Loadstar 217
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Text File
161 lines
Program by Scott Elder
Text by Jeff Jones
What memories! A flunking
freshman at Purdue University
Calumet. Why flunking? Because I
spent my every quarter on Asteroids
Deluxe, earning a reputation as "the
guy who hogged the Asteroids
machine". Study hall? No, I had to
practice! There was a clique of us
EET majors scrambling to be top dog
in this awesome event.
Mercifully, Fender slated a JLJ
next to SMASHEROIDS this month. So I
get to play the game over and over
now -- and get PAID for it!
The premise is rather simple:
You're in hostile territory. You're
also in the middle of an increasingly
populated asteroid field. This means
that you must duck and dodge to keep
from colliding with an asteroid. You
shoot them for points. The smaller
the asteroid, the higher the point
Periodically an enemy spaceship
will appear and attack. You must
either dodge the ship or destroy it.
Anything you strike is worth points.
Anything that touches your ship, even
your own projectiles, will destroy
Here's how you move. The ship
will move in the direction that it's
Z to rotate left
C to rotate right
SHIFT to thrust
CRSR-Down to fire (key repeats)
SPACE BAR for hyper-attack
JOY-LEFT/RIGHT to rotate
JOY-UP to thrust
JOY-DOWN for hyper attack
A note about playing with the
joystick: It's harder, and you might
accidentally pull back and go into the
hyper attack mode when you really
don't want to. The keyboard controls
are easier to use -- and won't get in
the way.
It takes a certain amount of
finesse to flow around the screen and
dogde the asteroids. The ship takes
off rather quickly but has little
The hyper-attack can only be used
once per ship. If you get in a bind,
you can press SPACE and your ship
will spin, firing madly in all
directions. During this time you're
indestructable, but watch out when
the ship stops spinning!
In a two-player game, player two
plays on a yellow asteroid field.
Before players switch, the
appropriate player is prompted on the
screen. The game will pause until
you're ready. Press any key, or FIRE
to resume the game.
When the title screen is showing,
you can return to LOADSTAR by
pressing <Q>.
This is a great game, and very
addictive, once you get your
confidence up. My highest score was
around 80,000 points without
cheating. How do I cheat? Heh heh.
Trade secret.
So that you'll be able to
practice, I used SUPER SNAPSHOT V5 to
alter the ML code so that it allows
the asteroids to pass through you
without destroying you. The only way
to die in this practice game is to be
shot by a saucer -- or possibly your
own bullets.
How did I alter the code? It
took about five seconds. I pressed
the snapshot button, entered the CODE
INSPECTOR monitor, and typed SPB, to
disable any code that detects sprite
to backgrond collisions. I then
saved the altered code.
The ML is located at:
Main program: $C000-$CFFF 4095
Reconnect code $8000-$806F 111
Sprites $3000-$37FF 2048
Partial font $3800-$3AFF 1024
Smash 'em up!
DAVE'S NOTE: Here is a game that hid
from me for over two years! The
LOADSTAR Library is like that. I mean,
the stuff is all there, tons of it.
But finding the programs can be
somewhat hit and miss.
Since November 1999, I have been
browsing the LOADSTAR Library for good
stuff -- first for eLOADTAR and now
for the main event. And I keep being
Reprising software is not [just]
because we don't get enough
submissions each month to fill four
1541 sides. Rerunning brings to your
attention software you may never have
seen before. And even if you have, it
is good to be reminded. I have
received LOADSTAR each month since
about issue 100, and there are whole
seasons I was too busy to really get
into the issue.
But the beauty of software is that it
keeps on giving! I hope you are in
just the right mood for Smasheroids
this month!