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- /* -*- C -*-
- ** Astrolog (Version 4.40) File: xcharts0.c
- **
- ** IMPORTANT NOTICE: The graphics database and chart display routines
- ** used in this program are Copyright (C) 1991-1995 by Walter D. Pullen
- ** (astara@u.washington.edu). Permission is granted to freely use and
- ** distribute these routines provided one doesn't sell, restrict, or
- ** profit from them in any way. Modification is allowed provided these
- ** notices remain with any altered or edited versions of the program.
- **
- ** The main planetary calculation routines used in this program have
- ** been Copyrighted and the core of this program is basically a
- ** conversion to C of the routines created by James Neely as listed in
- ** Michael Erlewine's 'Manual of Computer Programming for Astrologers',
- ** available from Matrix Software. The copyright gives us permission to
- ** use the routines for personal use but not to sell them or profit from
- ** them in any way.
- **
- ** The PostScript code within the core graphics routines are programmed
- ** and Copyright (C) 1992-1993 by Brian D. Willoughby
- ** (brianw@sounds.wa.com). Conditions are identical to those above.
- **
- ** The extended accurate ephemeris databases and formulas are from the
- ** calculation routines in the program "Placalc" and are programmed and
- ** Copyright (C) 1989,1991,1993 by Astrodienst AG and Alois Treindl
- ** (alois@azur.ch). The use of that source code is subject to
- ** regulations made by Astrodienst Zurich, and the code is not in the
- ** public domain. This copyright notice must not be changed or removed
- ** by any user of this program.
- **
- ** Initial programming 8/28,30, 9/10,13,16,20,23, 10/3,6,7, 11/7,10,21/1991.
- ** X Window graphics initially programmed 10/23-29/1991.
- ** PostScript graphics initially programmed 11/29-30/1992.
- ** Last code change made 1/29/1995.
- */
- /* $VER: $Id: xcharts0.c,v 1.3 1995/07/02 22:22:23 tf Exp $ */
- #include "astrolog.h"
- #ifdef GRAPH
- /*
- ******************************************************************************
- ** Subchart Graphics Routines.
- ******************************************************************************
- */
- /* Given a string, draw it on the screen using the given color. The */
- /* position of the text is based the saved positions of where we drew the */
- /* text the last time the routine was called, being either directly below */
- /* in the same column or in the same row just to the right. This is used */
- /* by the sidebar drawing routine to print a list of text on the chart. */
- /* Examples:
- DrawPrint(NULL, x,y); Initialize the cursor to position (x,y)
- DrawPrint("bla",
- */
- int DrawPrint(sz, m, n)
- char *sz;
- int m, n;
- {
- static int x0, x, y;
- if (sz == NULL) /* Null string means just initialize position. */
- {
- x0 = x = m; y = n;
- return y;
- }
- if (y >= gs.yWin-1) /* Don't draw if we've scrolled off the chart bottom. */
- return y;
- DrawColor(m);
- DrawSz(sz, x, y, dtLeft | dtBottom);
- /* If the second parameter is TRUE, we stay on the same line, otherwise */
- /* when FALSE we go to the next line at the original column setting. */
- if (n)
- x += CchSz(sz)*xFont*gi.nScaleT;
