home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 rem alphametix
- 20 rem (c)ian adam 1990
- 40 ifathenrun50
- 48 gosub9000
- 50 gosub9100
- 100 gosub10000
- 110 gosub12900
- 120 onregosub20000,200,7000,8000,11000,9500
- 140 goto100
- 200 clr:gosub5000
- 210 ifefthen13000
- 220 gosub6000
- 230 ifefthen13000
- 250 gosub12700:ifre=1then350
- 260 ifre=2orre=3thengosub6290:goto250
- 265 ifre=6thenifpeek(828)thengosub16000:goto250
- 270 ifre=7thenrun50
- 275 ifre-4thenrun200
- 295 sys51200:tj=co:sj=10:pokepr+3,lr
- 300 fori=.to10:u(i)=.:l(i)=.:cl(i)=.:un$(i)="":next
- 310 aa=.:ef=.:cc=.:nc=.:ma=.:s=.:x$="[150]< [212]he end >
- 315 [153]"load":[141]14000
- 320 [129]i[178]1[164]r:d$[178]" "[170]rw$(i):[141]5800:[130]:[141]6020:[137]230
- 350 [141]6500
- 360 [139][194](pr[170]1)[178].[167] 700
- 400 [139][194](2)[167][141]2000
- 410 [139]ef[167]530
- 500 [141]2200
- 510 [139]re[178]7[167]600
- 520 [139]b[178]20[167][141]15000:[141]2400:[141]14500:[139]re[178]7[167]600
- 530 [158]51203:[141]6800
- 540 [137]360
- 600 [151]pr[170]1,.:m[178]1
- 610 x$[178]"def <(NULL)utput terminated>
- 620 print""x$
- 630 goto820
- 700 ifsthen800
- 730 print"[159] [211]orry.. no solution to be found [155]
- 740 [139][194](829)[167][141]11900
- 760 [137]840
- 800 [153]"open no more solutions ... "
- 810 [139][194](829)[167][151]2,3:[141]7910
- 820 b[178]s[171]20[172][181]((s[171]1)[173]20)
- 830 [141]4300
- 840 [141]12300
- 850 [139]re[178]1[167][139]s[167][141]4000
- 860 [139]re[178]3[167]295
- 870 [139]re[178]4[167]920
- 880 [139]re[178]5[167][138]200
- 890 [139]re[178]7[167][138]50
- 900 [137]840
- 920 [151]832,[194](832)[176][194](829)
- 930 [151]829,1[171][194](829)
- 940 [141]6900:[137]840
- 1000 cs$(21)[178]"prime":cs$(22)[178]"not prime":cs$(23)[178]"square":cs$(24)[178]"not square
- 1010 cs$(26)="even":cs$(27)="odd":cs$(28)="1 or 2":cs$(29)="unknown
- 1020 [153]"load":[141]14000
- 1030 [153]""
- 1040 [129]i[178]1[164]r[171]1
- 1050 [153]i
- 1060 [130]
- 1070 [153]:[153]i
- 1080 [139]nc[179]9[167]1140
- 1100 [153]"open"[163]99)"valnough!
- 1110 printtab(59)"[159][208]ress a key.[155]
- 1120 [146]k,15:[161]a$:[142]
- 1140 [153]"open"[163]60)"right$f you have a clue
- 1150 print,,"for one letter,"tab(60)"press that letter.
- 1160 [153][163]60)"right$f the clue is for":[153],,"a line in the
- 1170 print,,"puzzle, press the"tab(60)"line #.
- 1180 [153][163]60)"(NULL)o more clues: asc1list
- 1190 waitk,15:geta$
- 1200 a1$=chr$(asc(a$)+32):xx$=" "
- 1210 ifval(a$)then1530
- 1220 ifa$="[133]"thenreturn
- 1240 fori=1tonm
- 1250 ifun$(i)=a1$then1280
- 1260 next
- 1270 printtab(60)"[150][212]hanks a lot![155]":gosub10200
- 1274 fori=1to1500:next:goto1020
- 1280 print"[159]",,"[208]ress a number for
- 1284 [153],,"the letter " a1$ ", or:
- 1286 print,,xx$
- 1288 print,,"a if even "
- 1290 print,,"b if odd "
- 1295 print,,"c if it could be "
- 1296 print,," one or two [155]
- 1298 [153],,xx$:[153],,xx$:[153],,xx$
- 1300 [146]k,15:[161]b$:[141]10200
- 1305 tj[178][198](b$)[171]48[170]7[172](b$[177]"9"):[139]tj[179].[176]tj[177]12[167]1270
- 1310 sj[178]so(i):[139]tj[179]10[167]1410
- 1320 [139]sj[179]10[167]1390
- 1330 [145]sj[171]9[137]1340,1350,1360,1480,1370,1480,1380
- 1340 [145]tj[171]9[137]1270,1510,1720
- 1350 [145]tj[171]9[137]1510,1270,1700
- 1360 [145]tj[171]9[137]1720,1700,1270
- 1370 [145]tj[171]9[137]1510,1480,1700
- 1380 [145]tj[171]9[137]1480,1480,1700
- 1390 [153][163]60)a1$" is"sj" ok?":[146]k,15:[161]a$
- 1395 [139]a$[178]"n"[167]ef[178]6:[142]
- 1400 [137]1020
- 1410 [139]sj[178]tj[167]1270
- 1420 [139]sj[179]10[167]ef[178]6:[142]
- 1430 [141]1900:[139]a1[178].[167]ef[178]6:[142]
- 1440 nc[178]nc[170]1:cs$(nc)[178]a1$[170]" must be"[170][196](tj)
- 1445 u(tj)[178]1:l(i)[178]1:tr(i)[178]tj:so(i)[178]tj
- 1450 [129]n[178]1[164]nm:[139]i[178]n[167]1470
- 1460 [139]tj[178]so(n)[167]ef[178]5:[142]
- 1470 [130]:[137]1020
- 1480 so(i)[178]tj:nc[178]nc[170]1:cs$(nc)[178]a1$[170]" must be "[170]cs$(tj[170]16)
- 1490 :
- 1500 [137] 1020
- 1510 ef[178]6:[142]
- 1530 a[178][197](a$):[139]a[179]1[176]a[177]r[167]1270
- 1532 [153]"open",,xx$
- 1540 [153],,"on(NULL)ine"a"cmd: "rw$(a)
- 1542 [153],,xx$:[153],,"(NULL)ell me.. is it: "
- 1544 [153],,"a even "
- 1546 [153],,"b odd "
- 1548 [153],,"c prime "
- 1550 [153],,"d not prime "
- 1552 [153],,"e square "
- 1554 [153],,"f not square "
- 1556 [153],,"0 none of these "
- 1560 [153],,xx$:[153],,"(NULL)lease press a key.list
- 1565 waitk,15:getb$
- 1570 gosub10200:b=asc(b$)-64:i=co(a,1):ifb<1orb>6then1270
- 1580 ifb>2then1600
- 1590 nc=nc+1:cs$(nc)=rw$(a)+" is "+cs$(25+b):tj=9+b
- 1595 a1$=un$(i):goto1310
- 1600 b=b-2:cl(a)=b:poke50288+a,b:nc=nc+1:cs$(nc)=rw$(a)+" is "+cs$(b+20)
- 1610 iflen(rw$(a))<9then1620
- 1615 cl(a)=.:print"[195]an't be sure":cs$(nc)=cs$(nc)+"..?
