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- /*
- * $Id: smb_abstraction.c,v 1.51 2004/05/18 08:39:13 obarthel Exp $
- *
- * :ts=8
- *
- * Name: smb_abstraction.c
- * Description: Smb abstraction layer.
- * Author: Christian Starkjohann <cs@hal.kph.tuwien.ac.at>
- * Date: 1996-12-31
- * Copyright: GNU-GPL
- *
- * Modified for use with AmigaOS by Olaf Barthel <olsen@sourcery.han.de>
- */
- #include "smbfs.h"
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include <smb/smb_fs.h>
- #include <smb/smb.h>
- #include <smb/smbno.h>
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #define ATTR_CACHE_TIME 5 /* cache attributes for this time */
- #define DIR_CACHE_TIME 5 /* cache directories for this time */
- #define DIRCACHE_SIZE 170
- #define DOS_PATHSEP '\\'
- /*****************************************************************************/
- typedef struct dircache
- {
- int base;
- int len;
- int eof; /* cache end is eof */
- long created_at; /* for invalidation */
- struct smba_file *cache_for; /* owner of this cache */
- int cache_size;
- struct smb_dirent cache[1];
- } dircache_t;
- /* opaque structures for server and files: */
- struct smba_server
- {
- struct smb_server server;
- struct MinList open_files;
- dircache_t * dircache;
- unsigned supports_E:1;
- unsigned supports_E_known:1;
- };
- struct smba_file
- {
- struct MinNode node;
- struct smba_server *server;
- struct smb_dirent dirent;
- long attr_time; /* time when dirent was read */
- dircache_t *dircache; /* content cache for directories */
- unsigned attr_dirty:1; /* attribute cache is dirty */
- unsigned is_valid:1; /* server was down, entry removed, ... */
- };
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "smb_abstraction.h"
- /*****************************************************************************/
- static int smba_connect(smba_connect_parameters_t *p, unsigned int ip_addr, int use_E, char *workgroup_name, int cache_size, smba_server_t **result);
- static INLINE int make_open(smba_file_t *f, int need_fid);
- static int write_attr(smba_file_t *f);
- static void invalidate_dircache(struct smba_server *server, char *path);
- static void close_path(smba_server_t *s, char *path);
- static void smba_cleanup_dircache(struct smba_server *server);
- static int smba_setup_dircache(struct smba_server *server, int cache_size);
- static int extract_service (char *service, char *server, size_t server_size, char *share, size_t share_size);
- /*****************************************************************************/
- static int
- smba_connect (smba_connect_parameters_t * p, unsigned int ip_addr, int use_E, char * workgroup_name, int cache_size, smba_server_t ** result)
- {
- smba_server_t *res;
- struct smb_mount_data data;
- int errnum;
- char hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN], *s;
- struct servent * servent;
- (*result) = NULL;
- res = malloc (sizeof(*res));
- if(res == NULL)
- {
- ReportError("Not enough memory.");
- errnum = -ENOMEM;
- goto error_occured;
- }
- memset (res, 0, sizeof(*res));
- memset (&data, 0, sizeof (data));
- memset (hostname, 0, sizeof (hostname));
- errnum = smba_setup_dircache (res,cache_size);
- if(errnum < 0)
- {
- ReportError("Directory cache initialization failed (%ld, %s).",-errnum,amitcp_strerror(-errnum));
- goto error_occured;
- }
- strlcpy(data.workgroup_name,workgroup_name,sizeof(data.workgroup_name));
- res->server.abstraction = res;
- gethostname (hostname, MAXHOSTNAMELEN);
- if ((s = strchr (hostname, '.')) != NULL)
- (*s) = '\0';
- data.addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- data.addr.sin_addr.s_addr = ip_addr;
- servent = getservbyname("netbios-ssn","tcp");
- if(servent != NULL)
- data.addr.sin_port = htons (servent->s_port);
- else
- data.addr.sin_port = htons (SMB_PORT);
- data.fd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (data.fd < 0)
- {
- errnum = (-errno);
- ReportError("socket() call failed (%ld, %s).", errno, amitcp_strerror (errno));
- goto error_occured;
- }
- strlcpy (data.service, p->service, sizeof(data.service));
