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- ; Modifying this file:
- ; You should not modify this file except to make bugfixes or
- ; for other "maintenance". If you want to make custom changes,
- ; you should create a new datadir subdirectory and copy this file
- ; into that directory, and then modify that copy. Then use the
- ; command "set buildings <mysubdir>" in the server to have freeciv
- ; use your new customized file.
- ; Note that the freeciv AI may not play so well when using
- ; these non-default building rules.
- ; TODO: more variants?
- [datafile]
- description="Approximate Civ1-style buildings data for Freeciv"
- options="1.9"
- ; Below: The individual buildings, one per section.
- ; (Buildings = City Improvements and Wonders)
- ; For now, the number of such sections must be kept the same (=68).
- ; Also, the actual building effects are currently still hardwired,
- ; according to position in this list of sections.
- ;
- ; The actual tag used (the * in [building_*]) does not matter, except
- ; it must be unique within this file, and it may be used in debug
- ; output when reading this file.
- ;
- ; Notes:
- ;
- ; name = name as seen by user
- ; tech_req = advance required to build; special value "Never"
- ; meaning building is never available
- ; obsolete_by = advance which makes building obsolete; value "None"
- ; if does not become obsolete
- ; is_wonder = 1 for wonders (only one instance can ever be built)
- ; build_cost = production shields required to build
- ; upkeep = monetary upkeep value
- ; variant = controls hardwired effects options, unique to each
- ; building; 0 means default effect; see README.rulesets
- ; helptext = optional help text string; should escape all raw newlines
- ; so that xgettext parsing works
- [building_airport]
- name = _("Airport")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 160
- upkeep = 3
- variant = 0
- [building_aqueduct]
- name = _("Aqueduct")
- tech_req = "Construction"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 120
- upkeep = 2
- variant = 0
- ; auto-help
- [building_bank]
- name = _("Bank")
- tech_req = "Banking"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 120
- upkeep = 3
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Together with the Marketplace improvement, a Bank increases the\
- luxury and tax production within a city by 100%.\
- ")
- [building_barracks]
- name = _("Barracks")
- tech_req = "None"
- obsolete_by = "Gunpowder"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 40
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 1
- helptext = _("\
- With a Barracks, each new unit built in a city will\
- automatically have Veteran status, which means that its attack and\
- defence strengths are increased by 50%. Also, damaged units\
- which stay in town for one full turn without moving are completely\
- restored.\
- ")
- ; auto-help on obsolete
- ; Variant 1: Affects all units, not just land units.
- [building_barracks_ii]
- name = _("Barracks II")
- tech_req = "Gunpowder"
- obsolete_by = "Combustion"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 40
- upkeep = 1
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- With a Barracks, each new unit built in a city will\
- automatically have Veteran status, which means that its attack and\
- defence strengths are increased by 50%. Also, damaged units\
- which stay in town for one full turn without moving are completely\
- restored.\
- ")
- ; auto-help on obsolete
- ; Variant: Uses Barracks variant.
- [building_barracks_iii]
- name = _("Barracks III")
- tech_req = "Combustion"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 40
- upkeep = 2
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- With a Barracks, each new unit built in a city will\
- automatically have Veteran status, which means that its attack and\
- defence strengths are increased by 50%. Also, damaged units\
- which stay in town for one full turn without moving are completely\
- restored.\
- ")
- ; Variant: Uses Barracks variant.
- [building_cathedral]
- name = _("Cathedral")
- tech_req = "Religion"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 160
- upkeep = 3
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- A Cathedral makes 3 unhappy citizens content in a city, making it\
- easier to maintain order in that city.\
- ")
- ; auto-help tech
- [building_city_walls]
- name = _("City Walls")
- tech_req = "Masonry"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 120
- upkeep = 2
- variant = 1
- helptext = _("\
- City Walls make it easier to defend a city. They triple the defence\
- strength of units within the city against ground, sea, and helicopter\
- units. They are ineffective against non-helicopter airborne units as well\
- as Artillery. City Walls also prevent the loss of population which\
- occurs when a defending unit is destroyed by a land unit.\
- ")
- ; Variant 1: Also effective against sea units.