- 1620 [139]b[178]1[167][139][195](rw$(a))[178]1[167]1690
- 1630 [145]b[137]1640,1020,1670,1020
- 1640 [145]so(i)[170]1[137]1510,1020,1510,1020,1510,1510,1510,1020,1510,1020
- 1645 [145]so(i)[171]9[137]1510,1660,1700
- 1650 [139]so(i)[178]16[167]1510
- 1660 so(i)[178]14:[137]1020
- 1670 [145]so(i)[170]1[137]1020,1020,1510,1510,1020,1020,1020,1510,1510,1020
- 1680 [145]so(i)[171]9[137]1020,1020,1700,1710,1510,1710
- 1690 [145]so(i)[170]1[137]1510,1020,1020,1020,1510,1020,1510,1020,1510,1510
- 1695 [145]so(i)[171]9[137]1720,1020,1020,1020
- 1700 so(i)[178]1:tr(i)[178]1:u(1)[178]1:l(i)[178]1:nc[178]nc[170]1:cs$(nc)[178]un$(i)[170]" is 1":[137]1450
- 1710 so(i)[178]16:[137]1020
- 1720 so(i)[178]2:tr(i)[178]2:u(2)[178]1:l(i)[178]1:nc[178]nc[170]1:cs$(nc)[178]un$(i)[170]" is 2":[137]1450
- 1900 a1[178].:[145] sj[171]9[137]1910,1910,1920,1940,1950,1960,1970
- 1910 a1[178]sj[170]tj[170]1[175]1:[142]
- 1920 [139]tj[179]3[167]a1[178]tj
- 1930 [142]
- 1940 a1[178]1:[142]
- 1950 a1[178][182](3[171][182](tj[171]5))[178]1:[142]
- 1960 a1[178]tj:[142]
- 1970 a1[178][182](k2[171][182](tj[171]5))[171]k1:[142]
- 2000 [129]i[178]1[164]r
- 2010 n[178]cl(i):[139]n[178].[176]n[177]4[167]2080
- 2020 a[178].:c[178]10
- 2030 [129]a1[178][195](rw$(i))[164]1[169][171]1:a[178]c[172]a[170]tr(co(i,a1)):[130]
- 2040 [139]n[177]2[167]2070
- 2050 [141]7800:[139]n[170](a1[177].)[178]1[167]2080
- 2060 ef[178]c:[142]
- 2070 b[178][181]([186](a)[172]a2):[139] n[178]3[171](a[178]b[172]b) [167] ef[178]c:[142]
- 2080 [130]
- 2090 ef[178].:[142]
- 2200 a[178]36:s[178]s[170]1:a$[178]""
- 2210 [153]""[163]16)s""
- 2220 [129]i[178]1[164]nm
- 2230 [153][163]a)tr(i)
- 2240 [130]
- 2250 b[178]s[171]20[172][181]((s[171]1)[173]20)
- 2260 [129]i[178]1[164]nm:sl(b,i)[178]tr(i):[130]
- 2270 [129]a1[178]1[164]lr:a$[178][201]([196](tr(co(r,a1))),1)[170]a$:[130]
- 2280 sl$(b)[178]a$
- 2300 [139][194](829)[167][141]11900
- 2330 [139][194](832)[170][194](k)[178].[167][142]
- 2340 [161]a$:[141]12000
- 2400 [139]re[178]1[167][142]
- 2410 [139]re[178]3[167][151]832,1[171][194](832):[137]6900
- 2420 [139]re[178]5[167][151]832,[194](832)[176][194](829):[151]829,1[171][194](829):[137]6900
- 2430 [142]
- 4000 cs$(1)[178]"prime":cs$(2)[178]"odd":cs$(3)[178]"even":cs$(4)[178]"square":cs$(5)[178]"not sqr
- 4010 m1$="[150][198]1 [205]ore analysis":sj=1
- 4020 print"[147][150] [208]uzzle [193]nalysis:
- 4030 [153]" ================list
- 4040 print" # "rw$(r)tab(14)"factor square
- 4050 [129]i[178]sj[164]sj[170]19
- 4060 [153]sj[163]4)ts$(sj);
- 4070 a[178][197](ts$(sj)):[141]7800
- 4080 [139]a1[177]2[167]a1[178]1
- 4090 b[178][181]([186](a)[172]a2)
- 4100 [153][163]14)cs$(a1[170]1)[163]21)cs$((a[178]b[172]b)[170]5)
- 4110 [139]sj[177][178]s[167][153]x$;:[142]
- 4120 sj[178]sj[170]1
- 4130 [130]
- 4140 [139]sj[177]59[167][153]x$;:[142]
- 4150 [139]sj[179][178]s[167][153]"...more";
- 4200 [141]12310
- 4210 [139](re[178]1)[172](sj[179][178]s)[167]4020
- 4220 [142]
- 4300 [139]s[179]61[167][129]i[178]1[164]b:ts$(i[170]s[171]b)[178]sl$(i):[130]:[142]
- 4310 x$[178]"end memory":[142]
- 4500 [160]1:[159]1,8,15
- 4510 [160]2:[159]2,8,8,"puzzles.tst
- 4520 input#1,a,b$
- 4530 ifa>19thenprint:input"[206]eed program disk";a$:close2:close1:run200
- 4540 get#2,a$:r=asc(a$)
- 4600 fori=1tor
- 4610 input#2,rw$(i)
- 4620 rt(i)=12-len(rw$(i))
- 4630 next
- 4640 b$="":nc=.:za=.:zb=.:cs$(1)="":input#2,b$
- 4650 ifb$>" "thencs$(1)=mid$(b$,3):za=asc(b$):zb=asc(mid$(b$,2)):nc=1
- 4660 lr=len(rw$(r)):cc=.