- StringToUpper (data.service);
- strlcpy (data.username, p->username, sizeof(data.username));
- strlcpy (data.password, p->password, sizeof(data.password));
- if (p->max_xmit > 0)
- data.max_xmit = p->max_xmit;
- else
- data.max_xmit = 65530 /*8300*/;
- strlcpy (data.server_name, p->server_name, sizeof(data.server_name));
- strlcpy (data.client_name, p->client_name, sizeof(data.client_name));
- if (data.server_name[0] == '\0')
- {
- if (strlen (p->server_ipname) > 16)
- {
- errnum = -ENAMETOOLONG;
- ReportError("Server name '%s' is too long for NetBIOS (max %ld characters).",p->server_ipname,16);
- goto error_occured;
- }
- strlcpy (data.server_name, p->server_ipname, sizeof(data.server_name));
- }
- StringToUpper (data.server_name);
- if (data.client_name[0] == '\0')
- {
- if (strlen (hostname) > 16)
- {
- errnum = -ENAMETOOLONG;
- ReportError("Local host name '%s' is too long for NetBIOS (max %ld characters).", hostname, 16);
- goto error_occured;
- }
- strlcpy (data.client_name, hostname, sizeof(data.client_name));
- StringToUpper (data.client_name);
- }
- res->server.mount_data = data;
- NewList((struct List *)&res->open_files);
- if ((errnum = smb_proc_connect (&res->server)) < 0)
- {
- ReportError("Cannot connect to server (%ld, %s).", -errnum,amitcp_strerror(-errnum));
- goto error_occured;
- }
- if (!use_E)
- res->supports_E_known = 1;
- (*result) = res;
- return 0;
- error_occured:
- if(res != NULL)
- {
- smba_cleanup_dircache (res);
- free (res);
- }
- return errnum;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- void
- smba_disconnect (smba_server_t * server)
- {
- CloseSocket (server->server.mount_data.fd);
- smba_cleanup_dircache(server);
- free (server);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- static INLINE int
- make_open (smba_file_t * f, int need_fid)
- {
- int errnum = 0;
- smba_server_t *s;
- if (!f->is_valid || (need_fid && !f->dirent.opened))
- {
- s = f->server;
- if (!f->is_valid || f->attr_time == -1 || GetCurrentTime() - f->attr_time > ATTR_CACHE_TIME)
- {
- if ((errnum = smb_proc_getattr_core (&s->server, f->dirent.complete_path, f->dirent.len, &f->dirent)) < 0)
- goto error_occured;
- }
- if ((f->dirent.attr & aDIR) == 0) /* a regular file */
- {
- if (need_fid || !s->supports_E_known || s->supports_E)
- {
- LOG (("opening file %s\n", f->dirent.complete_path));
- if ((errnum = smb_proc_open (&s->server, f->dirent.complete_path, f->dirent.len, &f->dirent)) < 0)
- goto error_occured;
- if (s->supports_E || !s->supports_E_known)
- {
- if (smb_proc_getattrE (&s->server, &f->dirent) < 0)
- {
- if (!s->supports_E_known)
- {
- s->supports_E_known = 1;
- s->supports_E = 0;
- } /* ignore errors here */
- }
- else
- {
- s->supports_E_known = 1;
- s->supports_E = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* don't open directory, initialize directory cache */
- if (f->dircache != NULL)
- {
- f->dircache->cache_for = NULL;
- f->dircache->len = 0;
- f->dircache = NULL;
- }
- }
- f->attr_time = GetCurrentTime();
- f->is_valid = 1;
- }
- error_occured:
- return errnum;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- int
- smba_open (smba_server_t * s, char *name, size_t name_size, smba_file_t ** file)
- {
- smba_file_t *f;
- int errnum;
- (*file) = NULL;
- f = malloc (sizeof(*f));
- if(f == NULL)
- {
- errnum = -ENOMEM;
- goto error_occured;
- }
- memset(f,0,sizeof(*f));
- f->dirent.complete_path = name;
- f->dirent.complete_path_size = name_size;
- f->dirent.len = strlen (name);
- f->server = s;
- errnum = make_open (f, 0);
- if (errnum < 0)
- goto error_occured;
- AddTail ((struct List *)&s->open_files, (struct Node *)f);
- (*file) = f;
- return 0;
- error_occured:
- if (f != NULL)
- free (f);
- return errnum;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- static int
- write_attr (smba_file_t * f)
- {
- int errnum;
- LOG (("file %s\n", f->dirent.complete_path));
- errnum = make_open (f, 0);
- if (errnum < 0)
- goto out;
- if (f->dirent.opened && f->server->supports_E)
- errnum = smb_proc_setattrE (&f->server->server, f->dirent.fileid, &f->dirent);
- else
