Loadstar 24
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Commodore BASIC
103 lines
100 poke53280,6:poke53281,0:print"[147]"
110 printtab(6)"interplanetary weight chart"
120 printtab(5)"(rounded off to nearest pound)"
130 printtab(2)"earth"
140 printtab(2)"weight-moon-sun--venus-mars-jupiter[152]"
150 printtab(3)"70 11 1952 60 27 185"
160 printtab(3)"80 13 2231 68 30 211"
170 printtab(3)"90 14 2510 77 34 238"
180 printtab(3)"100 16 2789 85 38 264"
190 printtab(3)"110 18 3068 94 42 290"
200 printtab(3)"120 19 3347 102 46 317"
210 printtab(3)"130 21 3626 111 49 343"
220 printtab(3)"140 22 3905 119 53 370"
230 printtab(3)"150 23 4184 128 57 396"
240 printtab(3)"160 25 4462 136 61 422"
250 printtab(3)"170 27 4741 145 65 449"
260 printtab(3)"180 28 5020 153 68 475"
270 printtab(3)"190 30 5299 162 72 502"
280 printtab(3)"200 32 5578 170 76 528"
290 gosub660:gosub 880
300 print"[147]"
310 printtab(13)"distance chart"
320 printtab(5)"radar and radio communications"
330 print"[152]light, electricity and radar waves"
340 print"being the fastest thing we know today"
350 print"travel at the approximate velocity of"
360 print"186,282 miles per second. the following"
370 print"graph indicates the time involved for"
380 print"these waves to reach their objective,"
390 print"if you were to communicate,in this "
400 print"manner from earth."
410 printtab(13)"light year"
420 printtab(3)"[152]the speed of light,approximately"
430 printtab(3)"186,282 miles per sec.,times 60"
440 printtab(3)"sec.,times 60 min.,times 24 hours,"
450 printtab(3)"times 365 days"
460 gosub660:gosub 880
470 print"[147]"
480 printtab(13)"distance chart"
490 printtab(5)"radar and radio communications"
500 printtab(3)"planets---time lapse at closest point"
510 printtab(3)"[152]mercury---4.5 minutes
520 [153][163]3)"venus-----2 min. 18 sec."
530 [153][163]3)"mars------4 min. 21 sec."
540 [153][163]3)"jupiter---35 min. 11 sec."
550 [153][163]3)"saturn----1 hour, 11 sec."
560 [153][163]3)"uranus----2 hours,32 sec."
570 [153][163]3)"neptune---4 hours,2 min."
580 [153][163]3)"pluto-----6 hours,25 min."
590 [153][163]3)"galaxies------time lapse"
600 [153][163]3)"print#andromeda-----1,500,000 years."
610 [153][163]3)"alpha centuri-4 yrs.,4 mo.,7 days"
620 [153][163]3)"our sun-------7 min.,59 sec."
630 [153][163]3)"moon----------1.23 sec."
640 [141]660:[141] 880:[137]730
650 [128]
660 [129]l[178]54272[164]54295:[151]l,0:[130]:[151]54296,15
670 [151]54277,8:[151]54278,255:[151]54276,23
680 f2[178]4
690 [129]z[178]1[164]1:[151]54287,f2
700 [129]f1[178]1[164]200[169]3
710 [151]54273,f1:f2[178]f2[170].01:[130]f1:[130]z:[151]54278,15
720 [142]
730 [153]"load"
740 [153][163]7)"space ship time schedule"
750 [153][163]2)"leaving speed min.distance"
760 [153][163]2)"earth 25,000 mph. from earth"
770 [153][163]3)"for- arrive (in miles)"
780 [153][163]2)"print#moon 8 4/5 hour 221,463"
790 [153][163]2)"venus 43 1/3 days 26,000,000"
800 [153][163]2)"mars 57 2/3 days 34,600,000"
810 [153][163]2)"mercury 83 1/3 days 50,000,000"
820 [153][163]2)"jupiter 611 2/3 days 367,000,000"
830 [153][163]2)"saturn 1241 2/3 days 745,000,000"
840 [153][163]2)"uranus 2681 1/3 days 1,608,800,000"
850 [153][163]2)"neptune 4466 days 2,679,600,000"
860 [153][163]2)"pluto 4446 2/3 days 2,668,000,000":[141]660:[141] 880
870 [137] 990
880 [153][163]3)"if you want a print-out press..p "
890 [153][163]3)" or press..n to go to next screen "
900 [161] ca$
910 [139] ca$[179][177]"p"[175]ca$[179][177]"n"[167] 900
920 [139] ca$[178]"p"[167] 940
930 [139] ca$[178]"n"[167][142]
940 a$[178]"":[159]4,4:z[178]1023:[129] y[178]0 [164] 24:[129] x[178]0 [164] 39:z[178]z[170]1
950 ch[178][194](z):[139] ch[177][178]128 [167] ch[178]ch[171]128
960 [139] ch[179]32 [176] ch[177]95 [167] ch[178]ch[170]64:[137] 980
970 [139] ch[177]63 [175] ch[179]36 [167] ch[178]ch[170]32
980 a$[178]a$[170][199](ch):[130]:[152]4,a$:a$[178]"":[130]:[160] 4:[142]
990 [153]"load"
1000 [153][163]11)"press n to continuewait"
1010 [161]d$
1020 [139]d$[179][177]"n"[167]1010
1030 [139]d$[178]"n"[167]1050
1040 [137]1010
1050 [153]"stoploadload"[199](34)"main menu"[199](34)",8"
1060 [153]"run"
1065 [153][163]10)"working real hard...stop"
1070 [151]198,10
1080 [131] 19,13,13
1090 [129]i[178]1[164]3 :[135]x:[151]630[170]i,x:[130]
1100 [162]