Loadstar 223
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L O A D S T A R # 223
Table of Contents
[L O A D S T A R F I L E S]
[Diskovery]....................Side 1
The new stuff just keeps on coming.
[Home Tower News]..............Side 1
How to make new LOADSTAR issues
easy to find.
[Masthead].....................Side 1
Who's Who and What's What.
[LOADSTAR Briefs]..............Side 1
Every good LOADSTARite does Fine.
[LOADSTAR Label 223]...........Side 1
Have gluestick, will travel.
[LOADSTAR Forum]...............Side 1
A note of thanks from a veteran.
[Letter Drop Contest]..........Side 1
by Dave Moorman
Clever quotes mean free issues.
Everybody who enters wins. Better
than Lotto!
[F U N W A R E]
[Return of Sammy Marlo]........Side 1
by Richard Derocher
Our favorite PI is back in a great
text adventure.
[Zix]..........................Side 1
by Pierre Messier
A sweet little Breakout game.
[Qix]..........................Side 1
by A. Trott
Electrifying joystick challenge
just like a coin-op -- without the
[Gloobers].....................Side 1
Author Unknown
Hustle through the 3-D maze,
gobbling pips before you are
gobbled. Be careful in here.
[High Noon]....................Side 2
Author Unknown
Help Gary Cooper and the Undertaker
clean up this cowtown.
[Team Patrol]..................Side 2
by Protovision
Two player demo of a big 4 player
dune buggy rumble. Watch out for
the pit!
[B R A I N W A R E]
[Anagram Couples]..............Side 2
by Ed Fournier
Wicked mixed up word puzzles to
print out and share with your
(former) friends.
[A Sporting Chance]............Side 2
by Roger Norton
Here's a quiz with an attitude,
to spring on your ESPN-type
know-it-all brother-in-law.
[H E L P W A R E]
[Tile Stylist].................Side 2
by Brian Boese
Look at 128 ways to make the
background look good.
[STB Print]....................Side 3
by Walter J Stegemiller
and Ken Robinson
LOADSTAR's way to excellent graphic
conversions and printing.
[G R A P H I C S W A R E]
[Mazed-Merized]................Side 3
by Dave Moorman
Wander through Einstein's brain.
Get into George's head. Mazes with
a Madness!
[M U S I C W A R E]
[Patriotic Music 1]............Side 3
by Corky Cochran
Songs of soldiers and sailors to
remember the price of Freedom.
[S C E N E W A R E]
[Scene World 7]................Side 4
from People of Liberty
Read all about the C-64 Demo Scene
-- both PAL and NTSC, from people
all around the world.
[Scene World Sleeve]...........Side 3
from People of Liberty
Stylish graphic to print on your
Scene World 7 Disk sleeve.