- errnum = smb_proc_setattr_core (&f->server->server, f->dirent.complete_path, f->dirent.len, &f->dirent);
- if (errnum < 0)
- f->attr_time = -1;
- else
- f->attr_dirty = 0;
- out:
- return errnum;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- void
- smba_close (smba_file_t * f)
- {
- if(f->node.mln_Succ != NULL || f->node.mln_Pred != NULL)
- Remove((struct Node *)f);
- if(f->attr_dirty)
- write_attr(f);
- if (f->dirent.opened)
- {
- LOG (("closing file %s\n", f->dirent.complete_path));
- smb_proc_close (&f->server->server, f->dirent.fileid, f->dirent.mtime);
- }
- if (f->dircache != NULL)
- {
- f->dircache->cache_for = NULL;
- f->dircache->len = 0;
- f->dircache = NULL;
- }
- free (f);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- int
- smba_read (smba_file_t * f, char *data, long len, long offset)
- {
- int maxsize, count, totalcount, result;
- int bytes_read = 0;
- char *rpos;
- result = make_open (f, 1);
- if (result < 0)
- goto out;
- D(("read %ld bytes from offset %ld",len,offset));
- if (f->server->server.blkmode & 1)
- {
- SHOWVALUE(f->server->server.max_xmit);
- if(len <= 65535)
- {
- result = smb_proc_read_raw (&f->server->server, &f->dirent, offset, len, data);
- LOG (("smb_proc_read_raw(%s)->%ld\n", f->dirent.complete_path, result));
- }
- else if (len > 0)
- {
- int n;
- totalcount = 0;
- do
- {
- n = min(len,65535);
- result = smb_proc_read_raw (&f->server->server, &f->dirent, offset, n, data);
- if(result <= 0)
- {
- D(("!!! wanted to read %ld bytes, got %ld",n,result));
- totalcount = -1;
- break;
- }
- data += result;
- offset += result;
- len -= result;
- totalcount += result;
- if(result < n)
- {
- D(("read returned fewer characters than expected (%ld < %ld)",result,n));
- break;
- }
- }
- while(len > 0);
- if(totalcount != -1)
- {
- result = totalcount;
- goto out;
- }
- }
- }
- if (result <= 0)
- {
- totalcount = len;
- rpos = data;
- maxsize = f->server->server.max_xmit - SMB_HEADER_LEN - 5 * 2 - 5;
- do
- {
- count = totalcount > maxsize ? maxsize : totalcount;
- result = smb_proc_read (&f->server->server, &f->dirent, offset, count, rpos, 0);
- if (result <= 0)
- break;
- bytes_read += result;
- totalcount -= result;
- offset += result;
- rpos += result;
- if(result < count)
- {
- D(("read returned fewer characters than expected (%ld < %ld)",result,count));
- break;
- }
- }
- while (totalcount > 0);
- if(result >= 0)
- result = bytes_read;
- }
- out:
- return result;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- int
- smba_write (smba_file_t * f, char *data, long len, long offset)
- {
- int newlen, maxsize, totalcount, count, result;
- if ((result = make_open (f, 1)) < 0)
- return result;
- /* Calculate maximum number of bytes that could be tranfered with
- a single SMBwrite packet... */
- maxsize = f->server->server.max_xmit - (SMB_HEADER_LEN + 5 * sizeof (word) + 5) - 4;
- if (len <= maxsize)
- {
- /* Use a single SMBwrite packet whenever possible instead of a SMBwritebraw
- because that requires two packets to be send. */
- result = smb_proc_write (&f->server->server, &f->dirent, offset, len, data);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Added by Brian Willette - We were always checking bit 2 here, but
- according to the documentation I have, the newer versions of SMB put
- the SMB_RAW_WRITE AND SMB_RAW_READ capability in bit 1 */
- if ((f->server->server.protocol >= PROTOCOL_NT1
- && f->server->server.blkmode & 1)
- || (f->server->server.protocol < PROTOCOL_NT1
- && f->server->server.blkmode & 2))
- {
- long maxxmit;
- int n;
- totalcount = 0;
- /* Try to send the maximum number of bytes with the two SMBwritebraw packets. */
- maxxmit = 2 * f->server->server.max_xmit - (SMB_HEADER_LEN + 12 * sizeof (word) + 4) - 8;
- /* If the number of bytes that should be transfered exceed the number of
- bytes that could be transfered by a single call to smb_proc_write_raw,
- the data is transfered as before: Only by the second packet, this
- prevents the CPU from copying the data into the transferbuffer. */
- if (maxxmit < len)
- maxxmit = f->server->server.max_xmit - 4;
