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- Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.applications
- Path: sunb10.cs.uiuc.edu!hew2.cs.uiuc.edu!rittle
- From: rittle@hew2.cs.uiuc.edu (Loren Rittle)
- Subject: Does a spelling checker have to be included in an Amiga WP?
- Message-ID: <1992Mar22.095620.1794@sunb10.cs.uiuc.edu>
- Sender: news@sunb10.cs.uiuc.edu
- Reply-To: l-rittle@uiuc.edu (Loren J. Rittle)
- Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- References: <1992Mar13.034854.26865@marlin.jcu.edu.au> <j4!j3ykharp@netcom.com> <1992Mar20.091717.53877@cc.usu.edu> <1992Mar20.092541.53878@cc.usu.edu> <29575@cbmvax.commodore.com>
- Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1992 09:56:20 GMT
- Lines: 46
- farren@cbmvax.commodore.com (Mike Farren) writes:
- >slbfn@cc.usu.edu writes:
- >> I am writting a "Graphic" word processor for use on the ami. It's being
- >> written in total asembly. I've been working on this for quite some time
- >> now ( around two years ) and should have it done in another year or so...
- >> Anyways, I wan't to know of some of the features you guys would like to
- >> see on this. Rescently, I've been sitting down looking at Word for
- >> Windows and am using this as my "base".
- >>
- >> Some features allready developed include (but not limited to...)
- >Sounds like a good thing to do, and a lot of work. Good luck!
- >The first feature that pops out as desirable to me is a spell checker.
- >Your posting quite effectively demonstrates this need :-) (and I mean
- >that smiley - no offense intended.)
- I would suggest that you don't include a spelling checker.
- ``What is this guy smoking?,'' you ask!
- No, I'm not on drugs. How about using the Amiga OS the way it was
- meant to be used? I don't want ten spelling checkers on my system!
- I want *one* spelling checker that all applications use. One thing
- I hate about *the Mac way* is that each and every application has
- it's own spelling checker builtin! Even the blasted structured
- drawing packages have their own spelling checker subsystem! What
- a waste to have a different spell checker package (with dictionary)
- for each application.
- Instead, I suggest that you include the ability to call my (or any
- other) spelling checker via ARexx. I will send anyone interested
- in attempting this idea all the needed code.
- If you feel that you must include a spelling checker, may I at least
- ask that you in addition provide a way to call an external spelling checker
- as well (this could be as simple as providing a generic enough macro key
- bind / macro / ARexx facility ala CyngusED, TurboText, TxEd, mg 3.4beta,
- Emacs, ProVector and the list grows). Don't forget to make the install
- of the builtin spelling checker optional... (it would defeat one purpose
- of my arguement, if I was forced to load onto HD and at run time your
- spelling checker, even if I were using my external one... :-).
- Regards,
- Loren
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.applications
- Path: sunb10.cs.uiuc.edu!hew2.cs.uiuc.edu!rittle
- From: rittle@hew2.cs.uiuc.edu (Loren Rittle)
- Subject: Re: Does a spelling checker have to be included in an Amiga WP?
- Message-ID: <1992Mar23.103237.9253@sunb10.cs.uiuc.edu>
- Sender: news@sunb10.cs.uiuc.edu
- Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1992 10:32:37 GMT
- Lines: 155
- soft-logik@cup.portal.com (Kevin W Davidson) writes:
- >>No, I'm not on drugs. How about using the Amiga OS the way it was
- >>meant to be used? I don't want ten spelling checkers on my system!
- >I only have 6 spelling dictionaries on my system.
- I only have one. You have 5 too many in my book. :-)
- >The Amiga has done so much with the IFF standard for graphics. I think
- >that there ought to be an IFF Spelling Dictionary format and a spell.
- >library. That way developers could add spell checkers cheaply and we'd
- >all save hard disk.
- Why does there need to be a IFF standard and/or a spell.library?
