIN8(mg - d2)
- - 0.0342 * SIN8(mlong2 - mnode)
- + 0.0114 * SIN8(mlong2 - mg)
- - 0.2037 * SIN8(mlong2)
- - 0.0261 * SIN8(mlong2 + mg)
- + 0.0124 * SIN8(slong2 - mnode)
- + 0.0214 * SIN8(slong2 - sg)
- - 1.2729 * SIN8(slong2)
- - 0.0497 * SIN8(slong2 + sg)
- + 0.1261 * SIN8(sg)) / 3600.0;
- }
- }
- /* calculate the arguments sa[] for the disturbation terms */
- ti = (jd_ad - EPOCH1850) / 365.25; /* julian years from 1850 */
- for (i = 0; i < SDNUM; i++)
- sa [i] = mod8360(_sd [i].sd0 + _sd [i].sd1 * ti);
- /*
- ** sa[2] += 0.3315 * SIN8 (DEGTORAD *(133.9099 + 38.39365 * el[SUN].tj));
- **
- ** correction of jupiter perturbation argument for sun from Pottenger;
- ** creates only .03" and 1e-7 rad, not applied because origin unclear */
- thelup = jd_ad; /* note the last helup time */
- }
- /*
- ** hel()
- ** Computes the heliocentric positions for all planets except the moon.
- ** The outer planets from Jupiter onwards, including Chiron, are
- ** actually done by a subsequent call to outer_hel() which takes
- ** exactly the same parameters.
- ** hel() does true position relative to the mean ecliptic and equinox
- ** of date. Nutation is not added and must be done so by the caller.
- ** The latitude of the Sun (max. 0.5") is neglected and always returned
- ** as zero.
- **
- ** return: OK or ERR
- */
- int hel(planet, t, al, ar, az, alp, arp, azp)
- int planet; /* planet index as defined by placalc.h */
- REAL8 t; /* relative juliand date, ephemeris time */
- /* Now come 6 pointers to return values. */
- REAL8 *al; /* longitude in degrees */
- REAL8 *ar; /* radius in AU */
- REAL8 *az; /* distance from ecliptic in AU */
- REAL8 *alp; /* speed in longitude, degrees per day */
- REAL8 *arp; /* speed in radius, AU per day */
- REAL8 *azp; /* speed in z, AU per day */
- {
- register struct elements *e;
- register struct eledata *d;
- REAL8 lk = 0.0;
- REAL8 rk = 0.0;
- REAL8 b, h1, sini, sinv, cosi, cosu, cosv, man, truanom, esquare,
- k8, u, up, v, vp;
- if (planet >= JUPITER)
- return (outer_hel(planet, t, al, ar, az, alp, arp, azp));
- if (planet < SUN || planet == MOON)
- return ERR;
- e = &el[planet];
- d = &pd[planet];
- sini = SIN8(DEGTORAD * e->in);
- cosi = COS8(DEGTORAD * e->in);
- esquare = sqrt((1.0 + e->ex) / (1.0 - e->ex)); /* H6 in old version */
- man = e->ma;
- if (planet == EARTH) /* some longperiodic terms in mean longitude */
- {
- man += (0.266 * SIN8 (DEGTORAD * (31.8 + 119.0 * e->tj))
- + 6.40 * SIN8(DEGTORAD * (231.19 + 20.2 * e->tj))
- + (1.882-0.016*e->tj) * SIN8(DEGTORAD * (57.24 + 150.27 * e->tj))
- ) / 3600.0;
- }
- if (planet == MARS) /* some longperiodic terms */
- {
- man += (0.606 * SIN8(DEGTORAD * (212.87 + e->tj * 119.051))
- + 52.490 * SIN8(DEGTORAD * (47.48 + e->tj * 19.771))
- + 0.319 * SIN8(DEGTORAD * (116.88 + e->tj * 773.444))
- + 0.130 * SIN8(DEGTORAD * (74 + e->tj * 163))
