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- Lots of thanks are due to the following people for their various
- contributions to the Freeciv project.
- Original authors, otherwise known as the Great Danes:
- (They are no longer involved, please don't mail them about bugs etc.).
- Peter Joachim Unold <pjunold@daimi.aau.dk>
- Claus Leth Gregersen <leth@daimi.aau.dk>
- Allan Ove Kjeldbjerg <allan@daimi.aau.dk>
- Present administrators:
- Jeff Mallatt <jjm@codewell.com> (from October 1999)
- Tony Stuckey <stuckey@jaka.ece.uiuc.edu> (since v. 1.8.1)
- Past administrators:
- Mitch Davis <mjd@alphalink.com.au> (versions 1.5.2 to 1.7.2)
- David Pfitzner <dwp@mso.anu.edu.au> (December 1998 to October 1999)
- Nicolas Brunel <brunel@lim.univ-mrs.fr> (January 1999 to June 1999)
- Coders since 1.8.1 release:
- David Pfitzner <dwp@mso.anu.edu.au> (tilespec)
- Jeff Mallatt <jjm@codewell.com> (terrain rulesets)
- Sebastian Bauer <sebauer@t-online.de> (paratroopers, airbases, Amiga)
- Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa <vasc@camoes.rnl.ist.utl.pt> (Gtk+)
- Nicolas Brunel <brunel@ham.esil.univ-mrs.fr> (options, --metaserver)
- Anthony J. Stuckey <stuckey@jaka.ece.uiuc.edu>
- Jerzy Klek <qpkjeek@epk.ericsson.se> (nations ruleset, city styles)
- Sune Kirkeby <sune@interspace.dk> (governments ruleset, unit upkeep)
- Markus Linnala <maage@cs.tut.fi>
- David Pérez Serrada <dperezs@laguna.dvnet.es> (i18n)
- Rizos Sakellariou <rizos@cs.rice.edu> (AI and governments)
- Greg Wooledge <wooledge@kellnet.com>
- Andy Black <ablack@bvsd.k12.co.us> (Mac)
- John-Marc Chandonia <jmc@cmpharm.ucsf.edu> (gtk "Change All" dialog)
- Gary Moyer <garymoyer@home.com> (turn-blocking mode)
- Reinier Post <reinpost@win.tue.nl>
- Zbigniew Chyla <chyla@alice.ci.pwr.wroc.pl> (gtk client i18n)
- Daniel Sjolie <deepone@acc.umu.se>
- Peter Schaefer <schaefer@cys.de>
- Joseph Beckenbach III <jrb3@best.com> (BeOS)
- Corin Anderson <corin@the4cs.com>
- Matthew OConnor <matthew@anti-earth.org>
- Alexander Mai <st002279@HRZPUB.tu-darmstadt.de> (OS/2)
- Mika Korhonen <mikak@ee.oulu.fi> (Finnish nation)
- Falk Hueffner <falk.hueffner@student.uni-tuebingen.de>
- Per Mathisen <permath@ifi.ntnu.no>
- Andrew Donkin <ard@scms.waikato.ac.nz>
- Mattias Andersson <tamasis@softhome.net>
- Jarda Benkovsky <pvt.benkovsk@pvtnet.cz>
- Coders prior to 1.8.1 release:
- (Version numbers refer to the first non-beta release
- to contain that patch or bugfix.)
- David Pfitzner <dwp@mso.anu.edu.au>
- (co-admin 1.8.x, 1.7.2, patches 1.8.x, rulesets, spacerace, 1.7.x)
- Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa <vasc@camoes.rnl.ist.utl.pt>
- (Gtk+ client port/patches/maint 1.8.1)
- Nicolas Brunel <brunel@ham.esil.univ-mrs.fr>
- (co-admin and patches 1.8.x, ai diplomat use)
- Rizos Sakellariou <rizos@cs.rice.edu>
- (patches and bug reports 1.8.x, city names 1.7.2)
- Anthony J. Stuckey <stuckey@jaka.ece.uiuc.edu>
- (admin help 1.8.1, patches 1.8.x, 1.7.2, 1.7.1)
- Kris Bubendorfer <Kris.Bubendorfer@MCS.VUW.AC.NZ>
- (patches 1.8.x, civil war, trade cities, 1.7.x, diplomats/spies)
- Reinier Post <rp@win.tue.nl>
- (patches 1.8.1, server commands from clients, 1.7.x)
- Falk Hueffner <falk.hueffner@student.uni-tuebingen.de>
- (patches 1.8.x, spacerace, 1.7.0, 1.6.0, autoconf support)
- Per Mathisen <permath@ifi.ntnu.no>
- (patches 1.8.x, server console, 1.7.2, 1.7.1)
- Markus Linnala <maage@cs.tut.fi>
- (patches 1.8.1, logging, 1.7.x, configure)
- Patrick Smith <patsmith@pobox.com>
- (patches 1.8.x, 1.7.2, bug reports 1.8.0)
- Peter Schaefer <schaefer@cys.de>
- (mapgen and other patches 1.8.x, 1.7.x, 1.6.x)
- Jeff Mallatt <jjm@codewell.com> (patches 1.8.x, diagonal roads)
- Olivier Rolland <billl@esil.univ-mrs.fr> (patch 1.8.1 tear-off Gtk+ panels)
