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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Freeciv Graphics, and Tile Specification Files
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- Using Graphics:
- ---------------
- To use different graphics with Freeciv, use the '--tiles' argument to
- the Freeciv client. Eg, to use the 'engels' graphics, start the
- client as:
- civclient --tiles engels
- What Freeciv actually does in this case is look for a file called
- 'engels.tilespec' somewhere in your Freeciv data path. (See the file
- INSTALL for some information on the Freeciv data path.) That tilespec
- file contains information telling Freeciv which graphics files to use,
- and what those graphics files contain.
- That is all you need to know to use alternative graphics provided by
- Freeciv or by third-party add-ons. The rest of this file describes
- (though not fully) the contents of the tilespec file and related
- files. This is intended as developer reference, and for people
- wanting to create/compile alternative tilesets and modpacks for
- Freeciv.
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- Overview:
- ---------
- The purpose of the 'tilespec' file and related 'spec' files is to
- allow the detailed layout of the graphics within the files to be
- flexible and not hard-coded into Freeciv, and to allow add-ons to
- conveniently provide additional graphics.
- There are two layers to the tilespec files:
- The top-level file is named, eg: 'default.tilespec'. The basename of
- this file (here, 'default') corresponds to the parameter of the
- '--tiles' command-line argument for the Freeciv client, as described
- above.
- The top-level tilespec file contains general information on the full
- tileset, and a list of files which specify information about the
- individual graphics files. These filenames must be located somewhere
- in the data path, though not necessarily the same place as the
- top-level tilespec file. Note that with this system the number and
- contents of the referenced files are completely flexible at this
- level.
- An exception is that the intro graphics must be in individual files,
- as listed in the tilespec file, because Freeciv treats these
- specially: these graphics are freed after the game starts, and
- reloaded later as necessary.
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- Individual spec files:
- ----------------------
- Each spec file describes one graphics file (currently xpm format only)
- as specified in the spec file. The graphics file must be in the
- Freeciv data path, but not necessarily "near" the spec file. (Thus
- you could have multiple spec files using a single graphics file in
- different ways.)
- The main data described in the spec file is in sections named
- [grid_*], where * is some arbitrary tag (but unique within each file).
- A grid corresponds to a regular rectangular array of tiles. In
- general one may have multiple grids in one file, but the default
- tilesets usually only have one per file. (Multiple grids would be
- useful to have different size tiles in the same file.) Each grid
- defines an origin (top left) and spacing, both in terms of pixels, and
- then refers to individual tiles of the grid by row and column. The
- origin, and rows and columns, are counted as (0,0) = top left.
- Each individual tile is given a "tag", which is a string which is
- referenced in the code and/or from ruleset files. A grid may be
- sparse, with some elements unused (simply don't mention their row and
- column), and a single tile may have multiple tags (eg, to use the same
- graphic for multiple purposes in the game): just specify a list of
- comma-separated strings.
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- Tag uniqueness and tag prefixes:
- --------------------------------
- An important requirement is that there must be no duplicated tags
- across all the graphics files (those referenced from the top-level
- tilespec file). That is, each tag must be unique. (This is because
- the tags are used to reference the graphics, and for non-unique tags
- Freeciv would not know which graphic to use.) To assist in
- maintaining this uniqueness, there is a rough prefix system used for
- standard tags:
- f. national flags
- r. road/rail
- s. general "small"
- u. unit images
- t. basic terrain types (with _n0s0e0w0 to _n1s1e1w1)
- ts. terrain special resources
- tx. extra terrain-related
- gov. government types
- unit. unit overlays: hp, stack, activities (goto, fortify etc)
- upkeep. unit upkeep and unhappiness
- city. city related (city, size, sq.-prod., disorder, occupied)
- cd. city defaults
- citizen. citizens, including specialists
- explode. explosion graphics (nuke explosion)
- spaceship. spaceship components
- treaty. treaty thumbs
- user. crosshairs (in general: user interface?)
- In general, graphics tags hard-wired into Freeciv _must_ be provided
- by the spec files, or the client will refuse to start. Graphics tags
- provided by ruleset files (at least for the "standard" rulesets)
- should also be provided, but generally the client will continue even
- if they are not, though the results may not be satisfactory for the
- user. To work properly tags should correspond to appropriately sized
- graphics. (The basic size may vary, as specified in the top-level
- tilespec file, but the individual tiles should be consistent with
- those sizes and/or the usage of those graphics.)
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