- [building_coastal_defense]
- name = _("Coastal Defense")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 80
- upkeep = 1
- variant = 0
- [building_colosseum]
- name = _("Colosseum")
- tech_req = "Construction"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 100
- upkeep = 4
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Entertains the citizens of a city, making 3 unhappy citizens content.\
- ")
- ; auto-help tech
- [building_courthouse]
- name = _("Courthouse")
- tech_req = "Code of Laws"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 80
- upkeep = 1
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Reduces the corruption in a city by 50%. Under a Democracy, a\
- Courthouse makes 1 unhappy citizen content. \
- Also halves the effective distance to the capital, for the purpose\
- of calculating revolt cost.\
- ")
- [building_factory]
- name = _("Factory")
- tech_req = "Industrialization"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 200
- upkeep = 4
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Increases the shield production in a city by 50%, but also contributes\
- significantly to pollution.\
- ")
- [building_granary]
- name = _("Granary")
- tech_req = "Pottery"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 60
- upkeep = 1
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- The amount of stored food will be set to half full whenever a city\
- with a Granary shrinks or grows. This helps a city to grow faster\
- and more easily withstand famine.\
- ")
- ; NOTE:
- ; In Civ2, city size reduction does not generate food like this.
- ; Dare I ask where this food comes from?? :-)
- [building_harbour]
- name = _("Harbour")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 60
- upkeep = 1
- variant = 0
- [building_hydro_plant]
- name = _("Hydro Plant")
- tech_req = "Electronics"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 240
- upkeep = 4
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Reduces the amount of pollution generated in a city. It also\
- increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant in the\
- city: a Factory and a Hydro Plant together give a 75% production\
- bonus, and a Factory, Mfg. Plant and Hydro Plant together give\
- a 150% production bonus.\
- \n\n\
- A city can only have one Hydro Plant, Power Plant, or Nuclear\
- Plant. A city can only build a Hydro Plant if it is next to (or\
- on) a Mountain or River tile.\
- ")
- ; NOTE:
- ; For Civ1 the first number above should be 100%, but the above
- ; describes current freeciv rules.
- [building_library]
- name = _("Library")
- tech_req = "Writing"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 80
- upkeep = 1
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Increases the science output in a city by 50%.\
- ")
- [building_marketplace]
- name = _("Marketplace")
- tech_req = "Currency"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 80
- upkeep = 1
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Increases the luxury and tax output in a city by 50%.\
- ")
- [building_mass_transit]
- name = _("Mass Transit")
- tech_req = "Mass Production"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 160
- upkeep = 4
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Neutralises the pollution generated by the population. \
- The population simply has no effect on the pollution generated in\
- the city.\
- ")
- [building_mfg_plant]
- name = _("Mfg. Plant")
- tech_req = "Robotics"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 320
- upkeep = 6
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Together with a Factory, a Manufacturing Plant increases the shield\
- production in a city by 100%.\
- ")
- [building_nuclear_plant]
- name = _("Nuclear Plant")
- tech_req = "Nuclear Power"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 160
- upkeep = 2
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Reduces the amount of pollution generated in a city. It also\
- increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant in\
- the city: a Factory and a Nuclear Plant together give a 75%\
- production bonus, and a Factory, Mfg. Plant and Nuclear Plant\
- together give a 150% production bonus.\
- \n\n\
- A city can only have one Hydro Plant, or a Power Plant, or a\
- Nuclear Plant.\
- ")
- ; NOTE:
- ; For Civ1 the first number above should be 100%, but the above
- ; describes current freeciv rules.
- ; There would also be a change of meltdown during civil disorder,
- ; but that has not been implemented yet.
