Loadstar 24
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Commodore BASIC
95 lines
1 print"[147][158][146]":poke53280,3:poke53281,11:print""spc(11)"paycheck printer[146]"
2 printchr$(142)".press a key when your printer is ready."
3 print"[145] (press 'q' to exit to loadstar.)"
4 poke198,0:wait198,1:getk$:ifk$="q"then60000
5 :
6 :
7 print"[147]"
8 open4,4,0
9 print#4,chr$(147)
10 print#4,chr$(13)
11 print#4,spc(35)"pay check"
20 print"pay check[146]"
30 print"period beginning:[146]":inputpe$
31 print#4,spc(3)"period beginning:"pe$
32 print#4,
40 print"period ending:":inputen$
41 print#4,spc(3)"period ending:"en$
50 print#4
51 fort=1to1500:next
52 print"[147]":goto1001
60 print"what is your hourly rate:[146]":inputh:ze$="h"
61 print#4,spc(3)"reg.pay rate per hour:$"h
62 print#4,
70 print"how many hours have you worked this pay period:[146]":inputm
71 print#4,spc(3)"reg.hours worked:"m
80 rp=m*h
90 print"reg.pay earned:[146]$"rp
91 print#4,
100 print#4,spc(3)"wages earned reg.pay:$"rp
110 print"how many hours overtime for this pay period:[146]":inputo
120 print#4,spc(3)"overtime hrs.:"o
122 ifo=0then170
130 print"at what rate:[146]":inputz
140 ov=o*z
150 print#4,spc(3)"overtime earnings:$"ov
160 print#4,
170 print"enter bonuses if any (if not enter 0):[146]":inputb
180 print#4,spc(3)"bonus:$"b
190 gw=rp+ov+b
200 print"your gross wages earned are: $"gw
210 print#4,spc(3)"gross wages:$"gw
220 print#4,
230 printspc(10)"press a key to continue":poke198,0:wait198,1:poke198,0
240 print"[147]gross wages:[146]$"gw
241 goto260
260 print"please enter your deductions:[146]"
261 print#4,
262 print#4,spc(3)"deductions:"
263 print#4,
270 print"1.federal w/h:[146]":inputf
280 print#4,spc(3)"1.federal w/h:$"f
290 print"2.fica[146]":inputi
300 print#4,spc(3)"2.fica:$"i
310 print"3.state w/h:[146]":inputs
320 print#4,spc(3)"3.state w/h:$"s
330 print"4.health ins.:[146]":inputl
340 print#4,spc(3)"4.health ins.:$"l
350 print"5.credit union:[146]":inputu
360 print#4,spc(3)"5.credit union:$"u
370 print"6.contributions:[146]":inputc
380 print#4,spc(3)"6.contributions:$"c
390 print"7.other:[146]":inputv
400 print#4,spc(3)"7.other:$"v
410 print#4,
411 print"[147]"
412 su=f+i+c+l+u+s+v
413 ifze$="c"thenjc=fa-su
414 ifze$="h"thenjc=gw-su
430 print"your net wages are:[146]$"jc
440 print#4,spc(3)"your net wages are:$"jc :goto450
450 close4
455 print" press any key"
457 gett$:ift$="" then 457
460 run
1001 print"do you work on commission:[146]yes or no":inputco$
1020 ifleft$(co$,1)<>"y"goto60
1030 ifleft$(co$,1)="y"goto1050
1050 print#4,spc(34)"my commissions"
2000 print"what was your gross sale total:[146]$":inputd:ze$="c"
2005 print#4,spc(3)"gross sales:$"d
2010 print"what is your commission rate:[146]%":inputp%
2020 print#4,spc(3)"commission rate:%"p%
2030 ce=p%*d/100
2040 print"you earned:[146]$"ce
2050 print#4,spc(3)"commissions earned:$"ce
2052 print"bonus earned:(if not enter 0)[146]$":inputns
2060 print#4,spc(3)"bonus:"ns
2061 fa=ce+ns
2080 print"your gross earnings are:[146]$"fa
2090 print#4,spc(3)"gross earnings:$"fa
3000 fort=1to5000:next
3010 print"[147]":goto241
60000 rem connect to loadstar
60010 load"hello connect",8