Loadstar 217
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Commodore BASIC
81 lines
10 sys57812"shoot.fnt",8,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,56:sys65493
20 sys57812"shoot.spr",8,0:poke780,0:poke781,64:poke782,3:sys65493
30 sys57812"shoot.srt",8,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,192:sys65493
50 print"[147]":gosub640
60 tt$=" abcdefghijklmno [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157] !(#$%&'()*+,-./ ":poke53272,31
70 c=54272:forn=ctoc+23:poken,0:next:poken,24
80 pokec+5,13:pokec+6,155:pokec+4,33
90 poke53281,0:poke53280,0
100 fori=0to7:poke820+i,0:next
110 print"[149]";:forn=2to7:print""spc(n)tt$"[145]"
120 pokec+1,n*2:forr=1to100:next:forr=n*2ton*2+30:pokec+1,r:forw=1to2:next:next
130 next
140 print""spc(32)"by"
150 forn=96to109:poke1114+n,n:poke1114+n+c,3:pokec+1,120-n:forr=1to60:next:next
160 print""spc(29)"a game of":printspc(30)"hearts!"
170 pokec+1,0
180 printtab(27)"[159]instructions?"
190 printtab(29)"y[159]es or n[159]o"
200 geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then200
210 ifa$="n"then610
220 print"[147]"spc(12)tt$
230 printspc(13)"instructions"
240 print" the object of this game is to take the
250 [153]" least number of hearts or to take them
260 print" all. a heart is taken by winning the
270 [153]" trick in which it is played. a trick
280 print" is taken by playing the highest card
290 [153]" in the suit that is led. whoever wins
300 print" the trick leads the next one. you
310 [153]" must follow suit if you can. if not -
320 print" you may play any card. the deuce of
330 [153]" clubs is always the first card led.
340 print" hearts cannot be led until a heart has
350 [153]" fallen on a trick. to 'shoot the
360 print" moon', you must take all of the hearts
370 [153]" as well as the queen of spades, which
380 print" counts as 13 points. everyone else
390 [153]" will score 26 points if you do. low
400 print" score wins. the game is over when one
410 [153]" player reaches 100 or more points.
420 print" [158]press a key to continue":poke198,0
430 geta$:ifa$=""then430
440 print"[147]"spc(12)tt$
450 print" on the first hand you will choose
460 [153]" three cards to pass to the left. the
470 print" next hand you'll pass to the right -
480 [153]" then across, then you will keep and
490 print" play with the cards you have.
500 [153]" you have some options.
540 print" [159]1) you may play with the jack of
550 [153]" diamonds counting as -10 points.
552 print" in other words, you [153]want to take
554 [153]" the jack if you can.
560 print" [159]2) you may have the number of tricks
570 [153]" or the number of hearts displayed
580 print" in the boxes below the hands. if
582 [153]" you choose to display tricks then
584 print" you'll have to remember who has
586 [153]" taken hearts and who hasn't.
590 print" [158]press a key to load shoot the moon":poke198,0
600 geta$:ifa$=""then600
610 print"[147][144]load"chr$(34)"shoot.main"chr$(34)",8"
620 print"run"
622 print"[159] loading [150]shoot the moon[144]"
625 poke787,0
630 poke44,64:poke43,1:poke16384,0:poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
640 poke214,15:print
650 print" [155] "
660 print" [146] "
670 print" [146] shoot the moon! "
680 print" [146] by william shockley (c) 1989 "
690 print" [146] published on loadstar 61 "
700 print" [146] subscriptions 1-800-831-2694 "
710 print" [146] changing this notice is illegal "
720 print" [146] "
730 print" "
740 qq$=" "
750 fori=0to13:printqq$:next:print""
760 return
10000 d=peek(186):n$="b.shoot":open15,d,15,"s0:"+n$:close15:saven$,d:end