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- Synopsis:
- fe (<list>) <variable> [<variable> ...] { <actions> }
- Description:
- FE is one of several loop types available in ircII-EPIC. This loop
- takes a list of items, and for each one, it performs the specified
- action.
- It may act on more than one item at a time. The list may be a plain
- text list, a variable, a function, or any combination. As with aliases
- and other control structures, the braces surrounding the action may
- appear anywhere. List items are whitespace-delimited. Extended words
- (those with spaces in them) are honored when they are surrounded in
- double quotes (").
- For instance, FE might be used to loop through a list of nicknames
- that the user wishes to invite to a channel (or kick from it!).
- Any looping mechanism can run through a list one by one. The real
- power of FE is its ability to act on multiple list items at once.
- One could perform an action on 3 at a time, for instance, such as
- setting a +o channel mode on other users. Other loops, such as FOR,
- can do this as well, but FE offers a more elegant solution.
- Examples:
- A simple mode +o script to cluster mode changes 3 at a time:
- fe ( $friends ) xx yy zz {
- if ( zz ) {
- mode #blah +ooo $xx $yy $zz
- } {
- if ( yy ) {
- mode #blah +oo $xx $yy
- } {
- mode +o $xx
- }
- }
- }
- A script to check for upper-case letters in a line of input:
- @ caps = 0
- fec ( $* ) xx {
- if ( ascii($xx) >= 65 || ascii($xx) <= 90 ) {
- @ caps++
- }
- }
- echo *** Found $caps upper-case letters
- Aliases:
- FEC works the same as FE, except it loops through each character in the
- list, not each word. Whitespace is only valid if it is between two
- other non-whitespace characters. Whitespace that follows the opening
- parenthesis, and that leads up to the closing one, is ignored.
- See Also:
- for(5); foreach(5); until(5); while(5)
- Other Notes:
- The loop doesn't necessarily have to have an action inside the curly
- braces. It doesn't make much sense to omit it, though. Since 01/22/97,
- FE and FEC use local(6) variables instead of global.