- + 0.280 * SIN8(DEGTORAD * (300 + e->tj * 40.8))
- - (37.05 +13.5 * e->tj)
- ) / 3600.0;
- }
- u = fnu (man, e->ex, 0.0000003); /* error 0.001" returns radians */
- cosu = COS8(u);
- h1 = 1 - e->ex * cosu;
- *ar = d->axis * h1;
- if (ABS8(rPi - u) < TANERRLIMIT)
- truanom = u; /* very close to aphel */
- else
- truanom = 2.0 * ATAN8(esquare * TAN8(u * 0.5)); /* true anomaly, rad*/
- v = smod8360(truanom * RADTODEG + e->pe - e->kn); /* argument of latitude */
- if (sini == 0.0 || ABS8(v - 90.0) < TANERRLIMIT
- || ABS8(v - 270.0) < TANERRLIMIT)
- {
- *al = v;
- }
- else
- {
- *al = RADTODEG * ATAN8(TAN8(v * DEGTORAD) * cosi);
- if (v > 90.0 && v < 270.0) *al += 180.0;
- }
- *al = smod8360(*al + e->kn);
- sinv = SIN8(v * DEGTORAD);
- cosv = COS8(v * DEGTORAD);
- *az = *ar * sinv * sini;
- b = ASIN8(sinv * sini); /* latitude in radians */
- k8 = cosv / COS8(b) * sini;
- up = 360.0 / d->period / h1; /* du/dt degrees/day */
- if (ABS8(rPi - u) < TANERRLIMIT)
- vp = up / esquare; /* speed at aphel */
- else
- vp = up * esquare * (1 + COS8 (truanom)) / (1 + cosu);
- /* dv/dt degrees/day */
- *arp = d->axis * up * DEGTORAD * SIN8(u) * e->ex;
- /* dr/dt AU/day */
- *azp = *arp * sinv * sini + *ar * vp * DEGTORAD * cosv * sini; /* dz/dt */
- *alp = vp / cosi * (1 - k8 * k8);
- /* now come the disturbations */
- switch (planet) {
- REAL8 am, mma, ema, u2;
- case EARTH:
- /*
- ** earth has some special moon values and a disturbation series due to the
- ** planets. The moon stuff is due to the fact, that the mean elements
- ** give the coordinates of the earth-moon barycenter. By adding the
- ** corrections we effectively reduce to the center of the earth.
- ** We neglect the correction in latitude, which is about 0.5", because
- ** for astrological purposes we want the Sun to have latitude zero.
- */
- am = DEGTORAD * smod8360(el[MOON].lg - e->lg + 180.0); /* degrees */
- mma = DEGTORAD * el[MOON].ma;
- ema = DEGTORAD * e->ma;
- u2 = 2.0 * DEGTORAD * (e->lg - 180.0 - el[MOON].kn); /* 2u' */
- lk = 6.454 * SIN8(am)
- + 0.013 * SIN8(3.0 * am)
- + 0.177 * SIN8(am + mma)
- - 0.424 * SIN8(am - mma)
- + 0.039 * SIN8(3.0 * am - mma)
- - 0.064 * SIN8(am + ema)
- + 0.172 * SIN8(am - ema)
- - 0.013 * SIN8(am - mma - ema)
- - 0.013 * SIN8(u2);
- rk = 13360 * COS8(am)
- + 30 * COS8(3.0 * am)
- + 370 * COS8(am + mma)
- - 1330 * COS8(am - mma)
- + 80 * COS8(3.0 * am - mma)
- - 140 * COS8(am + ema)
- + 360 * COS8(am - ema)
- - 30 * COS8(am - mma - ema)
- + 30 * COS8(u2);
- /* long periodic term from mars 15g''' - 8g'', Vol 6 p19, p24 */
- lk += 0.202 * SIN8(DEGTORAD * (315.6 + 893.3 * e->tj));
- disturb(earthkor, al, ar, lk, rk, man);
- break;
- case MERCURY: /* only normal disturbation series */
- disturb(mercurykor, al, ar, 0.0, 0.0, man);
- break;
- case VENUS: /* some longperiod terms and normal series */
- lk = (2.761 - 0.22*e->tj) * SIN8(DEGTORAD * (237.24 + 150.27 * e->tj))