- do
- {
- n = min(len,maxxmit);
- if (n <= maxsize)
- {
- /* Use a single SMBwrite packet whenever possible instead of a
- SMBwritebraw because that requires two packets to be send. */
- result = smb_proc_write (&f->server->server, &f->dirent, offset, n, data);
- }
- else
- {
- result = smb_proc_write_raw (&f->server->server, &f->dirent, offset, n, data);
- }
- if(result <= 0)
- {
- totalcount = -1;
- break;
- }
- data += result;
- offset += result;
- len -= result;
- totalcount += result;
- if(result < n)
- break;
- }
- while(len > 0);
- if(totalcount != -1)
- {
- len = totalcount;
- goto out;
- }
- }
- if (result <= 0)
- {
- /* Failed to use the SMBwritebraw packet, fallback to SMBwrite... */
- totalcount = len;
- len = 0;
- do
- {
- count = totalcount > maxsize ? maxsize : totalcount;
- result = smb_proc_write (&f->server->server, &f->dirent, offset, count, data);
- if (result < 0)
- break;
- totalcount -= result;
- offset += result;
- data += result;
- len += result;
- if(result < count)
- break;
- }
- while (totalcount > 0);
- }
- }
- out:
- if (result < 0)
- {
- f->attr_time = -1;
- return result;
- }
- f->dirent.mtime = GetCurrentTime();
- newlen = f->dirent.size;
- if (offset + len > newlen)
- newlen = offset + len;
- f->dirent.size = newlen;
- return len;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- long
- smba_seek (smba_file_t *f, long offset, long mode, off_t * new_position_ptr)
- {
- long result;
- D(("seek %ld bytes from position %s",offset,mode > 0 ? (mode == 2 ? "SEEK_END" : "SEEK_CUR") : "SEEK_SET"));
- if ((result = make_open (f, 1)) >= 0)
- result = smb_proc_lseek (&f->server->server, &f->dirent, offset, mode, new_position_ptr);
- return result;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* perform a single record-lock */
- int
- smba_lockrec (smba_file_t *f, long offset, long len, long mode, int unlocked, long timeout)
- {
- int errnum;
- struct smb_lkrng *rec_lock;
- if ((errnum = make_open (f, 1)) >= 0)
- {
- if (unlocked)
- mode |= 2;
- rec_lock = malloc (sizeof (struct smb_lkrng));
- if (rec_lock != NULL)
- {
- rec_lock->offset = offset,
- rec_lock->len = len;
- errnum = smb_proc_lockingX (&f->server->server, &f->dirent, rec_lock, 1, mode, timeout);
- free (rec_lock);
- }
- else
- {
- errnum = -ENOMEM;
- }
- }
- return errnum;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- int
- smba_getattr (smba_file_t * f, smba_stat_t * data)
- {
- long now = GetCurrentTime();
- int errnum;
- errnum = make_open (f, 0);
- if (errnum < 0)
- goto out;
- if (f->attr_time == -1 || (now - f->attr_time) > ATTR_CACHE_TIME)
- {
- LOG (("file %s\n", f->dirent.complete_path));
- if (f->dirent.opened && f->server->supports_E)
- errnum = smb_proc_getattrE (&f->server->server, &f->dirent);
- else
- errnum = smb_proc_getattr_core (&f->server->server, f->dirent.complete_path, f->dirent.len, &f->dirent);
- if (errnum >= 0)
- f->attr_time = now;
- }
- data->is_dir = (f->dirent.attr & aDIR) != 0;
- data->is_wp = (f->dirent.attr & aRONLY) != 0;
- data->is_hidden = (f->dirent.attr & aHIDDEN) != 0;
- data->is_system = (f->dirent.attr & aSYSTEM) != 0;
- data->is_archive = (f->dirent.attr & aARCH) != 0;
- data->size = f->dirent.size;
- data->atime = f->dirent.atime;
- data->ctime = f->dirent.ctime;
- data->mtime = f->dirent.mtime;
- out:
- return errnum;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- int
- smba_setattr (smba_file_t * f, smba_stat_t * data)
- {
- int errnum;
- if (data->atime != -1)
- f->dirent.atime = data->atime;
- if (data->ctime != -1)
- f->dirent.ctime = data->ctime;
- if (data->mtime != -1)
- f->dirent.mtime = data->mtime;
- if (data->is_wp)
- f->dirent.attr |= aRONLY;
- else
- f->dirent.attr &= ~aRONLY;
- if (data->is_archive)
- f->dirent.attr |= aARCH;
- else
- f->dirent.attr &= ~aARCH;
- if (data->is_system)
- f->dirent.attr |= aSYSTEM;
- else
- f->dirent.attr &= ~aSYSTEM;
- f->attr_dirty = 1;
- if ((errnum = write_attr (f)) < 0)
- goto error_occured;
- if (data->size != -1 &&
- data->size != (int)f->dirent.size)
- {
- if ((errnum = make_open (f, 1)) < 0)
