Loadstar 147
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Commodore BASIC
241 lines
10 goto980
15 a=peek(j):f=a>l:onaandugoto,,,,15,15,25,,15,15,20,,35,30:return
20 gosub40:c=c+(c-18=>.)*18:goto45
25 gosub40:c=c-(c+18=<n)*18:goto45
30 gosub40:c=c+(c>.):goto45
35 gosub40:c=c-(c<n):goto45
40 pokecx,1-(c>17)*19:pokecy,6+c+(c>17)*18:syscp:print"[146]"c$(c):return
45 pokecx,1-(c>17)*19:pokecy,6+c+(c>17)*18:syscp:print""c$(c):return
50 pokecx,x:pokecy,y:syscp:return
55 print"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
60 fora=1tof:print"[221] [221]":next
65 print"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]";:waitj,16:return
70 c=.
75 print"[147]":gosub945
80 gosub45:forf=-1to.:gosub15:b=peek(k)<>e:f=-f*b:next:ifnotbthen110
85 a=c+1
90 ifa>00thenona-00gosub115,130,155,175,195,215,230,250,270,290
95 ifa>10thenona-10gosub305,330,360,415,430,475,490,515,580,625
100 ifa>20thenona-20gosub645,665,735,765,775,805,820,845,870,885,900,915,930
105 fora=-1to.:b=peek(k)<>e:a=peek(j)<>landb:next:ifbthen75
110 poke646,y:print"[147]s[217]53235:g[207]147"chr$(142);:poke198,1:poke631,13:end
115 f=3:gosub55
120 print"[213]se the joystick to draw/erase."
125 print"[[211][208][193][195][197]] will toggle between the two.":return
130 f=4:gosub55
135 print"[208]ressing [[195][205][196][210]] [[211][208][193][195][197]] will allow"
140 print"you to erase an 8 x 8 bit area. [213]se"
145 print"the joystick while holding down fire"
150 print"to erase.":return
155 f=3:gosub55
160 print"[212]here are three points which may be"
165 print"plotted at the pen tip by hitting"
170 print"[[193],[194],[195]] respectively.":return
175 f=3:gosub55
180 print"[200]old down [[211][200][198][212]] and hit [[193],[194] or [195]]"
185 print"for the point you wish to remove. [212]o "
190 print"remove all points press [_].":return
195 f=3:gosub55
200 print"[200]olding down the [[195][205][196][210]] key and"
205 print"selecting an existing point will"
210 print"place the pen there.":return
215 f=2:gosub55
220 print"[208]ressing [[216]] will e[216]change points"
225 print"[193] & [194].":return
230 f=3:gosub55
235 print"[200]it the [[196]] key to find the distance"
240 print"from the pen to any point on the"
245 print"screen.":return
250 f=3:gosub55
255 print"[212]o draw a rectangle plot points [193] & [194]"
260 print"as the diagonals then press [[210]] to"
265 print"draw.":return
270 f=3:gosub55
275 print"[193] parallelogram can be drawn by using"
280 print"points [193],[194] & [195] as three of the four"
285 print"corners. [208]ress [[208]] to start drawing.":return
290 f=2:gosub55
295 print"[204]ines are drawn from point [193] to [194]."
300 print"[213]se the [[204]] key to draw a line.":return
305 f=4:gosub55
310 print"[212]he distance from points [193] and [194] will"
315 print"determine the radius where point [194] is"
320 print"the center. [208]ress [[207]] to draw a"
325 print"circle.":return
330 f=5:gosub55
335 print"[212]he slope of the ellipse is"
340 print"determined by points [193] and [194](center)."
345 print"[208]ress [[197]] and move pen with joystick"
350 print"then press fire to draw. [208]ressing"
355 print"[[211][200][198][212]-[197]] will draw a partial ellipse.":return
360 f=10:gosub55
365 print"[212]o fill an object press [[198]] and move"
370 print"the icon inside while holding down"
375 print"[198][201][210][197]. [213]se [[195][210][211][210]] left and right or"
380 print"[[211][200][198][212] [193]-[218]] to select pattern."
385 print"[f1] restore pattern"
390 print"[f3] flip pattern"
395 print"[f5] invert pattern"
400 print"[f7] reverse pattern"
405 print"[206][207][212][197]: [208]atterns are loaded/created via"
410 print"sprite editor!":return
415 f=2:gosub55
420 print"[208]ress [[205]] and use the joystick to"
425 print"move all points together.":return
430 f=8:gosub55
435 print"[208]ress [[211][200][198][212]-[207]] to enter compass mode."
