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/ Loadstar 18 / 018.d81 / comp.eyes.viewer (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  2022-08-26  |  844b  |  30 lines

  1. 1 poke249,32:poke250,4
  2. 2 poke251,0:poke252,64
  3. 3 poke253,0:poke254,0
  4. 10 rem    comp.eyes.viewer
  5. 11 ifyy=0thenyy=1:load"unpacker",8,1
  6. 15 iflf>0then100
  7. 20 print"[147][144]"spc(5)"computereyes picture shower"
  8. 30 poke53281,1:poke53280,6
  9. 40 print" ==> 1. view louisiana bones picture
  10. 45 [153]"        (normal scan)"
  11. 50 [153]" ==> 2. view c64 and penny picture
  12. 55 print"        (8-level scan)"
  13. 60 print" ==> 3. return to computereyes menu"
  14. 62 lf=0
  15. 65 print"which ?";
  16. 70 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
  17. 80 ifa$<"1"ora$>"3"then70
  18. 82 printa$:ifa$="1"ora$="2"thenprint"  to return to this menu, press a key"
  19. 85 ifa$="1"thenlf=1:load"la.bones.shp",8,1
  20. 87 ifa$="2"thenlf=1:load"c64&penny.shp",8,1
  21. 88 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"comp.eyes.menu"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
  22. 89 poke51201,1:poke65535,14:poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
  23. 90 rem
  24. 100 rem  show picture/wait for key
  25. 101 sys51456:sys51459
  26. 103 forx=1024to2023:pokex,16:next
  27. 104 poke198,0:wait198,1:getz$
  28. 105 sys51459:print"[147]"
  29. 108 lf=0:goto1