- 4670 get#2,a$:aa=asc(a$+chr$(0))
- 4700 print"[147]":gosub14000
- 4705 ifaa=.thenprint"[204]ast puzzle![155]
- 4710 [153]" asc1 atnccept this
- 4720 ifaathenprint" [198]3 [206]ext puzzle
- 4730 [153]" asc5 (NULL)uit
- 4750 gosub 12900
- 4760 ifre=3thenifaathenr=aa:goto4600
- 4770 close2:close1
- 4780 ifre-1thenrun50
- 4800 fori=1tor:print"*"
- 4810 d$=" "+rw$(i)
- 4820 gosub5800
- 4830 next
- 4840 pokepr+3,lr:print"[147]
- 4890 [142]
- 5000 [134]i,c,n,tj,a1,sj,r,lr,ma,nm,b,nc,p,cc,m,x$,xx$,ef,aa
- 5010 [141]9100:[151]bg,6:[151]bg[170]1,.
- 5020 [153]"loaddef":[153][163]5)"valnter a puzzle"[163]45)"--------------list
- 5030 print"[200]ow many lines in the puzzle,
- 5040 [153]"including the sum?
- 5050 print"[208]ress a key for 3 to 9 lines
- 5060 [153]:[153]"asc1: puzzle from disk
- 5070 print"[198]7: quit"
- 5100 co=50336:ru=50176:tr=ru+32:sx=ru+16:nd=ru+48:so=ru+64:rp=ru+80:ln=rp+16
- 5110 cl=rp+32:pr=50688:di=50496:dimtr(10),co(10,10),so(10)
- 5120 dimrw$(9),sl(20,10),u(10),cl(10),l(10),cs$(29),sl$(20),ts$(60),rt(9)
- 5130 tj=co:sj=10:sys51200
- 5150 waitk,15:geta$
- 5160 ifa$="[133]"then4500
- 5170 r=val(a$):printr:ifr<3thenef=1:return
- 5200 print"[147][150]"tab(45)"[197]nter the puzzle"tab(45)"----------------[155]
- 5220 [153]"(NULL)ress (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) after each line:
- 5240 fori=1tor-1
- 5250 print"line"i
- 5260 next
- 5270 print," -------
- 5280 [153]"the sum
- 5300 fori=1tor
- 5310 gosub5600
- 5320 rw$(i)=mid$(d$,2)
- 5330 rt(i)=12-b:lr=b
- 5340 ifefthenreturn
- 5350 next
- 5370 pokepr+3,lr
- 5380 ifma>lrorlr>ma+1thenef=3
- 5390 ifnm<2thenef=4
- 5400 return
- 5600 b$="":d$=" "
- 5610 syscr,i+6,18
- 5620 print" "
- 5630 syscr,i+7-(i=r),17
- 5640 print"[158]*[159] _ [197]nter this line
- 5650 [137]5680
- 5670 [158]cr,i[170]7[171](i[178]r),18[171][195](d$):[153]"sys"d$
- 5680 [146]k,15:[161]a$:c$[178]a$
- 5690 [139][195](b$)[179]1[167]5740
- 5700 [139]a$[178][199](13)[167]5800
- 5710 [139]a$[178][199](20)[167]b$[178][200](b$,[195](b$)[171]1):d$[178][200](d$,[195](d$)[171]1):[137]5670
- 5720 [139]a$[178]" "[167]5760
- 5740 [139]a$[179]"!"[176]a$[177]"_"[167]5680
- 5750 [139]a$[177]"@"[167][139]a$[179]"["[167]c$[178][199]([198](a$)[170]32)
- 5760 b$[178][200](b$,8)[170]a$:d$[178][200](d$,9)[170]c$
- 5770 [137]5670
- 5800 tj[178]tj[170]12:b[178][195](d$)[171]1:[151]ln[170]i,b
- 5810 [139]i[178]r[167]5850
- 5820 aa[178]aa[171](b[178]ma)
- 5830 [139]b[177]ma[167]aa[178].:ma[178]b
- 5850 [129]n[178]1[164]b
- 5860 c$[178][200]([201](d$,n),1)
- 5870 [139]c$[179][199](97)[167]a[178].:un$(.)[178]c$:l(.)[178]1:[137]5940
- 5880 [129]a[178]1[164]sj
- 5890 [139]un$(a)[178]c$[167]5940
- 5900 [139]un$(a)[178]""[167]un$(a)[178]c$:nm[178]a:[137]5940
- 5910 [130]
- 5920 ef[178]2:[142]
- 5940 co(i,n)[178]a:[151] tj[170]n,a
- 5950 [130]n
- 5960 [153]"list";:[142]
- 6000 [153]"load":[141]14000
- 6020 [153]"right$nteresting problem.
- 6030 print"[201]t has"nm"letters:
- 6040 [129]i[178]1[164]nm
- 6050 [153]" "un$(i);
- 6060 so(i)[178]13:tr(i)[178]sj
- 6070 [130]:[153]
- 6080 cs$(.)[178]"no leading zeros":nc[178].
- 6090 [153]"right$ assume the first letter in
- 6100 print"a line can't be zero.
- 6140 [139]lr[178]ma[167]6200
- 6145 a[178]co(r,lr)
- 6150 [139]aa[178]1[167]so(a)[178]12
- 6155 [139]aa[167]6200
- 6160 tr(a)[178]1:so(a)[178]1:u(1)[178]1:l(a)[178]1:nc[178]1
- 6170 cs$(1)[178][200](rw$(r),1)[170]" is 1
- 6180 print"[201] also find that "cs$(1)
- 6200 ifzbthenpoke631,za:poke632,zb:poke198,2:a$="y":goto6220
- 6210 print"[159][193]ny clues? y/n
- 6215 [146]k,15:[161]a$
- 6220 [139]a$[178]"y"[167][153]a$;:cc[178]1:[141]1000:cc[178].
- 6240 [129]i[178]1[164]r
- 6250 a[178]co(i,[195](rw$(i)))
- 6260 [139]so(a)[178]13[167]so(a)[178]15
- 6270 [139]so(a)[178].[167]6450
- 6280 [130]
- 6290 [153]"load":[141]14000
- 6300 [153]"",,"list(NULL)ow ready to solve
- 6310 print,,"the puzzle.
- 6320 [139][194](829)[178].[167]6340
- 6330 [153]:[153],,"atnll solutions will":[153],,"be auto-printed.":[137]6360
- 6340 [139][194](828)[178].[167]6360
- 6350 [153]:[153],,"(NULL)olutions will not":[153],,"be auto-printed.
- 6360 print:print,,"[212]here will";
- 6370 ifpeek(832)=.thenprint" not";
- 6380 print:print,,"be a pause after
- 6390 [153],,"each solution.
- 6400 print:print,,"[213]se the function
- 6410 [153],,"keys to change
- 6420 print,,"these settings.
- 6430 [142]
- 6450 x$[178]""[170]cs$(0)[170][199](13)[170]un$(a)[170]" can't be 0!":ef[178]7:[142]
- 6500 [129]c[178]1[164]ma:i[178].