- + 0.269 * SIN8(DEGTORAD * (212.2 + 119.05 * e->tj))
- - 0.208 * SIN8(DEGTORAD * (175.8 + 1223.5 * e->tj));
- /* make seconds */
- disturb(venuskor, al, ar, lk, 0.0, man);
- break;
- case MARS: /* only normal disturbation series */
- disturb(marskor, al, ar, 0.0, 0.0, man);
- break;
- }
- return OK;
- }
- void disturb(k, al, ar, lk, rk, man)
- register struct kor *k; /* ENDMARK-terminated array of struct kor */
- REAL8 *al, /* longitude in degrees, use a pointer to return value */
- *ar; /* radius in AU */
- REAL8 lk, /* longitude correction in SECONDS OF ARC */
- /* function can be called with an lk and rk already
- != 0, but no value is returned */
- rk, /* radius correction in units of 9th place of log r */
- man; /* mean anomaly of planet */
- {
- REAL8 arg;
- while (k->j != ENDMARK)
- {
- arg = k->j * sa[k->k] + k->i * man;
- lk += k->lampl * COS8(DEGTORAD * (k->lphase - arg));
- rk += k->rampl * COS8(DEGTORAD * (k->rphase - arg));
- k++;
- }
- *ar *= EXP10(rk * 1.0E-9); /* 10^rk */
- *al += lk / 3600.0;
- }
- int moon(al, ar, az) /* return OK or ERR */
- REAL8 *al;
- REAL8 *ar;
- REAL8 *az;
- {
- REAL8 a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,c2,c4,arg,b,d,f,dgc,dlm,dpm,dkm,dls;
- REAL8 ca, cb, cd, f_2d, f_4d, g1c,lk,lk1,man,ms,nib,s,sinarg,sinp,sk;
- REAL8 t, tb, t2c, r2rad, i1corr, i2corr, dlid;
- int i;
- struct elements *e;
- struct m45dat *mp;
- struct m5dat *m5p;
- #endif
- e = &el[MOON];
- t = e->tj * 36525; /* days from epoch 1900 */
- /* new format table II, parameters in full rotations of 360 degrees */
- r2rad = 360.0 * DEGTORAD;
- tb = t * 1e-12; /* units of 10^12 */
- t2c = t * t * 1e-16; /* units of 10^16 */
- a1 = SIN8(r2rad * (0.53733431 - 10104982 * tb + 191 * t2c));
- a2 = SIN8(r2rad * (0.71995354 - 147094228 * tb + 43 * t2c));
- c2 = COS8(r2rad * (0.71995354 - 147094228 * tb + 43 * t2c));
- a3 = SIN8(r2rad * (0.14222222 + 1536238 * tb));
- a4 = SIN8(r2rad * (0.48398132 - 147269147 * tb + 43 * t2c));
- c4 = COS8(r2rad * (0.48398132 - 147269147 * tb + 43 * t2c));
- a5 = SIN8(r2rad * (0.52453688 - 147162675 * tb + 43 * t2c));
- a6 = SIN8(r2rad * (0.84536324 - 11459387 * tb));
- a7 = SIN8(r2rad * (0.23363774 + 1232723 * tb + 191 * t2c));
- a8 = SIN8(r2rad * (0.58750000 + 9050118 * tb));
- a9 = SIN8(r2rad * (0.61043085 - 67718733 * tb));
- dlm = 0.84 * a3 + 0.31 * a7 + 14.27 * a1 + 7.261 * a2 + 0.282 * a4 + 0.237 * a6;
- dpm = -2.1 * a3 - 2.076 * a2 - 0.840 * a4 - 0.593 * a6;
- dkm = 0.63 * a3 + 95.96 * a2 + 15.58 * a4 + 1.86 * a5;
- dls = -6.4 * a3 - 0.27 * a8 - 1.89 * a6 + 0.20 * a9;
- dgc = (-4.318 * c2 - 0.698 * c4) / 3600.0 / 360.0; /* in revolutions */
- dgc = (1.000002708 + 139.978 * dgc); /* in this form used later */
- man = DEGTORAD * (e->ma + (dlm - dpm) / 3600.0);
- /* man with periodic and secular corr. */
- ms = DEGTORAD * (el[EARTH].ma + dls / 3600.0);