- goto error_occured;
- if ((errnum = smb_proc_trunc (&f->server->server, f->dirent.fileid, data->size)) < 0)
- goto error_occured;
- f->dirent.size = data->size;
- }
- error_occured:
- return errnum;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- int
- smba_readdir (smba_file_t * f, long offs, void *d, smba_callback_t callback)
- {
- int cache_index, rval, o, eof, count = 0;
- long now = GetCurrentTime();
- smba_stat_t data;
- rval = make_open (f, 0);
- if (rval < 0)
- goto out;
- if (f->dircache == NULL) /* get a cache */
- {
- dircache_t * dircache = f->server->dircache;
- if (dircache->cache_for != NULL)
- dircache->cache_for->dircache = NULL; /* steal it */
- dircache->eof = dircache->len = dircache->base = 0;
- dircache->cache_for = f;
- f->dircache = dircache;
- LOG (("stealing cache\n"));
- }
- else
- {
- if ((now - f->dircache->created_at) >= DIR_CACHE_TIME)
- {
- f->dircache->eof = f->dircache->len = f->dircache->base = 0;
- LOG (("cache outdated\n"));
- }
- }
- for (cache_index = offs ; ; cache_index++)
- {
- if (cache_index < f->dircache->base /* fill cache if necessary */
- || cache_index >= f->dircache->base + f->dircache->len)
- {
- if (cache_index >= f->dircache->base + f->dircache->len && f->dircache->eof)
- break; /* nothing more to read */
- LOG (("cachefill for %s\n", f->dirent.complete_path));
- LOG (("\tbase was: %ld, len was: %ld, newbase=%ld\n", f->dircache->base, f->dircache->len, cache_index));
- f->dircache->len = 0;
- f->dircache->base = cache_index;
- rval = smb_proc_readdir (&f->server->server, f->dirent.complete_path, cache_index, f->dircache->cache_size, f->dircache->cache);
- if (rval <= 0)
- break;
- /* Avoid some hits if restart/retry occured. Should fix the real root
- of this problem really, but I am not bored enough atm. -Piru
- ZZZ this needs further investigation. */
- if (f->dircache == NULL)
- {
- LOG (("lost dircache due to an error, bailing out!\n"));
- rval = -1;
- break;
- }
- f->dircache->len = rval;
- f->dircache->eof = (rval < f->dircache->cache_size);
- f->dircache->created_at = now;
- LOG (("cachefill with %ld entries\n", rval));
- }
- o = cache_index - f->dircache->base;
- eof = (o >= (f->dircache->len - 1) && f->dircache->eof);
- count++;
- LOG (("delivering '%s', cache_index=%ld, eof=%ld\n", f->dircache->cache[o].complete_path, cache_index, eof));
- data.is_dir = (f->dircache->cache[o].attr & aDIR) != 0;
- data.is_wp = (f->dircache->cache[o].attr & aRONLY) != 0;
- data.is_hidden = (f->dircache->cache[o].attr & aHIDDEN) != 0;
- data.is_system = (f->dircache->cache[o].attr & aSYSTEM) != 0;
- data.is_archive = (f->dircache->cache[o].attr & aARCH) != 0;
- data.size = f->dircache->cache[o].size;
- data.atime = f->dircache->cache[o].atime;
- data.ctime = f->dircache->cache[o].ctime;
- data.mtime = f->dircache->cache[o].mtime;
- if ((*callback) (d, cache_index, cache_index + 1, f->dircache->cache[o].complete_path, eof, &data))
- break;
- }
- out:
- if (rval < 0)
- return rval;
- else
- return count;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- static void
- invalidate_dircache (struct smba_server * server, char * path)
- {
- dircache_t * dircache = server->dircache;
- char other_path[SMB_MAXNAMELEN + 1];
- ENTER();
- if(path != NULL)
- {
- int len,i;
- strlcpy(other_path,path,sizeof(other_path));
- len = strlen(other_path);
- for(i = len-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
- {
- if(i == 0)
- {
- other_path[0] = DOS_PATHSEP;
- other_path[1] = '\0';
- }
- else if (other_path[i] == DOS_PATHSEP)
- {
- other_path[i] = '\0';
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- other_path[0] = '\0';
- }
- SHOWSTRING(other_path);
- if(dircache->cache_for != NULL)
- SHOWSTRING(dircache->cache_for->dirent.complete_path);
- else
- SHOWMSG("-- directory cache is empty --");
- if(path == NULL || (dircache->cache_for != NULL && CompareNames(other_path,dircache->cache_for->dirent.complete_path) == SAME))
- {
- SHOWMSG("clearing directory cache");
- dircache->eof = dircache->len = dircache->base = 0;
- if(dircache->cache_for != NULL)
- {