- else
- {
- x = x0;
- n = y;
- y += yFont*gi.nScaleT;
- }
- return y;
- }
- /* Print text showing the chart information and house and planet positions */
- /* of a chart in a "sidebar" to the right of the chart in question. This */
- /* is always done for the -v and -w graphic wheel charts unless the -v0 */
- /* switch flag is also set, in which case none of the stuff here is done. */
- void DrawInfo()
- {
- char sz[cchSzDef];
- ET et;
- int i, y, a, s;
- #ifdef INTERPRET
- int tot, abo, lef;
- /* Hack: Just for fun, if interpretation is active (which normally has */
- /* no effect whatsoever on graphics) we'll decorate the chart a little. */
- if (us.fInterpret)
- {
- if (us.nScreenWidth & 1)
- {
- /* If screenwidth value is odd, draw a moire pattern in each corner. */
- abo = gs.yWin/(us.nScreenWidth/10);
- lef = gs.xWin/(us.nScreenWidth/10);
- for (y = 0; y <= 1; y++)
- {
- for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
- {
- for (s = 0; s <= 1; s++)
- {
- for (a = 1; a < (s ? lef : abo)*2; a++)
- {
- DrawColor(a & 1 ? gi.kiGray : gi.kiOff);
- DrawLine(i ? gs.xWin-1-lef : lef, y ? gs.yWin-1-abo : abo,
- s ? (i ? gs.xWin-1-a : a) : i*(gs.xWin-1),
- s ? y*(gs.yWin-1) : (y ? gs.yWin-1-a : a));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* If screenwidth is even, draw spider web lines in each corner. */
- DrawColor(gi.kiGray);
- tot = us.nScreenWidth*3/20;
- abo = gs.yWin/4;
- lef = gs.xWin/4;
- for (y = 0; y <= 1; y++)
- {
- for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
- {
- for (a = 1; a < tot; a++)
- {
- DrawLine(i*(gs.xWin-1), y ? (gs.yWin-1-a*abo/tot) : a*abo/tot,
- i ? gs.xWin-1-lef+a*lef/tot : lef-a*lef/tot, y*(gs.yWin-1));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- if (!gs.fText || us.fVelocity) /* Don't draw sidebar if */
- return; /* -v0 flag is set. */
- a = us.fAnsi;
- us.fAnsi = -(!gs.fFont || (!gs.fMeta && !gs.fPS));
- DrawColor(gi.kiLite);
- if (gs.fBorder)
- DrawLine(gs.xWin-1, 0, gs.xWin-1, gs.yWin-1);
- gs.xWin += xSideT;
- DrawPrint(NULL, gs.xWin-xSideT+xFontT-gi.nScaleT, yFont*7/5*gi.nScaleT);
- /* Print chart header and setting information. */
- sprintf(sz, "%s %s", szAppName, szVersionCore);
- DrawPrint(sz, gi.kiOn, fFalse);
- if (*ciMain.nam)
- DrawPrint(ciMain.nam, gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- if (Mon == -1)
- sprintf(sz, "No time or space.");
- else if (us.nRel == rcComposite)
- sprintf(sz, "Composite chart.");
- else
- {
- sprintf(sz, "%c%c%c %s", chDay3(DayOfWeek(Mon, Day, Yea)), SzDate(Mon, Day, Yea, fTrue));
- DrawPrint(sz, gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- DrawPrint(SzTim(Tim), gi.kiLite, fTrue);
- sprintf(sz, " (%cT %s GMT)", Dst != 0.0 ? 'D' : 'S', SzZone(Zon));
- }
- DrawPrint(sz, gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- if (*ciMain.loc)
- DrawPrint(ciMain.loc, gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- DrawPrint(SzLocation(Lon, Lat), gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- sprintf(sz, "%s houses.", szSystem[us.nHouseSystem]);
- DrawPrint(sz, gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- sprintf(sz, "%s, %s.", us.fSiderial ? "Sidereal" : "Tropical",
- us.objCenter == 0 ? "Heliocentric" :
- (us.objCenter == 1 ? "Geocentric" : szObjName[us.objCenter]));