- f = DEGTORAD * (e->lg - e->kn + (dlm - dkm) / 3600.0);
- d = DEGTORAD * (e->lg + 180 - el[EARTH].lg + (dlm - dls) / 3600.0);
- lk = lk1 = sk = sinp = nib = g1c = 0;
- i1corr = 1.0 - 6.8320E-8 * t;
- i2corr = dgc * dgc; /* i2 occurs only as -2, 2 */
- for (i = 0, mp = m45; i < NUM_MOON_CORR; i++, mp++)
- {
- /* arg = mp->i0 * man + mp->i1 * ms + mp->i2 * f + mp->i3 * d; */
- arg = mp->i0 * man;
- arg += mp->i3 * d;
- arg += mp->i2 * f;
- arg += mp->i1 * ms;
- sinarg = SIN8(arg);
- /*
- ** now apply corrections due to changes in constants;
- ** we correct only terms in l' (i1) and F (i2), not in l (i0), because
- ** the latter are < 0.05"
- ** We don't apply corrections for cos(arg), i.e. for parallax
- */
- if (mp->i1 != 0) /* i1 can be -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 */
- {
- sinarg *= i1corr;
- if (mp->i1 == 2 || mp->i1 == -2)
- sinarg *= i1corr;
- }
- if (mp->i2 != 0) /* i2 can be -2, 0, 2 */
- sinarg *= i2corr;
- lk += mp->lng * sinarg;
- sk += mp->lat * sinarg;
- sinp += mp->par * COS8 (arg) ;
- }
- #if MOON_TEST_CORR /* optionally add more lunar longitudes */
- for (m5p = m5; m5p->i0 != 99; m5p++) /* i0 = 99 is end mark */
- {
- arg = m5p->i0 * man + m5p->i1 * ms + m5p->i2 * f + m5p->i3 * d;
- sinarg = SIN8(arg);
- lk1 += m5p->lng * sinarg;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- ** now compute some planetary terms in longitude, list i delta;
- ** we take all > 0.5" and neglect secular terms in the arguments. These
- ** produce phase errors > 10 degrees only after 3000 years.
- */
- dlid = 0.822 * SIN8 (r2rad * (0.32480 - 0.0017125594 * t));
- dlid += 0.307 * SIN8 (r2rad * (0.14905 - 0.0034251187 * t));
- dlid += 0.348 * SIN8 (r2rad * (0.68266 - 0.0006873156 * t));
- dlid += 0.662 * SIN8 (r2rad * (0.65162 + 0.0365724168 * t));
- dlid += 0.643 * SIN8 (r2rad * (0.88098 - 0.0025069941 * t));
- dlid += 1.137 * SIN8 (r2rad * (0.85823 + 0.0364487270 * t));
- dlid += 0.436 * SIN8 (r2rad * (0.71892 + 0.0362179180 * t));
- dlid += 0.327 * SIN8 (r2rad * (0.97639 + 0.0001734910 * t));
- /* without nutation */
- *al = smod8360(e->lg + (dlm + lk + lk1 + dlid) / 3600.0);
- /* solar Terms in latitude Nibeta */
- f_2d = f - 2.0 * d;
- f_4d = f - 4.0 * d;
- nib += -526.069 * SIN8( f_2d);
- nib += -3.352 * SIN8( f_4d);
- nib += 44.297 * SIN8( man + f_2d);
- nib += -6.000 * SIN8( man + f_4d);
- nib += 20.599 * SIN8(-man + f );
- nib += -30.598 * SIN8(-man + f_2d);
- nib += -24.649 * SIN8(-2*man + f );
- nib += -2.000 * SIN8(-2*man + f_2d);
- nib += -22.571 * SIN8( ms + f_2d);
- nib += 10.985 * SIN8( -ms + f_2d);
- /* new gamma1C from 29 Jul 88, all terms > 0.4 " in table III, code 2 */
- g1c += -0.725 * COS8( d);
- g1c += 0.601 * COS8( 2 * d);
- g1c += 0.394 * COS8( 3 * d);
- g1c += -0.445 * COS8(man + 4 * d);
- g1c += 0.455 * COS8(man + 1 * d);
- g1c += 5.679 * COS8(2 * man - 2 * d);