- dircache->cache_for->dircache = NULL;
- dircache->cache_for = NULL;
- }
- }
- LEAVE();
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- int
- smba_create (smba_file_t * dir, const char *name, smba_stat_t * attr)
- {
- struct smb_dirent entry;
- char *path;
- int errnum;
- errnum = make_open (dir, 0);
- if (errnum < 0)
- goto out;
- memset (&entry, 0, sizeof (entry));
- if (attr->is_wp)
- entry.attr |= aRONLY;
- if (attr->is_archive)
- entry.attr |= aARCH;
- if (attr->is_system)
- entry.attr |= aSYSTEM;
- entry.atime = entry.mtime = entry.ctime = GetCurrentTime();
- path = malloc (strlen (name) + dir->dirent.len + 2);
- if(path == NULL)
- {
- errnum = -ENOMEM;
- goto out;
- }
- memcpy (path, dir->dirent.complete_path, dir->dirent.len);
- path[dir->dirent.len] = DOS_PATHSEP;
- strcpy (&path[dir->dirent.len + 1], name);
- errnum = smb_proc_create (&dir->server->server, path, strlen (path), &entry);
- if(errnum >= 0)
- invalidate_dircache (dir->server, path);
- free (path);
- out:
- return errnum;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- int
- smba_mkdir (smba_file_t * dir, const char *name)
- {
- char *path;
- int errnum;
- errnum = make_open (dir, 0);
- if (errnum < 0)
- goto out;
- path = malloc (strlen (name) + dir->dirent.len + 2);
- if(path == NULL)
- {
- errnum = -ENOMEM;
- goto out;
- }
- memcpy (path, dir->dirent.complete_path, dir->dirent.len);
- path[dir->dirent.len] = DOS_PATHSEP;
- strcpy (&path[dir->dirent.len + 1], name);
- errnum = smb_proc_mkdir (&dir->server->server, path, strlen (path));
- if(errnum >= 0)
- invalidate_dircache (dir->server, path);
- free (path);
- out:
- return errnum;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- static void
- close_path (smba_server_t * s, char *path)
- {
- smba_file_t *p;
- for (p = (smba_file_t *)s->open_files.mlh_Head;
- p->node.mln_Succ != NULL;
- p = (smba_file_t *)p->node.mln_Succ)
- {
- if (p->is_valid && CompareNames(p->dirent.complete_path, path) == SAME)
- {
- if (p->dirent.opened)
- smb_proc_close (&s->server, p->dirent.fileid, p->dirent.mtime);
- p->dirent.opened = 0;
- p->is_valid = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- int
- smba_remove (smba_server_t * s, char *path)
- {
- int result;
- close_path (s, path);
- result = smb_proc_unlink (&s->server, path, strlen (path));
- if(result >= 0)
- invalidate_dircache (s, path);
- return result;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- int
- smba_rmdir (smba_server_t * s, char *path)
- {
- int result;
- close_path (s, path);
- result = smb_proc_rmdir (&s->server, path, strlen (path));
- if(result >= 0)
- invalidate_dircache (s, path);
- return result;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- int
- smba_rename (smba_server_t * s, char *from, char *to)
- {
- int result;
- close_path (s, from);
- result = smb_proc_mv (&s->server, from, strlen (from), to, strlen (to));
- if(result >= 0)
- invalidate_dircache (s, from);
- return result;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- int
- smba_statfs (smba_server_t * s, long *bsize, long *blocks, long *bfree)
- {
- struct smb_dskattr dskattr;
- int errnum;
- errnum = smb_proc_dskattr (&s->server, &dskattr);
- if (errnum < 0)
- goto out;
- (*bsize) = dskattr.blocksize * dskattr.allocblocks;
- (*blocks) = dskattr.total;
- (*bfree) = dskattr.free;
- out:
- return errnum;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- void
- smb_invalidate_all_inodes (struct smb_server *server)
- {
- smba_file_t *f;
- invalidate_dircache (server->abstraction, NULL);
- for (f = (smba_file_t *)server->abstraction->open_files.mlh_Head;
- f->node.mln_Succ != NULL;
- f = (smba_file_t *)f->node.mln_Succ)
- {
- f->dirent.opened = 0;
- f->is_valid = 0;
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- static void
- smba_cleanup_dircache(struct smba_server * server)
- {
- dircache_t * the_dircache = server->dircache;
- if(the_dircache != NULL)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < the_dircache->cache_size; i++)
- {
- if(the_dircache->cache[i].complete_path != NULL)
- free(the_dircache->cache[i].complete_path);