- 6510 [129]n[178]1[164]r[171]1
- 6520 [139]c[177][195](rw$(n))[167]6600
- 6530 a[178]co(n,c):[139]l(a)[176]a[178].[167]6600
- 6540 [139][194](rp[170]c)[178].[167][139]a[178]co(r,c)[167][151]rp[170]c,n:[137]6600
- 6550 i[178]i[170]1:l(a)[178]1
- 6560 [151]di[170]12[172]c[170]i,a
- 6600 [130]
- 6610 [151]nd[170]c,i:[139]l(co(r,c))[176][194](rp[170]c)[167]6630
- 6620 l(co(r,c))[178]1:[151]sx[170]c,1
- 6630 [130]
- 6640 [139]lr[177]ma[167][139]l(co(r,lr))[178].[167]l(co(r,lr))[178]1:[151]sx[170]lr,1
- 6650 [141]14500:n[178].
- 6660 [129]c[178]1[164]ma
- 6670 a[178]co(r,c):[139]l(a)[167]6700
- 6680 n[178]n[170]1:l(a)[178]1:[151]50640[170]n,a
- 6700 [130]
- 6710 [151]nd[170]12,n:[151]pr,r:[151]pr[170]2,ma
- 6720 [129]i[178].[164]10:[151]ru[170]i,u(i):[151]tr[170]i,tr(i):[151]so[170]i,so(i):[130]
- 6730 [158]51212
- 6740 m1$[178]"defasc1 lenontinue
- 6750 m6$="[198]6 [208]rint this
- 6760 m7$[178]"asc7 (NULL)uit
- 6770 gosub6900
- 6800 fori=1tonm
- 6810 tr(i)=peek(tr+i)
- 6820 next
- 6830 return
- 6900 ifpeek(832)thenm3$="[198]3 [206]o [193]uto-pause
- 6910 [139][194](832)[178].[167]m3$[178]"asc3 atnuto pause
- 6920 ifpeek(829)thenm5$="[198]5 [206]o [193]uto-print":return
- 6930 m5$="[198]5 [193]uto print":return
- 7000 pokebg,6:pokebg+1,.
- 7010 print"[147]"tab(90)"[146][150][208]rime numbers":print,"-------------[155]
- 7020 [153]"(NULL)ould you like to...
- 7030 print" 1. [212]est a number
- 7040 [153]" 2. (NULL)ist primes
- 7050 print" 3. [204]ist non-primes
- 7060 [153]" 4. (NULL)eturn to main menu
- 7070 gosub12900:fx=.
- 7080 onregoto7100,7200,7400:return
- 7100 print"[147][150] [212]est primes":print" -----------[155]
- 7110 [141]7600
- 7120 [139]c[178].[167]7000
- 7130 a[178][182](c):[141]7800
- 7140 [139]a1[178].[167][153]c"cmd is a prime";:[137]7170
- 7150 [153]c"cmd is not prime, being
- 7160 print"divisible by"a1;:ifc-a1*a1thenprint"and"c/a1;
- 7170 print:print "next?"
- 7180 gosub7630:goto7120
- 7200 print"[147][150] [204]ist primes":print" -----------[155]
- 7210 [141]7600
- 7220 [139]c[178].[176]c[177]1e9[167]7000
- 7230 tb[178].:[153]"loaddef (NULL)rime numbers:":[158]cr,24:[153]" (any key=stop)list
- 7240 ford=1to69
- 7250 a=abs(c):gosub7800:c=c+1
- 7260 ifa1then7250
- 7270 ifd=24ord=47thentb=tb+13:print"":ifa>9.9e8then7300
- 7280 printtab(tb)c-1
- 7290 ifpeek(k)=.thennext
- 7300 syscr,24:geta$
- 7310 ifpeek(828)thenprint"[150][198]1 [208]rint this ";
- 7320 print"[150][198]3 [195]ontinue [198]5 [209]uit[155]";
- 7330 gosub12900
- 7340 ifre=1thengosub7900
- 7350 ifre=3then7220
- 7360 ifre=5then7000
- 7370 goto7330
- 7400 print"[147][150] [204]ist non-primes":print" ---------------[155]
- 7410 [141]7600
- 7420 [139]c[178].[176]c[177]1e9[167]7000
- 7430 tb[178].:[153]"loaddef (NULL)on-prime numbers:":[158]cr,24:[153]" (any key=stop)list
- 7440 ford=1to69
- 7450 a=abs(c):gosub7800:c=c+1
- 7460 ifa1=.then7450
- 7470 ifd=24ord=47thentb=tb+13:print"":ifa>3.2e4then7500
- 7480 printtab(tb)c-1
- 7490 ifpeek(k)=.thennext
- 7500 syscr,24:geta$
- 7510 ifpeek(828)thenprint"[150][198]1 [208]rint this ";
- 7520 print"[150][198]3 [195]ontinue [198]5 [209]uit[155]";
- 7530 gosub12900
- 7540 ifre=1thengosub7900
- 7550 ifre=3then7420
- 7560 ifre=5then7000
- 7570 goto7530
- 7600 print" [197]nter 0 to stop
- 7610 [153]"(NULL)hat number would you like
- 7620 print"to start with?
- 7630 c[178].:b$[178]" "
- 7640 [153]b$" on":[146]k,15:[161]a$
- 7650 [139]a$[178][199](20)[167][139]c[167]b$[178][200](b$,c):c[178]c[171]1
- 7660 [139]a$[178]"-"[167][139]c[170]fx[178].[167]c[178]1:b$[178]" -"
- 7670 [139]a$[178][199](13)[167]c[178][197](b$):[137]7710
- 7680 [139]a$[179]"0"[176]a$[177]"9"[167]7640
- 7690 [139]c[177]8[167]c[178]8
- 7700 c[178]c[170]1:b$[178][200](b$,c)[170]a$:[137] 7640
- 7710 [139][182](c)[177]4e5[167][139]fx[178].[167][153]"openthinking...list
- 7720 return
- 7800 a1=.:ifa<4thenreturn
- 7810 ifa/t=int(a/t)thena1=t:return
- 7820 fora1=3tosqr(a)stept:ifa/a1=int(a/a1)thenreturn
- 7830 next:a1=.:return
- 7900 poke2,24
- 7910 gosub11800:ifathenreturn
- 7920 open4,4,peek(830):syspd
- 7930 close4:return
- 8000 pokebg,6:pokebg+1,.
- 8010 print"[147]"tab(90)"[146][150][211]quare numbers":print,"--------------[155]
- 8020 [153]"(NULL)ould you like to...