440 print"[212]he distance from the pen to point"
445 print"[194](center) will determine the radius."
450 print"[208]ressing the joystick left or right"
455 print"will rotate pen clockwise and"
460 print"counter-clockwise, repectively."
465 print"[203][197][217][211]:[^] angle on/off, [1-9] accuracy"
470 print"[[193]] plots point [193], [[195]] plots point [195]":return
475 f=2:gosub55
480 print"[212]o undo the last function press [[213]]"
485 print"immediately after that function.":return
490 f=4:gosub55
495 print"[212]o zoom in on a certain section of"
500 print"the screen press [[218]], move window"
505 print"with joystick and press [198][201][210][197]."
510 print"[208]ress [[211][200][198][212] [218]] for a larger zoom area":return
515 f=12:gosub55
520 print"[208]ressing [[215]] will enter window edit."
525 print"[f1] copy([207][210]) [f2] slant x"
530 print"[f3] flip [f4] slant y"
535 print"[f5] invert [f6] stretch x"
540 print"[f7] reverse [f8] stretch y"
545 print"[[195][205][196][210]] [f1] will [193][206][196] two windows"
550 print"[^] rotates window 90 degrees"
555 print"[[195][210][211][210]] scroll, [[213]]ndo, [[211]]ave, [[204]]oad"
560 print"[[199]] loads a 3-block [208][211] graphic"
565 print"[[211][208][193][195][197]] selects window/screen scroll"
570 print"[[195][205][196][210]][[211][208][193][195][197]] toggles extend/normal"
575 print"[202][207][217][211][212][201][195][203]+[198][201][210][197] changes window size":return
580 f=8:gosub55
585 print"[208]ress [[212]] to enter type mode."
590 print"[f1] [195][200][210] set 1 [f2] 8 x 8 [195][200][210] size"
595 print"[f3] [195][200][210] set 2 [f4] 7 x 8 [195][200][210] size"
600 print"[f5] [195][200][210] set 3 [f6] 6 x 8 [195][200][210] size"
605 print"[f7] [195][200][210] set 4 [f8] 5 x 8 [195][200][210] size"
610 print"[[211][200][198][212]][[210][197][212][213][210][206]] returns to next line"
615 print"[213]se [[195][210][211][210]] keys to move cursor"
620 print"[[196][197][204]] will delete text.":return
625 f=3:gosub55
630 print"[212]o load a previously saved screen"
635 print"press [[211][200][198][212] [204]], type in the file name"
640 print"and hit return.":return
645 f=3:gosub55
650 print"[212]o save a screen to disk press"
655 print"[[211][200][198][212] [211]], type in the file name and"
660 print"hit return.":return
665 f=12:gosub55
670 print"[[211][200][198][212] *] enters sprite stamp mode."
675 print"[*] enters sprite drawing mode."
680 print"[213]se [[193]-[218]] or [[195][210][211][210]] left/right to"
681 print"select which sprite."
685 print"[213]se the [202][207][217][211][212][201][195][203] to move and"
690 print"[198][201][210][197] to stamp the image."
695 print"[f1] restore sprite"
700 print"[f3] flip sprite"
705 print"[f5] invert sprite"
710 print"[f7] reverse sprite"
725 print"[[211][208][193][195][197]] toggles draw/erase"
730 print"[211]prites must be loaded/created first!":return
735 f=5:gosub55
740 print"[212]ype [[195][212][210][204] 1] to enter paint mode."
745 print"[[195][212][210][204] 1-8]/[[195][205][196][210] 1-8] selects color."
750 print"[[211][208][193][195][197]] toggles fore/back-ground."
755 print"[200]olding down [198][201][210][197] while moving the"
760 print"[202][207][217][211][212][201][195][203] will paint the screen.":return
765 f=1:gosub55
770 print"[212]yping [[195][204][210]] will clear the screen":return
775 f=5:gosub55
780 print"[200]old down [[195][212][210][204]] and press the"
785 print"following to change colors:"
790 print"[[194]] changes background"
795 print"[[198]] changes foreground"
800 print"[[208]] changes pen color":return
805 f=2:gosub55
810 print"[212]ype [[195][212][210][204] [196]] to change all colors"
815 print"back to default.":return
820 f=4:gosub55
825 print"[213]se [[195][212][210][204] [211]] or [[200][207][205][197]] to access the"
830 print"sprite editor. [193]ll commands a