- DrawPrint(sz, gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- sprintf(sz, "Julian Day = %11.4f", JulianDayFromTime(T));
- DrawPrint(sz, gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- /* Print house cusp positions. */
- DrawPrint("", gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++)
- {
- sprintf(sz, "%2d%s house: ", i, szSuffix[i]);
- y = DrawPrint(sz, kSignB(i), fTrue);
- if (!is.fSeconds && (gs.nScale == 100 || !gs.fFont || !gi.fFile || gs.fBitmap) && y < gs.yWin-1)
- {
- s = gi.nScale;
- gi.nScale = gi.nScaleT;
- DrawSign(SFromZ(house[i]), gs.xWin-12*gi.nScaleT,
- y-(yFont/2-1)*gi.nScaleT);
- gi.nScale = s;
- }
- DrawPrint(SzZodiac(house[i]), kSignB(SFromZ(house[i])), fFalse);
- }
- /* Print planet positions. */
- DrawPrint("", gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- for (i = 1; i <= oNorm; i++) if (!ignore[i] && !FCusp(i))
- {
- sprintf(sz, is.fSeconds ? "%3.3s: " : "%4.4s: ", szObjName[i]);
- DrawPrint(sz, kObjB[i], fTrue);
- y = DrawPrint(SzZodiac(planet[i]), kSignB(SFromZ(planet[i])), fTrue);
- if (!is.fSeconds && i < starLo && (gs.nScale == 100 || !gs.fFont || !gi.fFile || gs.fBitmap) && y < gs.yWin-1)
- {
- s = gi.nScale;
- gi.nScale = gi.nScaleT;
- DrawObject(i, gs.xWin-12*gi.nScaleT, y-(yFont/2-1)*gi.nScaleT);
- gi.nScale = s;
- }
- sprintf(sz, "%c ", ret[i] < 0.0 ? chRet : ' ');
- s = FThing(i);
- DrawPrint(sz, gi.kiOn, s);
- if (s)
- {
- is.fSeconds = fFalse;
- DrawPrint(SzAltitude(planetalt[i]), gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- is.fSeconds = us.fSeconds;
- }
- }
- /* Print star positions. */
- for (i = starLo; i <= starHi; i++) if (!ignore[i])
- {
- s = oNorm+starname[i-oNorm];
- sprintf(sz, is.fSeconds ? "%3.3s: " : "%4.4s: ", szObjName[s]);
- DrawPrint(sz, kObjB[s], fTrue);
- DrawPrint(SzZodiac(planet[s]), kSignB(SFromZ(planet[s])), fTrue);
- DrawPrint(" ", gi.kiOn, fTrue);
- DrawPrint(SzAltitude(planetalt[s]), gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- }
- /* Print element table information. */
- DrawPrint("", gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- CreateElemTable(&et);
- sprintf(sz, "Fire: %d, Earth: %d,", et.coElem[eFir], et.coElem[eEar]);
- DrawPrint(sz, gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- sprintf(sz, "Air : %d, Water: %d", et.coElem[eAir], et.coElem[eWat]);
- DrawPrint(sz, gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- sprintf(sz, "Car: %d, Fix: %d, Mut: %d", et.coMode[0], et.coMode[1], et.coMode[2]);
- DrawPrint(sz, gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- sprintf(sz, "Yang: %d, Yin: %d", et.coYang, et.coYin);
- DrawPrint(sz, gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- sprintf(sz, "M: %d, N: %d, A: %d, D: %d", et.coMC, et.coIC, et.coAsc, et.coDes);
- DrawPrint(sz, gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- sprintf(sz, "Ang: %d, Suc: %d, Cad: %d", et.coModeH[0], et.coModeH[1], et.coModeH[2]);
- DrawPrint(sz, gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- sprintf(sz, "Learn: %d, Share: %d", et.coLearn, et.coShare);
- DrawPrint(sz, gi.kiLite, fFalse);
- us.fAnsi = a;
- }
- /*
- ******************************************************************************
- ** Map Chart Routines.