- Divis, Vaclav <DivisV@logica.com> (patch 1.8.1, nuke command)
- Sune Kirkeby <sune@interspace.dk> (patches 1.8.1)
- Michael Gastright <gastrig@snmpi.com> (patch 1.8.1)
- P. E. Jean <pejean.lists@iname.com> (patch 1.8.1 Gtk+ warnings)
- Daniel Deckers <fh5y076@public.uni-hamburg.de> (patch 1.8.1)
- Bobby D. Bryant <bdbryant@mail.utexas.edu> (patch 1.8.1 helptext)
- Sebastian Bauer <sebauer@t-online.de> (patch 1.8.1)
- Mitch Davis <mjd@alphalink.com.au> (ChangeLog 1.8.0,
- admin and patches 1.7.x, 1.6.x; many patches 1.5.2, 1.4.4, 1.4.3)
- Trent Piepho <xyzzy@u.washington.edu>
- (patches 1.8.0, core patches 1.7.x, 1.6.x)
- Massimo Campostrini <campo@mailbox.difi.unipi.it>
- (city names and other patches 1.8.0, 1.7.2, 1.4.6, 1.0h, 1.0e)
- Greg Wooledge <wooledge@kellnet.com>
- (helptext and other patches 1.8.0, 1.7.2, 1.7.0)
- Jake Kesinger <kesinger@math.ttu.edu>
- (patches 1.8.0, 1.7.0, gamelog, American city names)
- Sebastian Fischmeister <sfischme@nexus.lzk.tuwien.ac.at>
- (autoattack patch 1.8.0)
- Daniel Gudlat <gudlat@informatik.hu-berlin.de>
- (scenario related patches 1.8.0, 1.7.2)
- Daniel Burrows <Daniel_Burrows@brown.edu> (hp regeneration patches 1.8.0)
- Andrew Donkin <ard@scms.waikato.ac.nz> (patches 1.8.0, 1.0j)
- Lalo Martins <lalo@debian.org> (patch 1.8.0 client --help, --version)
- Christopher C Chimelis <chris@classnet.med.miami.edu> (patch 1.8.0 Alpha)
- Alexander Mai <st002279@HRZPUB.tu-darmstadt.de> (OS/2 patchs 1.8.0, 1.7.2)
- Bussi Andrea <bta@edu.al.unipmn.it> (patch 1.8.0 2-button mouse)
- Fabrice Noilhan <Fabrice.Noilhan@ens.fr> (patch 1.8.0 Solaris)
- John Stonebraker <ppaqebb@surfshop.net>
- (huge AI improvement and other patches 1.7.x, 1.6.x)
- Cedric Tefft <cedric@earthling.net> (patches 1.7.x)
- Christian Grothoff <ma0035@stud.uni-wuppertal.de> (patch 1.7.0)
- Dee Jay Randall <randal@cs.uregina.ca> (patches 1.7.2, 1.7.1)
- Sverker Wiberg <sverkerw@Update.UU.SE>
- (configure patches 1.7.2, helptext patch 1.7.0)
- Mirar <mirar@idonex.se> (patches 1.7.2)
- Michael Bickel <Michael.Bickel@informatik.uni-erlangen.de> (patches 1.7.2)
- Paul Cameron <pmcamero@socs.uts.EDU.AU> (patches 1.7.2)
- Mark Brown <broonie@tardis.ed.ac.uk> (aqueductloss patch 1.7.2)
- Mika Korhonen <mikak@ee.oulu.fi> (patch and bug report 1.7.2)
- Alex Rhomberg <rhomberg@ife.ee.ethz.ch> (Alpha patch 1.7.2)
- Sergey Shkonda <serg@bcs.zp.ua> (patch 1.7.2)
- Matthew Hunt <mph@pobox.com> (patch 1.7.2)
- Robert Donn <squirk@ihug.co.nz> (debian/ patch 1.7.2)
- Trevor Pering <pering@tongass.EECS.Berkeley.EDU>
- (scorelog and other patches 1.7.1)
- Walter Misar <misar@rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de>
- (patch and bug reports 1.7.1)
- Finn Arne Gangstad <finnag@guardian.no> (Solaris configure patch 1.7.1)
- James Blackwell <innocent@mercury.merconline.com>
- (docs patches 1.7.0, co-admin 1.6.x, bug report 1.4.4)
- Frank Muzzulini <muzz@albatross.pond.sub.org>
- (patches and bug report 1.7.0)
- Olli Helenius <ollhel@jytol.fi> (patches 1.7.0)
- Jason Merrill <jason@yorick.cygnus.com> (patches 1.7.0)
- Carl Bartels <cb@bravo436.chem.mcgill.ca> (patch 1.7.0)
- Seth Golub <seth@thehouse.org> (patch 1.7.0)
- Sam Holden <sholden@pgrad.cs.usyd.edu.au> (GNU-Win32 patch 1.7.0)
- Olav Andree Brevik <olavb@ifi.uio.no> (patch 1.6.3, many patches 1.6.0)
- Markus L. Noga <ut6e@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de> (patch 1.6.3)
- Erik Vasaasen (Freeciv motto), Peter Mains (metaserver), Rene
- Schalburg (startup scripts), Robert H. Forsman Jr (canvas
- widget), Warwick Allison, Stephan Boettcher, Matthias Gessl,
- Thomas Kraube, Brian Thomas, Troels Valsted Hansen (Amiga),
- Peter Skov (help buttons), Peter Meerwald (OS/2), Michael
- Hohensee (icons, HOWTOPLAY), Rajala Ilkka, Richard Braakman
- and Jan Echternach.
