ANews 3
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102 lines
Inter Development brings you an Independent production called
, , . , .__ __, . , , _____:
/|___; . |\ /| /|___: \ / | /| /|___. /| / |
/ |____|\ | \ / | / | \ / | / | / | / | / |
/ , | \| \ / |/ ; | \/ |/ |/ . | / |/ |
| |\ | || \ \ / | |\ |\ /: | |\ |__. | | /\___| -
- | || | __| \ | | || | \ / . | || | | | | | - - - -
--| \| | \ : \| | \| | / \ . | \| | | | | \__------
++\ ; | || \: ; |\ ' |/ \: |\ : | |+| | \+++++
+++\ | \ |\ |+\ | /\ \ |+\ | |+/ |\__. \++++
++++\ |___ | |+\ |++\ | /+/ / |++\ | |/ |___| |++++
+++++\ |+++\ | |++\ |+++\ |__/+/ /: /+++\ | ' / /++++
++++++\ |++++\ |___/+++\ |++++\ |+++/ /+| /+++++\ | /: /+++++
+++++++\ |+++++\ |++++++++\ |+++++\ |++/ /++| /+++++++\ |\____/+|___. /++++++
+++ +++++++ +++++++ +++++++ +++++++ +++++++ +++++++ +++++++ +++++++ +++++++ ++++
+ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ ++
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
v1.1r (c) 1995 Inter Development
To run...
...this demo just copy all files in ONE directory. The version 1.1r runs
only on RGB-monitors, TV (PAL, no NTSC!) and some multisync-monitors (e.g.
NEC 3D). A version 1.1vr for RGB and VGA Monitors is planned and will be re-
leased around the Fried Bits III. There has to be 3.6 MB RAM available for
the demo at minimum. Otherwise the demo or TOS could crash - in this case
just reset your falcon and try again... ;-)
There are still some falcons where the demo won't run correctly. We don't
know why, but mostly this is the fault of the harddisk-controller or the
harddisk itself ( e.g. "automatic" data compression... :-| ). The harddisk
has to be fast enough, otherwise the demo will get it's badly needed data
too late and crashes... :(
If the demo hangs up, try to optimise (defragmentize) your harddisk. If the
demo stills hangs try this one: Most parts of the demo are timed to the
music, but if your harddisk is too slow, the timing-marks are passed when
they are needed. But you can force the system to produce an artifical mark
by pressing the "~"-key. You know,the little one right beside of the RETURN-
key :-).
The demo works with "SKUNKed" falcons. The timing will *not* be correct, but
sometimes it works better with SKUNK than without it... :)
MultiTOS is not the best thing to run a demo, but you can use it, too.
!!The demo will crash, if MultiTOS tries to access the harddisk!!
NVDI might be fast, but our demo is faster... Don't try to use NVDI together
with OBNOXIOUS! (Even if it works...)
You can quit the Demo anywhere, anytime by <ESC> (except during Endless-
Mode). The Greetings-Part and the Endscroller can be skipped by pressing
We haven't included any selectmenu in this demo. If you wanna setup the
soundsystem (e.g. internal yeller ehh.. speaker or volume), use the XCONTROL
The best way to start the demo is booting your falcon with the CONTROL-key
pressed. (XCONTROL won't be installed!!!).
Please tell us, if the demo crashes on your system; (Or better not? :).
If you like to contact us, e.g. to send us a bottle champanger, a big pack
of rubbers or a post-card or a blank cheque, here is our adress:
C.Pick / H.Deike
Westl. Rheinbrueckenstr. 5
76187 Karlsruhe
- Germany -
Phone: (Germany)/0721/562776
E-Mail (H.Deike): hagen_deike@KA.maus.de
(C.Pick) : un8n@rzstud1.uni-karlsruhe.de
You can also try to catch LoST (Lucky of ST / C.Pick) in IRC. You can find
him in the channels #phobyx or #atari.