- [building_offshore_platform]
- name = _("Offshore Platform")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 160
- upkeep = 3
- variant = 0
- [building_palace]
- name = _("Palace")
- tech_req = "Masonry"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 200
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Makes a city the capital and the centre of your government. \
- Corruption in other cities is related to how far away from the\
- capital they are, except when the government is Democracy or\
- Communism. The cost of inciting a revolt in a city also depends\
- upon the city's distance from the capital (under all forms of\
- government).\
- \n\n\
- Take good care of your capital, as it's loss may result in your\
- empire plunging into civil war.\
- ")
- [building_police_station]
- name = _("Police Station")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 60
- upkeep = 2
- variant = 0
- [building_port_facility]
- name = _("Port Facility")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 80
- upkeep = 3
- variant = 0
- [building_power_plant]
- name = _("Power Plant")
- tech_req = "Refining"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 160
- upkeep = 4
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant in a\
- city: a Factory and a Power Plant together give a 75% production\
- bonus, and a Factory, Mfg. Plant and Power Plant together give\
- a 150% production bonus. The extra production may lead to the city\
- generating more pollution.\
- \n\n\
- A city can only have one Hydro Plant, or a Power Plant, or\
- a Nuclear Plant.\
- ")
- ; NOTE:
- ; For Civ1 the first number above should be 100%, but the above
- ; describes current freeciv rules.
- [building_recycling_center]
- name = _("Recycling Center")
- tech_req = "Recycling"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 200
- upkeep = 2
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Building a recycling centre reduces the amount of pollution\
- generated by a city by 65%.\
- ")
- [building_research_lab]
- name = _("Research Lab")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 160
- upkeep = 3
- variant = 0
- [building_sam_battery]
- name = _("SAM Battery")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 100
- upkeep = 2
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Doubles the defense of all units inside the city when attacked by\
- non-nuclear air units.\
- ")
- [building_sdi_defense]
- name = _("SDI Defense")
- tech_req = "Superconductors"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 200
- upkeep = 4
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Protects a city from attacks from Nuclear units. Nuclear attacks\
- simply have no effect on the city. Also, doubles defence against\
- non-nuclear missiles.\
- ")
- [building_sewer_system]
- name = _("Sewer System")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 120
- upkeep = 2
- variant = 0
- ; auto-help
- [building_solar_plant]
- name = _("Solar Plant")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 320
- upkeep = 4
- variant = 0
- ; not implemented
- [building_space_component]
- name = _("Space Component")
- tech_req = "Plastics"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 160
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Space Components can be differentiated into Propulsion and Fuel\
- Components. Each pair of them reduces your spaceship's travel\
- time. You can build up to 8 pairs.\
- \n\n\
- Before you can build any spaceship parts, the Apollo Program wonder\
- must have been built by any player.\
- ")
- [building_space_module]
- name = _("Space Module")
- tech_req = "Robotics"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 320
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Space Modules are the most expensive parts of spaceships. There\
- are three different types of Space Module:\
- \n\n\
- - Habitation Module: provides living space for 10,000 people.\
- \n\n\
- - Life Support Module: provides food and water for the population of\
- one Habitation Module.\
- \n\n\
- - Solar Panels: provides the energy needed for any two of the other\
- Modules.\
- \n\n\
- You can build up to 4 Space Modules of each kind.\
- \n\n\
- Before you can build any spaceship parts, the Apollo Program wonder\
- must have been built by any player.\
- ")
- [building_space_structural]
- name = _("Space Structural")
- tech_req = "Space Flight"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 80
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Space Structurals form the base of your spaceship. All other\
- spaceship parts need to be connected to Structurals in order to\
- function. You can build up to 32 Space Structurals.\
- \n\n\
- Before you can build any spaceship parts, the Apollo Program wonder\
- must have been built by any player.\
- ")
- [building_stock_exchange]
- name = _("Stock Exchange")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 160
- upkeep = 4
- variant = 0
- [building_super_highways]
- name = _("Super Highways")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 160
- upkeep = 3
- variant = 0
- [building_supermarket]
- name = _("Supermarket")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 120
- upkeep = 3
- variant = 0
- [building_temple]
- name = _("Temple")
