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Commodore BASIC
116 lines
10 poke53272,21:poke53280,15:poke53281,15:printchr$(14):goto140
20 print" [164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
30 print" <[206]>ext [208]age <[204]>ast [208]age <[197]>xit [146]";:poke53265,27
40 getz$:ifz$=""then40
50 ifz$<>"n"then80
60 a=a+1:ifa>6thena=1
70 goto130
80 ifz$<>"l"then110
90 a=a-1:ifa<1thena=6
100 goto130
110 ifz$<>"e"then40
120 goto1120
130 on a goto140,330,490,670,810,970
140 a=1:poke53265,0:print"[147]"spc(14)"[214][201][196][197][207] [195][210][193][208][211]":printspc(14)"[192][192][192][192][192] [192][192][192][192][192]"
150 print" [151][214]ideo [195]raps is a one-player game of"
160 print" chance, loosely based on the popular"
170 print"[204]as [214]egas casino game. [217]ou start with a"
180 print"$5000 bankroll. [217]ou can wager from $2 to";
190 print"$2000 on any individual bet. [194]efore you";
200 print"can roll the dice, you must place a bet";
210 print" on the [208][193][211][211][160][204][201][206][197][151] or [196][207][206]'[212] [208][193][211][211][151]. [208]ress"
220 print"<[208][151]> or <[196][151]>, enter an amount from 2-2000,";
230 print" and press <[210][197][212][213][210][206][151]>. [217]ou will then have"
240 print" the option to [194][197][212][151] or [210][207][204][204][151]. [201]f you wish"
250 print" to make additional bets:"
260 print"1[151]) [208]ress <[194][151]>"
270 print"2[151]) [213]se the <[195][213][210][211][207][210] [213][208][151]> or <[195][213][210][211][207][210] [196][207][215][206][151]>"
280 print" keys to scroll through the [194]et [212]able"
290 print"3[151]) [208]ress <[210][197][212][213][210][206][151]> to make a selection"
300 print"4[151]) [197]nter an amount from 2-2000 and":print"5[151]) [208]ress <[210][197][212][213][210][206][151]>"
310 print" [210]epeat steps 1-5 for additional bets"
320 print" or press <[216][151]> to exit.":goto20
330 a=2:poke53265,0:print"[147]"spc(16)"[208]age [212]wo":printspc(16)"[192][192][192][192] [192][192][192]"
340 print"[151][217]ou can cancel any bet except [208][193][211][211] [204][201][206][197]"
350 print"[151]and [196][207][206]'[212] [208][193][211][211][151]. [212]o cancel a bet, cursor";
360 print" to the appropriate selection and press"
370 print"<[210][197][212][213][210][206][151]>. [195]redit for that bet will then";
380 print"be added to your total. [217]ou can make or";
390 print" change as many bets as your bankroll"
400 print"will allow. [201]nformation on the following";
410 print"pages will explain the general rules of"
420 print" [195][210][193][208][211][151]. [201]f you feel comfortable with"
430 print" your knowledge of [195][210][193][208][211][151], you can go"
440 print" straight to the game now. [208]ress <[197][151]> to"
450 print"exit. [212]he game will load automatically."
460 print"[206][207][212][197]: [208]ress [198]1 [146] at any time during the"
465 print" game to return to [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]."
470 print"":goto20
490 a=3:poke53265,0:print"[147]"spc(15)"[208]age [212]hree":printspc(15)"[192][192][192][192] [192][192][192][192][192]"
500 print" [208][193][211][211] [204][201][206][197][151] - [212]he first roll of the dice"
510 print" is called the [195][207][205][197]-[207][213][212] [210][207][204][204][151]. [201]f a 7 or"
520 print" 11 is thrown on the come-out roll, you"
530 print" win. [201]f a 7 is thrown before you make"
540 print" your point ( see below[151] ), you lose."
550 print" [196][207][206]'[212] [208][193][211][211][151] - [201]f a 7 or 11 is thrown on"
560 print" the come-out roll, you lose. [201]f a 7 is"
570 print" thrown before you make your point, you"
580 print" win. [201]f you make your point, you lose."
590 print" [208][207][201][206][212][151] - [201]f you roll a 4,5,6,8,9, or 10"
600 print" on the come-out roll, this becomes the"
610 print" point. [201]f you roll and match the point"
620 print" before a 7 appears, you win. [201]f the 7"
630 print" appears before you make the point, you"
640 print" lose."