- Graphics:
- Tatu Rissanen <tatu.rissanen@hut.fi> ("trident" tileset, now default)
- Ralph Engels <rengels@hydra.informatik.uni-ulm.de> ("engels" tileset)
- Alexandre Beraud <a_beraud@lemel.fr> (space, wonders, small)
- Jeff Mallatt <jjm@codewell.com> (civ2 specials)
- Jerzy Klek <qpkjeek@epk.ericsson.se> (flags, city styles)
- Reineir Post <rp@win.tue.nl> (Sweden, Holland flags)
- Vasco Costa <vasc@rnl.ist.utl.pt> (Portugal flag)
- David Pfitzner <dwp@mso.anu.edu.au> (roads, flags)
- Bruno Gilleta <gilleta@pento.esil.univ-mrs.fr> (improved classic)
- Trent Piepho <xyzzy@u.washington.edu>
- Frank Muzzulini <muzz@albatross.pond.sub.org> (artillery icon)
- Allan Ove Kjeldbjerg <allan@daimi.aau.dk> (original graphics)
- Maps:
- Christian Grothoff <ma0035@stud.uni-wuppertal.de> (Europe v1.0)
- Daniel Gudlat <gudlat@informatik.hu-berlin.de> (Earth)
- Jerzy Klek <qpkjeek@epk.ericsson.se> (Europe v1.1)
- Site hosting:
- Paul Zastoupil <paul@adn.net> (from May '99)
- Tracy Reed <treed@ultraviolet.org> (to April '99)
- Mailing lists:
- John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>
- Ryan Rehder <twolf@kc.net> (freeciv.midsun.com: Mar '98 to Nov '98)
- FAQ Maintainer:
- Reinier Post <rp@win.tue.nl>
- Website design (FWNG):
- Martin Willemoes Hansen <mwh@stampede.org>
- Webmaster:
- Paul Zastoupil <paul@adn.net>
- Previous Webmasters:
- Martin Willemoes Hansen <mwh@stampede.org>
- Mitch Davis <mjd@alphalink.com.au>
- Ian Rees <irees@sat.net>
- Allan Ove Kjeldbjerg <allan@daimi.aau.dk>
- Website contributors:
- Patrick Gardella <patrick@cre8tivegroup.com> (Games Announcement)
- Fabrice Noilhan <fabrice.noilhan@ens.fr> (Poll system)
- Tomi Sarvela (Graphics)
- Freeciv Metaserver:
- Peter Dam Mains <lancelot@daimi.au.dk>
- Mirror Sites:
- Tod Detre <tod@tod.net>
- (http://www.tod.net/freeciv and
- Bug reports before 1.9.0:
- Marko Lindqvist <caz@students.cc.tut.fi>
- Artur Biesiadowski <abies@pg.gda.pl>
- Reuben Thomas <rrt1001@cam.ac.uk>
- Idan Sofer <sofer@ibm.net>
- Matt Starnes <matt@mail.ltlb.com>
- Per Persson <pp@sno.pp.se>
- Sami Farin <sfarin@ratol.fi>
- Emmanuel PARIS <ep@axene.com>
- mancini <mancini@enst.fr>
- Nils Jeppe <nils@jeppe.de>
- David Ronis <ronis@onsager.chem.mcgill.ca>
- Christoph Kutzinski <kutzi@gmx.de>
- Matthew Hunt <mph@astro.caltech.edu>
- Jim Smith <atilla_ca@yahoo.com>
- Bug reports before 1.8.1:
- Todd Goodman <tsg1@earthlink.net>
- Frank Schaefer <fransch@netscape.net>
- Marko Lindqvist <caz@students.cc.tut.fi>
- Dee Jay Randall <randal@cs.uregina.ca>
- Brent Nelson <nelson@realcase.com>
- Anders Wegge Jakobsen <wegge@wegge.dk>
- Peter Berg Larsen <pebl@math.ku.dk>
- Chip Richards <chipr@niestu.com>
- Andy Black <ablack@bvsd.k12.co.us>
- Andrew E. Schulman <andrex@alw.nih.gov>
- Jonathan Hall <jonhall@futureks.net>
- Mel Ooran <melooran@yahoo.com>
- David Usherwood <davidu@infocat.co.uk>
- Matt Busigin <jediknight@xwing.org>