- g1c += -1.300 * COS8(3 * man );
- g1c += -1.302 * COS8( ms );
- g1c += -0.416 * COS8( ms - 4 * d);
- g1c += -0.740 * COS8( 2 * ms - 2 * d);
- g1c += 0.787 * COS8( man + ms + 2 * d);
- g1c += 0.461 * COS8( man + ms );
- g1c += 2.056 * COS8( man + ms - 2 * d);
- g1c += -0.471 * COS8( man + ms - 4 * d);
- g1c += -0.443 * COS8( -man + ms + 2 * d);
- g1c += 0.679 * COS8( -man + ms );
- g1c += -1.540 * COS8( -man + ms - 2 * d);
- s = f + sk / 3600.0 * DEGTORAD;
- ca = 18519.7 + g1c;
- cb = -0.000336992 * ca * dgc * dgc * dgc;
- cd = ca / 18519.7;
- b = (ca * SIN8(s) * dgc + cb * SIN8(3.0 * s) + cd * nib) / 3600.0;
- /* we neglect the planetary terms in latitude, code 4 in table III */
- sinp = (sinp + 3422.451);
- /*
- ** Improved lunar ephemeris and APAE until ca. 1970 had here
- ** 3422.54 as constant of moon's sine parallax.
- ** The difference can be applied by direct addition of 0.089" to
- ** our parallax results.
- **
- ** To get the radius in A.U. from the sine parallax,
- ** we use 1964 IAU value 8.794" for solar parallax.
- ** sinp is still in seconds of arc.
- ** To calculate moon parallax in " it would be:
- ** p = sinp (1 + sinp * sinp * 3.917405E-12)
- ** based on the formula p = sinp + 1/6 sinp^3
- ** and taking into account the conversion of " to radians.
- ** The semidiameter of the moon is: (Expl.Suppl. 61, p 109)
- ** s = 0.0796 + 0.272446 * p
- */
- *ar = 8.794 / sinp;
- *az = *ar * SIN8(DEGTORAD * b);
- return OK;
- }
- /* solution of the Kepler equation, return rad */
- /* t = mean anomaly in degrees */
- /* ex = excentricity of orbit */
- /* err = maximum error in degrees */
- REAL8 fnu(t, ex, err)
- REAL8 t;
- REAL8 ex;
- REAL8 err;
- {
- REAL8 u0, delta;
- t *= DEGTORAD;
- u0 = t;
- err *= DEGTORAD;
- delta = 1;
- while (ABS8(delta) >= err)
- {
- delta = (t + ex * SIN8(u0) - u0) / (1 - ex * COS8(u0));
- u0 += delta;
- }
- return u0;
- }
- /*
- ** outer_hel()
- ** Computes the position of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and
- ** Chiron by reading our stored ephemeris in steps of 80 (!) days and
- ** applying a high order interpolation to it. The interpolation errors are
- ** less than 0.01" seconds or arc.
- ** The stored ephemeris is packed in a special format consisting of
- ** 32 bit numbers; it has been created on the Astrodienst Unix system
- ** by numerical integration with routines provided originally by Marc
- ** Pottenger, USA, which we improved for better long term precision.
- ** Because the Unix system uses a different byte order than the MSDOS
- ** systems, the bytes must be reordered for MSDOS after reading from
- ** the binary files.
- **
- ** outer_hel() takes the same parameters as hel().
- ** It returns the same type of values.
- **
- ** The access to the ephemeris files is done in the functions chi_file_posit()
- ** and lrz_file_posit().
