Loadstar 74
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Commodore BASIC
78 lines
10 poke53281,0:poke53280,0
20 dimqu$(11),an$(11),ya$(11),d$(11,2)
30 sp$=" ":cr$=chr$(13)
100 fori=1to10:readqu$(i),an$(i),d$(i,0),d$(i,1):next
110 data"1. [201]n 1965, how many thousands of people emigrated to the [213][211]?"
112 data"297","6","3500"
120 data"2. [200]ow many billions did the [198]ederal [199]ov't spend on [200]ealth in 1987?"
122 data"39.7","3.4","985.8"
130 data"3. [200]ow many thousands of burglaries were reported in the [213][211] in 1977?"
132 data"3,072","22","28,987"
140 data"4. [215]hat is the area, in square miles, of [217]ugoslavia?"
142 data"98,766","14,388","487,000"
150 data"5. [215]hat is the population, in thousands, of [208]alermo, [211]icily?
152 [131]"822","154","4,866"
160 [131]"6. left$ow many casualties, in thousands, were suffered in the lenivil (NULL)ar?
162 data"646","85","4,912"
170 data"7. [215]hat is the world record for rainfall in one minute, in inches?"
172 data"1.23",".31","7.56"
180 data"8. [200]ow many [213][211] women, in thousands, lived alone in 1960?"
182 data"4,436","208","79,743"
190 data"9. [200]ow many cars, in thousands, were made in [211]pain in 1984?"
192 data"94.8","26.1","845"
200 data"10. [200]ow many stockholders, in thousands, did [201][194][205] have as of 1988?
202 [131]"788","49","2,597"
210 [153]"loadfor (NULL)(NULL)atnstr$(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL) (NULL)eader's (NULL)nowledge (NULL)est":r[178][187]([171]ti)
220 [153]"open (NULL)lease answer the following ten"
230 [153]" questions as best you can."
240 [151]214,23:[153]:[153]"sys valnter qsys if you want to quit early."
300 r[178][181]([187](0)[170].5)
310 [129]i[178]1[164]10
315 [129]ii[178]217[164]242:[151]ii,[194](ii)[176]128:[130]
320 [151]214,9:[153]:[129]j[178]1[164]12:[153]sp$:[130]:r[178]1[171]r
330 [151]214,[187](0)[172]6[170]15:[153]"poke":[153][163][187](0)[172]25[170]5)d$(i,r)
340 [151]214,10:[153]"cont":[153]qu$(i)
350 [153]"print# (NULL)our answer: ";
360 [141]50000:[139]q9$[178]"q"[167]620
370 ya$(i)[178]q9$
380 [130]
400 [153]"loadopen (NULL)hank you!
410 print"[206]ow please set your printer to the top
420 [153]"of a page to print out the score and"
430 [153]"answer sheet. (NULL)ses one sheet."
440 [153]" (NULL)ress (NULL)(NULL)atnlenval opento print.":[151]198,0
450 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]450
460 [159]4,4,7:[129]i[178]1[164]10
470 [152]4,cr$;qu$(i)
480 [152]4,cr$,"lenorrect answer: ";an$(i);
490 [152]4," (NULL)our answer: ";ya$(i)
500 [130]:[152]4,cr$;r;cr$cr$
510 [152]4,,,"(NULL)eturn this page to:";cr$
520 [152]4,,,"(NULL)(NULL)atnstr$(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL) (NULL)est"
530 [152]4,,,"(NULL). (NULL). peekox 30008"
540 [152]4,,,"(NULL)hreveport, (NULL)atn 71130
550 print#4:close4
560 print"[159] [212]est printed! [196]oes another member
570 [153]"of your family want to take the test?"
580 [153]"cont ((NULL)cont) (NULL)ake the test again.
590 print" ([206][154]) [210]eturn to [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210].
600 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]"y"[175]a$[179][177]"n"[167]600
610 [139]a$[178]"y"[167]210
620 [159]15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":[132]15,er:[160]15
630 [139]er[179][177]63[167][128]
640 [153]"loadstopload"[199](34)"hello connect"[199](34)",8"
650 [153]"run"
660 [151]631,13:[151]632,13:[151]198,2:[128]
10000 [159]15,8,15,"s0:diskovery":[160]15:[148]"diskovery",8:[128]
50000 q9$[178]"":u9[178]53280:[151]198,0
50010 [161]a$
50020 [151]646,[187](1)[172]15[170]1:[153]"tocmd";:[139]a$[178]""[167]50010
50030 [139]a$[178][199](13)[167][153]" ":[142]
50040 [139](a$[178][199](20)[175][195](q9$))[167]q9$[178][200](q9$,[195](q9$)[171]1):[137]50080
50050 [139][195](q9$)[177][178]7[167]t9%[178][194](u9):[151]u9,1:[151]u9,t9%:[137]50010
50060 [139]a$[177][178]"0"[175]a$[179][178]"9"[167]50070
50065 [139]a$[178]"."[176]a$[178]","[176]a$[178]"q"[167]50070
50067 [137]50010
50070 q9$[178]q9$[170]a$
50080 [153]""a$;:[137]50010