- tech_req = "Ceremonial Burial"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 40
- upkeep = 1
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Makes one unhappy citizen content. Both the Mysticism advance\
- and the Oracle wonder double this effect. With both Mysticism\
- and the Oracle, 4 citizens are made content.\
- ")
- [building_university]
- name = _("University")
- tech_req = "University"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 160
- upkeep = 3
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Together with a Library, a University increases the science\
- production of a city by 100%.\
- ")
- [building_apollo_program]
- name = _("Apollo Program")
- tech_req = "Space Flight"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 600
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- All cities on the map become visible for the player who owns it. \
- It allows all players to start building spaceship parts (assuming\
- they have researched the necessary technologies).\
- ")
- [building_asmiths_trading_co]
- name = _("A.Smith's Trading Co.")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 400
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- [building_colossus]
- name = _("Colossus")
- tech_req = "Bronze Working"
- obsolete_by = "Flight"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 200
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Each square around the city where this wonder is built produces one\
- extra trade resource.\
- ")
- [building_copernicus_observatory]
- name = _("Copernicus' Observatory")
- tech_req = "Astronomy"
- obsolete_by = "Automobile"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 300
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Boosts science production by 50% in the city where it is built.\
- ")
- [building_cure_for_cancer]
- name = _("Cure For Cancer")
- tech_req = "Genetic Engineering"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 600
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- This stunning technological achievement makes one unhappy\
- citizen content in all cities.\
- ")
- [building_darwins_voyage]
- name = _("Darwin's Voyage")
- tech_req = "Railroad"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 300
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Charles Darwin's voyage sparked the discovery of the evolution\
- of the species, which inspired greater confidence in science.\
- Gives two immediate technology advances.\
- ")
- [building_eiffel_tower]
- name = _("Eiffel Tower")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 300
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- ; Not implemented
- [building_great_library]
- name = _("Great Library")
- tech_req = "Literacy"
- obsolete_by = "University"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 300
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- The civilization which builds the Great Library gets every advance\
- that at least two other civilizations have achieved.\
- ")
- [building_great_wall]
- name = _("Great Wall")
- tech_req = "Masonry"
- obsolete_by = "Gunpowder"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 300
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Works as a City Wall in all cities.\
- ")
- [building_hanging_gardens]
- name = _("Hanging Gardens")
- tech_req = "Pottery"
- obsolete_by = "Invention"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 300
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Makes one content citizen happy in every city. Makes two extra\
- content citizens happy in the city containing the Hanging Gardens\
- (that is, a total of 3). In the unlikely event where there are no\
- content citizens to get the effect of Hanging Gardens, the wonder\
- applies to unhappy citizens (making them content instead).\
- ")
- [building_hoover_dam]
- name = _("Hoover Dam")
- tech_req = "Electronics"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 600
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 1
- helptext = _("\
- Works as if you had a Hydro Plant in every city\
- on the same continent where the wonder is built. \
- (This reduces pollution and increases the effects of\
- Factories and Mfg. Plants.)\
- \n\n\
- Like a Hydro Plant, the Hoover Dam can only be built in a city\
- which is next to (or on) a Mountain or River tile. However, its\
- effect is applicable to all cities in your civilization\
- on the same continent, regardless of whether the other cities\
- are next to, or on, a Mountain or River tile.\
- ")
- ; Variant 1: works only on the same continent as the
- ; city where it is built.
- [building_isaac_newtons_college]
- name = _("Isaac Newton's College")
- tech_req = "Theory of Gravity"
- obsolete_by = "Nuclear Fission"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 400
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Boosts science production by 100% in the city where it is built.\
- ")
- [building_js_bachs_cathedral]
- name = _("J.S. Bach's Cathedral")
- tech_req = "Religion"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 400
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 1
- helptext = _("\
- Makes two unhappy citizens content in every city of yours\
- on the same continent where the wonder is built.\
- ")
- ; Variant 1: works only on the same continent as the
- ; city where it is built.