- Chris Buchanan <csbuchan@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca>
- Chris Lawrence <lawrencc@debian.org>
- Alexandre Beraud <a_beraud@lemel.fr>
- Bug reports before 1.7.2:
- Andrew E. Schulman <andrex@alw.nih.gov>
- Nicolas Brunel <brunel@ham.esil.univ-mrs.fr>
- Ben Korvemaker <benjamin@cs.ualberta.ca>
- Manual:
- David King <crkinger@usa.net> (new Freeciv Client and Server Guides)
- Localisation (l10n):
- Manop Huber <Saphir@cs.tu-berlin.de> (de.po)
- Lalo Martins <lalo@webcom.com> (pt_BR.po)
- Vasco Costa <vasc@camoes.rnl.ist.utl.pt> (pt.po)
- Artur Biesiadowski <abies@pg.gda.pl> (pl.po)
- Denis Bodor <dbodor@linuxmag-france.org> (fr.po)
- David Pérez Serrada <dperezs@laguna.dvnet.es> (es.po)
- Zoltan Bardosi <hck@lkg.rulez.org> (hu.po)
- Package maintainers:
- Lalo Martins <lalo@debian.org> (Debian GNU/Linux)
- Martin Willemoes Hansen <mwh@stampede.org> (Stampede GNU/Linux)
- Todd Goodman <tsg1@earthlink.net> (Windows with Cygwin and X server)
- Hugo van der Kooji <hvdkooij@caiw.nl> (Redhat Linux)
- Niilo Kajander <ganon@neutech.fi> (Slackware Linux)
- Fred Hohlen <fhohlen@mindspring.com> (LinuxPPC)
- Sebastian Bauer <sebauer@t-online.de> (Amiga)
- Monetary donations:
- Ian Rees (Domain name)
- Paul Zastoupil (Domain name)
- Martin Willemoes Hansen <mwh@stampede.org> (Domain name)
- Mitch Davis <mjd@aus.hp.com> (Domain name)
- James Blackwell <innocent@mercury.merconline.com> (Domain name)
- Civworld: (our map editor)
- Benjamin Drieu <drieu@bocal.cs.univ-paris8.fr> (original author)
- Daniel Gudlat <gudlat@informatik.hu-berlin.de> (recent maintainer)
- Modpacks:
- Bobby D. Bryant <bdbryant@mail.utexas.edu> (Ancients)
- Projects:
- Daniel Glassey <danglassey@geocities.com> (Windows port - GTK+)
- Justin Hopkins <hop@elwood.pionet.net> (Windows port - native)
- Andy Black <ablack@bvsd.k12.co.us> (Mac port)
- Mark Nettle <mark@bluefire.com.au> (Fantasy modpack)
- Marko Lindqvist <caz@students.cc.tut.fi> (AI client)
- Others:
- Francisco CHAGAS Barros <chagas@linkexpress.com.br>
- (official brazilian freeciv group, also a helpdata.txt)
- Dustin Reyes <crusader@linuxgames.com>
- (Interview on http://www.linuxgames.com)
- Preston Hillensbeck <prestonh@ametro.net>
- (A solution to the KDE problem)
- Sebastian Feuerstack <Sebastian@Feuerstack.de>
- Heikki.Kantola@iki.fi
- Jason Griffiths <neptune@replicant.apana.org.au>
- Peter Berg Larsen <pebl@math.ku.dk>
- Tommi Raulahti <drdoom@fanta.modeemi.cs.tut.fi>
- Manuel Gutierrez Algaba <irmina@ctv.es>
- And finally...
- The guys in the DAIMI labs, who playtested early versions of
- Freeciv for the Great Danes.
- The members of the freeciv-dev mailing list, coders and non-
- coders alike. You've all made valuable comments and contributions.
- Sid Meier, for slight inspiration.
- If we have missed someone or details have changed, please accept our
- apologies and let us know. Contact one of the administrators (above)
- or email <freeciv-dev@freeciv.org>.
- The Freeciv Team.