- ******************************************************************************
- */
- /* Another stream reader, this one is used by the globe drawing routine: */
- /* for the next body of land/water, return its name (and color), its */
- /* longitude and latitude, and a vector description of its outline. */
- bool FReadWorldData(nam, loc, lin)
- char FAR **nam, FAR **loc, FAR **lin;
- {
- static char FAR **psz = (char FAR **)szWorldData;
- int i;
- *loc = *psz++;
- *lin = *psz++;
- *nam = *psz++;
- if (*loc[0])
- {
- if (gs.fPrintMap && gi.fFile)
- {
- i = **nam - '0';
- AnsiColor(i ? kRainbowA[i] : kMainA[7]);
- PrintSz(*nam+1); PrintL();
- }
- return fTrue;
- }
- psz = (char FAR **)szWorldData; /* Reset stream when no data left. */
- return fFalse;
- }
- /* Given longitude and latitude values on a globe, return the window */
- /* coordinates corresponding to them. In other words, project the globe */
- /* onto the view plane, and return where our coordinates got projected to, */
- /* as well as whether our location is hidden on the back side of the globe. */
- bool FGlobeCalc(x1, y1, u, v, cx, cy, rx, ry, deg)
- real x1, y1;
- int *u, *v, cx, cy, rx, ry, deg;
- {
- real j, siny1;
- /* Compute coordinates for a general globe invoked with -XG switch. */
- if (gi.nMode == gGlobe)
- {
- x1 = Mod(x1+(real)deg); /* Shift by current globe rotation value. */
- if (gs.rTilt != 0.0)
- {
- /* Do another coordinate shift if the globe's equator is tilted any. */
- x1 = RFromD(x1); y1 = RFromD(rDegQuad-y1);
- CoorXform(&x1, &y1, RFromD(gs.rTilt));
- x1 = Mod(DFromR(x1)); y1 = rDegQuad-DFromR(y1);
- }
- *v = cy + (int)((real)ry*-RCosD(y1)-rRound);
- *u = cx + (int)((real)rx*-RCosD(x1)*RSinD(y1)-rRound);
- return x1 > rDegHalf;
- }
- /* Compute coordinates for a polar globe invoked with -XP switch. */
- siny1 = RSinD(y1);
- j = gs.fAlt ? rDegQuad+x1+deg : 270.0-x1-deg;
- *v = cy + (int)(siny1*(real)ry*RSinD(j)-rRound);
- *u = cx + (int)(siny1*(real)rx*RCosD(j)-rRound);
- return gs.fAlt ? y1 < rDegQuad : y1 > rDegQuad;
- }
- /* Draw one "Ley line" on the world map, based coordinates given in terms of */
- /* longitude and vertical fractional distance from the center of the earth. */
- void DrawLeyLine(l1, f1, l2, f2)
- real l1, f1, l2, f2;
- {
- l1 = Mod(l1); l2 = Mod(l2);
- /* Convert vertical fractional distance to a corresponding coordinate. */
- f1 = rDegQuad-RAsin(f1)/rPiHalf*rDegQuad;
- f2 = rDegQuad-RAsin(f2)/rPiHalf*rDegQuad;
- DrawWrap((int)(l1*(real)gi.nScale+rRound)+1,
- (int)(f1*(real)gi.nScale+rRound)+1,
- (int)(l2*(real)gi.nScale+rRound)+1,
- (int)(f2*(real)gi.nScale+rRound)+1, 1, gs.xWin-2);
- }
- /* Draw the main set of planetary Ley lines on the map of the world. This */
- /* consists of drawing an icosahedron and then a dodecahedron lattice. */
- void DrawLeyLines(deg)
- int deg;
- {
- real off = (real)deg, phi, h, h1, h2, r, i;
- phi = (RSqr(5.0)+1.0)/2.0; /* Icosahedron constants. */
- h = 1.0/(phi*2.0-1.0);
- DrawColor(kMainB[6]);
- for (i = off; i < rDegMax+off; i += 72.0) /* Draw icosahedron edges. */
- {
- DrawLeyLine(i, h, i+72.0, h);
- DrawLeyLine(i-36.0, -h, i+36.0, -h);
- DrawLeyLine(i, h, i, 1.0);
- DrawLeyLine(i+36.0, -h, i+36.0, -1.0);