- 8030 print" 1. [212]est a number
- 8040 [153]" 2. (NULL)ist squares
- 8050 print" 3. [210]eturn to main menu
- 8060 k3[178]1[170]2e[171]7:fx[178]1
- 8070 [141]12900:[153]"load
- 8080 onregoto8100,8400:return
- 8100 print"[150] [212]est squares":print" ------------[155]
- 8110 [141]7600
- 8120 [139]c[178].[167]8000
- 8130 b[178][186](c):d[178][181](b[172]k3)
- 8140 [153]c"cmd is ";
- 8150 [139]c[171]d[172]d[167][153]"not square;":[153]" its root is";:[137]8200
- 8160 b[178]d:[153]"the square of";
- 8200 [153]b:[153]"next?
- 8210 gosub 7630:goto 8120
- 8400 print"[150] [204]ist squares":print " ------------[155]
- 8410 [141]7600
- 8420 [139]c[178].[167]8000
- 8430 c[178][181]([186](c[171]1))[170]1
- 8440 [153]"loaddef (NULL)quare"[163]18)"(NULL)ootlist
- 8450 forc=ctoc+22
- 8460 if c>31622thenprint"[159][211]ize limit for squares!":goto8500
- 8470 printc*ctab(17)c
- 8480 next
- 8500 syscr,24
- 8510 ifpeek(828)thenprint"[150][198]1 [208]rint this ";
- 8520 print"[150][198]3 [195]ontinue [198]5 [209]uit[155]";
- 8530 gosub12900
- 8540 ifre=1thengosub7900
- 8550 ifre=3then8440
- 8560 ifre=5then8000
- 8570 goto8530
- 9000 gosub11800
- 9010 poke829,peek(828)
- 9020 poke832,1-peek(828)
- 9030 close1:open 1,8,15
- 9040 close2:open 2,8,8,"alphametix.ml
- 9050 [132]1,a,b$:[160]2:[160]1
- 9060 [139]a[179][178]19[167]9070
- 9065 [153]"right$nsert program disk and press (NULL)(NULL)atnlenval.":[151]198,0
- 9067 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]9067
- 9068 [138]
- 9070 [151]830,7:[151]808,225
- 9080 a[178]1:[147]"alphametix.ml",8,1
- 9100 bg[178]53280:k[178]198:[158]51200
- 9110 k1[178].5:k2[178]2.5:a2[178]1[170]2e[171]7:t[178]2
- 9120 cr[178]51209:du[178]cr[171]3:pd[178]cr[170]12:s1[178]54276:x$[178]"def< (NULL)he end >
- 9130 pokes1-3,70:pokes1+11,41:pokes1+14,17:pokes1+1,7:pokes1+2,217
- 9140 close4:poke204,1
- 9150 return
- 9500 pokebg+1,.:sys51215
- 9510 syscr,19
- 9520 printtab(24)"[150][209]uit [193]lphametix
- 9530 [153][163]25)"-atnre you sure?
- 9540 printtab(65)"[198]1 [195]ontinue
- 9550 [153][163]25)"asc7 (NULL)eturn":[153][163]27)"to (NULL)oadstar";
- 9580 [141]12900
- 9590 [139]re[171]7[167][142]
- 9600 [158]58451:[151]808,237
- 9610 [153]"loadchr$oodbye from atn(NULL)(NULL)left$atn(NULL)val(NULL)right$(NULL)
- 9700 close1:open1,8,15
- 9730 close2:open2,8,8,"hello connect
- 9740 [132]1,a,b$
- 9750 [160]2:[160]1
- 9760 [139]a[177]19[167][155][171]20
- 9800 [147]"hello connect",8
- 9810 [128]
- 10000 [141]10800
- 10040 [153][163]5)"(NULL)ress:
- 10050 printtab(5)"1 [201]nstructions
- 10060 [153][163]5)"2 (NULL)olve alphametic puzzle
- 10070 printtab(5)"3 [208]rime numbers
- 10080 [153][163]5)"4 (NULL)quare numbers
- 10090 printtab(5)"5 [208]rinter controls
- 10100 [153][163]5)"6 (NULL)uit atnlphametix
- 10120 printtab(205)"[194]y [201]an [193]dam [214]ancouver [194][195]
- 10130 [153][163]14)"and (NULL)oadstar
- 10140 pokebg+1,2:pokebg-15,27
- 10200 pokes1,21:pokes1+20,143
- 10210 pokes1,20:return
- 10800 pokebg,.:pokebg-15,11:pokebg-11,.
- 10810 a$="[144] [157][148] "
- 10820 b$="[144] [146] [157][148] "
- 10830 print"[147]"a$
- 10840 printb$:printb$:printb$:printb$:printb$
- 10850 printa$:printa$
- 10860 fori=1to11:printb$:next
- 10870 printa$:printa$
- 10880 fori=1to3:printb$:next:printb$"[155]
- 10890 [153][163]8)"atn (NULL) (NULL) left$ atn (NULL) val (NULL) right$ (NULL)
- 10900 print:printtab(8)"... [212]he [193]lphametic [197]xpress
- 10920 [142]
- 11000 [141]10800
- 11040 [153][163]5)"(NULL)rinter lenontrols:
- 11050 gosub11800
- 11060 pokebg+1,6:pokebg-15,27
- 11070 ifathen11600
- 11100 printtab(45)"[212]he secondary address is set
- 11110 [153][163]5)"to"[194](830)"for upper/lower case,
- 11120 printtab(5)"text mode, auto line feed.
- 11130 [139][194](829)[167][153][163]85)"atnll solutions will be printed.":[137]11160
- 11140 [153][163]45)"(NULL)olutions will be printed
- 11150 printtab(5)"only when requested.
- 11160 [153][163]165)"asc1 change secondary address
- 11170 ifpeek(829)thenprinttab(5)"[198]3 print on request only
- 11180 [139][194](829)[178].[167][153][163]5)"asc3 auto-print all solutions
- 11190 printtab(5)"[198]5 main menu";
- 11300 gosub12900:if(reand1)=.then11300
- 11310 ifre=5orre=7thenreturn
- 11320 ifre=3thenpoke829,1-peek(829):ifpeek(829)thenpoke832,.
- 11330 ifre-1then11000
- 11340 gosub10800
- 11380 printtab(45)"[212]he secondary address must be
- 11390 [153][163]5)"set for upper & lower case,
- 11400 printtab(5)"text mode, auto line feed.
- 11410 [153][163]85)"right$f necessary, check your
- 11420 printtab(5)"printer or interface manual.
- 11430 [153][163]205)"valnter secondary address:";
- 11440 [151]bg[171]15,27:a$[178]"
- 11500 syscr,22,30:printa$" "
- 11510 waitk,15:getb$
- 11520 ifb$=chr$(20)theniflen(a$)thena$=left$(a$,len(a$)-1)
- 11530 ifb$=chr$(13)thenpoke830,val(a$)and255:goto11000
- 11540 ifb$<"0"orb$>"9"then11500
- 11550 iflen(a$)>2thena$=left$(a$,2)
- 11560 a$=a$+b$:goto11500
- 11600 printtab(45)"[212]here is no printer active.