- */
- int outer_hel(planet, jd_ad, al, ar, az, alp, arp, azp)
- int planet;
- REAL8 jd_ad; /* jd_ad Astrodienst relative Julian ephemeris time */
- REAL8 *al;
- REAL8 *ar;
- REAL8 *az;
- REAL8 *alp;
- REAL8 *arp;
- REAL8 *azp;
- {
- static FILE *outerfp = NULL, *chironfp = NULL;
- static double last_j0_outer = HUGE8;
- static double last_j0_chiron = HUGE8;
- static long icoord[6][5][3], chicoord[6][3];
- REAL8 j0, jd, jfrac;
- REAL8 l[6], r[6], z[6];
- int n, order, p;
- if( planet < JUPITER || (planet > PLUTO && planet != CHIRON) )
- return ERR;
- jd = jd_ad + JUL_OFFSET;
- j0 = RFloor((jd - 0.5) / EPHE_STEP) * EPHE_STEP + 0.5;
- jfrac = (jd - j0) / EPHE_STEP;
- if (planet == CHIRON)
- {
- if (last_j0_chiron != j0)
- {
- for (n = 0; n < 6; n++) /* read 6 days */
- {
- jd = j0 + (n - 2) * EPHE_STEP;
- if (chi_file_posit(jd, &chironfp) != OK)
- return (ERR);
- fread(&chicoord[n][0], sizeof(long), 3, chironfp);
- longreorder((UCHAR *)&chicoord[n][0], 3*4);
- }
- last_j0_chiron = j0;
- }
- for (n = 0; n < 6; n++) {
- l[n] = chicoord[n][0] / DEG2MSEC;
- r[n] = chicoord[n][1] / AU2INT;
- z[n] = chicoord[n][2] / AU2INT;
- }
- }
- else /* !CHIRON => an outerplanet */
- {
- if (last_j0_outer != j0) /* read all 5 planets for 6 steps */
- {
- for (n = 0; n < 6; n++)
- {
- jd = j0 + (n - 2) * EPHE_STEP;
- if (lrz_file_posit(jd, &outerfp) != OK)
- return (ERR);
- fread(&icoord[n][0][0], sizeof(long), 15, outerfp);
- longreorder((UCHAR *)&icoord[n][0][0], 15*4);
- }
- last_j0_outer = j0;
- }
- p = planet - JUPITER;
- for (n = 0; n < 6; n++) {
- l[n] = icoord[n][p][0] / DEG2MSEC;
- r[n] = icoord[n][p][1] / AU2INT;
- z[n] = icoord[n][p][2] / AU2INT;
- }
- }
- if (planet > SATURN)
- order = 3;
- else
- order = 5;
- inpolq(2, order, jfrac, l, al, alp); *alp /= EPHE_STEP;
- inpolq(2, order, jfrac, r, ar, arp); *arp /= EPHE_STEP;
- inpolq(2, order, jfrac, z, az, azp); *azp /= EPHE_STEP;
- return OK;
- }
- /*
- ** quicker Everett interpolation, after Pottenger
- ** version 9 Jul 1988 by Alois Treindl
- ** return OK or ERR.