- DrawLeyLine(i, h, i+36.0, -h);
- DrawLeyLine(i, h, i-36.0, -h);
- }
- r = 1.0/RSqr(3.0)/phi/RCos(RFromD(54.0)); /* Dodecahedron constants. */
- h2 = RSqr(1.0-r*r); h1 = h2/(phi*2.0+1.0);
- DrawColor(kMainB[4]);
- for (i = off; i < rDegMax+off; i += 72.0) /* Draw docecahedron edges. */
- {
- DrawLeyLine(i-36.0, h2, i+36.0, h2);
- DrawLeyLine(i, -h2, i+72.0, -h2);
- DrawLeyLine(i+36.0, h2, i+36.0, h1);
- DrawLeyLine(i, -h2, i, -h1);
- DrawLeyLine(i+36.0, h1, i+72.0, -h1);
- DrawLeyLine(i+36.0, h1, i, -h1);
- }
- }
- /* This major routine draws all of Astrolog's map charts. This means */
- /* either the world map or the constellations, in either rectangular or */
- /* globe hemisphere form. The rectangular chart may also be done in a */
- /* Mollewide projection, for six total combinations. We shift the chart by */
- /* specified rotational and tilt values, and may draw on the chart each */
- /* planet at its zenith position on Earth or location in constellations. */
- void DrawMap(fSky, fGlobe, deg)
- bool fSky, fGlobe;
- int deg;
- {
- char *nam, *loc, *lin, chCmd;
- int X[objMax], Y[objMax], M[objMax], N[objMax],
- cx = gs.xWin/2,
- cy = gs.yWin/2,
- rx, ry, lon, lat, unit = 12*gi.nScale,
- x, y,
- xold, yold,
- m, n, u, v, i, j, k, l,
- nScl = gi.nScale;
- bool fNext = fTrue, fCan;
- real planet1[objMax], planet2[objMax], x1, y1, rT;
- #ifdef CONSTEL
- char *pch;
- bool fBlank;
- int isz = 0, nC, xT, yT, xDelta, yDelta, xLo, xHi, yLo, yHi;
- #endif
- /* Set up some variables. */
- rx = cx-1; ry = cy-1;
- if (fGlobe)
- fCan = (gs.rTilt == 0.0 && gi.nMode != gPolar);
- #ifdef CONSTEL
- /* Draw a dot grid for large rectangular constellation charts. */
- if (fSky && !fGlobe && !gs.fMollewide && gi.nScale/gi.nScaleT > 2)
- {
- for (yT = 5; yT < nDegHalf; yT += 5)
- {
- for (xT = 5; xT <= nDegMax; xT += 5)
- {
- DrawColor(xT % 15 == 0 && yT % 10 == 0 ? gi.kiOn : gi.kiGray);
- x = xT+deg;
- if (x > nDegMax)
- x -= nDegMax;
- DrawPoint(x*nScl, yT*nScl);
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- loop
- {
- /* Get the next chunk of data to process. Get the starting position, */
- /* map it to the screen, and set the drawing color appropriately. */
- if (fNext)
- {
- fNext = fFalse;
- /* For constellations, get data for the next constellation shape. */
- if (fSky)
- {
- #ifdef CONSTEL
- isz++;
- if (isz > cCnstl)
- break;
- DrawColor(gs.fAlt && gi.nMode != gPolar && (gi.nMode != gWorldMap || !gs.fMollewide) ? kMainB[7] : kRainbowB[6]);
- pch = (char *)szDrawConstel[isz];
- lon = nDegMax - (((pch[2]-'0')*10+(pch[3]-'0'))*15+(pch[4]-'0')*10+(pch[5]-'0'));
- lat = 90-((pch[6] == '-' ? -1 : 1)*((pch[7]-'0')*10+(pch[8]-'0')));
- pch += 9;
- xLo = xHi = xT = xold = x = lon;
- yLo = yHi = yT = yold = y = lat;
- nC = 0;
- if (fGlobe)
- {
- FGlobeCalc((real)x, (real)y, &m, &n, cx, cy, rx, ry, deg);
- k = l = fTrue;
- }
- else
- {
- xold += deg;
- x += deg;
- }
- #else
- ;
- #endif
- }
- /* For world maps, get data for the next coastline piece. */
- else /* !fSky */
- {
- if (!FReadWorldData(&nam, &loc, &lin))
- break;
- i = nam[0]-'0';
- DrawColor((!fGlobe && gi.nMode == gAstroGraph) ? gi.kiOn :
- (gi.nMode == gGlobe && gs.fAlt) ? gi.kiGray :
- (i ? kRainbowB[i] : kMainB[7]));