650 print" [206][207][212][197][151] - [217]ou cannot [208][204][193][195][197][151] on your [208][207][201][206][212][151]."
660 print" [192][192][192][192][151] ([211]ee page 6 for details).":goto20
670 a=4:poke53265,0:print"[147]"spc(15)"[208]age [198]our":printspc(15)"[192][192][192][192] [192][192][192][192]"
680 print" [193][206][217] [195][210][193][208][211][151] - [212]his is a one-roll bet. [201]f"
690 print" a 2,3 or 12 is thrown, you win 7 to 1."
700 print" [197][204][197][214][197][206][151] - [212]his is a one-roll bet. [201]f an"
710 print" 11 is thrown, you win 15 to 1."
720 print" [198][201][197][204][196][151] - [212]his is a one-roll bet. [201]f you"
730 print" roll a 2,3,4,9,10,11 or 12 you win. [201]f"
740 print" a 2 or 12 is thrown, you win twice the"
750 print" wager.":print" [194][201][199] 6[151] - [201]f you roll the 6 before the 7"
760 print" appears, you win.":print" [194][201][199] 8[151] - [201]f you roll the 8 before the 7"
770 print" appears, you win."
780 print" [200][193][210][196][215][193][217] 4[151] - [201]f you roll a 2/2 combina-"
790 print" tion before any other combination of 4"
800 print" or before a 7 appears, you win 7 to 1.":goto20
810 a=5:poke53265,0:print"[147]"spc(15)"[208]age [198]ive":printspc(15)"[192][192][192][192] [192][192][192][192]"
820 print" [200][193][210][196][215][193][217] 6[151] - [201]f you roll a 3/3 combina-"
830 print" tion before any other combination of 6"
840 print" or before a 7 appears, you win 9 to 1."
850 print" [200][193][210][196][215][193][217] 8[151] - [201]f you roll a 4/4 combina-"
860 print" tion before any other combination of 8"
870 print" or before a 7 appears, you win 9 to 1."
880 print" [200][193][210][196][215][193][217] 10[151] - [201]f you roll a 5/5 combina-";
890 print" tion before any other combination of 10";
900 print" or before a 7 appears, you win 7 to 1."
910 print" [195][210][193][208][211] 2[151] - [212]his is a one-roll bet. [201]f a"
920 print" 2 is thrown, you win 30 to 1."
930 print" [195][210][193][208][211] 3[151] - [212]his is a one-roll bet. [201]f a"
940 print" 3 is thrown, you win 15 to 1."
950 print" [195][210][193][208][211] 12[151] - [212]his is a one-roll bet. [201]f a";
960 print" 12 is thrown, you win 30 to 1.":goto20
970 a=6:poke53265,0:print"[147]"spc(16)"[208]age [211]ix":printspc(16)"[192][192][192][192] [192][192][192]"
980 print" [211][197][214][197][206][151] - [212]his is a one-roll bet. [201]f a 7"
990 print" is thrown, you win 4 to 1."
1000 print" [208][204][193][195][197] 4[151] - [201]f you roll a 4 before the 7"
1010 print" appears, you win 2 to 1."
1020 print" [208][204][193][195][197] 5[151] - [201]f you roll a 5 before the 7"
1030 print" appears, you win 3 to 2."
1040 print" [208][204][193][195][197] 6[151] - [201]f you roll a 6 before the 7"
1050 print" appears, you win 6 to 5."
1060 print" [208][204][193][195][197] 8[151] - [201]f you roll the 8 before the"
1070 print" 7 appears, you win 6 to 5."
1080 print" [208][204][193][195][197] 9[151] - [201]f you roll a 9 before the 7"
1090 print" appears, you win 3 to 2."
1100 print" [208][204][193][195][197] 10[151] - [201]f you roll a 10 before the"
1110 print" 7 appears, you win 2 to 1.":goto20
1120 poke53280,.:poke53281,.
1121 print"[147] [208]lease [215]ait..."
1122 poke198,5:print"[144]load"chr$(34)"video craps"chr$(34)",8";
1130 poke631,13:poke632,82:poke633,85:poke634,78:poke635,13:end