- */
- int inpolq(n, o, p, x, axu, adxu)
- int n, /* interpolate between x[n] and x[n-1], at argument n+p */
- o; /* order of interpolation, maximum 5 */
- double p, /* argument , intervall [0..1] */
- x[], /* array of function values, x[n-o]..x[n+o] must exist */
- *axu, /* pointer for storage of result */
- *adxu; /* pointer for storage of dx/dt */
- {
- static double q, q2, q3, q4, q5, p2, p3, p4, p5, u, u0, u1, u2;
- static double lastp = 9999.0;
- double dm2, dm1, d0, dp1, dp2,
- d2m1, d20, d2p1, d2p2, d30, d3p1, d3p2, d4p1, d4p2;
- double offset = 0.0;
- if (lastp != p)
- {
- q = 1.0-p;
- q2 = q*q;
- q3 = (q+1.0)*q*(q-1.0)/6.0; /* q - 1 over 3; u5 */
- p2 = p*p;
- p3 = (p+1.0)*p*(p-1.0)/6.0; /* p - 1 over 3; u8 */
- u = (3.0*p2-1.0)/6.0;
- u0 = (3.0*q2-1.0)/6.0;
- q4 = q2*q2; /* f5 */
- p4 = p2*p2; /* f4 */
- u1 = (5.0*p4-15.0*p2+4.0)/120.0; /* u1 */
- u2 = (5.0*q4-15.0*q2+4.0)/120.0; /* u2 */
- q5 = q3*(q+2.0)*(q-2.0)/20.0; /* q - 2 over 5; u6 */
- p5 = (p+2.0)*p3*(p-2.0)/20.0; /* p - 2 over 5; u9 */
- lastp = p;
- }
- dm1 = x[n] - x[n-1];
- if (dm1 > 180.0) dm1 -= 360.0;
- if (dm1 < -180.0) dm1 += 360.0;
- d0 = x[n+1] - x[n];
- if (d0 > 180.0) { d0 -= 360.0; offset = 360.0; }
- if (d0 < -180.0) { d0 += 360.0; offset = -360.0; }
- dp1 = x[n+2] - x[n+1];
- if (dp1 > 180.0) dp1 -= 360.0;
- if (dp1 < -180.0) dp1 += 360.0;
- d20 = d0 - dm1; /* f8 */
- d2p1 = dp1 - d0; /* f9 */
- /* Everett interpolation 3rd order */
- *axu = q*(x[n] + offset) + q3*d20 + p*x[n+1] + p3*d2p1;
- *adxu = d0 + u*d2p1 - u0*d20;
- if (o > 3) /* 5th order */
- {
- dm2 = x[n-1] - x[n-2];
- if (dm2 > 180.0) dm2 -= 360.0;
- if (dm2 < -180.0) dm2 += 360.0;
- dp2 = x[n+3] - x[n+2];
- if (dp2 > 180.0) dp2 -= 360.0;
- if (dp2 < -180.0) dp2 += 360.0;
- d2m1 = dm1 - dm2;
- d2p2 = dp2 - dp1;
- d30 = d20 - d2m1;
- d3p1 = d2p1 - d20;
- d3p2 = d2p2 - d2p1;
- d4p1 = d3p1 - d30; /* f7 */
- d4p2 = d3p2 - d3p1; /* f */
- *axu += p5*d4p2 + q5*d4p1;
- *adxu += u1*d4p2 - u2*d4p1;
- }
- return OK;
- }
- /*
- ** position lrz file at proper position for julian date jd;
- ** Return OK or ERR. Version for outer planets.
- ** The path where the ephemeris files are looked for is defined
- ** by ephe_path.
- */
- int lrz_file_posit(jd, lrzfpp)
- double jd; /* full Julian day number, not Astrodienst relative */
- FILE **lrzfpp; /* pointer to file pointer; this function
- opens or closes the ephemeris file, and caller
- should keep it open while using it. The caller
- should close it when he is finished with using
- the placalc() package. */
- {
- int filenr;
- long posit, jlong;
- static char fname[80];
- static int open_lrznr = -10000; /* local memory to remember whether
- an already open file is the one with
- the correct number for this date */
- jlong = (long)RFloor(jd);
- filenr = (int)(jlong / EPHE_DAYS_PER_FILE);
- if (jlong < 0 && filenr * EPHE_DAYS_PER_FILE != jlong)
- filenr--;
- posit = jlong - filenr * EPHE_DAYS_PER_FILE;
- posit = (posit / (int)EPHE_STEP) * EPHE_OUTER_BSIZE;
- if (*lrzfpp == NULL || open_lrznr != filenr) /* no or wrong open file */
- {
- open_lrznr = -10000;
- sprintf(fname, "%s%s%d", EPHE_OUTER, filenr < 0 ? "M" : "", abs(filenr));
- if (*lrzfpp != NULL)
- fclose(*lrzfpp);
- *lrzfpp = FileOpen(fname, 2);
- if (*lrzfpp == NULL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Placalc: File %s does not exist.\n", fname);
- return (ERR);
- }
- open_lrznr = filenr;
- }
- if (fseek(*lrzfpp, posit, 0) == 0)
- return (OK);
- fprintf(stderr, "Placalc: Seek error file %s position %ld\n", fname, posit);
- return ERR; /* this fseek error occurs only with incomplete files */
- }
- /*
- ** position chiron file at proper position for julian date jd;
- ** Return OK or ERR. Version for Chiron.