- lon = (loc[0] == '+' ? 1 : -1)*((loc[1]-'0')*100 + (loc[2]-'0')*10 + (loc[3]-'0'));
- lat = (loc[4] == '+' ? 1 : -1)*((loc[5]-'0')*10 + (loc[6]-'0'));
- if (fGlobe)
- {
- x = 180-lon;
- y = 90-lat;
- FGlobeCalc((real)x, (real)y, &m, &n, cx, cy, rx, ry, deg);
- k = l = fTrue;
- }
- else
- {
- xold = x = 181-lon+deg;
- yold = y = 91-lat;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Get the next unit from the string to draw on the screen as a line. */
- if (fSky)
- {
- /* For constellations we have a cache of how long we should keep */
- /* going in the previous direction, as say "u5" for up five should */
- /* move our pointer up five times without advancing string pointer. */
- #ifdef CONSTEL
- if (nC <= 0)
- {
- if (!(chCmd = *pch))
- {
- fNext = fTrue;
- if (gs.fText)
- {
- /* If we've reached the end of current constellation, compute */
- /* the center location in it based on lower and upper bounds */
- /* we've maintained, and print the name of the constel there. */
- xT = xLo + (xHi - xLo)*(szDrawConstel[isz][0]-'1')/8;
- yT = yLo + (yHi - yLo)*(szDrawConstel[isz][1]-'1')/8;
- if (xT < 0)
- xT += nDegMax;
- else if (xT > nDegMax)
- xT -= nDegMax;
- if (fGlobe)
- {
- if (FGlobeCalc((real)xT, (real)yT, &x, &y, cx, cy, rx, ry, deg))
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- xT += deg;
- if (xT > nDegMax)
- xT -= nDegMax;
- if (gs.fMollewide)
- x = 180*nScl + NMultDiv(xT-180, NMollewide(yT-91), 180L);
- else
- x = xT*nScl;
- y = yT*nScl;
- }
- DrawColor(gs.fAlt && gi.nMode != gPolar && (gi.nMode != gWorldMap || !gs.fMollewide) ? gi.kiGray : kMainB[5]);
- DrawSz(szCnstlAbbrev[isz], x, y, dtCent);
- }
- continue;
- }
- pch++;
- /* Get the next direction and distance from constellation string. */
- if (fBlank = (chCmd == 'b'))
- chCmd = *pch++;
- xDelta = yDelta = 0;
- switch (chCmd) {
- case 'u': yDelta = -1; break; /* Up */
- case 'd': yDelta = 1; break; /* Down */
- case 'l': xDelta = -1; break; /* Left */
- case 'r': xDelta = 1; break; /* Right */
- case 'U': yDelta = -1; nC = (yT-1)%10+1; break; /* Up until */
- case 'D': yDelta = 1; nC = 10-yT%10; break; /* Down until */
- case 'L': xDelta = -1; nC = (xT+599)%15+1; break; /* Left until */
- case 'R': xDelta = 1; nC = 15-(xT+600)%15; break; /* Right until */
- default: PrintError("Bad draw."); /* Shouldn't happen. */
- }
- if (chCmd >= 'a')
- nC = NFromPch(&pch); /* Figure out how far to draw. */
- }
- nC--;
- xT += xDelta; x += xDelta;
- yT += yDelta; y += yDelta;
- if (fBlank)
- {
- xold = x; yold = y; /* We occasionally want to move the pointer */
- l = fFalse; /* without drawing the line on the screen. */
- continue;
- }
- if (xT < xLo) /* Maintain our bounding rectangle for this */
- xLo = xT; /* constellation if we crossed over it any. */
- else if (xT > xHi)
- xHi = xT;
- if (yT < yLo)
- yLo = yT;
- else if (yT > yHi)
- yHi = yT;
- #else
- ;
- #endif
- }
- else /* !fSky */
- {
- /* Get the next unit from the much simpler world map strings. */
- if (!(chCmd = *lin))
- {
- fNext = fTrue;
- continue;
- }
- lin++;
- /* Each unit is exactly one character in the coastline string. */
- if (chCmd == 'L' || chCmd == 'H' || chCmd == 'G')
- x--;
- else if (chCmd == 'R' || chCmd == 'E' || chCmd == 'F')