- 11610 [153][163]45)"right$f you have a printer,
- 11620 printtab(5)"check it is properly
- 11630 [153][163]5)"connected, has paper available,
- 11640 printtab(5)"and turned on.
- 11650 [153][163]165)"asc1 activate printer
- 11660 printtab(5)"[198]3 main menu
- 11670 [141]12900:[139] re[178]1[167]11000
- 11680 [139] re[178]3[167][142]
- 11690 [137]11670
- 11800 [159]4,4,0:[151]781,4:[158]65481
- 11810 a[178]st [175]128:[158]65484:[160]4
- 11820 [151]828,[171](a[178]0)
- 11830 [151]829,(a[178]0)[172]([194](829)[177]0)
- 11840 [142]
- 11900 [141]11800
- 11910 [139]a[178].[167][159]4,4,[194](830):[158]du
- 11920 [160]4:[142]
- 12000 [158]51215
- 12010 [158]cr,19,23:[153]m1$
- 12020 [153][163]23)m3$
- 12030 [139][194](828)[167][153][163]23)m5$:[153][163]23)m6$
- 12040 [153][163]23)m7$
- 12100 [141]10200:[141]12900
- 12120 [139] re[178]6[167][158]51218:[141]11900:[137]12000
- 12130 [139] re[175]1[167][158]51218:[142]
- 12140 [137]12100
- 12300 m1$[178]"defasc1 atnnalyze this
- 12310 m3$="[150][198]3 [211]olve again
- 12320 m5$[178]"asc5 atn new puzzle
- 12330 m7$="[198]7 [194]ack to menu
- 12340 [139][194](828)[178].[167]fx[178].:[137]12400
- 12360 fx[178]3:m6$[178]"asc6 (NULL)rint this
- 12370 ifpeek(829)thenm4$="[198]4 [206]o [193]uto-print":goto12400
- 12380 m4$="[198]4 [193]uto print
- 12400 [158]51215
- 12410 [158]cr,19
- 12420 [139]fx[178].[167][153]
- 12430 [139]s[167][153][163]23)m1$
- 12440 [153][163]23)m3$
- 12450 [139]fx[175]2[167][153][163]23)m4$
- 12460 [153][163]23)m5$
- 12470 [139]fx[175]1[167][153][163]23)m6$
- 12480 [153][163]23)m7$;
- 12500 [141]10200:[141]12900:[158]51218
- 12510 [139] re[178]6[167][139]fx[175]1[167][141]11900:[137]12400
- 12520 [142]
- 12700 [158]51215
- 12710 [158]cr,19,.
- 12720 [153][163]23)"defasc1 (NULL)olve this":[139][194](828)[178].[167]12750
- 12730 [139][194](829)[178].[167][153][163]23)"asc2 atnuto print "
- 12740 [139][194](829)[167][153][163]23)"asc2 (NULL)o atnuto-print
- 12750 ifpeek(832)=.thenprinttab(23)"[198]3 [193]uto pause "
- 12760 ifpeek(832)thenprinttab(23)"[198]3 [206]o [193]uto-pause
- 12770 [153][163]23)"asc4 (NULL)edo clues
- 12790 ifpeek(828)thenprinttab(23)"[198]6 [208]rint puzzle
- 12800 [153][163]23)"asc7 peekack to menu";
- 12810 [141]10200:[141]12900
- 12820 [139]re[178]2[167][151]829,1[171][194](829)
- 12830 [139]re[178]3[167][151]832,1[171][194](832)
- 12840 [158]51218:[142]
- 12900 [153]"":[146]k,15
- 12910 [141]12940
- 12920 [139] re[167][139]re[179]8[167][142]
- 12930 [137]12900
- 12940 [161]a$:re[178][197](a$)
- 12950 [139]a$[177]"input#"[167][139]a$[179]"restore"[167]re[178]2[172][198](a$)[171]265:[139] re[177]7[167]re[178]re[171]7
- 12960 [139]a$[178][199](13)[167]re[178]1
- 12970 [142]
- 13000 [141]10200
- 13010 [145]ef[137]13100,13200,13300,13400,13500,13600,13600
- 13100 [138]50
- 13200 [153]"load":[141]14000
- 13210 [153]"(NULL)oo many letters!
- 13220 print"[197]ach letter represents a
- 13230 [153]"digit (NULL) to 9, so there can't
- 13240 print"be over 10 different letters.
- 13250 [137] 13900
- 13300 [153]"load":[141]14000
- 13310 [153]"(NULL)our puzzle can't be solved!
- 13320 ifma>lrthen13350
- 13330 print"[211]um line is too long, compared
- 13340 [153]"to the other lines.":[137] 13900
- 13350 [153]"(NULL)o line in the puzzle can be longerclose
- 13360 print"than the sum.
- 13370 [137]13900
- 13400 [153]"load":[141]14000
- 13410 [153]"(NULL)our puzzle can't be solved! right$t needs
- 13430 print"at least 2 letters.
- 13440 [137]13900
- 13500 [153]"load":[141]14000
- 13510 [153]"lenlues are not compatible."
- 13520 [153]a1$" & "un$(n)" can't both be"tj
- 13530 [137]13900
- 13600 [153]"load":[141]14000
- 13610 [153]"(NULL)our puzzle & clues can't be solved!"
- 13620 [139]ef[177]6[167][153]x$
- 13900 [153]"(NULL)ress a key."
- 13910 [146]k,15:[161]a$
- 13920 [138]200
- 14000 [153]"sys";
- 14010 [129]i[178]1[164]r[171]1
- 14020 [153][163]rt(i))rw$(i)
- 14030 [130]
- 14040 [153][163]12[171]lr)[200]("---------",lr)
- 14050 [153][163]12[171]lr)rw$(r);
- 14060 [139]cc[167][129]i[178]r[170]1[164]9:[153]:[130]
- 14070 [139]cc[178].[167][153]
- 14090 [129]i[178].[164]nc
- 14100 [153]:[153]cs$(i);
- 14110 [130]:[153] "list":[142]
- 14500 [153]"openloaddefwait (NULL)olution no."s
- 14520 [153]" def++++++++++++++++++wait time: : : .