- [building_king_richards_crusade]
- name = _("King Richard's Crusade")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "Industrialization"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 300
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- [building_leonardos_workshop]
- name = _("Leonardo's Workshop")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "Automobile"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 400
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- [building_lighthouse]
- name = _("Lighthouse")
- tech_req = "Map Making"
- obsolete_by = "Magnetism"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 200
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Gives all sea units 1 additional movement point and eliminates the\
- risk of losing Triremes on the high seas. Makes all new sea units\
- veterans (for all cities).\
- ")
- [building_magellans_expedition]
- name = _("Magellan's Expedition")
- tech_req = "Navigation"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 400
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 1
- helptext = _("\
- Gives all sea units 1 additional movement point.\
- ")
- ; Variant 1: Only gives 1 additional movement point.
- [building_manhattan_project]
- name = _("Manhattan Project")
- tech_req = "Nuclear Fission"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 600
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- ; auto-help
- [building_marco_polos_embassy]
- name = _("Marco Polo's Embassy")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "Communism"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 200
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- [building_michelangelos_chapel]
- name = _("Michelangelo's Chapel")
- tech_req = "Religion"
- obsolete_by = "Communism"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 300
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Counts as having a Cathedral in each of your cities. \
- This makes 3 unhappy citizens content in each city.\
- ")
- ; auto-help tech
- [building_oracle]
- name = _("Oracle")
- tech_req = "Mysticism"
- obsolete_by = "Religion"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 300
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Doubles the effect of Temples, in all cities.\
- ")
- [building_pyramids]
- name = _("Pyramids")
- tech_req = "Masonry"
- obsolete_by = "Communism"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 300
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 1
- helptext = _("\
- Allows you to choose any government, including those that have not yet\
- been researched by your civilization, and without the transition\
- period of Anarchy.\
- ")
- ; Variant 0: Counts as having a Granary in every city.
- [building_seti_program]
- name = _("SETI Program")
- tech_req = "Computers"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 600
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Boosts science production in each city by 50%.\
- ")
- [building_shakespeares_theatre]
- name = _("Shakespeare's Theatre")
- tech_req = "Medicine"
- obsolete_by = "Electronics"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 400
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- Makes all unhappy citizens content, in the city where it is located.\
- ")
- [building_statue_of_liberty]
- name = _("Statue of Liberty")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 400
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- [building_sun_tzus_war_academy]
- name = _("Sun Tzu's War Academy")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "Mobile Warfare"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 300
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- [building_united_nations]
- name = _("United Nations")
- tech_req = "Communism"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 600
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 1
- helptext = _("\
- Allows you to choose any government, including those that have not yet\
- been researched by your civilization, and without the transition\
- period of Anarchy.\
- ")
- ; Variant 0: Units regain one extra hitpoint per turn.
- ;
- ; NOTE:
- ; Variant 1 does not match Civ1 or Civ2, but diplomatic effects are
- ; not very effective in multiplayer, and hitpoints effects do not
- ; apply for Civ1. Note in Civ1 Pyramids have a gov-change effect,
- ; but become obsolete, and the Statue of Liberty does not exist.
- [building_womens_suffrage]
- name = _("Women's Suffrage")
- tech_req = "Industrialization"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 1
- build_cost = 600
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 1
- helptext = _("\
- In all cities, the unhappiness effect of every unit is reduced by 1.\
- This means that in a Republic, units do not cause unhappiness, and in\
- a Democracy, aggressive units cause only 1 unhappy citizen each.\
- ")
- ; Variant 0: different...
- [building_capitalization] ; Special case
- name = _("Capitalization")
- tech_req = "Never"
- obsolete_by = "None"
- is_wonder = 0
- build_cost = 999
- upkeep = 0
- variant = 0
- helptext = _("\
- This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
- production to Capitalization means its shield production is\
- converted to tax output (money).\
- ")
- [b_special]
- ; Special values:
- aqueduct_size=10;
- sewer_size=99;
- ; Techs which modify building effects:
- cathedral_plus="Never"
- cathedral_minus="Never"
- colosseum_plus="Never"
- temple_plus="Mysticism"