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Please read this file before running the demo version of Tornado3D.
T O R N A D O 3D
demo version 1.5
This program is not public domain, nor shareware. It is a copyrighted evaluation version of a commercial
product, Tornado3D made by Eyelight. Neither the full program nor this demo-version can be redistributed
without an explicit, written permission of the copyright holder. Upload to public or private BBSs, inclusion
in CD-Rom or other media collections, either for free or for profit is expressly proibithed. In particular,
publishers of magazines sold with CD-roms or publishers of CD-Rom collections can not include this demo
version or parts of it without prior agreement with the copyright holder in order to obtain special versions
of this demo suitable for public re-distribution (those licences are free, write for more details).
Tornado3D is a product of:
C.P. 61
00124 Roma Casalpalocco
Phone: +39-6-5190222
E-mail: info@Tornado3D.com
This demo version of Tornado3D is provided AS-IS, without any warranty of any kind. The act of installing,
starting, or otherwise using this software and its accessory parts constitutes implicit acceptance of the
limitations and restrictions mentioned in this document. Eyelight can not be held responsable for any loss of
data, hardware or software failure or any other kind of damage that may arise from the usage of this software,
even if Eyelight had been previously made aware of it. By using this demo-version you accept the entire risk
of your actions as an act of free will. This demo version is made available free of charge as a convenience to
the users interested in seeing Tornado3D in action, but it is not meant to represent accuratly the current
state of the software actually sold.
Amiga or compatible computer with O.S. 3.0, 68020 processor and FPU, 8 megabyte of ram, 4 megabytes of disk
space. Please note that the full sales version also requires an Amiga or 100% compatible clone in order to let
the hardware key work.
Please, don't even try to run Tornado3D with less than 8 megabytes of ram, since this is the absolute minimum
requirement for it to run properly.
This evaluation/demo version has some limitations with respect to the full commercial release.
o it is unable to save any kind of data except 320x240 images with 1:1 aspect ratio;
o it can only create animations of at most 50 frames;
o it pops requesters during animation rendering;
o it lacks the Realistic preview mode (interactive rendering 4+ times faster than photorealistic);
o it lacks Metameshing;
o it is only optimized for 68060 processors, and therefore runs slower than it could on other CPUs (expecially on 040);
o it may contain bugs related to the removal of the copy protection.
The commercial version of Tornado3D does not require any installation, as it is shipped on a CD-Rom.
To use the demo version simply unpack all the distribution archives to the same location and you'll
get a complete T3D installation.
- even if you have NewIcons installed on your system, you also need to copy "newicons.library" in the
Tornado3D/Libs directory.
- if you own a CyberVision64/3D graphic card and want to try the experimental Virge3D driver, you'll need to
copy to the Tornado3d/Libs directory the "cgx3dvirgin.library" THIS LIBRARY IS ONLY AVAILABLE ON THE COMMERCIAL
VERSION, PLEASE DO NOT ASK IT TO US SINCE IT IS NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN. Visit http://www.vgr.com to find the official
distribution of Virge Demos that also include this library.
One of the main design goals for Tornado3D was to steer away from the old cliche that wanted Amiga software to
be compatible with O.S. 1.3, 68000 processors and few megabytes of ram. As long time Amiga user we always felt
frustrated when seeing recent graphics software that still chocked on unimplemented 68040/68060 instructions
(you know, when the mouse pointer jumps during rendering...) or that limited themselves to eight or sixteen
colors even when opened on a 24 bit true color screen. Nowdays the 68040 can be regarded as a base processor
for the Amiga graphics community and graphic cards are increasingly common. Operating System 3.0 is, or should
be, the standard O.S. It's an upgrade or die situation, and if you do not have a modern hardware, we strongly
urge you to try this demo version of Tornado3D on adequate hardware.
We recommend at least a 68040 processor with memory on local bus, and a graphics card capable of running in
800x600 Hi or True color. In order to use graphics cards the popular Cybergraphics standard of RTG is also
needed. PowerPC support is activated with the PPC=ON tooltype.
You'll soon find out that there is a cure for PC envy!
Even if Tornado3D is an intuitive software, it must be stated that 3D graphics requires some effort on the
user's side in order to obtain satisfactory results. This is also the reason why we have found so difficult to
release a demo version of it. We can not provide user support for the demo version, nor we can include a
complete manual with it (the commercial version has a 200 pages long printed manual). On the other hand,
releasing a demo without any kind of documentation would be worse than not releasing it.
People would probably try rotating an object two or three times and then stick to the 3D software they know
well because it's "easier to use". In fact we think T3D is the easiest to use software around, but it takes
time and a good explanation of its features to feel at home with it.
You will therefore find some small tutorials on the web site and in enclosed documents that will explain the most basic
issues of Tornado3D. We tried to keep them as simple as possible, but they are no substitute for the full
manual and the full internet support we provide to customers. Please make sure you have completed them before
you venture in the exploration of T3D's vast array of features. You will also find a short list of frequently
asked questions in the Faq.txt file.
And now enjoy this demo version of Tornado3D.
BTW, who was that smart guy that said the Amiga was dead because it had no new good software? :-)