- 14530 print:gosub14000
- 14540 syscr,r+2,26-lr
- 14550 printleft$("----------",lr)
- 14560 print"
- 14570 [129]i[178]1[164]nm
- 14580 [153][163]33)un$(i)" =
- 14590 next
- 14610 ifnm<r+2thenfori=nmtor+1:print:next
- 14620 printtab(18)"[159][200]old [195][212][210][204] for
- 14630 [153][163]18)"step-by-step
- 14640 printtab(18)"[210][197][211][212][207][210][197] to exit
- 14650 [139][194](832)[178].[167][153][163]18)"left$old a key to pause";
- 14660 [142]
- 15000 [153]"loaddef(NULL)emory full-
- 15010 gosub4300
- 15020 fori=1tonm:printun$(i)" ";:next
- 15030 printrw$(r):print
- 15040 forj=1tob:printmid$(str$(sl(j,1)),2);
- 15050 fori=2tonm:printsl(j,i)"[157]";:next
- 15060 print" "sl$(j)
- 15070 next
- 15100 goto12000
- 16000 print"[147][208]rint puzzle format:
- 16010 [153]"printlenheck printer is at top of page;
- 16020 print"press [210][197][212][213][210][206], [198]7 to quit:
- 16040 [146]k,15:[161]a$:[139]a$[178]"let"[167]16900
- 16050 [141]11800:[139]a[167]16900
- 16100 [159]4,4,[194](830)
- 16110 [152]4," atn (NULL) (NULL) left$ atn (NULL) val (NULL) right$ (NULL)":[152]4
- 16120 [152]4," ... (NULL)he atnlphametic valxpress":[152]4
- 16130 [152]4," atn puzzle for you to solve:":[152]4
- 16140 [153]"load
- 16200 fori=1tor
- 16210 ifi<rthen16230
- 16220 print:printtab(78-4*lr)left$("-----------------------------------",4*lr);
- 16230 print:print:printtab(4*rt(i)-10);
- 16240 forj=1tolen(rw$(i))
- 16250 printchr$(asc(mid$(rw$(i),j,1))+96)"...";
- 16260 next
- 16270 next
- 16280 sysdu
- 16300 print"[147]
- 16310 [129]i[178].[164]nc
- 16320 [153]cs$(i)
- 16330 [130]
- 16340 [158]du
- 16400 [153]"load
- 16410 fori=1tonm
- 16420 print:printun$(i)" = .....
- 16430 [130]
- 16440 [158]du
- 16450 [152]4,[199](12);
- 16460 [160]4:[153]"load
- 16500 print"[147][215]ould you like...
- 16510 [153]" asc1 a timer to solve puzzle
- 16520 print" [198]3 race the computer
- 16530 [153]" asc5 back to atnlphametix
- 16550 gosub12900
- 16560 if re=3thenpoke631,133:pokek,1
- 16570 if re-1thenprint"[147]":goto14000
- 16600 print"[147][208]ress:
- 16610 [153]" asc1 start the timer
- 16620 print" [198]3 finished
- 16630 [153]" asc5 back to atnlphametix
- 16640 syscr,1,29:print" 0:00:00.0[155]
- 16700 [141]12900
- 16710 [139] re[178]5[167]16900
- 16720 [139] re[171]1[167]16700
- 16800 [129]i[178]56331[164]56328[169][171]1
- 16810 [151]i,.
- 16820 [130]
- 16850 a[178]51224
- 16860 [129]i[178].[164]1:[158]a:i[178][194](k):[130]
- 16870 [141]12940:[139]re[167]16710
- 16880 [137]16850
- 16900 [153]"load":[137]14000
- 20000 [153]"load
- 20010 pokebg-15,11:pokebg,6:pokebg+1,6:aa=6
- 20030 ifpeek(828)then20050
- 20040 d$=" [198]1 [195]ontinue [198]3 [205]ain menu [157][148] ":goto20100
- 20050 d$=" [198]1 [195]ontinue [198]3 [209]uit [198]5 [208]rint page [157][148] "
- 20100 fori=1to11
- 20110 onigosub21000,22000,23000,24000,25000,26000,27000,28000,29000,30000,31000
- 20130 gosub20800
- 20140 next
- 20150 gosub11800:ifathenreturn
- 20160 print"[147] [198]1 [194]ack to menu
- 20170 [153]" asc3 (NULL)rint the instructions
- 20175 pokebg-15,27:gosub12900
- 20180 ifre-3thenreturn
- 20200 open4,4,peek(830):cmd4:rem printchr$(12);
- 20210 fori=1to11
- 20220 onigosub21000,22000,23000,24000,25000,26000,27000,28000,29000,30000,31000
- 20230 ifi/3=int(i/3)thenprintchr$(12);
- 20240 next
- 20250 print#4:print#4,chr$(12)
- 20260 close4:return
- 20800 syscr,24
- 20810 printd$;:pokebg-15,27
- 20820 rem aa=aa+6+3*(aa=6)+4*(aa=9):ifaa>11 then aa=.
- 20830 gosub12900
- 20840 ifre=5thengosub7900
- 20850 ifre=3thenrun50
- 20860 pokebg-15,11:pokebg,aa:pokebg+1,aa
- 20870 print"[147]":return
- 20990 :
- 21000 print" [193] [204] [208] [200] [193] [205] [197] [212] [201] [216]
- 21010 [153]:[153]" ... (NULL)he atnlphametic valxpress":[153]
- 21020 [153]" (NULL)hat is an alphametic?":[153]
- 21030 [153]" right$'m glad you asked!":[153]
- 21040 [153]" atnn alphametic is a type of puzzle
- 21050 print" in which the numbers in a standard
- 21060 [153]" addition format have been replaced
- 21070 print" by letters. [197]ach letter uniquely
- 21080 [153]" replaces a different digit.":[153]
- 21090 [153]" (NULL)he challenge is to deduce the
- 21100 print" original numbers, given only
- 21110 [153]" the letters of the puzzle.
- 21120 print:return
- 21990 :
- 22000 print"[195]onsider this sample puzzle:":print
- 22010 print" [196][207][206][212]
- 22020 [153]" str$(NULL)
- 22030 print" [201][212]
- 22040 [153]" (NULL)atnright$str$
- 22050 print" -----
- 22060 [153]" str$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)atn
- 22070 print:print"[200]ere, each letter represents
- 22080 [153]"a number, and the first 4 lines
- 22090 print"must add up to equal [196][207][206][206][193].
- 22100 [153]:[153]"(NULL)his is fairly simple to solve, and you
- 22110 print"can[160]deduce some clues quickly.":print
- 22120 print"[204]ook at the left column. [196] and [211] must
- 22130 [153]"add up to at least 10, but less than
- 22140 print"20, so a 1 carries over to form
- 22150 [153]"the last digit. (NULL)hen you know that
- 22160 print"[196] must represent the number 1.
- 22200 [153]:[142]
- 23000 [153]"(NULL)o mentally replace str$ with 1, and
- 23005 print"eliminate [206] above and below the line:":print
- 23010 print" [196][207][206][212] 1[207].[212]
- 23020 [153]" str$(NULL) 1(NULL)
- 23030 print" [201][212] [201][212]
- 23040 [153]" (NULL)atnright$str$ (NULL)atnright$1
- 23050 print" ----- -----
- 23060 [153]" str$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)atn 1(NULL)(NULL).atn
- 23070 print:print:print"[194]y examining the left column, you can
- 23080 [153]"figure that the letter (NULL) must be
- 23090 print"8 or 9, to ensure that [196]+[211]
- 23100 [153]"adds up to at least 10.":[153]
- 23110 [153]:[153]"atnlso, the letter (NULL) must be
- 23120 print"0 or 1. [211]ince 1 is already
- 23130 [153]"taken (str$ is 1), then (NULL) must be 0.