- x++;
- if (chCmd == 'U' || chCmd == 'H' || chCmd == 'E')
- y--;
- else if (chCmd == 'D' || chCmd == 'G' || chCmd == 'F')
- y++;
- }
- /* Transform map coordinates to screen coordinates and draw a line. */
- while (x >= nDegMax) /* Take care of coordinate wrap around. */
- x -= nDegMax;
- while (x < 0)
- x += nDegMax;
- if (abs(x-xold) > nDegHalf)
- xold = x;
- if (fGlobe)
- {
- /* For globes, we have to go do a complicated transformation, and not */
- /* draw when we're hidden on the back side of the sphere. We're smart */
- /* and try to only do the slow stuff when we know we'll be visible. */
- if (fCan)
- {
- k = x+deg;
- if (k >= nDegMax)
- k -= nDegMax;
- k = (k <= 180);
- }
- if (k && !FGlobeCalc((real)x, (real)y, &u, &v, cx, cy, rx, ry, deg))
- {
- if (l)
- DrawLine(m, n, u, v);
- m = u; n = v;
- l = fTrue;
- }
- else
- l = fFalse;
- }
- else /* !fGlobe */
- {
- /* Rectangular maps are much simpler, with screen coordinates */
- /* proportional to internal coords. For the Mollewide projection */
- /* we have to apply a factor to the horizontal positioning though. */
- if (gs.fMollewide && gi.nMode != gAstroGraph)
- {
- DrawLine(180*nScl + NMultDiv(xold-180, NMollewide(yold-91), 180L), yold*nScl,
- 180*nScl + NMultDiv(x-180, NMollewide(y-91), 180L), y*nScl);
- }
- else DrawLine(xold*nScl, yold*nScl, x*nScl, y*nScl);
- xold = x; yold = y;
- }
- }
- /* Draw the outline of the map, either a circle around globes or a */
- /* Mollewide type ellipse for that type of rectangular chart. */
- DrawColor(gi.kiOn);
- if (!fGlobe)
- {
- if (gs.fMollewide && gi.nMode != gAstroGraph)
- {
- if (!gs.fAlt)
- {
- for (xold = 0, y = -89; y <= 90; y++, xold = x)
- {
- for (x = NMollewide(y), i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2)
- {
- DrawLine(180*nScl + i*xold - (i == 1), (90+y)*nScl, 180*nScl + i*x - (i == 1), (91+y)*nScl);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else DrawEllipse(0, 0, gs.xWin-1, gs.yWin-1);
- /* Now, if we are in an appropriate bonus chart mode, draw each planet at */
- /* its zenith or visible location on the globe or map, if not hidden. */
- if (!gs.fAlt || (gi.nMode != gGlobe && (!fSky || gi.nMode != gWorldMap || gs.fMollewide)))
- return;
- rT = gs.fConstel ? rDegHalf - (fGlobe ? 0.0 : (real)deg) : Lon;
- if (rT < 0.0)
- rT += rDegMax;
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
- {
- planet1[i] = RFromD(Tropical(planet[i]));
- planet2[i] = RFromD(planetalt[i]);
- EclToEqu(&planet1[i], &planet2[i]); /* Calculate zenith long. & lat. */
- }
- /* Compute screen coordinates of each object, if it's even visible. */
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++) if (FProper(i))
- {
- if (fSky)
- x1 = planet1[i];
- else
- x1 = planet1[oMC]-planet1[i];
- if (x1 < 0.0) x1 += 2.0*rPi;
- if (x1 > rPi) x1 -= 2.0*rPi;
- x1 = Mod(rDegHalf-rT-DFromR(x1));
- y1 = rDegQuad-DFromR(planet2[i]);
- if (fGlobe)
- {
- X[i] = FGlobeCalc(x1, y1, &u, &v, cx, cy, rx, ry, deg) ? -1000 : u;
- Y[i] = v;
- }
- else
- {
- X[i] = (int)(x1 * (real)nScl);
- Y[i] = (int)(y1 * (real)nScl);
- }
- M[i] = X[i]; N[i] = Y[i]+unit/2;
- }
- /* Now that we have the coordinates of each object, figure out where to */
