Loadstar 225
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203 lines
L O A D S T A R # 225
Table of Contents
[L O A D S T A R F I L E S]
[Diskovery]....................Side 1
There's new blood a-brewing in the
Commodore world. Get some today!
[Masthead].....................Side 1
Who's Who and What's What.
[LOADSTAR Briefs]..............Side 1
Every good LOADSTARite does Fine.
[Label 225]....................Side 1
Ready for your disk.
[C= Logo Article]..............Side 1
An article on Tulip/Ironstone.
[Who is Tulip?]................Side 1
An inside look at the owners of
the Commodore Name.
[Letter from Romania]..........Side 1
Our friend Mihai tells his story
and shares his worries.
[Pocket Emulator]..............Side 1
The C-64 now fits on a tiny PC.
[Ghost Drive]..................Side 1
by Nick Copland
All about a great way to back up
your disks using 64HDD, an XE1541
cable, and a PC. Home Tower people
take note!
[G E O S W a r e]
[GeoNex].......................Side 1
by Brian Crosthwaite
An inprovement on Nexus.
[F u n W a r e]
[Persuasion II]................Side 1
by Lance C. Thomas
Our Sultan of Smarts adds
Intelligence to a game of Blue and
[Golfer Arcade]................Side 2
by J. C. Hilty
Putting at the Tower has never been
so challenging, especially after
the McMayhem Twins let out all the
wild animals!
[M i n i G a m e C o m p o]
[Introduction].................Side 2
by Dave Moorman
Your editor cannot keep from making
[Alchemy]......................Side 2
by Adrian Gonzalez
Arrange the runes to make gold out
of lead.
[AP]...........................Side 2
by Stfano Tognon
A typing tutor shoot 'em up in the
Old West.
[Astro Storm]..................Side 2
by Vanja Utne
Thanks to Windows 2098, your
spaceship enters an astroid field.
[Blastapede]...................Side 2
by Tom Walker
A Centipede clone that just keeps
on coming.
[Bob the Porcupine]............Side 2
by Niclas
Old, poor Bob needs worms to
survive in this 2-direction platform
[Bobsled]......................Side 2
by The Fatman
Grab your sled and hit the slopes,
but try not to hit anything else.
[BulderJones]..................Side 2
by Stefano Tognon
A cross between BulderDash and
Lazy Jones, so play it as needed..
[Cybernoid]....................Side 2
by CyberBrain
A spaceship shoot 'em up.
[Diamond Maze].................Side 2
by Geir Straume
Navigate the maze, avoiding the
Baddies and collecting Diamonds.
[Elicoph]......................Side 2
by Stefano Tognon
It's you in your helicopter
against the alien mothership.
[Formula 1K]...................Side 2
by Andreas Gustafsson
Gentelmen, start your engines!
[Invasion of the Color Clash]..Side 2
by David Holz
Vicious color clashing graphics
will certainly ruin your day.
[Megamania]....................Side 2
by Marco Wienkoop
A great 1K clone of the famous
Atari game. (Attack of the Killer
[Ping the Pingo Pong Clone]....Side 2
by Pingo
A BASIC 2.0 Pong-clone.
[RAD]..........................Side 2
by Stephen Judd
Explore and kill over a huge
[Simon]........................Side 2
by Henrik Jansson
Here it is, the famous mimic game
with all the color and sound.
[Splatform]....................Side 2
by Robin Harbron
Bounce the bouncing ball, but
don't miss the moving platforms.
[Star Invaders]................Side 2
by Glenn Rune Gallefoss
Green spaceships are trying to
take over the world.
[Wild-Fire]....................Side 2
by Pingo
Use various means to extinguish
the fire before it spreads.
[Yar's Return].................Side 2
by Six of the Dark Lords of Chaos
Yar, famous from Atari days, is
[Hangman]......................Side 2
by Larry Anderson
100% C= BASIC. Try to guess the
20 Commodore BBS words.
[None Shall Pass]..............Side 2
by Peter Karlsson
A simple "educational" program.
[Petris].......................Side 2
by Curtis F. Kaylor
100% C= BASIC Tetris clone.
[U t i l i t y W a r e]
[LOADSTAR Library Update]......side 3
by Dave Moorman
Keep your data base up to date.
[I n t e r n a t i o n a l W a r e]
[Scene World 8]................Side 3
from People of Liberty
News and views from around the