- }
- free(the_dircache);
- server->dircache = NULL;
- }
- }
- static int
- smba_setup_dircache (struct smba_server * server,int cache_size)
- {
- dircache_t * the_dircache;
- int error = (-ENOMEM);
- int i;
- the_dircache = malloc(sizeof(*the_dircache) + (cache_size-1) * sizeof(the_dircache->cache));
- if(the_dircache == NULL)
- goto out;
- memset(the_dircache,0,sizeof(*the_dircache));
- the_dircache->cache_size = cache_size;
- for (i = 0; i < the_dircache->cache_size; i++)
- {
- the_dircache->cache[i].complete_path = malloc (SMB_MAXNAMELEN + 1);
- if(the_dircache->cache[i].complete_path == NULL)
- goto out;
- the_dircache->cache[i].complete_path_size = SMB_MAXNAMELEN + 1;
- }
- server->dircache = the_dircache;
- error = 0;
- out:
- if(error < 0)
- {
- if(the_dircache != NULL)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < the_dircache->cache_size; i++)
- {
- if(the_dircache->cache[i].complete_path != NULL)
- free(the_dircache->cache[i].complete_path);
- }
- free(the_dircache);
- }
- }
- return(error);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- static int
- extract_service (char *service, char *server, size_t server_size, char *share, size_t share_size)
- {
- char *share_start;
- char *root_start;
- char *complete_service;
- char * service_copy;
- int result = 0;
- service_copy = malloc(strlen(service)+1);
- if(service_copy == NULL)
- {
- result = -ENOMEM;
- ReportError("Not enough memory.");
- goto out;
- }
- strcpy (service_copy, service);
- complete_service = service_copy;
- if (strlen (complete_service) < 4 || complete_service[0] != '/')
- {
- result = -EINVAL;
- ReportError("Invalid service name '%s'.",complete_service);
- goto out;
- }
- while (complete_service[0] == '/')
- complete_service += 1;
- share_start = strchr (complete_service, '/');
- if (share_start == NULL)
- {
- result = -EINVAL;
- ReportError("Invalid share name '%s'.",complete_service);
- goto out;
- }
- (*share_start++) = '\0';
- root_start = strchr (share_start, '/');
- if (root_start != NULL)
- (*root_start) = '\0';
- if ((strlen (complete_service) > 63) || (strlen (share_start) > 63))
- {
- result = -ENAMETOOLONG;
- ReportError("Server or share name is too long in '%s' (max %ld characters).",service,63);
- goto out;
- }
- strlcpy (server, complete_service, server_size);
- strlcpy (share, share_start, share_size);
- out:
- if(service_copy != NULL)
- free(service_copy);
- return(result);
- }
- int
- smba_start(char * service,char *opt_workgroup,char *opt_username,char *opt_password,char *opt_clientname,char *opt_servername,int opt_cachesize,smba_server_t ** result)
- {
- smba_connect_parameters_t par;
- smba_server_t *the_server = NULL;
- int i;
- struct hostent *h;
- int max_xmit = -1;
- int use_extended = 0;
- char server_name[17], client_name[17];
- char username[64], password[64];
- char workgroup[20];
- char server[64], share[64];
- unsigned int ipAddr;
- int error;
- (*result) = NULL;
- (*username) = (*password) = (*server_name) = (*client_name) = '\0';
- error = extract_service (service, server, sizeof(server), share, sizeof(share));
- if(error < 0)
- goto out;
- ipAddr = inet_addr (server);
- if (ipAddr == INADDR_NONE) /* name was given, not numeric */
- {
- int lookup_error;
- h = gethostbyname (server);
- lookup_error = h_errno;
- if (h != NULL)
- {
- ipAddr = ((struct in_addr *)(h->h_addr))->s_addr;
- }
- else if (BroadcastNameQuery(server,"",(UBYTE *)&ipAddr) != 0)
- {
- ReportError("Unknown host '%s' (%ld, %s).",server,lookup_error,host_strerror(lookup_error));
- error = (-ENOENT);
- goto out;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- char hostName[MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1];
- h = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &ipAddr, sizeof (ipAddr), AF_INET);
- if (h == NULL)
- {
- ReportError("Unknown host '%s' (%ld, %s).",server,h_errno,host_strerror(errno));
- error = (-ENOENT);
- goto out;
- }
- /* Brian Willette: Now we will set the server name to the dns
- hostname, hopefully this will be the same as the netbios name for
- the server.
