Amiga Plus Extra 1996 #3
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M A R B L E - S L I D E
The aim of this game is to bring the marble into the goal of the field,
which consists of 10 * 11 pieces.
You can push a piece towards the free square (black) by clicking on
it with the left mousebutton. You can change the direction of the marble
as often as you want by pressing the right mouse button.
The goal is to reach the red cross-square . The goal has to be reached
within a given amount of time and you will get bonus-points for any
time left.
If you run out of time before reaching the goal, your marble will be
lost and the level will restart.
The same happens if your marble crashes. Your marble will crash if
it falls into the free square or if it reaches a square containing a
You should take good care of the marble`s energy, which decreases while
playing. The only way to increase the marble`s energy is reaching
squares with red marks. While rolling on these squares, energy will
grow one unit per second.
Do not overload, this will kill the marble, too.
Some audio-signals will warn you 10 seconds before you run out of time,
if energy is low or if the marble is overloaded.
There is something special about energy:
The marble`s energy will remain unchanged if you loose the marble
in holes and have to replay the level. It even remains unchanged
if you complete one level and get to the next level.
Only overloading and low energy will cause a reset of the energy to the
default amount.
You can save your actual level as long as you`re not playing level 1 and
as long as you`ve got a marble on the field. If You choose QUIT during
the game you will be asked whether you want to save or exit without
saving your actual level. If you choose SAVE, you can save your
actual game by double - clicking on one of the arrows.
There are 40 levels on the disk, but the program allows up to 99 level,
so if you want more, you should take a close look at the level - editor.
If you run out of levels during the game, the game will be finished.
You can reset the highscore by deleting a file called `BESTSLIDER`.
If you want to transfer the game to another disk, you will need to copy
some files: SO1, SO2, SO3, SO4, Marble-Slider and the levels.
M A R B L E - S L I D E E D I T O R
The editor is selfexplaining, so here`s a description of possible
error messages.
Error messages will be displayed if:
there`s no goal
there are too many goals
there`s no free square
there are too many free squares
there`s no Start.
How to get the square to start on:
- choose menue Set
- choose GO
- click on a square containing a
dead end
You should choose the Start at the end of editing, just before saving
the level.
MARBLE - SLIDE and the EDITOR were written using MANX C V3.6a.
Each version contains an entry about the PD - series this game was
dedicated to. Other PD - Distributors can order their version of the
game from the author (me).
I don`t do this because I want to annoy the Distributors.
During writing several games I recognized, that some Distributors I sent
my games to did not even care about sending back my disks, although they
included the games on their disks.
These people will not get my programs any more.
In order to avoid that this people get the program from another
Distributor and use it on their disks, there`s an entry in every
Title - Screen telling which Distributor or PD - Series this version is
dedicated to.
The Copyright is reserved by the author:
Peter Händel
Bismarckstr. 7a
4800 Bielefeld 1
West Germany
Phone: (Germany) 0521 / 122352