- 23200 return
- 24000 print"[204]et's make those changes:":print:print
- 24010 print" [196][207][206][212] 10.[212]
- 24020 [153]" str$(NULL) 10
- 24030 print" [201][212] [201][212]
- 24040 [153]" (NULL)atnright$str$ *atnright$1
- 24050 print" ----- -----
- 24060 [153]" str$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)atn 10(NULL).atn
- 24070 print:print" * = 8 or 9
- 24080 [153]:[153]"(NULL)ou could keep going like this.":[153]
- 24090 [153]"ascrom the column on the right, you
- 24100 print"know that [212] must be at least 6, and
- 24110 [153]"that atn must be an odd digit,
- 24120 print"3, 5, or 7.":print
- 24130 print"[198]rom the next column, you can find
- 24140 [153]"that right$ must be 4 or 9.":[153]
- 24200 [142]
- 25000 [153]"(NULL)he solution is then close.
- 25010 print:print"[215]ith a little experimenting,
- 25020 [153]"it is found to be:":[153]:[153]
- 25030 [153]" str$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) 1067
- 25040 print" [196][207] 10
- 25050 [153]" right$(NULL) 47
- 25060 print" [211][193][201][196] 9541
- 25070 [153]" ----- -----
- 25080 print" [196][207][206][206][193] 10665
- 25090 [153]:[153]:[153]"(NULL)imple, right?":[153]
- 25100 [153]"(NULL)ost puzzles are not as easy
- 25110 print"as that! [213]sually, you need
- 25120 [153]"a lot of trial and error to
- 25130 print"get the answer.":return
- 26000 print:print:print"[212]his is where you and the computer
- 26010 [153]"make a good team. (NULL)he computer is
- 26020 print"good at experimenting. [201]n theory,
- 26030 [153]"up to 3.6 million trials (and
- 26040 print"3.6 million errors!) may be required
- 26050 [153]"before a solution is found. (NULL)he
- 26060 print"computer is thorough at this.
- 26070 [153]"right$t is also good at keeping track
- 26080 print"of complex things like rows of
- 26090 [153]"letters and numbers.":[153]:[153]
- 26100 [153]"peekut the computer is not good
- 26110 print"at finding clues, nor at making
- 26120 [153]"lucky guesses.":[153]:[153]
- 26130 [153]"(NULL)hat's your part of the teamwork!
- 26200 return
- 27000 print"[215]ith your help, this program
- 27010 [153]"can solve alphametic puzzles,
- 27020 print"even though they may be a
- 27030 [153]"lot more difficult than the
- 27040 print"sample we saw.":print
- 27050 print"[212]he program is also fast.":print:print
- 27060 print"[217]ou have the first job in the process,
- 27070 [153]"entering the puzzle. (NULL)here are a
- 27080 print"few samples on the disk, to get you
- 27090 [153]"started. (NULL)nce the puzzle is entered,
- 27100 print"the computer will then scan it,
- 27110 [153]"looking for clues or errors.":[153]
- 27120 [153]"atnt this stage, you can go ahead and
- 27130 print"have the computer solve the problem.
- 27140 [153]"(NULL)here may be several possible
- 27150 print"solutions, and the program
- 27160 [153]"will list them all.":[142]
- 28000 [153]:[153]"atns fast as the program is, however,
- 28010 print"it takes time to try 3.6 million
- 28020 [153]"solutions. (NULL)he answer is found
- 28030 print"much faster with teamwork.
- 28040 [153]"right$f you can see any obvious
- 28050 print"clues, go ahead and enter them
- 28060 [153]"when the program asks. (NULL)our
- 28070 print"brainpower will complement the
- 28080 [153]"computer's brute force very nicely.":[153]:[153]
- 28090 [153]"(NULL)ometimes a clue will be supplied with
- 28100 print"the puzzle, usually because the problem
- 28110 [153]"has more than one solution... the clue
- 28120 print"serves to limit the puzzle to just one
- 28140 [153]"solution. valnter this type of clue too.":[153]:[142]
- 29000 [153]"(NULL)he program has several options:":[153]
- 29020 [153]"- right$f you have a printer, the answers
- 29030 print" will be printed automatically as
- 29040 [153]" they are found. right$f you don't want
- 29050 print" this auto-print feature, you can
- 29060 [153]" cancel it from a menu.":[153]
- 29070 [153]"- (NULL)ou can also print any screen when
- 29080 print" the menu offers.":print
- 29090 print"- [215]hen not auto-printing, the program
- 29100 [153]" will pause after finding a solution.
- 29120 print" [217]ou can cancel this feature too.":print
- 29140 print"- [212]ry holding down the [195][212][210][204] key while
- 29150 [153]" the program is running. (NULL)his will
- 29160 print" slow the program so you can see the
- 29170 [153]" solution develop.":[142]
- 30000 [153]"(NULL)ith most menus, you can press either
- 30010 print"a number or function key. [212]he main
- 30020 [153]"menu offers some additional choices...":[153]:[153]
- 30040 [153]"right$f your printer doesn't work right,
- 30050 print"try changing the secondary address.
- 30060 [153]"(NULL)elect 'printer controls', check the
- 30070 print"manual for your printer or interface,
- 30080 [153]"and enter a new address.":[153]
- 30110 [153]"atnlso, because the program deals with
- 30120 print"prime numbers and squares, special
- 30140 [153]"sections are provided to allow you to
- 30150 print"experiment with these numbers.
- 30160 [153]:[153]"(NULL)ress (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val anytime to get the menu.
- 30200 print:return
- 31000 print"[212]here are many other features in
- 31010 [153]"the program, which you will find
- 31020 print"as you try it out. [202]ust for fun, you
- 31030 [153]"might want to try and solve some of
- 31040 print"the puzzles by hand, and compare your
- 31050 [153]"time to the computer's.":[153]:[153]:[153]
- 31060 [153]"right$f you want to try, the program
- 31070 print"will print the puzzle on a blank
- 31080 [153]"page, leaving plenty ofcloseroom for you
- 31090 print"to work on it. [201]t will even time you
- 31100 [153]"as you solve the puzzle!
- 32310 print"[212]here are many puzzles on the [204]oadstar
- 32320 [153]"disk. (NULL)hen you choose '(NULL)olve a puzzle'
- 32330 print"you can select one of these to solve,
- 32340 [153]"or type in your own.":[142]