- ** Sister function to lrz_file_posit().
- */
- int chi_file_posit(jd, lrzfpp)
- double jd; /* full Julian day number, not Astrodienst relative */
- FILE **lrzfpp; /* pointer to file pointer; this function
- opens or closes the ephemeris file, and caller
- should keep it open while using it */
- {
- int filenr;
- long posit, jlong;
- char fname[80];
- static int open_lrznr = -10000; /* local memory to remember whether
- an already open file is the one with
- the correct number for this date */
- jlong = (long)RFloor(jd);
- filenr = (int)(jlong / EPHE_DAYS_PER_FILE);
- if (jlong < 0 && filenr * EPHE_DAYS_PER_FILE != jlong)
- filenr--;
- posit = jlong - filenr * EPHE_DAYS_PER_FILE;
- posit = (posit / (int)EPHE_STEP) * EPHE_CHIRON_BSIZE;
- if (*lrzfpp == NULL || open_lrznr != filenr) /* no or wrong open file */
- {
- open_lrznr = -10000;
- sprintf(fname, "%s%s%d", EPHE_CHIRON, filenr < 0 ? "M" : "", abs(filenr));
- if (*lrzfpp != NULL)
- fclose(*lrzfpp);
- *lrzfpp = FileOpen(fname, 2);
- if (*lrzfpp == NULL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Placalc: File %s does not exist.\n", fname);
- return ERR;
- }
- open_lrznr = filenr;
- }
- if (fseek (*lrzfpp, posit, 0) == 0)
- return OK;
- fprintf(stderr, "Placalc: Seek error file %s position %ld\n", fname, posit);
- return ERR; /* this fseek error occurs only with incomplete files */
- }
- /* x MOD 360.0, so that x in 0..360 */
- REAL8 smod8360(x)
- REAL8 x;
- {
- while (x >= 360.0)
- x -= 360.0;
- while (x < 0.0)
- x += 360.0;
- return x;
- }
- /* x MOD 360.0, so that x in 0..360 */
- REAL8 mod8360(x)
- REAL8 x;
- {
- if (x >= 0 && x < 360.0)
- return x;
- return x - 360.0 * RFloor(x / 360.0);
- }
- /* a - b on a 360 degree circle, result -180..180 */
- REAL8 diff8360(a, b)
- REAL8 a;
- REAL8 b;
- {
- REAL8 d;
- d = a - b;
- if (d >= 180.0) return d - 360.0;
- if (d < -180.0) return d + 360.0;
- return d;
- }
- REAL8 test_near_zero(x)
- REAL8 x;
- {
- if (ABS8(x) >= NEAR_ZERO)
- return x;
- if (x < 0)
- return -NEAR_ZERO;
- return NEAR_ZERO;
- }
- /*
- ** p points to memory filled with long values; for
- ** each of the values the seqeuence of the four bytes
- ** has to be reversed, to translate HP-UX and VAX
- ** ordering to MSDOS/Turboc ordering
- */
- void longreorder(p, n)
- UCHAR *p;
- int n;
- {
- int i;
- unsigned char c0, c1, c2, c3;
- static int orderinit = 0;
- unsigned short test;
- if (!orderinit)
- {
- test = 0x0001;
- orderinit = (*(unsigned char *)(&test)) ? 1 : -1;
- }
- if (orderinit < 0)
- return;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i += 4, p += 4)
- {
- c0 = *p;
- c1 = *(p + 1);
- c2 = *(p + 2);
- c3 = *(p + 3);
- *p = c3;
- *(p + 1) = c2;
- *(p + 2) = c1;
- *(p + 3) = c0;
- }
- }
- #endif /* PLACALC */
- /* placalc.c */