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- From mark%mailhost@leav-156-100.army.mil Fri Nov 17 15:25:54 1995
- Return-Path: <mark%mailhost@leav-156-100.army.mil>
- Date: Fri, 17 Nov 1995 08:24:35 -0600
- From: mark%mailhost@leav-156-100.army.mil (Mark B. Hamby)
- Subject: Speak Freely Tcl/Tk Interface
- John,
- I have tried several other Internet voice packages for Unix
- and yours is by great. I have written a quick Tcl/Tk GUI
- interace for it, though I know you are probably working
- on a full interface yourself. This one is kind of kludgy,
- but it works. It requires Tcl, Tk, and Tix extensions.
- The Tix extensions could be removed in about 20 minutes.
- Of course the entire script only took a couple of hours.
- And that long because I am new to Tcl/Tk. :)
- Later,
- Mark Hamby
- RDA Logicon
- mhamby@logicon.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- #! /bin/sh
- # \
- tixwish "$0" "$*" # \
- exit
- proc Quit {} {
- global Speaker
- catch {set proc [pid $Speaker]}
- catch {exec kill $proc}
- catch {close $Speaker}
- Hangup
- exit
- }
- proc Dial {} {
- global Host Switchhook Talkbtn Mike
- if {[string length $Host] == 0 } {
- ShowStatus "ERROR: Please enter a hostname."
- return
- }
- $Switchhook config -text "Hangup" -command Hangup \
- -background red2 -activebackground red1
- Mute
- $Talkbtn config -state normal
- set Mike [open "| sfmike -b -t -n -s60 $Host" "r+"]
- fileevent $Mike readable ShowMike
- }
- proc Hangup {} {
- global Switchhook Talkbtn Mike
- catch {puts -nonewline $Mike "q"}
- catch {flush $Mike}
- catch {close $Mike}
- $Switchhook config -text "Dial" -command Dial \
- -background grey85 -activebackground grey90
- $Talkbtn config -text "Disconnected" -state disabled \
- -background grey85 -activebackground grey90
- }
- proc Talk {} {
- global Talkbtn Mike
- $Talkbtn config -text "Press To Mute" -command Mute \
- -background SpringGreen3 -activebackground SpringGreen2
- ShowStatus "Microphone is ON."
- puts -nonewline $Mike " "
- flush $Mike
- }
- proc Mute {} {
- global Talkbtn Mike
- $Talkbtn config -text "Press To Talk" -command Talk \
- -background gold2 -activebackground gold1
- ShowStatus "Microphone is OFF."
- catch {puts -nonewline $Mike " "}
- catch {flush $Mike}
- }
- proc ShowSpeaker {} {
- global Speaker
- if [eof $Speaker] {
- catch {close $Speaker}
- set line "ERROR: Speaker process has crashed."
- } else {
- gets $Speaker line
- }
- ShowStatus $line
- }
- proc ShowMike {} {
- global Mike
- if [eof $Mike] {
- set line "ERROR: Invalid hostname."
- Hangup
- } else {
- gets $Mike line
- }
- ShowStatus $line
- }
- proc ShowStatus { args } {
- global Status
- $Status subwidget listbox insert end [join $args]\n
- $Status subwidget listbox see end
- }
- # Set window title.
- wm title . "Speak Freely"
- # Create a frame for buttons and entry.
- tixButtonBox .bar -padx 10 -pady 10
- pack .bar -side top -fill x
- set Switchhook [button .bar.switchhook -text Dial -command Dial -width 8]
- pack $Switchhook -side left
- tixLabelEntry .bar.host -label "Host:"
- .bar.host subwidget entry config -width 10 -textvariable Host
- pack .bar.host -side left -fill x -expand true
- # Create command buttons.
- button .bar.quit -text Quit -command Quit
- pack .bar.quit -side right
- button .bar.controls -text "Controls" -command {exec audiocontrol &}
- pack .bar.controls -side right
- set Status .status
- tixScrolledListBox $Status -height 100 -width 300
- $Status subwidget listbox config -setgrid true -takefocus false
- pack $Status -side top -fill both -expand true
- tixButtonBox .bottom
- pack .bottom -side bottom -fill x
- set Talkbtn .bottom.talk
- button $Talkbtn -text "Disconnected" -state disabled
- pack $Talkbtn -side bottom -fill x -expand true
- ShowStatus "Enabling speaker..."
- set Speaker [open "| sfspeaker -v |& cat" "r+"]
- fileevent $Speaker readable ShowSpeaker
- ---------------------------------------------------------------