- /* draw the glyphs. Again we try not to draw glyphs on top of each other. */
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++) if (FProper(i))
- {
- k = l = gs.xWin+gs.yWin;
- /* For each planet, we draw the glyph either right over or right under */
- /* the actual zenith location point. So, find out the closest distance */
- /* of any other planet assuming we place ours at both possibilities. */
- for (j = 1; j < i; j++) if (FProper(j))
- {
- k = Min(k, abs(M[i]-M[j])+abs(N[i]-N[j]));
- l = Min(l, abs(M[i]-M[j])+abs(N[i]-unit-N[j]));
- }
- /* Normally, we put the glyph right below the actual point. If however */
- /* another planet is close enough to have their glyphs overlap, and the */
- /* above location is better, then we'll draw the glyph above instead. */
- if (k < unit || l < unit)
- {
- if (k < l)
- N[i] -= unit;
- }
- }
- for (i = cObj; i >= 1; i--) if (X[i] >= 0 && FProper(i)) /* Draw the */
- DrawObject(i, M[i], N[i]); /* glyphs. */
- for (i = cObj; i >= 1; i--) if (X[i] >= 0 && FProper(i))
- {
- DrawColor(kObjB[i]);
- DrawSpot(X[i], Y[i]);
- }
- }
- /* Create a chart in the window based on the current graphics chart mode. */
- /* This is the main dispatch routine for all of the program's graphics. */
- void DrawChartX()
- {
- char sz[cchSzDef];
- int i;
- bool fT;
- gi.nScale = gs.nScale/100;
- if (gs.fBitmap || gs.fMeta)
- PrintNotice("Creating graphics chart in memory.");
- DrawClearScreen();
- #ifdef CONSTEL
- fT = gs.fConstel;
- #else
- fT = fFalse;
- #endif
- switch (gi.nMode) {
- case gWheel:
- case gHouse:
- if (us.nRel > rcDual)
- XChartWheel();
- else
- XChartWheelRelation();
- break;
- case gGrid:
- if (us.nRel > rcDual)
- XChartGrid();
- else
- XChartGridRelation();
- break;
- case gHorizon:
- if (us.fPrimeVert)
- XChartHorizonSky();
- else
- XChartHorizon();
- break;
- case gOrbit:
- XChartOrbit();
- break;
- case gDisposit:
- XChartDispositor();
- break;
- case gAstroGraph:
- DrawMap(fFalse, fFalse, gs.nRot); /* First draw map of world. */
- XChartAstroGraph(); /* Then draw astro-graph lines on it. */
- break;
- case gCalendar:
- XChartCalendar();
- break;
- case gEphemeris:
- XChartEphemeris();
- break;
- case gWorldMap:
- DrawMap(fT, fFalse, gs.nRot); /* First draw map of world. */
- if (!fT && gs.fAlt && !gs.fMollewide) /* Then maybe Ley lines. */
- DrawLeyLines(gs.nRot);
- break;
- case gGlobe:
- case gPolar:
- DrawMap(fT, fTrue, gs.nRot);
- break;
- #ifdef BIORHYTHM
- case gBiorhythm:
- XChartBiorhythm();
- break;
- #endif
- }
- /* Print text showing chart information at bottom of window. */
- DrawColor(gi.kiLite);
- if (fDrawText)
- {
- if (Mon == -1)
- sprintf(sz, "(No time or space)");
- else if (us.nRel == rcComposite)
- sprintf(sz, "(Composite)");
- else
- {
- fT = us.fAnsi; us.fAnsi = -(!gs.fFont || (!gs.fMeta && !gs.fPS));
- i = DayOfWeek(Mon, Day, Yea);
- sprintf(sz, "%c%c%c %s %s (%cT %s GMT) %s", chDay3(i),
- SzDate(Mon, Day, Yea, 2), SzTim(Tim), Dst != 0.0 ? 'D' : 'S',
- SzZone(Zon), SzLocation(Lon, Lat));
- us.fAnsi = fT;
- }
- DrawSz(sz, gs.xWin/2, gs.yWin-3*gi.nScaleT, dtBottom | dtErase);
- }
- /* Draw a border around the chart if the mode is set and appropriate. */
- if (fDrawBorder)
- DrawEdgeAll();
- }
- #endif /* GRAPH */
- /* xcharts0.c */