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- ########################################
- ## PocketUAE Sample Config 22.07.2004 ##
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- # Specify your Kickstart ROM-File here:
- kickstart_rom_file=roms/kick31.rom
- # Specify CPU type (e.g. 68000, 68010, 68020, 68020/68881)
- cpu_type=68000
- # Specify Chipset type (e.g. aga, ecs, ecs_agnus, ecs_denise, ocs)
- # (You can leave it commented-out for A500)
- #chipset=aga
- # Specify CPU/Chipset speed relation (e.g. max, real, or a number between 1 and 20)
- # (Try to play around with this :) )
- #cpu_speed=real
- #cpu_speed=max
- cpu_speed=10
- # Size in n*512 kilobytes of chip-memory
- chipmem_size=4
- # Size in n*256 kilobytes of bogo-memory at 0xC00000
- bogomem_size=0
- # Size in n*megabytes of fast-memory
- fastmem_size=0
- # Size in n*megabytes of Zorro-III expansion memory
- z3mem_size=0
- gfx_width=320
- gfx_height=240
- gfx_lores=yes
- gfx_center_vertical=simple
- gfx_center_horizontal=simple
- gfx_linemode=none
- # Specify yes for fullscreen (landscape) or no for windowed mode (will not show all amiga screen content)
- gfx_fullscreen_amiga=yes
- # Specify amount for frameskipping (draws all n frames, this means gfx_framerate=1 uses no frameskip)
- gfx_framerate=5
- # Specify which directory (on your PocketPC) to use for Amiga-HDD emulation (yes, it works! :) )
- #filesystem=rw,HDD:/uae/hdd
- # Specify which harddisk-image to use for Amiga-HDD emulation (you may use your WinUAE images here :) )
- #hardfile=rw,32,1,2,512,/uae/hdd.hdf
- # Specify which floppy-image to use in which drive
- # PLEASE NOTE: As there's no gui yet, you can't switch disks ingame, yet!
- floppy0=disks/wb31.adf
- #floppy0=disks/Superfrog - Disk1.adf
- #floppy1=disks/Superfrog - Disk2.adf
- #floppy2=disks/Superfrog - Disk3.adf
- #floppy3=disks/Superfrog - Disk4.adf
- # Specify Sound-Output (e.g. normal for normal, interrupts for none, this still simulates sound for apps and games)
- sound_output=normal
- #sound_output=interrupts
- # You may change this, but you shouldn't. Really. :)
- sound_channels=mono
- sound_bits=8
- sound_frequency=11025
- # Please do NOT use a value smaller than 2756, this does not work correctly yet, I'm still working on this issue!
- sound_min_buff=2756
- sound_max_buff=2756
- # Specify mouse and joysticks (you should not change this, as this works for most games)
- joyport0=mouse
- joyport1=kbd2