- The ARexx interface works fine. Although ARexx is known to have
- some throughput problem according to others, I get 10,000 spell
- checks (including the dictionary search for replacement words /
- and all the overhead of ARexx based data transfers) a second on
- my machine with an ARexx script talking to my ISpell (running in
- ARexx Server Mode) program. Currently developers *can* include
- spell checkers cheaply and we *all* can save hard disk space.
- Also of note, currently an application with a good ARexx interface
- and a user with ISpell and some ARexx knowledge can do the same
- thing! As I said before, I have added spell check services to
- CedPro (even spell check as you type!) and ProVector. Others have
- done support for Txed, mg, TurboText, and ProWrite (because ISpell
- is faster than the builtin spelling checker, so I heard from the person
- who did the macros :-). SoftLogik could add direct support for the ISpell
- defacto standard `Spell Checker ARexx Interface' in about one programmer
- day.
- I just sent the following to a few people, and as it is of general
- interest, I will also post it here. Here is the
- `Spell Checker ARexx Interface':
- Hello Tirso,
- The only standard that I know of is the defacto standard that
- I implemented in ISpell (for it's ARexx Server Mode). I say
- defacto standard as my ARexx Server Mode version of ISpell (a
- UNIX port done by people before me) is the only spelling checker
- with an ARexx port that I know of. I would be happy to hear of
- other spelling checkers available for the Amiga with an ARexx port.
- I would be more than happy to talk with authors of other spelling
- checkers about this issue. I want all spelling checkers to at
- least use the same base ARexx commands! Base support would be the
- following 4 ARexx commands:
- add, check, quickcheck, lookup
- quickadd and filecheck (in it's current form) haven't proved all that
- useful over the past two years while in the ISpell ARexx Server.
- version and exit aren't strictly needed, but should be easy to implement so
- why not?
- > R(0);T(00.200) > "options results; address 'IRexxSpell' version; say result
- > ISpell Version 3.1ljr with ARexx Server Mode, Thu Dec 27 04:16:35 1990
- > add quickadd check quickcheck lookup filecheck version exit
- [if you don't use ARexx / WShell forgive the above. It is basically an
- inline ARexx program that I quickly typed at a WShell prompt. :-]
- Note the ARexx port name is IRexxSpell in this case - other spell checkers
- should use a different port name (and applications should allow a user to
- set the name of the ARexx port to access, IMHO).
- OK, from the above we see 8 commands that operate as follows:
- add - add a new word to the current personal (if it exists,
- main otherwise) dictionary. AND flush dictionary changes
- to disk.
- Usage: add <word>
- Returns: "ok" [not useful currently]
- [some sort of other error text could be returned
- "disk error", "out of memory", etc]
- quickadd - add a new word to dictionary as above, except dictionary
- may not be flushed to disk. All changes (even if made via
- this quickadd command) will flushed when an add
- is done. This command is useful if many words are added to
- the dictionary at once. Some spelling checker may just alias
- this command to add.
- Usage: quickadd <word>
- Returns: "ok" [not useful currently]
- check - check if a word is found in the dictionary.
- Usage: check <word>
- Returns: on exact match: "*"
- on exact macth of root word plus listed ending:
- "+ <rootword>"
- on no match, but close words found:
- "& <list of words that are close>"
- on no match and no close words found: "#"
- [this may seem strange, but I just mapped ISpell stdio output
- to ARexx. It is quite easy to parse in ARexx scripts, thus
- it seems to work fine.] [NOTE: 'options results' must be enabled]
- quickcheck- quickly check if a word is found in the dictionary.