- We do this because the user supplied no hostname, and we
- need one for netbios, this is the best guess choice we have
- NOTE: If the names are different between DNS and netbios on
- the windows side, the user MUST use the -s option. */
- for (i = 0; h->h_name[i] != '.' && h->h_name[i] != '\0' && i < 255; i++)
- hostName[i] = h->h_name[i];
- hostName[i] = '\0';
- /* Make sure the hostname is 16 characters or less (for Netbios) */
- if (strlen (hostName) > 16)
- {
- ReportError("Server host name '%s' is too long (max %ld characters).", hostName, 16);
- error = (-ENAMETOOLONG);
- goto out;
- }
- strlcpy (server_name, hostName, sizeof(server_name));
- }
- if(opt_password != NULL)
- {
- if(strlen(opt_password) >= sizeof(password))
- {
- ReportError("Password is too long (max %ld characters).", sizeof(password)-1);
- error = (-ENAMETOOLONG);
- goto out;
- }
- strlcpy(password,opt_password,sizeof(password));
- }
- if(strlen(opt_username) >= sizeof(username))
- {
- ReportError("User name '%s' is too long (max %ld characters).", username,sizeof(username)-1);
- error = (-ENAMETOOLONG);
- goto out;
- }
- strlcpy(username,opt_username,sizeof(username));
- StringToUpper(username);
- if (strlen(opt_workgroup) > 15)
- {
- ReportError("Workgroup/domain name '%s' is too long (max %ld characters).", opt_workgroup,15);
- error = (-ENAMETOOLONG);
- goto out;
- }
- strlcpy (workgroup, opt_workgroup, sizeof(workgroup));
- StringToUpper (workgroup);
- if(opt_servername != NULL)
- {
- if (strlen (opt_servername) > 16)
- {
- ReportError("Server name '%s' is too long (max %ld characters).", opt_servername,16);
- error = (-ENAMETOOLONG);
- goto out;
- }
- strlcpy (server_name, opt_servername, sizeof(server_name));
- }
- if(opt_clientname != NULL)
- {
- if (strlen (opt_clientname) > 16)
- {
- ReportError("Client name '%s' is too long (max %ld characters).", opt_clientname,16);
- error = (-ENAMETOOLONG);
- goto out;
- }
- strlcpy (client_name, opt_clientname, sizeof(client_name));
- }
- if(opt_cachesize < 1)
- opt_cachesize = DIRCACHE_SIZE;
- else if (opt_cachesize < 10)
- opt_cachesize = 10;
- strlcpy(par.server_ipname,server,sizeof(par.server_ipname));
- par.server_name = server_name;
- par.client_name = client_name;
- strlcpy(par.service,share,sizeof(par.service));
- par.username = username;
- par.password = password;
- par.max_xmit = max_xmit;
- error = smba_connect (&par, ipAddr, use_extended, workgroup, opt_cachesize, &the_server);
- if(error < 0)
- {
- ReportError("Could not connect to server (%ld, %s).",-error,amitcp_strerror(-error));
- goto out;
- }
- (*result) = the_server;
- error = 0;
- out:
- return(error);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- int
- smba_get_dircache_size(struct smba_server * server)
- {
- int result;
- result = server->dircache->cache_size;
- return(result);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- int
- smba_change_dircache_size(struct smba_server * server,int cache_size)
- {
- dircache_t * new_cache;
- dircache_t * the_dircache = server->dircache;
- int result;
- int i;
- result = the_dircache->cache_size;
- if(cache_size < 10)
- cache_size = 10;
- if(cache_size == the_dircache->cache_size)
- goto out;
- new_cache = malloc(sizeof(*new_cache) + (cache_size-1) * sizeof(new_cache->cache));
- if(new_cache == NULL)
- goto out;
- memset(new_cache,0,sizeof(*new_cache));
- new_cache->cache_size = cache_size;
- /* If the new cache is to be larger than the old one,
- allocate additional file name slots. */
- if(cache_size > the_dircache->cache_size)
- {
- for(i = the_dircache->cache_size ; i < cache_size ; i++)
- {
- new_cache->cache[i].complete_path = malloc (SMB_MAXNAMELEN + 1);
- if(new_cache->cache[i].complete_path == NULL)
- {
- int j;
- for(j = the_dircache->cache_size ; j < i ; j++)
- free(new_cache->cache[j].complete_path);
- free(new_cache);
- goto out;
- }
- new_cache->cache[i].complete_path_size = SMB_MAXNAMELEN + 1;
- }
- /* Reuse the file name buffers allocated for
- the old cache. */
- for(i = 0 ; i < the_dircache->cache_size ; i++)
- {
- new_cache->cache[i].complete_path = the_dircache->cache[i].complete_path;
- new_cache->cache[i].complete_path_size = the_dircache->cache[i].complete_path_size;
- the_dircache->cache[i].complete_path = NULL;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Reuse the file name buffers allocated for
- the old cache. */
- for(i = 0 ; i < cache_size ; i++)
- {
- new_cache->cache[i].complete_path = the_dircache->cache[i].complete_path;
- new_cache->cache[i].complete_path_size = the_dircache->cache[i].complete_path_size;
- the_dircache->cache[i].complete_path = NULL;
- }
- }
- invalidate_dircache(server, NULL);
- for (i = 0; i < the_dircache->cache_size; i++)
- {
- if(the_dircache->cache[i].complete_path != NULL)
- free(the_dircache->cache[i].complete_path);
- }
- free(the_dircache);
- server->dircache = new_cache;
- result = cache_size;
- out:
- return(result);
- }