- Usage: quickcheck <word>
- Returns: on exact match or exact match of root+ending: "ok"
- on no match: "bad" ('options results' must be enabled)
- [I think that rc should be set to a boolean value as well, so
- that 'options results' need not be enabled but... I don't
- currently set the rc (I alway return 0) so it ain't in the
- spec... :-]
- [I don't want to insult your ARexx knowledge, but I'll
- assume that you don't know and explain: by default callers of
- ARexx functions only get number value returns via a variable
- called RC, to accept string returns, ARexx must be told to
- return them to the caller via the 'options' command. In
- this case: 'options results'. If string returns are enabled
- then callers can check the variable RESULT for a string that
- the function returned. ARexx functions can always return
- both a number value (found in RC after the function call)
- AND a string value (found in RESULT), but a caller will
- only see the the string result if it was asked for.]
- lookup - look in dictionary for words that match a given full
- regular expression (UNIX style, but AmigaOS 2.04 would
- be better. Let's say that either could be used... :-)
- Usage: lookup <reg. exp.>
- Returns: "& <list of all words that matched the pattern>"
- filecheck - KLUDGE that needs to be reworked. Currently used to spell
- check an entire file on disk and copy all unknown words (in
- the order found in input file) to temp. T: output file.
- Usage: filecheck <full name with complete path to disk file>
- Returns: on error: "Error: <exact error message>"
- [usually: can't open file for input or can't open
- file for output, etc.]
- on completion: "<temp. file>"
- [application that used spell server now `owns' the
- temp. file whose name is returned and should
- delete it when done with it!]
- version - you can see the output above. full app name, compile date,
- and a list of ARexx commands accepted by the server. This ouput is
- spell checker dependent, but I see nothing wrong with following this
- style.
- exit - spell checker software should shut down server and quit.
- Results: "bye" [or whatever, or nothing]
- I, Loren J. Rittle, hereby give up any sort of exclusive rights (that I
- may of had) to the above interface which I invented (in 1989 and
- improved until 1990) and implemented in a noncommercial spelling
- checker, ISpell. Anyone can use the above Spell Checker ARexx Interface
- without paying any license fees to the author, Loren J. Rittle. It
- would be nice if credit were given if used in a product.
- Regards,
- Loren J. Rittle
- l-rittle@uiuc.edu
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.applications
- Path: sunb10.cs.uiuc.edu!hew2.cs.uiuc.edu!rittle
- From: rittle@hew2.cs.uiuc.edu (Loren Rittle)
- Subject: Re: Does a spelling checker have to be included in an Amiga WP?
- Message-ID: <1992Mar23.233211.14608@sunb10.cs.uiuc.edu>
- Sender: news@sunb10.cs.uiuc.edu
- Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- References: <1992Mar23.103237.9253@sunb10.cs.uiuc.edu> <pat_meloy.06i1@outbound.wimsey.bc.ca>
- Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1992 23:32:11 GMT
- Lines: 27
- pat_meloy@outbound.wimsey.bc.ca (Pat Meloy) writes:
- > The one problem with ISpell is that it takes up ~800k of ram to run in
- >server mode. I used it to add a spell check/replace in the BBS I used to
- >run. It worked great and it ran lickety-split! Unfortunately, most Amiga
- >owners are limited to a total of 512k or 1meg ram and thus it has to be run
- >from disk. This means no arexx port and only marginal benefits.
- Pat,
- There is no reason why another spelling checker couldn't use the exact
- same ARexx interface as ISpell, but yet use a disk based dictionary. This
- is what I'm advocating (maybe I should move over to c.s.a.advocacy, NOT).
- You will note that I released the ARexx interface that I implemented in
- ispell for free and commercial use (at either end - people can implement
- backend servers that use the same interface as ISpell uses and people
- can implement clients and ARexx macros that use the same interface that
- ISpell based macros use).
- I could write a dumb disk based dictionary spelling checker IN ARexx that
- uses the same ARexx interface as ISpell in less than one half week's worth
- of time. If that is what it takes to prove to you that this is a good idea,
- then I'll do it. ISpell is ported from UNIX, the algorithms contained
- within assume memory to burn and the performance shows. The dumb disk
- based spelling checker will be a lot slower, but will prove my point.
- Regards,
- Loren